DEVELOPMENT OF DIALOGICAL SPEECH IN CHILDREN OF PRESCHOOL AGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Rakhmonova D.

This article discusses the development of dialogical speech in children of preschool age. The article analyzes the features of children's speech.

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УДК 374

Rakhmonova D.

Methodist of elementary education in the Department of Public Education of Bukhara region Uzbekistan, Bukhara DEVELOPMENT OF DIALOGICAL SPEECH IN CHILDREN OF


Abstract: This article discusses the development of dialogical speech in children ofpreschool age. The article analyzes the features of children's speech.

Keywords: children, dialogue, kindergarten, speech, method

The kindergarten program provides instruction in dialogical speech. Work on the development of dialogical speech is aimed at the formation of skills necessary for communication. Dialogue is a complex form of social interaction. Participating in dialogue is sometimes more difficult than building a monologue. Thinking about their replicas, questions occurs simultaneously with the perception of someone else's speech. Participation in a dialogue requires complex skills: to listen and correctly understand the thought expressed by the interlocutor; formulate in the answer own judgment, correctly express it by means of language; change the theme of speech interaction following the interlocutor's thoughts; maintain a certain emotional tone; follow the correctness of the linguistic form in which thoughts are clothed; Listen to your speech in order to control its standard and; if needed; make appropriate changes and corrections. There are several groups of dialogic skills:

1. Actually speaking skills: - to enter into communication (to be able and know when and how you can start a conversation with a friend and a stranger, busy, talking with others);- maintain and complete communication (take into account the conditions and situation of communication; listen and hear the interlocutor; take the initiative in communication, ask again; prove your point of view; express attitude to the subject of the conversation - compare, state your opinion, bring examples, evaluate, agree or object, ask, answer; speak logical, coherent;- speak expressively at a normal pace, use the intonation of dialogue.

2. Speech etiquette skills. In speech etiquette include: address, acquaintance, greeting, drawing attention, invitation, request, agreement and refusal, apology, complaint, sympathy, disapproval, congratulation, gratitude, farewell, etc.

3. The ability to communicate in a pair, a group of 3 - 5 people in a team.

4. The ability to communicate to plan joint actions, achieve results and discuss them, to participate in the discussion of a particular topic.

5. Non-verbal (non-verbal) skills are an appropriate use of facial expressions and gestures. Consider the content requirements for dialogic speech by age groups. In the groups of early age, the task is to develop the understanding of the speech of others and use the active speech of children as a means of communication. Children are taught to express requests and desires with a word, to answer some adult questions (Who is this? What is he doing? What is what? What?). Develop the child's initiating speech, encourage him to contact an adult and children on various

occasions, form the ability to ask questions. In the younger preschool age, the teacher must ensure that each child easily and freely communicates with adults and children, teach children to express their requests in words, understandably answer adult questions, prompt the child to talk with other children. It is necessary to cultivate the need to share their impressions, talk about what he did, how he played, the habit of using simple formulas of speech etiquette (hello, say goodbye in kindergarten and family), encourage children to try to ask questions about environment (Who? What? Where? What does? Why?).

On average, preschool children are taught to willingly communicate with adults and peers, answer questions and ask them about objects, their qualities, actions with them, relationships with others, support the desire to talk about their observations and experiences. The teacher pays more attention to the quality of children's answers: it teaches to respond in both a short and in a common form, without deviating from the content of the question. Gradually, he encourages children to participate in collective tales, where it is required to answer only when the teacher asks, to listen to the statements of the comrades. The cultivation of a culture of communication continues: the formation of skills to greet relatives, acquaintances, comrades in a group, using synonymous etiquette formulas (Hello! Good morning!), Answer by phone, not interfere with adults' conversation, engage in conversation with strangers, meet a guest, chat with him. In older groups, one should be taught to more accurately answer questions, combine replicas of comrades in a common answer, answer the same question in different ways, briefly and widely. To consolidate the ability to participate in the general conversation, listen carefully to the interlocutor, do not interrupt him, do not be distracted. Particular attention should be paid to the ability to formulate and ask questions, in accordance with what was heard, build an answer, complement, correct the interlocutor, compare their point of view with the point of view of other people. It is necessary to encourage conversations about things that are not in the field of view of the child, meaningful verbal communication of children about games, read books, watched movies. For the younger preschooler, the most effective is the individual communication of the child with an adult on the basis of joint activities. For example, the joint drafting of a story on a topic proposed by a child with simultaneous elementary drawing of the plot: actions, characters, objects. In such a situation, the child feels himself an equal partner: he can at any time engage in both storytelling and drawing.

It is very important to encourage children to comment on (accompanying by speaking) their actions in a substantive activity and gradually exercise in the ability to plan their activities (to pronounce aloud the subsequent actions).While walking, in a group, while dressing, washing, in a game, an adult uses every opportunity to correctly and clearly name an object, part of an object, to characterize its attributes, qualities, actions with it. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly formulate the task in the correct grammatical form, without unnecessary words and additional explanations, to put the questions accurately, especially to clearly name movements. Successfully mastering dialogic speech implies more targeted training, the

formation of certain skills, the construction of coherent utterances.


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