EXPORT POTENTIAL OF THE REGION UPGRADE FACTORS (KHOREZM PROVINCE EXAMPLE) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
of the region export potential / export / import / domestic and external market / industry / village economy / automotive industry. / of the region export potential / export / import / domestic and external market / industry / village economy / automotive industry.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Matrizayev S.A.

In this article Khorezm export events in the region and potential handling, good quality products work release and to them acceptance of doing importance, foreign markets with cooperation development necessity given. In the article the same at the time financial, industrial, transport and design in the fields done to the export potential of the reforms to increase effect reach emphasized. Article, Khorezm province experts and business organizations in the field of import/export new approaches and strategies discussion does This is an article export potential in the country upgrade factors about sure imaginations will give and before news and Suggestions shows

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In this article Khorezm export events in the region and potential handling, good quality products work release and to them acceptance of doing importance, foreign markets with cooperation development necessity given. In the article the same at the time financial, industrial, transport and design in the fields done to the export potential of the reforms to increase effect reach emphasized. Article, Khorezm province experts and business organizations in the field of import/export new approaches and strategies discussion does This is an article export potential in the country upgrade factors about sure imaginations will give and before news and Suggestions shows


Matrizayev S.A.

3rd year student

Socio-Economic sciences faculty Economy (sectors and fields)

Urganch state university


Abstract. In this article Khorezm export events in the region and potential handling, good quality products work release and to them acceptance of doing importance, foreign markets with cooperation development necessity given. In the article the same at the time financial, industrial, transport and design in the fields done to the export potential of the reforms to increase effect reach emphasized. Article, Khorezm province experts and business organizations in the field of import/export new approaches and strategies discussion does This is an article export potential in the country upgrade factors about sure imaginations will give and before news and Suggestions shows

Key words: of the region export potential, export, import, domestic and external market, industry, village economy, automotive industry.

Introduction. The export potential of the region increase for, infrastructure structure, for example, transport networks, logistics opportunities and energy supply expansion need will be Region of products international in the market acquaintance increase marketing for and of branding good done increase is necessary. This is the following indicators own into takes: marketing strategy, promotion campaigns, certification and of branding right done increase Export potential of the region upgrade for the following factors important to be can:

1. Infrastructure structure: Khorezm transport infrastructure in the region and logistics systems development, in particular external road shares and ports Create.

2. Technological Development: Technological in the region the news acceptance to do and them done increase, industry in the field innovative technologies use

3. Buyers with cooperation expand: In region foreign buyers with entrepreneurship expand for of expenses decline, foreign trade regions with trade connections strengthening

4. Raw items quality on performance: in the region products high good quality and term long was in the form work release, it promote marketing campaigns transfer

5. Certification and standards provide: Khorezm in the region products international to standards suitable respectively certification, this on the ground industrialists and exporters for teachings transfer it is necessary

These factors through Export potential of the region raise, Khorezm of the region economical potential your development can

In the region export potential in promotion main networks village farm and industry is considered

Current time on demand suitable village farm products to grow, produce release with engaged in to entrepreneurs series benefits, opportunities, necessary conditions some are created product types customs from payments free being done, modern greenhouses set up reach for preferential loans being separated our country export potential to increase service is doing Village farm products export potential increase when it comes to, attention focus necessary was again one important aspect of the product the world standards on demand answer to give is considered

Main Part: Export potential of the region upgrade for the following recommendations done increase can:

1. Khorezm in the region only high good quality products work take it out and to them characteristic attention what you did show me Quality, design, and packaging important

2. Local and foreign marketing research in markets done increase and your products which in the market Who are they selling ? purchase determine does.

3. Want to export was your product develop and features show me An example for, organic agriculture products, legend design fruits or special repaired textile products.

4. Your product certificates get for necessary conditions explain and to them compliance do it Foreign in the market to certificates have to be your your product trust with in selling help will give.

5. Logistics processes make up and export of means to the speed attention give Your product foreign to the market deliver process right make up through to your customers fast delivered give can

6. Export potential promotion for foreign investors with cooperation do it and to them business plan about information present do it

These recommendations done increasing the export potential of the region your upgrade possible will be hope we will to success your achievement possible !

Khorezm province in the example of export potential (export potential) increase for the following factors important to be can:

1. Infrastructure and logistics networks Development: Good developed transport networks, ports, depots developing countries garden lip exit ways development of export opportunities to increase help will give.

2. Products quality improvement: Products quality increase, standards installation or new, latest from technologies use through products more good quality and competitive to do can

3. Marketing and branding: Own your products in the market introduction, branding make, to buyers present reach for created strategies development. Products mechanisms and foreign markets with dependence increase

4. Khorezm province entrepreneurship and investments attraction reach: Khorezm in the region of entrepreneurship development, products work release external investments through increase, new technologies and techniques input through export potential to increase help will give.

5. Khorezm of the region economic and political characteristics study: Khorezm of the region economic and political characteristics understanding, international trade relations and communications development, export opportunities to expand own your contribution enter important

These factors Khorezm region (or another one area or country) for export potential to increase help to give can Export development to the future direction to strengthen help will give and of the province economy for important place holds

Conclusion. Khorezm province in the example Regional export saloh iyatini upgrade factors for the following conclusion and Suggestions display can:

1. Service quality increase: export potential of the region increase for of products quality upgrade and to buyers comfortable conditions Create necessary Quality products work release and to them safe delivered to give for necessary resources provide it is necessary

2. Marketing and branding: Products international in the market introduction and brandy strengthen marketing strategies for development need Khorezm province of products features are unique qualities and interests about advertising campaigns take to go important

3. Buyers with cooperation development: Khorezm province of products export expand for buyers with colony treatment development need Also to them news, discounts and trade opportunities about information giver company regularly respectively cooperation take to go it is necessary

4. Transport infrastructure Development: Products export is doing necessary existing transport networks develop them incoming the following conditions good apply should:

- High good quality road vehicles existence

- Quick delivered to give system

- Help giving logistics enterprises existence

5. Export legal and economic environment more consultants with improvement: Export operations legal support wide spread out in the regions consultants through to be provided need Theirs opinions, recommendations export using activities more your development can

These factors on done increased without, the export potential of the region your upgrade possible will be and foreign to the market products your sale more efficient do it you will get


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