СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕНДЕНЦИИ И ВЫЗОВЫ ПЛОДООВОЩНОГО СЕКТОРА УЗБЕКИСТАНА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Bakiyev A, Bakiyeva I., Umurzokov J.

В данной статьи приводятся основные направления дальнейшего развития выращивания, переработки и экспорта сельскохозяйственной продукции в Узбекистане, рассмотрены пути дальнейшего совершенствования организационно-правовых основ отрасли, диверсификации сельскохозяйственного производства, улучшения системы экспорта.This article presents the main directions of further development of the cultivation, processing and export of agricultural products in Uzbekistan, discussed ways to further improve institutional framework of the sector, diversification of agricultural production, improve the export system.

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today by youth in political, economic and social life of society.

2. Agricultural activity. Especially it concerns residents of villages as it is very difficult to find good highly paid work in rural areas. Here it is possible to offer, for example, production of dried fruits. Each person cares for the health and tries to use only organic products. Production of such production - rather perspective business which can bring in the good income. It is also possible to offer production of flour as bakery products buy always and everywhere, demand for flour remains stable in any economic conditions. Retail stores, candy stores, bakeries, etc. act as consumers. Recently, the state began to give full support to small business in the sphere of agriculture. The beginning businessmen who decided to work in this area can receive subsidies, grants and tax benefits.

3. Providing various services to the population. For example, repair shop, beauty shops, fitness centers, transport services, services of repair of the computer equipment and many other things.

4. Children's entertainment centers. In my opinion, they are the perspective direction which can bring in the quite good income. Granting cottages on the seashore for visitors to have a rest.

5. Business on the Internet. One of the most widespread among youth today. A large number of online stores can serve as a striking example.

In this article several business ideas are offered. In my opinion, they are the most perspective directions today. Of course not all directions are listed here. The main thing is to choose a suitable option which can be realized in the shortest terms. If you have knowledge and experience in a certain sphere, you shouldn't doubt. Start your business and you will succed.

The list of the used literature:

1. The federal law "About Development of Small and Average Business in the Russian Federation" from 7/24/2007 № 209 - Federal Law (last edition)

2. Agafonov A. Yu. Tendencies of development of financial support of small business//EPOS. - 2010. - No. 4. - Page 59-63.

3. Zakharchenko A. A. Support of small business and profitable potential of local budgets//Finance. - 2009. - No. 3. - Page 37-41.

4. www.minfin.ru

Bakiyev A., Candidate of economic sciences, professor Leading Researcher of Tashkent State Technical University Bakiyeva I. Ph.D., assistant professor of department "Business and Entrepreneurship" of Tashkent Financial Institute

Umurzokov J.

Junior researcher of Tashkent State Technical University CURRENT TRENDS AND CHALLENGES OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE



This article presents the main directions of further development of the cultivation, processing and export of agricultural products in Uzbekistan,

discussed ways to further improve institutional framework of the sector, diversification of agricultural production, improve the export system.

Key words:

Fresh and processed fruit and vegetable production, area under crops, vegetables, melons, beans, diversification of production, agricultural products, export, transport, shopping and logistics centers, storage, calibration, packaging.



В данной статьи приводятся основные направления дальнейшего развития выращивания, переработки и экспорта сельскохозяйственной продукции в Узбекистане, рассмотрены пути дальнейшего совершенствования организационно-правовых основ отрасли, диверсификации сельскохозяйственного производства, улучшения системы экспорта.

Ключевые слова:

Свежая и переработанная плодовоовощная продукция, посевная площадь, овощи, бахчевые культуры, бобовые, диверсификация производства, сельскохозяйственная продукция, экспорт, транспортировка, торгово-логистические центры, хранение, калибровка, упаковка.

Producing of fruit and vegetable products is one of the branches of Uzbekistan that have all the basic conditions for rapid growth. A significant part of agricultural regions of the country is suitable for the production fruit and vegetable products. The potential of the sector is quite high, and this is due not only to the availability of favorable climatic conditions, but also to the experience accumulated by local producers.

In the country, the volume of production of agricultural raw materials increases from year to year, there is a significant labor potential, many processing industries are equipped with modern equipment. In today there are enterprises created with the participation of investors from such developed countries as Germany, Holland, China, Austria, Korea, USA, Turkey, Russia, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, etc.

Over the years of independence, many efforts to fundamentally restructure the agricultural sector of the country were conducted. According to the principles for reforms, formulated by the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the economic transformations in the agriculture are carried out in phases.

The Government of Uzbekistan pays much attention to the development and reform of the sphere of production of fruit and vegetable products. But the available potential is not yet fully disclosed. Producers of agricultural products lack the latest knowledge and experience in growing and storing fruit and vegetable crops using modern technologies and exporting. There are also certain administrative barriers to the export of fruits and vegetables.

Recent changes in regional and global markets, as well as low efficiency of land use within the country, have shown the need for thorough review and reorganization of the existing system and implementation of further reforms in this sector. In this regard, in 2016 a new phase of the industry reform began, only in this industry dozens of regulatory and legal acts regulating relations in the production and sale of agricultural products were made, including dozens of Governmental decisions to reform the industry. 1

The created legislative base will serve as an important factor in ensuring the effective operation of farming and dehkan farms as the main producers of agricultural products and a powerful socio-political force capable of taking responsibility for the further development of the agrarian and other sectors, as well as raising the level and quality of life of the population. All this will contribute not only to accelerating the pace of economic growth, but also to strengthening macroeconomic and social stability.

Thanks to the comprehensive measures taken by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan to further promote the domestic fruit and vegetable products to foreign markets, the total volume of fresh and processed fruit and vegetable products exports for the first 9 months of 2016 exceeded 542.3 thousand tonnes, or, in total, 356.42 million USD, which is 40.4% more compared to the same period last year.2

Proceeding from the need to ensure the speediest implementation of the tasks assigned by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzagroexportcarried out a set of measures aimed at further increasing the volume of exports, expanding the range and geography of their supplies through comprehensive and in-depth marketing research of world markets, selection and conclusion of long-term and Short-term contracts with reliable foreign buyers.

Along with the supply of fresh and processed domestic fruit and vegetable products to such traditional markets as Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan, measures are being taken to promote them to the markets of South and South-East Asia, as well as the Persian Gulf.

Based on the expected indicators of 2016, the strategic objectives for exporting in 2017 of fresh and processed fruit and vegetable products to foreign countries in the context of each region of the country are defined.

In particular, proceeding from the demand and the needs of the food markets of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC "Uzagroexport" is working on the creation and organization of deliveries to joint specialized trading houses, which was provided for in the above-mentioned government decisions.

An important factor in achieving further growth in total exports of fresh and processed fruit and vegetable products, in our view, is the creation of regional

'National database of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. www.lex.uz

2Report of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics "On the results of socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 9 months of 2016". www.mineconomy.uz.

trade and logistics centers, including the availability of necessary storage facilities and loading and unloading equipment, a temporary storage warehouse and a customs post, container areas, / D station (branch) with the appropriate infrastructure for loading / unloading, parking lots for the waiting queue of heavy trucks, office space, etc.

For the further effective stimulation of the developed production, processing and export of the produce of the fruit and vegetable industry, it is necessary to inventory the legal, economic and organizational measures that are complex, the core of which should be the creation and development of agro-industrial firms through the vertical integration of processing and agricultural enterprises.

Such integration involves the transfer of long-term lease of land plots to processing enterprises for the creation of their own raw materials base. The creation of such firms will increase the interest of producers in the final result of their work and will reduce the costs of processing enterprises for the purchase of agricultural raw materials, will ensure a uniform and necessary quality of raw materials at competitive prices.

The created integrated system, the main elements of which should be on the one hand - the specialized foreign trade company JSC "Uzagroexport" and on the other - vertically integrated processing and agricultural enterprises, will solve the existing problems affecting the competitiveness of domestic fruit and vegetable producers. The most important among them are:

- Deep market research in the domestic and foreign markets to study the needs for the produce of the fruit and vegetable industry and determine the target sales markets;

- opening trading houses abroad and / or signing contracts with large wholesale buyers of fruit and vegetable industry products in the domestic and foreign markets and forming a portfolio of orders;

- Acquisition of horticultural raw materials from the population, dehkan farms and farms;

- advisory services to agricultural producers on the choice of species, varieties and seeds of fruits and vegetables based on demand and portfolio;

- advertising and creating the image of the production of the fruit and vegetable industry of Uzbekistan in foreign countries, including through participation in national and international fairs and exhibitions of the food industry, etc.

Implementation of measures to create a vertically integrated fruit and vegetable processing enterprises of the industry can be an important factor in strengthening their capitalization and involve significant amounts of resources to preserve the stable rates of development. Attracting foreign investment, can accelerate the process of modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises of fruit and vegetable industry, also depends on the ability of the processing enterprises to provide raw material itself, which is impossible without the development of vertical integration.

List of used literature:

1. Report of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics "On the results of socioeconomic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 9 months of 2016". www.mineconomy.uz

2. Analytical materials of JSC "Uzagroexport". www.uzagroexport.uz

3. OECD-FAO Agricultural Review 2010-2019 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) on Food Security in Uzbekistan (2010).

4. National database of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. www.lex.uz

5. Statistical report "Agriculture of Uzbekistan", State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, 2015.

Bazmanova A. G.., Master of 1 year of study Faculty of Management of the DSU, Makhachkala, Russia

Базманова А.Г. магистрант 1 года обучения факультет управления



The concept of outsourcing quickly entered the practice of business and got really wide distribution. It is called "the phenomenon of the 20th century", as well as "the greatest discovery of business".

The term "outsourcing" itself originated from the English words "outside resource using" and is translated as "the use of external resources". Outsourcing implies the use of contracting resources by the contracting authority of a third-party organization.

The emergence and development of outsourcing is associated with the development of the process of division of labor and globalization of the world economy.

Officially, the term outsourcing was introduced in 1989, when Eastman Kodak hired third-party organizations to purchase, launch and maintain information processing systems. Initially, outsourcing was developed in the production of goods.

Today outsourcing is rapidly gaining strength across the entire employment chain from working professions, to programmers, medical professionals, financial analysts. In the next decade, outsourcing will become a powerful factor in the changes in the dynamics of the labor market. Outsourcing is aimed at increasing the efficiency of production of goods and services, strengthening the competitiveness of firms using outsourcing. [1]

Recently, outsourcing has received extensive development in the service sector, such as financial, legal, settlement.

Today, there are many forms of outsourcing. Depending on the features of the operation, the goals and objectives of a particular enterprise, a corresponding

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