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Ключевые слова
China / university / internationalization / personnel training / Китай / университет / интернационализация / подготовка кадров

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Jiang Xintong

At present, the fierce international competition is based on the Comprehensive National Power, which is actually the competition of science and technology. In the final analysis, it is the competition of education and talents who master new technologies. Which country has developed education and a strong talent team with advanced technology, which country is in a strong position in international competition. Therefore, talent is the most important resource for technological progress and economic and social development, and education should be placed in a strategic position of priority development. Education should be geared to modernization, the world and the future. Facing the world means running education with an open mind, learning from the advanced experience of education in various countries and extensive external exchanges, and keeping up with the development trends of contemporary world technology and education. Education must go global, and it will eventually break the constraints of national borders. The trend of internationalization of education is unstoppable. With the development of society, China will increasingly need international talents. As an important base for cultivating talents, universities should play the most important role in the process of cultivating international talents, providing talent guarantee for economic development and social progress, and serving to improve China's international competitiveness.

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В настоящее время жесткая международная конкуренция предполагает неуклонное укрепление национальной мощи, что на самом деле является отражением соревнования различных стран в сфере науки и техники. В конечном счете, это конкуренция систем образования и кадров, осваивающих новые технологии. Только страна, имеющая развитое образование и сильные кадры специалистов, владеющих передовыми технологиями, в состоянии занять сильные позиции на международных рынках. Специалист является важнейшим ресурсом технического прогресса и экономического и социального развития, а образование должно быть поставлено на стратегическое место приоритетного развития. Образование должно быть ориентировано на модернизацию, мир и будущее. Смотреть в мир – означает вести подготовку кадров непредвзято, учиться на передовом опыте образования разных стран и использовать обширные программы международного обмена, а также идти в ногу с тенденциями развития современных мировых технологий и образования. Образование должно стать глобальным, что, в конечном счете, сломает ограничения национальных границ. Тенденцию интернационализации образования не остановить. С развитием общества Китай будет все больше нуждаться в специалистах с широким кругозором. Будучи важной базой для их развития, университеты должны играть важнейшую роль в процессе развития международных контактов, обеспечивая экономическое развитие и социальный прогресс, способствуя повышению международной конкурентоспособности страны.


2. Доктрина продовольственной безопасности Российской Федерации Утверждена Указом Президента Российской Федерации от 30 января 2010 года № 120) // КонсультантПлюс

3. Мотовилова М.А. Линейный город в SKYWAY-транспортной инфраструктуре // Режим доступа: https://scienceforum.ru/2019/article/2018011096. '

4. Manaeva, I.V. Regional Economics: Theory and Practice, 2018, vol. 16, iss. 7, pp. 1235-1249.

5. Проект доклада о работе 50-й сессии КВПБ (для принятия) // Комитет по всемирной продовольственной безопасности. -2022. // Режим доступа: https://www.fao.Org/fileadmin/templates/cfs/CFS50/Report/NK532_CFS_50_Compiled_Report_for_adoption_Wi1:hout_Item_2_ru.p df

6. Юницкий А.Э. Транспортный комплекс SkyWay в вопросах и ответах. 100 вопросов - 100 ответов / Монография. Издание девятое, дополненное и переработанное. - Минск, 2016. - 84 с.

7. Unitsky, A. System Foundations of Non-Rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects / ed. A. Unitsky. - Minsk: Gradient, 2021. - 568 p.: il. '

References and Sources

1. Bezraketnaya industrializaciya kosmosa: problemy, idei, proekty: materialy III mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhn. konf., Mar'ina Gorka, 12 sent. 2020 g. / Astroinzhenernye tekhnologii, Strunnye tekhnologii; pod obshch. red. A.E. Yunickogo. - Minsk: StrojMediaProekt, 2021. - 516 s.

2. Dokfrina prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 yanvarya 2010 goda N° 120) // Konsul'tantPlyus

3. Motovilova M.A. Linejnyj gorod v SKYWAY-transportnoj infrastrukture // Rezhim dostupa: https://scienceforum.ru/2019/article/2018011096.

4. Manaeva, I.V. Regional Economics: Theory and Practice, 2018, vol. 16, iss. 7, pp. 1235-1249.

5. Proekt doklada o rabote 50-j sessii KVPB (dlya prinyatiya) // Komitet po vsemirnoj prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti. - 2022. // Rezhim dostupa: https://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/cfs/CFS50/ReporVNK532 CFS 50 Compiled Report for adoption Without Item 2 ru.pdf

6. Yunickij A.E. Transportnyj kompleks SkyWay v voprosah i otvetah. 100 voprosov - 100 otvetov / Monografiya. Izdanie devyatoe, dopolnennoe i pererabotannoe. - Minsk, 2016. - 84 s.

7. Unitsky, A. System Foundations of Non-Rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects / ed. A. Unitsky. - Minsk: Gradient, 2021. -568 p.: il.

ТИМИРГАЛЕЕВА РЕНА РИНАТОВНА - доктор экономических наук, профессор, Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского (timirgaleeva@mail.ru).

ГРИШИН ИГОРЬ ЮРЬЕВИЧ - доктор технических наук, профессор, Московский государственный университет. TIMIRGALEEVA, RENA R. - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. GRISHIN, IGOR YU. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Moscow State University (grishin@mail.ru).

УДК 338.24 DOI: 10.24412/2308-264X-2023-4-180-184



Ключевые слова: Китай, университет, интернационализация, подготовка кадров.

В настоящее время жесткая международная конкуренция предполагает неуклонное укрепление национальной мощи, что на самом деле является отражением соревнования различных стран в сфере науки и техники. В конечном счете, это конкуренция систем образования и кадров, осваивающих новые технологии. Только страна, имеющая развитое образование и сильные кадры специалистов, владеющих передовыми технологиями, в состоянии занять сильные позиции на международных рынках. Специалист является важнейшим ресурсом технического прогресса и экономического и социального развития, а образование должно быть поставлено на стратегическое место приоритетного развития. Образование должно быть ориентировано на модернизацию, мир и будущее. Смотреть в мир - означает вести подготовку кадров непредвзято, учиться на передовом опыте образования разных стран и использовать обширные программы международного обмена, а также идти в ногу с тенденциями развития современных мировых технологий и образования. Образование должно стать глобальным, что, в конечном счете, сломает ограничения национальных границ. Тенденцию интернационализации образования не остановить. С развитием общества Китай будет все больше нуждаться в специалистах с широким кругозором. Будучи важной базой для их развития, университеты должны играть важнейшую роль в процессе развития международных контактов, обеспечивая экономическое развитие и социальный прогресс, способствуя повышению международной конкурентоспособности страны.


EXPLORING THE PATH OF INTERNATIONALIZED TALENT CULTIVATION IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES Key words: China, university, internationalization, personnel training.

At present, the fierce international competition is based on the Comprehensive National Power, which is actually the competition of science and technology. In the final analysis, it is the competition of education and talents who master new technologies. Which country has developed education and a strong talent team with advanced technology, which country is in a strong position in international competition. Therefore, talent is the most important resource for technological progress and economic and social development, and education should be placed in a strategic position of priority development. Education should be geared to modernization, the world and the future. Facing the world means running education with an open mind, learning from the advanced experience of education in various countries and extensive external exchanges, and keeping up with the development trends of contemporary world technology and education. Education must go global, and it will eventually break the constraints of national borders. The trend of internationalization of education is unstoppable. With the development of society, China will increasingly need international talents. As an important base for cultivating talents, universities should play the most important role in the process of cultivating international

talents, providing talent guarantee for economic development and social progress, and serving to improve China's international competitiveness.

The Current Situation of Internationalized Talent Training Models in Chinese Universities.

After the reform and opening up, the country focused on the construction and development of colleges and universities, and proposed that "education should face modernization, the world and the future". China began to implement the reform of the economic system and establish a Socialist market economy. The core of a market economy lies in competition. In the wave of global economy, this competition has the characteristics of internationalization, requiring the main body of the market people to have international knowledge and a broad perspective. Therefore, for Chinese universities, cultivating high-level talents in the era of internationalization is an urgent task. The economic system reform has driven the renewal of the educational system, expanded the autonomy of colleges and universities, strengthened the links between colleges and universities and other aspects of production, scientific research, society, etc., and made colleges and universities have the enthusiasm to develop and progress in the market economy. These are the keys to the reform of the higher education system. The expansion of autonomy in running universities has led to an increasing number of intercollegiate communication activities between universities and the international academic community, becoming an important force in promoting the internationalization of higher education in China.

For example, the Sino-US Cultural Exchange Center of Nanjing University is a teaching and research entity jointly run by Nanjing University and Johns Hopkins University. The center has received high attention from the governments of both countries, with areas of study and research including American culture, American social issues, Sino-US relations, management and international law, Chinese history, economy, politics, and language. It has opened up a good model for inter school exchanges between China and the United States. In addition, with the advent of the information age and the development of network technology, new teaching models have also promoted the internationalization of universities. The development and effective use of online resources, the gradual expansion of online teaching, and the continuous construction of knowledge and abilities by students using online information, online teaching scenarios, and online communication are different from traditional teaching concepts. The learning methods of global college students are becoming more common. The internationalization of learning is a driving force for innovation in the internationalization of education, which has brought about a brand new learning society.

After joining the WTO, with China's gradual fulfillment of its commitment to educational services, foreign higher education institutions will gradually enter the Chinese market in various ways. The competition in the education market and student source market will not only take place among domestic universities, but also within the international education market. On the one hand, the "going abroad craze" among domestic students continues to heat up. On the other hand, foreign universities are targeting the domestic education market in China. Developed countries, with their economic and educational advantages, have become the main places for students from all over the world, especially from developing countries, to go abroad. In the United States, the number of students studying abroad during their growth period remains above 500000. Faced with China's huge education market, various countries have made significant reforms to the current Chinese study visa system, abolishing restrictive measures specifically targeting Chinese students and relaxing entry standards for Chinese students. Encouraged by these measures, the number of Chinese students studying abroad has soared.

From this, it can be seen that China's education has stepped out of its own space on the internationalization track. In terms of sending international students, scholars, and scientific and technological personnel to study, work, and exchange overseas, we have made significant progress in attracting overseas students, scholars, and researchers to further their studies in China. In terms of communication and cooperation with foreign education, research institutions, and groups, we have also made significant progress in distance learning, curriculum design, and mutual recognition of academic scores, and have shown broad development space. China has attached sufficient importance to the internationalization of education and the cultivation of international talents from government departments, social institutions, and universities at all levels. They have taken action in practice, seized the opportunity, and achieved gratifying results. However, in the process of internationalization, due to the constraints of historical conditions, social concepts, political and economic factors and so on, China's education internationalization road will be long and tortuous. It needs to continue to explore and work hard to

overcome many difficulties, so as to truly cultivate qualified international talents, and enable China to continue to strengthen its Comprehensive National Power and remain invincible.

Problems in the cultivation of international talents in Chinese universities.

Although China's higher education internationalization has achieved significant results, there is still a significant gap compared to the level of education internationalization required by the world. Currently, there are still some problems, mainly including:

1.Although there are many college graduates, there is a lack of well-trained international


Among the over 4 million college graduates in China each year, very few possess the necessary skills to engage in the industries required by multinational corporations. McKinsey, a world-renowned consulting and management company, stated in its report "Addressing the looming talent shortage in China" that China lacks well-trained graduates, which may hinder its economic growth and the development of more advanced industries. The report points out that there are many graduates in China, but less than 10% have the skills to work for foreign companies. Taking engineers as an example, China has 1.6 million young professionals, but generally lacks practical experience in participating in projects or team collaboration, resulting in only 160000 young Chinese engineers considered suitable for working in multinational corporations.

2.International talent shortage and severe brain drain.

According to the report 'Addressing China's looming talent shortage', in 10 years, China will need 7 50000 managers with some international experience, while currently there are only about 5000 such talents in China. The report also states that "China lacks high-quality talents with good skills and mindset, and the brain drain is quite severe, especially with few innovative talents. The shortage of talents has led to increased pressure on employees and companies, leading to high labor costs for enterprises. On the one hand, China has a huge talent supply, but on the other hand, there is a serious shortage of comprehensive management talents that meet the skill requirements of multinational corporations.

3.Unreasonable talent structure.

Although China currently has a huge number of new graduates, the fact is that although China has trained a large number of talents, enterprises cannot recruit suitable talents for themselves. According to statistics, the total number of talent resources in China has exceeded 60 million, of which about 39 million are professional and technical personnel, accounting for two-thirds of the total talent. The absolute value of talent is relatively large. However, China's existing talent structure is very unreasonable, and the structural contradictions of the talent team are very prominent, mainly reflected in: there are many low-level talents and few high-level talents; there are many senior talents of advanced age, but there are few young and middle-aged senior talents; there are many talents in traditional industries, but few high-tech and senior management talents; there are many talents familiar with the planned economy, proficient in market economy and international market rules, and few talents with international operation capabilities. From the perspective of the knowledge structure of individual talents, the irrationality of the knowledge and ability structure of Chinese talents is also very obvious, lacking compound, innovative, and collaborative talents. The economic globalization society requires international talents who are compound, innovative, and collaborative. However, most Chinese talents find it difficult to adapt to this new requirement in the short term, which requires universities to urgently optimize and update their knowledge and ability structures in cultivating talents.

Approaches to Cultivating Internationalized Talents in China.

Under the influence of the internationalization of higher education and the promotion of China's accession, higher education as a service industry will open up to the world, directly facing severe challenges such as diversified education investment, globalization of talent flow, marketization of education service functions, and internationalization of education competition. Faced with this change and challenge, traditional talent quality and talent cultivation models are difficult to adapt to the requirements. Open and international higher education requires a large number of open talents with global awareness, openness, and profound cultural heritage, familiar with the global economic, political, and cultural development processes and laws, proficient in foreign languages and international laws, and possessing the ability to participate in international exchanges, cooperation, and competitiveness to meet the challenges and promote development.

1. Exploring the cultivation methods of international education.

Exploring the cultivation methods of international education. International education is a comprehensive and comparative education that crosses borders, ethnicities, cultures, and disciplines. Universities can carry out international cooperation in the cultivation of international talents, introduce funds and advanced education mechanisms, draw on and practice internationally accepted educational models, professional curriculum design, teacher training, and other experiences, in order to enhance students' international awareness, enable them to master the relevant knowledge and skills required to work in the international community environment. In terms of curriculum, relevant international education courses can be added, for example, human history, culture, anthropology, environmental science, hygiene and other aspects can be added to the general education courses, and international general education courses such as international law, international politics, international situation, international science and technology, international economy and trade, international finance, international relations, international news, regional culture, national history and so on can be selected.

2. Accelerating the adjustment and optimization of disciplines and majors.

Universities must adhere to the principles of aligning with the market and following the scientific development concept to cultivate international talents, and scientifically and reasonably set up disciplines and majors. Currently, the disciplines and majors of Chinese universities have undergone several years of adjustment, with significant improvements in their structure, content, and overall scale. However, with the globalization of the economy, the standards, specifications, demand structure, and quantity of talent have greatly improved. Therefore, the adjustment and construction of disciplines and majors in universities should adapt to these changes and make comprehensive and strategic adjustments and optimizations. We should not only focus on the needs of future development, but also be based on the current needs of social and economic development and the actual situation of the school. In the process of professional adjustment, it is necessary to improve the conditions for professional construction, increase investment through various channels, improve the educational conditions of the major, and form the "Famous Professional Engineering" and "Key Professional Engineering" of our school.

3. Constructing a research and practical teaching system.

Building a research and practical teaching system "Research and Practice Education" refers to the exploratory activities that apply the basic elements of practice to education and teaching, revolve around specific educational and teaching purposes, and students personally experience and apply knowledge to practical situations (applying knowledge to solve practical problems). Building a research and practical teaching system is very important in cultivating international talents. This system establishes the concept of placing equal emphasis on practical teaching and theoretical research teaching, establishes the core position of practical teaching reform, and organizes and encourages teachers and students to participate in the reform of practical teaching links, thus establishing a complete system based on research teaching and supplemented by practical teaching.

4. Guiding students to learn independently and promoting their self-education and self-development.

Students' self-directed learning and self-education are the key to cultivating international talents, which can promote the deep development of talents and the exploration of their own potential. Autonomy is a huge driving force for self-education and self-development. Students are encouraged to choose their favorite knowledge while completing the required courses, and combine personal professional interests with social needs, so as to generate a strong learning motivation. At the same time, it can also motivate students to cross learn, advance learning, and efficiently learn, in order to stimulate the development of students' good personalities and promote their comprehensive self-development.

5. Strengthening cooperation between schools and enterprises, enhancing the talent cultivation effect of open education.

The adoption of the industry university research cooperation model in the process of international talent cultivation is to fundamentally solve the problem of the disconnect between school education and social needs, and to narrow the gap between school and society's demand for talent cultivation. Schools should make full use of the advantages of various educational environments and resources such as enterprises and research institutions in talent cultivation, and organically combine school education that focuses on imparting knowledge in the classroom with production and research practices that directly acquire practical experience and practical abilities. At present, many universities have integrated educational resources, redesigned talent cultivation plans, innovated teaching methods, established

innovative practice bases, established enterprises, and other means to build an environment suitable for industry university research cooperation education, promoting the cultivation of international talents. Conclusion

In today's era of economic globalization, education, as the "foundation of a strong country," shoulders the heavy responsibility of implementing the talent strategy to strengthen the country. After injecting the trend of internationalization into China's education, how can we learn from the experiences of other developed countries that are at the forefront of education internationalization, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and take effective methods and measures based on China's unique education situation and a clear understanding of its own problems and shortcomings, striving to explore the path and approaches of education internationalization and talent cultivation in China, so that education can truly become the foundation of human resource development. The fundamental approach to the comprehensive development of talents is the focus of this article. Through exploring the current situation and future development path of education and talent cultivation in China, we can foresee that with the strong support and assistance of the Party, government, and various sectors of society, China's education industry will inevitably flourish, burst into new vitality, and the internationalization path will become wider and wider.

Литература и источники

1. Pan Haisheng, Sun Yirui. Strategic Analysis and Enlightenment on the Internationalization of Australian Higher Vocational Education // Education and Career. - 2020. - №7 (959). Р. 85-92.

2. Li Yunmei. Research on the Background, Path, and Measures of Internationalization of Chinese Vocational Education // China Voc ational and Technical Education. - 2017. - №13. - р. 45-49.

3. Yang Jianjing, Shao Jiandong. The Internationalization Development Path of Higher Vocational Education under the "First Class Higher Vocational Education" Strategy // Heilongjiang Higher Education Research. - 2018. - № 01. - Р. 108-111.

4. WangXiaoyang. International talent training path of vocational colleges in the context of the "the Belt and Road" // China Vocational and Technical Education. - 2020. - №10. - Р. 67-70.

5. Du Yingjie. Research on the Construction of an Internationalized Talent Training System for Higher Vocational Education - Taking the Aviation Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Maintenance Major as an Example // Education Modernization. - 2019. - №6 (57). - Р. 153-156.

6. Wang Yuehui, Yan Han. Exploration of International Talent Training Models in Higher Vocational Education // Journal of Beijing Vocational College of Economics and Management. - 2018. - №33 (04). - Р. 41-45.

ЦЗЯН СИНТУН - младший научный сотрудник, Институт политических наук Хэйлунцзянской академии социальных наук (279742991@qq.com).

JIANG XINTONG - Assistant Researcher, Institute of Political Science, Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences.

УДК 338.24 Б01: 10.24412/2308-264Х-2023-4-184-192



Ключевые слова: всеобщее зажиточное село, возрождение сельских районов, медицинское обслуживание, здравоохранение, охрана здоровья народа.

Всеобщая зажиточность является важной целью в процессе строительства социализма. В 14-м пятилетнем плане развития Китайской народной Республики и в перспективных целях на период до 2035 года намечено достижение более существенного прогресса в достижении всеобщей зажиточности народа. Для содействия достижению всеобщей зажиточности необходимо ставить на первое место интересы народа. Соответственно, основная цель состоит в осуществлении всестороннего развития и прогресса человека, осуществлении новых задач социалистического строительства, совместного управления и совместного пользования плодами экономического роста. Здоровье - это основа обеспечения процветающей жизни народа. Максимально полное обеспечение физического и психического здоровья народа - это не только реальный фундамент для достижения всеобщей зажиточности, но и одна из главных целей развития. На примере медицинского обслуживания и здравоохранения в провинции Хэйлунцзян, исходя из дилемм и основных проблем данной сферы, автор пытается выяснить, как в процессе достижения всеобщей зажиточности максимально использовать продуманную экономическую политику, совершенствуя уровень медицинского обслуживания городского и сельского населения, еще больше повышая его уровень здоровья, уровень счастья у жителей, тем самым способствуя достижению всеобщей зажиточности.



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