REASONS FOR DEVELOPING VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Cui Ziqiang, Liu Shuhui, Romanova A.M.

developing vocational education, accelerating the cultivation of professional and technical talents, focusing on the improvement of the quality of workers, and increasing the employment rate of workers are of great significance to the development of the country's industrialization path. Vocational education has not only educational attributes but also economic attributes, and its economic status will be shown more and more. Vocational education will become an indispensable part of the education system and an important cornerstone of social progress and national economic development.

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training of young teachers in colleges and universities involves many aspects and is closely related to the self-interest of young teachers, which is a major event in the career development of young teachers. Therefore, the continuing education of young teachers should be based on the actual situation of colleges and universities and consider all factors affecting teachers' development, so as to make a perfect training plan.

2. The transparency of education funds is yet to be improved. In the actual survey, we can find that there are different degrees of appropriation of funds for continuing education and training of young teachers in colleges and universities, and the transparency of education funds is closely related to the training time and training quota of continuing education for young teachers. In addition, there are some colleges and universities use the teaching funds for the construction of college teachers in order to expand the footprint, and few of them use the funds for the continuing education of young teachers.

3. The supervisory mechanism is not perfect. Due to the lack of perfect supervision mechanism in colleges and universities, the teaching management level still needs to be improved, and various problems have emerged. In addition, the teaching mode of colleges and universities can no longer meet the requirements of social development, and the recognition of academic qualifications by the society is low. All these problems have a certain impact on the continuing education of young teachers, which has become a difficult problem that colleges and universities need to focus on solving.

References / Список литературы

1. Xie Xiaoling. Research on the current situation and system construction of continuing education for young teachers. Continuing Education Research, 2015. (9).

2. Xue Meiwei. Exploring the development of learning standards based on teachers' professional capacity enhancement. Teaching and Management (Theory Edition), 2019 (10): 85-87.

3. Li Xia. The connotation and requirements of teachers' professional competence. Qinghai Education, 2019 (11):45.

4. Ma Yidong, Ling Yao. Seeking quality in innovation: Some thoughts on teachers' competence in competency education. Modern Economic Information, 2008. 03:171.

5. Yan Ju. Discussion on the construction of the mechanism of continuing education for young teachers in colleges and universities. Talent, 2014 (17).

REASONS FOR DEVELOPING VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Cui Ziqiang1, Liu Shuhui2, Romanova А.М.3 Email: Cui1185@scientifictext.ru

1Cui Ziqiang - master Student;

2Liu Shuhui - master Student; 3Romanova Anna Mikhailovna - master Student, BELARUSIANNATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, MINSK, REPUBLIC OF BELARUS

Abstract: developing vocational education, accelerating the cultivation of professional and technical talents, focusing on the improvement of the quality of workers, and increasing the employment rate of workers are of great significance to the development of the country's industrialization path. Vocational education has not only educational attributes but also economic attributes, and its economic status will be shown more and more. Vocational education will become an indispensable part of the education system and an important cornerstone of social progress and national economic development.

Keywords: vocational education, pre-employment training, human resource development, importance.


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Цуй Цзыцян , Лю Шухуэй , Романова А.М.

1Цуй Цзыцян - студент магистратуры;

2Лю Шухуэй - студент магистратуры; 3Романова Анна Михайловна - студент магистратуры, Белорусский национальный технический университет, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь

Аннотация: развитие профессионального образования, ускорение выращивания профессиональных и технических талантов, сосредоточение внимания на улучшении качества рабочих и повышение уровня занятости рабочих имеют большое значение для развития пути индустриализации страны. Профессиональное образование имеет не только образовательные, но и экономические атрибуты, и его экономический статус будет проявляться все больше и больше. Профессиональное образование станет незаменимой частью системы образования и важным краеугольным камнем социального прогресса и национального экономического развития.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное образование, подготовка перед трудоустройством, развитие человеческих ресурсов, важность.

Vocational education refers to the educational activities implemented to enable the educated to have the professional ethics, scientific culture, professional knowledge, technical skills and other comprehensive qualities required for a certain occupation or professional development. Vocational education and general education are different types of education and have equal importance. They are an important part of the national education system and human resource development. They are an important way to cultivate diverse talents, inherit technical skills, and promote employment and entrepreneurship.

Vocational education includes vocational school education and vocational training. Vocational school education is academic education, which is divided into secondary and higher vocational school education. Vocational training is non-academic education, including pre-employment training, apprenticeship training, on-the-job training, reemployment training, entrepreneurial training and other vocational training [1].

The purpose of vocational education is to cultivate applied talents and socialist workers and socialist builders with a certain cultural level and professional knowledge and skills. Compared with general education and adult education, vocational education focuses on the cultivation of practical skills and practical work ability.

The importance of vocational education in developed countries. In the United States, the National Defense Education Act passed in 1958 identified the importance of vocational education and affirmed the significance and role of vocational education in national development, and clearly stated that "the government will provide financial and other support for vocational education. On September 26, 2011, the Obama administration allocated $500 million in grants to community colleges across the United States to target vocational training and workforce development to help increase employment rates. Obama said "the United States will strive to achieve the highest percentage of college graduates in the world by 2020". The basic direction of vocational education in the UK is the "new vocationalism". The integration of vocational education into mainstream education has changed the traditional orientation of vocational education to the academically unsuccessful and economically underprivileged. One of the main goals of the new vocationalism is to build a new vocational education system that produces flexible, cooperative, highly skilled and qualified people. In the United Kingdom, it is widely believed that the extent of vocational education should become a new criterion for


evaluating the economic success of a country. In order to improve the efficiency and quality of vocational education, the British government and the education sector have taken a series of reform measures. For example, to enhance the flexibility and applicability of the curriculum, according to the form and trend of domestic and international economic development, constantly adjust the professional catalog of vocational education, broaden the professional direction, etc.. So that vocational education can adapt to the needs of economic and social development to the maximum extent. In Switzerland, vocational education is not a place for "underachievers". It is an important link in the national economic chain, and vocational students are respected by society and welcomed by enterprises. The Swiss are taught from an early age that "an able-bodied person must be skilled". The Swiss believe that vocational education is not about training workers who can only perform skilled trades and simple tasks, but is an important field for the development of highly qualified, highly skilled and innovative personnel [2].

Why development of vocational education is so important? The first reason is the need for national economic construction and development. We need a large number of junior and middle-level specialized personnel in various fields, and a large number of high-quality laborers. This requires our education to cultivate and train. The second reason is the needs of national and social development. Vocational education is education for the broadest masses of the people, and it is also a type of education that everyone faces the need to receive education for life. Among these students receiving vocational education, according to our understanding and statistics, most of them are students from rural and urban families with financial difficulties. How to seek a way out for such a group of family children is a responsibility we should do as a government and as an education. To run this education well, it involves social equity. The third reason is the need for the development of education itself. Take China as an example, we all know that over the past 30 years of China's reform and opening up, especially since the beginning of the new century, Chinese education has made great achievements, achieving two major leaps and one breakthrough. The so-called "two major leaps", the first leap That is, China has achieved universal nine-year compulsory education, and the second leap, China's higher education has entered the stage of popularization [3].

The development of vocational education should focus on practicability and skills, highlight the new characteristics of vocational education, and meet the needs of the market economy.

To strengthen extensive publicity and expand the influence of vocational education in the society it is necessary to run the following operations: 1) to publicize vocational education through the news media, so that parents can eliminate their concerns ideologically and understand the meaning of vocational education; 2) to develop certain professional knowledge, skills and technology by means of educational process; 3) to understand the needs of the masses, to help them correctly analyze the current social development situation and the needs of the future society for a variety of skilled talents, and to let parents understand the current school-running model of our school; 4) to solve the problems for the people, letting the children put down their ideological burdens and devote themselves to professional study and life with confidence [2].

To establish a training model with the orientation of employment, schools should organize special human and financial resources (1) to increase investment in employment, (2) to keep abreast of market information, (3) to grasp the latest trends in the market, (4) to establish a one-stop training model for supply and demand, and (4) to adjust professional settings in a timely manner according to market needs. Order training, according to the advantages of the region and the school, form the regional brand and the backbone of the school through: 1) regular arrangement of school students to go out to visit enterprises; 2) conduction of short -term internships based on the theories they have learned, so that students can understand the true value of the skills they have learned, so as to inspire them to continue to study hard and have a firmer belief in their choices [3].

In practice improvement and development of activities, according to the characteristics of students in higher vocational colleges, starts from the needs of students' own development, focuses on the exercise and improvement of professional skills, and extensively carries out some skills, operability, and intelligence competitions activity.

Vocational education has developed rapidly, the system construction has been steadily advanced, and a large number of intermediate and senior skilled talents have been trained and trained, which has made important contributions to improving the quality of laborers, promoting economic and social development, and promoting employment. At the same time, we must also see that the current vocational education cannot fully meet the needs of economic and social development, the structure is not reasonable, the quality needs to be improved, the conditions for running schools are weak, and the system and mechanism are not smooth. Accelerating the development of modern vocational education is of great significance for the in-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, creating greater talent dividends, accelerating the transformation of methods, adjusting the structure, and promoting upgrading.

References / Список литературы

1. Li Hong. Talking about the current situation and competitiveness of vocational education in China [J]. Journal of Science and Education, 2012. 10:17.

2. Li Shujuan. Research on the application strategy of modern education technology in the teaching reform of higher vocational education [J]. Higher Vocational Education, 2012.4:157-158.

3. Shan Jiaping. New initiatives of vocational education in Britain and its reference [J]. China Adult Education, 2007. 10:110-111.


1Zhu Miao - master Student; 2Romanova Anna Mikhailovna - master Student, BELARUSIANNATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, MINSK, REPUBLIC OF BELARUS

Abstract: the article tells about systematic, comprehensive and precise personal characteristics of University students, self-perceived communicative competence such as task-specific, implying differences across domains of learning. All of these are essential for modern educational process. Keywords: university students, personal characteristics, motivation.



12 Чжу Мяо , Романова А.М.

1Чжу Мяо - студент магистратуры;

2Романова Анна Михайловна - студент магистратуры, Белорусский национальный технический университет, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь

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