Shoira ISAEVA,
PhD. Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Tel.: +998909882881; Email: [email protected] https://orcid.org/0009-0005-
Annotation. This article delves into the use of antonyms in the literary masterpiece Kutadgu Bilig. Antonyms, words with opposite meanings, play a significant role in conveying moral lessons and adding depth to the narrative. By examining the employment of antonyms in Kutadgu Bilig, this study aims to shed light on the moral and ethical dimensions of the text, as well as the complexity it brings to storytelling.
Key words: antonyms, character, trait, wisdom, intellect, honesty, ethics.
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается употребление антонимов в произведении Кутадгу Билиг Юсуфа хос Хаджиба. Антонимы, слова с противоположным значением, играют важную роль в передаче моральных уроков и придании повествованию глубины.
Ключевые слова: антонимы, характер, черты характера, мудрость, интеллект, честность, этика.
Annotatsiya. Ushbu maqolada Qutadg'u bilig adabiy durdona asarida antonimlarning qo'llanishi ko'rib chiqiladi. Antonim so'zlar, ma'nosi qarama-qarshi bo 'lgan so 'zlar bo 'lib, odob-axloq saboqlarini etkazishda, hikoyaga chuqurlik kiritishda katta rol o 'ynaydi.
Kalitso'zlar: antonimlar, xarakter, xislat, donolik, aql, halollik, axloq.
MAIN PART. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. They are often used in literature to create contrasts, emphasize differences, and convey deeper layers of meaning. In Kutadgu Bilig, antonyms are employed to highlight moral and ethical concepts and illustrate contrasting ideas and values. For example, the antonyms of good and evil can be used to explore the themes of virtue and vice, righteousness and wickedness. The author of Kutadgu Bilig utilizes antonyms to depict the conflicts and dilemmas faced by the characters. The author creates tension and adds complexity to the narrative by employing antonyms, allowing readers to contemplate the consequences of different choices and actions.
d https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10335210
In Kutadgu Bilig, the use of antonyms is prevalent and serves various purposes in conveying moral lessons and enriching the narrative. Here are a few examples of antonyms found in the text:
1. Good and evil: The antonyms of "iyi" (good) and "kotu" (evil) are frequently employed to explore the concepts of virtue and vice. The author, Yusuf khos Khajib, emphasizes the importance of moral virtues and ethical behavior, while also highlighting the consequences of wickedness and wrongdoing. For instance, characters who exhibit traits of evil, such as deceit, greed, and injustice, are presented as cautionary examples of the consequences of straying from the path of righteousness.
He bears the burdens of others, and does not load his own on someone else. Though they be untrue to him, he is uncomplaining and true to them in return. [3, 152]
Сам груз свой неси, помогай всем несущим, Будь мужем, добром и за зло воздающим! [2, 266] Кишиларнинг юкини кутарса, (узи) юк кутартмаса, (Унга) жафо цилсалар, (у) огиз очмай вафо цилса. [1, 456] Be true to the one who is untrue to you, for bad faith is the way for the wicked, while good faith is the way of the true man. [3, 152] И даже на злобу ответствуй добром, Муж дружит с добром, а негожий — со злом! [2, 267] Жафо цилувчига вафо цила бер,
Вафони мард цилади, ёмонлар жафо (цилади). [1, 450] The juxtaposition of good and evil in Kutadgu Bilig serves to highlight the importance of moral virtues and ethical conduct in leading a fulfilling and virtuous life. It emphasizes the need to make conscious choices aligned with goodness and to resist the temptations of evil. By exploring these antonyms, the text encourages readers to reflect on their own actions and make ethical decisions that contribute to the betterment of society.
2. Justice and injustice: The antonyms of "adalet" (justice) and "haksizlik" (injustice) are central to the moral framework of Kutadgu Bilig. The text emphasizes the importance of fairness, equality, and the consequences of unjust actions. In Kutadgu Bilig, the concepts of justice and injustice are explored extensively, reflecting the author's emphasis on fair governance and moral principles.
The text highlights the significance of justice as a fundamental pillar of a harmonious society. It portrays justice as the key to maintaining order, resolving conflicts, and ensuring the well-being of individuals. King Rising Sun is portrayed
as a just ruler who upholds the principles of fairness and equality, demonstrating the ideal ofjustice in his governance.
Conversely, the concept of injustice is depicted as a negative force that disrupts social harmony and leads to suffering. Characters who exhibit traits of injustice, such as corruption, unfairness, and exploitation, are presented as detrimental figures who contribute to societal discord and moral decay.
Justice and law are pillars of heaven: if the law decayed, heaven would not stand up. [3, 153]
Закон, справедливость — опоры небес,
Подгнили опоры — и в кровле провес! [2, 269]
Бу бир йегиз (пойдевор)дирки, унинг асоси тугрилик, адолатдир,
Адолат бузилса, асос тик турмайди. [1, 568]
Through the exploration of the antonyms of justice and injustice, Kutadgu Bilig encourages readers to uphold the principles of fairness and equality in their own lives. It emphasizes the importance of establishing just systems and structures to ensure a just society. The text also raises awareness about the consequences of injustice, urging readers to actively combat unfairness and work towards creating a more just world.
3. Honesty and deceit: The antonyms of "dogruluk" (honesty) and "aldatma" (deceit) play a significant role in character development. They highlight the virtues of truthfulness and integrity, while also exploring the consequences of deception and falsehood. Through the exploration of the antonyms of honesty and deceit, Kutadgu Bilig emphasizes the importance of truthfulness and integrity in personal and societal interactions. It underscores the idea that honesty is not only a moral virtue but also a foundation for trust, loyalty, and harmonious relationships.
If he is not straightforward in his heart, his tongue, and his deeds, then Fortune has no way to him and will flee that realm. Despair for a prince who breaks his word: his life is vanity and regret. [3, 106] Где сердце и слово у беков лукавы, Нейдет счастье к людям, бежит из державы. Добра от нечестного бека не жди: Поплатишься жизнью, беда — впереди. [2, 171] Кунгил, тил ва феъл-рафтор рост, тугри булмаса, кургин, У элдан цочаётган цутнинг чораси булмайди. Сузидан цайтувчи бегга умид боглама, Тириклигинг зое кетади, афсус келтиради. [1, 289]
The text also serves as a cautionary tale, warning against the consequences of deceit and falsehood. It encourages readers to reflect on their own actions and choices, urging them to prioritize honesty and reject deceitful practices.
4. Generosity and greed: The antonyms of "comertlik" (generosity) and "hirs" (greed) contribute to the moral lessons in Kutadgu Bilig. The text emphasizes the importance of selflessness, sharing, and the dangers of excessive desire and greed.
The greedy deserves pity, for he is truly a slave: no matter if he is a prince, he is still the most ignoble of men. [3, 129]
И бек если жаден, он — раб своей страсти, А жадность скупых — хуже всякой напасти. [2, 218] Агарчи тамагир бег булса %ам, кулдир, Кишилар орасида тубани доим тамагирдир [1, 420] These examples demonstrate how antonyms are utilized in Kutadgu Bilig to contrast opposing values, highlight moral dilemmas, and convey deeper philosophical messages. The interplay between these antonyms adds complexity and depth to the narrative, inviting readers to reflect on the ethical choices and consequences faced by the characters. Through the exploration of the antonyms of generosity and greed, Kutadgu Bilig promotes the idea that generosity is not only a moral virtue but also a way to foster social harmony and well-being. It encourages readers to prioritize the welfare of others and to practice generosity in their own lives.
The text also serves as a cautionary tale, warning against the consequences of greed and materialistic pursuits. It emphasizes the importance of contentment, gratitude, and sharing resources with others.
5. Friend and enemy. Through the exploration of the antonyms of friend and enemy, Kutadgu Bilig promotes the idea that friendship is a fundamental aspect of a fulfilling and harmonious life. It encourages readers to cultivate meaningful and supportive relationships, based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.
The text also serves as a cautionary tale, warning against the consequences of enmity and conflict. It emphasizes the importance of reconciliation, forgiveness, and seeking common ground to foster peaceful coexistence. The example of "friend" in Kutadgu Bilig is provided below:
Intellect is a good friend who is bound to you by oath, and wisdom is a brother to you, very loyal. [3, 50]
Ученье тебе — словно преданный друг, И верный собрат твой — познанье наук. [2, 53] Заковат сен учун эзгу онтли дустдир, Билим сен учун ута меурибон цариндошдир. [1, 121]
Here is an example of "enemy" in Kutadgu Bilig:
The world is one enemy, your carnal soul is another. These two have spread their net to catch you. [3, 213]
Сей мир тебе — недруг, и страсти — враги, Они для тебя расставляют силки. [2, 399] Бу дунё душмандир, бу нафсинг (хам) душмандир, Бу икки душманнинг тузоги ёйилган булади [1, 520]
CONCLUSION. The contrast between justice and injustice, honesty and deceit, generosity and greed, can further enhance the moral lessons conveyed in the text. The examination of justice and injustice in Kutadgu Bilig serves as a moral compass, inspiring readers to strive for justice and reject acts of injustice in their personal and societal lives. The examination of honesty and deceit in Kutadgu Bilig serves as a moral guide, inspiring readers to value truthfulness, integrity, and ethical conduct in their daily lives. The examination of generosity and greed in Kutadgu Bilig serves as a moral guide, inspiring readers to cultivate generosity, compassion, and selflessness in their interactions with others and to reject the pitfalls of greed.
Thus, using antonyms in Kutadgu Bilig enriches the text by presenting opposing ideas and values. Through the exploration of antonyms, the author invites readers to reflect on moral dilemmas, ethical choices, and the consequences of one's actions. The presence of antonyms enhances the depth and complexity of the text, making it a valuable tool for moral and philosophical contemplation.
[1] - Юсуф Хос Хаджиб. Кутадгу Билиг. Саодатга йуловчи билим // Перевод К. Каримова. - Тошкент: Фан, 1971. - 956 с.
[2] - Юсуф Хас Хаджиб Баласагуни. Благодатное знание // Перевод С.Н. Иванова. - М.: Наука, 1983. - 560 с.
[3] - Yusuf Khass Hajib. Wisdom of Royal Glory // Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Robert Dankoff. Chicago and London. The University of Chicago Press, 1983. - 281 p.