EVALUATION OF THE STATE OF AGRICULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Ryspekova M. O., Duisenbekova A. A.

In this study, the author tried to determine the state and future development of the agricultural industry in Kazakhstan. Today’s developed agriculture is an important aspect of the economy of states, namely: the production of sufficient quality products to ensure food security and stable livelihoods of the population. To assess the state of agriculture were used statistical yearbooks of the National Statistics Bureau of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, statistical journals, reports, bulletins, and articles by scientists involved in this research. Research methods - cognitive, statistical and analytical methods. The authors have shown the urgency of agricultural development in the economy of Kazakhstan, its current state, identified problems and ways to improve them.

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Вестник Челябинского государственного университета. 2020. № 11 (445). Экономические науки. Вып. 71. С. 10—18.

УДК 338.43 DOI 10.47475/1994-2796-2020-11102

ББК 65.32 (5 Каз)


M. O. Ryspekova, A. A. Duisenbekova

L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

In this study, the author tried to determine the state and future development of the agricultural industry in Kazakhstan. Today's developed agriculture is an important aspect of the economy of states, namely: the production of sufficient quality products to ensure food security and stable livelihoods of the population. To assess the state of agriculture were used statistical yearbooks of the National Statistics Bureau of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, statistical journals, reports, bulletins, and articles by scientists involved in this research. Research methods - cognitive, statistical and analytical methods. The authors have shown the urgency of agricultural development in the economy of Kazakhstan, its current state, identified problems and ways to improve them.

Keywords: economic assessment, agriculture, agriculture, gross domestic product, food security, innovative technologies, output, livestock, crop production, seasonality, sustainable growth.


The relevance of the topic of the study is undeniable, since at present in modern society one of the main problems is the development of agriculture to ensure food security.

Firstly, this is due to the fact that providing people with food from a physiological position determines their vital activities.

Secondly, it determines the political independence of the state and ensures its economic stability. Therefore, it should be noted that the issue of dynamic development of agriculture is being solved through the prism of this problem. This demonstrates the importance and timeliness of the study [1].

Today, agricultural development is an important aspect of the economy of States, namely, the production of sufficient quantities of high-quality products to ensure food security and stable life of the population [2. P. 63].

It should be noted that the market economy itself is not a sufficient condition for achieving the development of the agricultural sector and additional institutions, innovative technologies and high productivity in the agricultural sector are required [3. P. 470].

The relevance of the topic of the study is that the problem of agricultural development is among the quite intensively studied problems, both in Kazakhstan and abroad. Despite the fundamental development of a number of key issues in the growth of agricultural production in the country, many of its problems remain clearly not sufficiently explored [4. P. 603]. This topic requires constant deep and

scientific research, since the agricultural industry is constantly changing and depends on many factors. This was also the reason for the choice of the topic of study.

Materials and Methods

Statistical yearbooks of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, statistical journals, reports, bulletins, articles of scientists engaged in these studies were used to assess the state of agriculture. The following research methods were used in the process of carrying out the work: cognitive, statistical, and analytical.


The most important part of the national economy, where vital products are produced and huge resources are concentrated, is the agricultural sector of the economy, the development of which determines to a decisive extent the state of all sectors of the economy, the level of food security of the state and the socio-economic situation in society.

In the context of market competition for consumer commodity markets, food is important for the development of agriculture and the volume of quality products produced, sold, processed by it is necessary to provide it to the population of the country and for export [5. P. 173].

To increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector, its products, state support, insurance, revision and optimization of customs tariffs, fees, long-term loans and taxes, stimulation of innovative technologies, R & D for agricultural producers are necessary [6. P. 93].

Based on the data shown in Tab. 1 it can be seen that the ratio of HEP of agriculture to GDP of the country in 2014-2019 has practically not changed so, in 2014 it amounted to 7.93%.

Agriculture forms the country's food security and food independence through the production of 7.6% of gross domestic product in 2019 and determines the income of almost 30 % of the economically active population of agriculture and other related sectors of the economy.

18 % of the employed population of the village produces agricultural products and provides about 70% of the consumption fund of the entire Kazakh population.

Agricultural development contributes to the development of other industries that supply inputs and consume agricultural products as raw materials, as well as provide transport, trade and other services.

If we consider in monetary terms, the gross industrial product of agriculture increased during the five-year period increased by 39.73% or 2072.77 billion tenge and actually amounted to 5216.45 billion tenge in 2019. The reason for the increase in the gross sectoral product of the agricultural sector was the increase in gross grain production and livestock production. In 2017, this sector accounted for 7.49% of GDP. Kazakhstan is a major grain producer and in 2018 took 11th place in the world among the largest wheat exporters.

It should be noted that in the country almost 80% of agricultural production is sold in the form of unprocessed raw materials according to the structure of the gross output of the industry as a whole, it is also noted that ready-to-sell products have low competitiveness.

Table 2 shows the contribution of individual regions to the agricultural industry of the republic over the past 5 years.

Table 1

Gross sectoral product and share of agriculture in gross domestic product during 2014 -2019

Indicators Years Variance 2019/2014

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 +, - %

GDP, bln tenge 39675.83 40884.13 46971.15 54378.86 61 819.54 68639.48 28 963.65 42.19

HEP of agriculture, bln tenge 3 143.68 3 307.01 3 684.39 4 070.92 4 474.09 5 216.45 2 072.77 39.73

HEP share of agriculture in GDP, % 7.93 8.09 7.85 7.49 7.24 7.6 -0.33 -4.17

Source: Statistics of Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Fisheries // National Statistics Bureau of the Strategic Planning and Reform Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (https://stat.gov.kz/official/industry/14/statistic/6; accessed 01.06.2020) [in Russ.].

Table 2

Gross output of agricultural products (services) in all categories of farms, in current prices, billion tenge

Regions Years Variance 2018/2014 rr.

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 +, - %

Republic of Kazakhstan 3143.68 3307.01 3684.39 4070.92 4474.09 1330.41 42.32

Akmola 268.35 290.89 348.20 378.17 406.69 138.34 51.55

Aktyubinsk 157.26 165.24 183.97 200.63 234.34 77.08 49.01

Almaty 535.44 551.10 597.31 630.93 733.97 198.53 37.08

Atyrau 56.26 58.77 61.61 61.13 66.88 10.62 18.88

The West Kazakhstan 103.54 106.54 131.02 140.04 139.92 36.38 35.14

Jambyl 218.58 218.73 237.07 251.32 268.22 49.64 22.71

Karaganda 179.35 197.27 229.35 251.01 277.66 98.31 54.81

Kostanay 266.89 294.61 319.04 368.10 386.66 119.77 44.88

Kyzylorda 69.60 79.19 80.63 88.67 103.92 34.32 49.31

Mangystau 9.07 11.73 12.47 13.72 15.66 6.59 72.66

The Southern Kazakhstan 419.69 426.89 480.40 505.29 - - -

Pavlodar 134.99 152.41 171.54 204.42 228.49 93.50 69.26

The North Kazakhstan 350.27 380.81 411.49 498.41 514.69 164.42 46.94

Turkestan - - - - 548.71 - -

East Kazakhstan 366.59 366.97 415.04 472.01 514.97 148.38 40.48

Astana 2.87 2.42 1.03 1.31 1.05 -1.82 -63.41

Almaty 4.93 3.43 4.24 50.74 6.59 1.67 33.67

Shymkent - - - - 25.67 - 69.26

Table 2 shows that the following agricultural regions made the largest contribution in 2018, such as Almaty region — 733.97 billion tenge, Turkestan region — 548.71 billion tenge, East Kazakhstan region — 514.97 billion tenge, North Kazakhstan region — 514.69 billion tenge of agricultural output. The growth of agricultural production in 2018 compared to 2014 was noted in 14 regions of the republic.

For a more objective picture of the development of agriculture, we presented Tab. 3, in which the data are focused in the main areas of the industry, their share of the total output of agricultural products.

The obtained data for the period from 2014 to 2019 showed that the main output in agriculture, as traditionally, in the Republic of Kazakhstan was allocated to livestock and crop production, which developed differently.

Thus, gross livestock production grew by 65 % or 913 billion tenge and in 2019 year amounted to 2306 billion tenge, and gross crop production increased by 66 % or by 1157 billion tenge, which in fact in 2019 year is equal to 2897 billion tenge.

When considering the output of crop production by region of the country, you can see the following picture, which is presented in Tab. 4.

Table 4 shows that the following agricultural regions reached the largest volume in crop production in 2018, such as Almaty region — 374.40 billion tenge, Turkestan region — 292.65 billion tenge, Akmola region — 268.79 billion tenge, East Kazakhstan region — 221.88 billion tenge, North Kazakhstan region — 366.17 billion tenge, Kostanyan

Considering regional differences in the structure of gross agricultural output (services), the study noted the specialization of each region, which shows that:

— northern regions (Akmola, Kostanay and North Kazakhstan regions) specialize in grain. Oilseeds, vegetable crops are produced in Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan and Almaty regions (fruits);

— southern regions of Almaty, Turkestan and Zhambyl regions produce significant volumes of fruit and vegetable production. Turkestan region grows cotton and in Kyzylorda region they grow rice and melon crops;

— in the central region — Karaganda region produce vegetables.

It should be noted that according to 2018 data, the volume of grain crops amounted to 22.8 million tons, 11.7 million tons of grain were exported from the country, which is 32.4 % more than in 2017.

Kazakh crop growers respond to the demand in the market and consider it necessary to produce what can be sold for profit. For example, in accordance with the indicators of 2018, barley exports increased 2.2 times by 2017, and the rapeseed oil indicator increased 3.3 times, the soybean increase was 2.5 times, tomatoes — 2.4 times, cabbage — 2.5 times.

The study examined livestock production by regions of Kazakhstan, which is shown in Tab. 5.

Table 5 shows that the largest contribution to livestock production in 2018 was made by the following agricultural regions such as Almaty region — 357.20 billion tenge, Turkestan region — 255.33 billion tenge, Aktobe region — 148.84 billion tenge, East Kazakhstan region — 292.70 billion tenge, Akmola region — 136.88 billion tenge of production in the form of various types.

The leading areas from the point of view of animal husbandry are Almaty, Turkestan and East Kazakhstan regions. Large livestock farms of pig breeding, dairy cattle breeding prevail in West Kazakhstan, Kostanay and Akmola regions, and Zhambyl region is dominated by sheep breeding, goat breeding, meat cattle breeding, horse breeding and camel breeding. The main number of camels is located in the Atyrau, Mangistau, Kyzylorda and South Kazakhstan regions. In the East Kazakhstan region, some farms are engaged in maral farming. Poultry farming is bred at the same level in

Table 3

Assessment of agriculture in its main areas of activity

Indicators Years Variance 2019/2014

2014 Specific weight, % in 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Specific weight, % in 2014 +, - %

HEP of agriculture, bln tenge 3144 100.00 3307 3684 4071 4474 5216 100 2073 66

Gross livestock production, bln tenge 1394 44.3 1470 1621 1810 2050 2306 44 913 65

Gross crop production, bln tenge 1739 55.7 1825 2048 2250 2411 2897 56 1157 66

Table 4

Output of crop production by regions, billion tenge

Regions Years Variance 2018/2014

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 +. - %

Republic of Kazakhstan 1739.44 1 825.24 2 047.58 2 249.17 2 411.49 672.05 38.63

Akmola 181.55 200.30 239.95 253.97 268.79 87.23 48.04

Aktyubinsk 59.56 62.10 68.54 78.03 85.29 25.73 43.2

Almaty 297.66 302.63 327.70 326.09 374.40 76.74 25.78

Atyrau 22.67 23.27 24.56 24.98 26.71 4.04 17.81

West Kazakhstan 44.19 40.16 57.09 57.68 48.18 4.00 9.045

Jambyl 115.13 114.61 129.66 133.92 146.75 31.61 27.45

Karaganda 73.94 84.88 95.52 106.18 121.85 47.92 64.8

Kostanay 180.30 203.58 217.60 260.19 267.24 86.94 48.22

Kyzylorda 45.54 45.11 47.51 53.79 62.39 16.85 36.99

Mangystau 1.22 2.05 2.11 2.78 3.03 1.81 148.92

South Kazakhstan 239.87 234.65 275.20 273.92 - - -

Pavlodar 64.22 73.82 83.66 103.90 112.20 47.99 74.72

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North Kazakhstan 247.06 275.29 289.84 361.26 366.17 119.11 48.2

Turkestan - - - - 292.65 - -

East Kazakhstan 162.10 158.56 185.07 207.51 221.88 59.79 36.88

Astana 2.34 1.99 0.6071 656.3 461.5 -1.88 -80.2

Almaty 2.11 2.24 2.97 4.30 5.02 2.91 137.8

Shymkent - - - - 8.48 - -

Source: Statistics of Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Fisheries // National Statistics Bureau of the Strategic Planning and Reform Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (https://stat.gov.kz/official/industry/14/statistic/6; accessed 01.06.2020).

Table 5

Production of livestock products by regions, billion tenge

Regions Years Variance 2018/2014

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 +, - %

Republic of Kazakhstan 1393,76 1469,92 1621,54 1810,91 2050,46 656,69 47,12

Akmola 85,69 89,29 106,48 123,29 136,88 51,19 59,74

Aktyubinsk 97,28 102,66 114,68 122,41 148,84 51,56 53,00

Almaty 236,35 246,93 267,79 302,74 357,20 120,85 51,13

Atyrau 33,20 34,92 36,03 35,76 39,73 6,52 19,65

West Kazakhstan 58,72 65,77 72,87 82,02 91,37 32,65 55,60

Jambyl 102,54 103,15 106,22 116,77 120,77 18,23 17,78

Karaganda 104,88 111,81 133,10 144,29 155,13 50,25 47,91

Kostanay 84,37 88,47 98,45 106,69 118,19 33,82 40,09

Kyzylorda 23,57 33,47 32,46 33,30 39,56 15,99 67,82

Mangystau 7,84 9,67 10,33 10,87 12,55 4,71 60,11

South Kazakhstan 178,69 190,92 203,55 230,15 - - -

Pavlodar 70,71 78,49 87,74 100,43 116,18 45,47 64,30

North Kazakhstan 102,74 104,95 121,00 136,32 147,71 44,98 43,78

Turkestan - - - - 255,33 - -

East Kazakhstan 204,09 208,00 229,35 264,17 292,70 88,61 43,42

Astana 0,28 0,22 0,2201 0,2593 0,1893 -0,093 -32,90

Almaty 2,81 1,18 1,27 1,44 1,57 -1,24 -44,15

Shymkent - - - - 16,56 - -

all regions of Kazakhstan. Beekeeping is also developed in the East Kazakhstan region.

Observations in agriculture show that crop production is better developed, but despite this, the main sub-branch of agriculture in the country is animal husbandry, which is characterized by a huge territory rich in natural pastures, while various climatic and soil zones make it possible to engage in various types of animal husbandry: dairy and meat livestock, sheep and goat breeding, horse breeding, camel breeding, maral breeding, poultry breeding, pig breeding, as well as beekeeping, which accounts for 47.11 %% of all agricultural products in 2019.

In addition to the main output of livestock and crop production, agriculture is characterized by the services shown in Tab. 6.

According to Tab. 6, there is an increase in agricultural services for 5 years in the following regions, such as Kyzylorda region — 311.69 %% or in the amount of

1489.9 million tenge, Mangystau region — 307.94 % or — 58.5 million tenge, Nur-Sultan — 59.7 % or in the amount of 149.7 million tenge. The following regions achieved growth over 5 years in agricultural services in 2018: Almaty region — KZT 2,378,3 million, Akmola region — KZT 1,026,5 million, Kostanay region — KZT 1,230,9 million, Kyzylorda region — KZT 1,967,8 million.

In Aktobe region — 50.2 % or — 86.9 million tenge, West Kazakhstan — 41.7 % or — 264.8 million tenge, Kostanay — 44.6 % or 993.7 million tenge.

There is an annual increase in the number of existing agricultural enterprises.

Based on Tab. 7, it can be clearly seen that the number of organizational forms of small and medium-sized businesses is growing in agriculture, in 2014 the number of existing enterprises was 6,973 units, and in 2019 — 12,420 units, i. e., increased by 78.12 % or by + 5447 units.

Table 6

Agricultural services by regions of Kazakhstan

Regions Years Variance 2018/2014

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 +, - %

Republic of Kazakhstan 10 479.7 11 849.9 15 271.1 10 835.8 12 145.6 1 665.9 15.89

Akmola 1 113.4 1 299.6 1 771.9 910.0 1 026.5 -86.9 -7.8

Aktyubinsk 417.7 485.0 744.6 186.4 207.7 -210.0 -50.2

Almaty 1 437.5 1 533.2 1 815.2 2 101.1 2 378.3 940.8 65.44

Atyrau 390.2 574.0 1 028.0 383.3 442.4 52.2 13.37

West Kazakhstan 634.9 613.5 1 053.6 344.4 370.2 -264.8 -41.7

Jambyl 905.8 960.1 1 185.0 630.7 705.1 -200.7 -22.15

Karaganda 535.0 585.1 727.8 545.0 670.5 135.5 25.33

Kostanay 2 224.6 2 560.0 2 989.2 1 218.3 1 230.9 -993.7 -44.6

Kyzylorda 478.0 604.8 660.2 1 584.4 1 967.8 1 489.9 311.69

Mangystau 19.0 21.9 22.2 79.5 77.5 58.5 307.94

South Kazakhstan 1 133.3 1 326.8 1 654.1 1 221.8 - - -

Pavlodar 65.4 97.4 146.4 86.2 113.3 47.9 73.31

North Kazakhstan 471.7 570.4 646.0 826.0 806.7 335.0 71.02

Turkestan - - - - 732.4 - -

East Kazakhstan 402.6 413.6 621.1 325.6 390.5 -12.2 -3.01

Astana 250.7 204.3 205.7 393.2 400.4 149.7 59.7

Almaty - - - - - - -

Shymkent - - - - 625.4 - -

Source: Statistics of Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Fisheries // National Statistics Bureau of the Strategic Planning and Reform Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (https://stat.gov.kz/official/industry/14/statistic/6; accessed 01.06.2020).

Table 7

Number of operating enterprises in five years (agriculture, forestry and fisheries)

Years 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Variance 2018/2014

+, - %

Number of operating enterprises, units 6 973 7 558 9 218 11 738 12 420 +5447,0 78,12

So, 2018, the export of all meat amounted to 18.7 thousand tons, including beef 4.7 thousand tons, showing good growth, the volume of gross agricultural products increased by 3.5 %, food products — by 1.6 %. The inflow of investments in fixed assets in agriculture increased by 14.2 %, in food production — by 27.3 %.

In dairy animal husbandry with the same volumes of state support, due to increasing its efficiency, the volume of milk production grows from year to year.

More than 5.6 billion pieces of chicken eggs were produced in the poultry industry, which is more than the volume of 2017 by 500 million pieces. Egg exports reached 671 million eggs. Over 190 thousand tons of poultry meat were produced.


Based on the above, we performed the final SWOT analysis of the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan in the study, see Tab. 8.

Despite the positive dynamics in agriculture, I would like to note that its pace of development is not significant. This is due to seasonality, in modern times agriculture is of a territorial-regional nature, although about 43.1 % of the total population of Kazakhstan live in rural areas and its development is influenced by various factors, such as natural, agroclimatic, resource, labor, material and technical, infrastructure, production, organizational

and managerial and others. In addition, I would like to emphasize that the agricultural sector has difficulties in transport services, infrastructure characterized by monopolization. Improving the factors and conditions for the introduction of agriculture will increase the benefits of the agricultural sector and increase the well-being of the population and the economy of the country [9].

For the development of agriculture, measures are introduced for state regulation and support, which are reflected in state programs, such as:

The state program for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021 is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the agro-industrial sector by increasing labor productivity to 3.7 million tenge per 1 employed in agriculture by 2021, as well as exporting processed to $2,400 million in 2021 [10].

In addition to this program, a number of other state programs affecting the development of agricultural sectors and rural regions, such as:

— Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy [11];

— State program "Digital Kazakhstan" [12];

— Unified Business Support and Development Program "Business Roadmap 2020" [13];

— Regional Development Programme 2020 [14];

— Housing development programme of "Nurly Zher" 2017-2021 [15];

Table 8

SWOT analysis of Kazakhstan's agricultural industry

Strengths Weaknesses

• the territory of Kazakhstan occupies the 9th place in the world; • in terms of arable land per capita, it ranks 2nd in the world; • the rural population accounts for about 43% of the total population and 18% of the employed rural population produces agricultural products; providing about 70% of the consumption fund of the entire Kazakh population; • in 2018 ranked 11th in the world among the largest exporters of wheat, one of the largest exporters in grain and flour; • demand for food products in the markets of CIS and Central Asia; • constant growth of gross product, while crop production grows faster, but despite this, the main sub-branch of agriculture is animal husbandry; • the number of existing SMEs of small and medium-sized businesses is growing in 2019 - 12,420 units, i.e., increased by 78.12%; • in 2018, the export of all meat amounted to 18.7 thousand tons; inflow of investments in fixed assets increased by 14.2% • low share in GDP of the country (7.6%); • underdevelopment in the gross output of the industry, there is a high share of the products of personal subsidiary farms; • almost 80% of agricultural production in the country is sold in the form of unprocessed raw materials according to the structure of the gross output of the industry as a whole, it is also noted that ready-to-sell products have low competitiveness; • low level of R & D implementation; • insufficient veterinary and food safety; • high capital intensity; • long payback period; • dependence on natural and climatic conditions; • low productivity; • low level of profitability of agricultural enterprises, in some regions agricultural services decreased - Aktobe, West Kazakhstan, Kostanay regions

— Programme for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship for 20172021 Years [16];

— Investment attraction programme "National Investment Strategy" 2018-2022 years [17];

— National Export Strategy Programme [18].

Despite the effective implementation of the above

programs, problems remain in the countryside — a low level of profitability in the industry, not using a subsidy for its intended purpose, the creditworthiness of agricultural producers, sufficiently high interest rates of loans and, as a result, difficulties in their use, as well as a lack of qualified personnel, poor technical equipment, not developed infrastructure, which leads to the outflow of the rural population to cities and a decrease in the development of the agricultural sector.


Thus, it is worth noting that the state of agricultural development affects the related sectors of the agro-industrial complex, and the production of agricultural products directly depends on the increase in the number of active farm and peasant farms, individual entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses. As the study showed, the state of agricultural production in the republic is characterized by the development and negative trends, such as: deterioration of soil fertility, a decrease in the material and technical base of agricultural formations, low crop yields and high dependence on soil and climatic conditions (drought, etc.), low productivity in animal husbandry [19].

The development of agriculture in our country is associated not only with the negative trends mentioned above, but also with positive factors such as the favorable geographical location of Kazakhstan and its natural and climatic conditions, together with a large reserve of land resources (74 %% of the country's area is suitable for agriculture), allow many times to increase agricultural production and increase exports to nearby countries, while there are noticeable advantages:

— the presence of natural pastures — 180 mln hectares (5th place in the world after China, Australia, USA, Brazil), which are suitable for breeding up to 30 million conditional heads. At the moment, the load is 12 million conditional goals;

— the presence of arable land — 35.4 million hectares, which is the 10th place in the world, covering fallow land — 10.6 million hectares. Overproduction of cereals, as well as landlocked exports — 7 million tons of grain on average each year;

— availability of water resources for arable land irrigation — 4 million hectares;

— proximity of natural markets: PRC, Iran, Russia, Persian Gulf countries, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan.

For the effective development of agriculture, it is necessary to take into account our advantages and the realization of problems through solving the following problems:

— market access and export capacity development;

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— rational use of water and land resources;

— adequate financing and development of research and development of agrarian science;

— modern technology, taking into account the Kazakh climate and the possibility of updating technology;

— arranging subsidies and financing taking into account the start of seasonal agricultural work;

— improving management in the agricultural sector;

— development of optimal relations between state structures, SMEs and scientific organizations to increase production growth in rural areas;

— introduction of innovative production technologies, marketing, product designs, professional development, product qualities and labor productivity;

— digitalization of agricultural services.

Training of personnel (agronomists, veterinary doctors, economists) for farms through college education programmes;

— involvement in the agricultural sector with the motivation of professional workers in the industry;

— observance of agrarian standards, maintenance of terms from sowing to harvesting, transportation and storage taking into account soil and natural-climatic conditions,

— correct processing and processing of products;

— reduction of dependence on imports of means of production, technologies and equipment;

— development of new methods of state support, such as: preferential taxation, lending and subsidies, cheaper leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment, venture funds;

— immediate response to global market challenges, as the rise of long-term risks of instability in global agri-food markets affects the growth of demand for food, crop products and livestock products.

In the future, it is necessary to determine priority areas for the development of agricultural production, with the participation of state regulation and the transfer of advanced experiments of foreign countries in order to increase the volume of competitive products and food in Kazakhstan [20].

The implementation of the tasks set for the country's agricultural sector will provide opportunities for the conquest of new food markets and the provision of high-quality products primarily for the population of Kazakhstan and the effective development of agriculture.


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Сведения об авторах Рыспекова Мадина Оразовна — кандидат экономических наук, и. о. профессор, Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева, Нур-Султан, Казахстан. Madina10081957@mail.ru

Дуйсенбекова Айгерим Азащызы — магистр экономики и бизнеса, PhD докторант, Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева, Нур-Султан, Казахстан. aigerim.duisenbekova95@gmail.com


М. О. Рыспекова, А. А. Дуйсенбекова

Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева

Авторы попытались определить состояние, перспективное развитие сельскохозяйственной отрасли в Республике Казахстан. Сегодня развитость сельского хозяйства является важным аспектом экономики государств, а именно — выпуск достаточных объемов качественной продукции для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности и стабильной жизнедеятельности населения. Для оценки состояния сельского хозяйства использовались статистические ежегодники Комитета по статистике Министерства национальной экономики Республики Казахстан, статистические журналы, доклады, бюллетени, статьи ученых, занимающихся данными исследованиями. В процессе выполнения работы использовались следующие методы исследования: познавательный, статистический, аналитический. Авторы показали актуальность развития сельского хозяйства в экономике Казахстана, ее современное состояние, выявили проблемы и пути их решения.

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