Научная статья на тему 'Characteristics of the current state of Kazakhstan gricultutal sector'

Characteristics of the current state of Kazakhstan gricultutal sector Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Zhakupova A.A., Sarieva J.I., Kashkimbaeva K.B.

This article is concerned with the study and analysis of the agricultural sector of the Kazakhstan economy. The paper analyzes the state of domestic agricultural production and its impact on the development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conducted researches allow to form a comprehensive view of the state of the agricultural sector, while the results allow to find a use for the formulation of a strategic policy for the development of the agricultural sector of the economy of Kazakhstan.

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Представленная статья посвящена изучению и анализу аграрного сектора экономики Казахстана. В работе проанализировано состояние отечественного сельскохозяйственного производства и воздействие его на развитие экономики Республики Казахстан. Проведенные исследования позволяют сформировать комплексное представление о состоянии отрасли сельского хозяйства, а результаты найти применение разработке стратегической политики развития аграрного сектора экономики Казахстана.

Текст научной работы на тему «Characteristics of the current state of Kazakhstan gricultutal sector»



A.A. Zhakupova1, Senior Lecturer

J.I. Sarieva , Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor K.B. Kashkimbaeva , Senior Lecturer

1Narxoz University


2University of International Relations and World Languages (Kazakhstan, Almaty)


Abstract. This article is concerned with the study and analysis of the agricultural sector of the Kazakhstan economy. The paper analyzes the state of domestic agricultural production and its impact on the development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conducted researches allow to form a comprehensive view of the state of the agricultural sector, while the results allow to find a use for the formulation of a strategic policy for the development of the agricultural sector of the economy of Kazakhstan.

Keywords: agrarian economy, agricultural production, agribusiness, investment, forestry and fisheries.

At the current stage of the society development, one of the significant factors of the growth of our country competitiveness is the creation of an effective economic management mechanism in the agrarian economy. The importance of agriculture to provide the country with food, employment growth and the economic development of the Republic is very high.

Kazakhstan's agriculture has always been and remains one of the most important and significant sector of the economy of the Republic, and consequently, the development of this sector has always been one of the Government's priorities. So, for example, the achieved positive trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic were the result of reforming the state policy when various state programs were implemented in order to support the development of the agro-industrial sector.

It is also important to note that in recent years the share of Government supported en-

terprises has significantly increased due to the implementation of the Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy. In the light of international trends and internal factors, as well as taking into account the proximity of the major markets of Russia and China, the food production sector of Kazakhstan has a high export potential [1].

The population in Kazakhstan continues to increase, which leads to an intensive growth in food consumption. The development of the food market and the increase in the range of agricultural products has impact on the change in the consumption structure towards the higher-quality products [2, p. 22].

It should be noted that more than 40% of the country's population live in rural areas, which means that the formation and development of the country's agricultural complex largely determines the level and quality of livelihood of the population and the well-being of the people as a whole.

Table 1. Population growth in the Republic of Kazakhstan as of June 1, 2019

Population number as of the beginning of 2019 Total population growth Population number as of June,1, 2019 For the accounted period

Growth rate, % Average number

Total population, including; 18 395 567 94 137 18 489 704 0,51 18 442 636

Urban population 10 698 210 69 392 10 767 602 0,65 10 732 906

Rural population 7 697 357 24 745 7 722 102 0,32 7 709 730

From the data given in table 1, it is clear that the current situation is featured by the increase of Kazakhstan population. Mainly it is caused by a natural growth, as well as due to migration.

Now we proceed to the consideration of the structure of agricultural producers

(Fig. 1). As can be seen from the Figure above, the largest share of the registered producers of agricultural products makes the households of the villages - 1,635,861 units, while the peasant or farm enterprises amount to 215,633 units.

11,4 %

1, 4%

^ households 86,3 ' country or farms 11,4 fc individual entrepreneurs 1,4% the foreign companies 0.9%

Figure 1. Structure of producers of agricultural products in the Republic of Kazakhstan as of July 1, 2019 (0/-

The individual entrepreneurs engaged in such type of economic activity as "Crop production, animal husbandry, hunting and the provision of services in these areas" account

for 26,041 units. And finally, legal entities make 17,023 units.

The key indicators characterizing the state of the agricultural sector for the last 5 years is presented in table 2.

Table 2. Gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, (millions KZT)

Branches June, 2015 June, 2016 June, 2017 June, 2018 June, 2019

Total agriculture sector, including 611 708,1 793998,1 887 509,4 1 001 033,8 1 112 280,6

Crop 21 863,3 31 208,7 35 403,2 37 768,5 47 591,3

Livestock 588 973,5 762 001,4 851 094,0 962 194,9 1 063 506,6

As seen from Table 6, the production of agricultural products has been steadily increasing throughout the entire period shown and since June 1, 2015 has grown almost 2 times. Moreover, the growth rate of crop production has been increasing at a somewhat

higher rate, namely, 2.2 times, while livestock production grew only 1.8 times for the same period.

For illustration purposes, the data is presented in the form of a chart.

1 200 000,00 1 000 000,00 800 000,00 600 000,00 400 000,00 200 000,00 0,00

crop production livestock

June, 2015 June, 2016 r.June, 2017 r. June, 2018 r. June, 2019 r.

Figure 3. Dynamics of growth of agricultural products in Kazakhstan for the period from 2015 to

2019, million KZT

In the above Figure 3, a growing trend in the dynamics of production of agricultural sectors for the past five years is clearly visible. This became possible due to the increase in state support, improvement of the system of legislative and economic incentives for the formation of agricultural production using new agricultural technologies, etc. [4].

Let's consider such an important aspect of the characteristics of the current state of the agricultural industry, as products exporting.

For example, during this period the Republic has exported more than 1.2 million tons of wheat for the amount of USD 213 million, 481 million of barley for the amount of USD 89 million, 254 million tons for oilseeds were exported for the amount of USD 81 million. Export of meat and meat products is also growing. During the first two months of the current year more than 5 thousand tons of meat and meat products were supplied abroad.

One of the fundamental conditions for the development of this industry today is the Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy, under which the key parameter is the formation of Kazakhstan as an exporter of meat and dairy products to the world markets [3].

Compliance of domestic agricultural products with the international quality standards requires great investments. However, it should be noted that today the agricultural sector is facing to the insufficient investment.

Investments in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries in January-May of this year increased compared with the corresponding period of the previous year by 52.2% and amounted to KZT 124.3 billion (Figure 4). Over 89.2% of investments in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries were directed to the cultivation of seasonal crops (60.2%) and livestock (29.1%) [3].


200 100 0

January-May 2018 rog


January-May 2019 ron

■ cultivation of seasonal cultures

110,6 Itivation of long-term cultures

■ livestock production



Figure 4. Investment in agriculture, forestry and fisheries in .

corresponding period of the previous year)

lay 2019 (% to the

-Economy and BusinessIn particular, great amounts of resources economy are being formed in Kazakhstan, were allocated and used for the implementa- there are a number of problems in the sphere tion of these programs, the largest agrarian of agriculture. Namely, the situation can be holding KazAgro was created to manage all described as an incomplete and ineffective the issues for realization of the support pro- management of human and natural resources. grams, namely, lending, insurance, training Also worth to note is the lack of investment in and, on this basis, increasing the competitive- the industry. Another key issue that requires ness of the industry as a whole. an immediate solution is the improvement of

Thus, conducted herein the analysis of the product quality, the increase in the share of current state of the agricultural sector, re- exports, and the poor infrastructure of the ag-vealed the following. First, in spite of the fact ricultural complex [5]. that new tendencies of the world agrarian


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 1, 2014 № 874 "On approval of the State program of industrial-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019" // [Electronic resource] - https://zakon.uchet.kz/rus/docs / U1400000874

2. Kim V.V., Abdishov G. B. Features of the agro-industrial complex in Kazakhstan // Young Scientist. - 2017. - №8.1. - P. 21-23. - [Electronic resource] -https://moluch.ru/archive/142/39991

3. Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committee on Statistics [Electronic resource] https: //stat.gov.kz

4. Kazakhstan Strategy 2050. Strategies and programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. [Electronic resource] // Official site of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan: http://www.akorda.kz

5. The current situation in the markets of Kazakhstan. In digits. News: statistics and research in Kazakhstan. [Electronic resource] // KazDATA INSIDER: https://kazdata.kz/04/new.html


А.А. Жакупова1, старший преподаватель Ж.И. Сариева2 канд. экон. наук, доцент К.Б. Кашкимбаева2, старший преподаватель Университет <^агхог»

2Университет международных отношений и мировых языков (Казахстан, г. Алматы)

Аннотация. Представленная статья посвящена изучению и анализу аграрного сектора экономики Казахстана. В работе проанализировано состояние отечественного сельскохозяйственного производства и воздействие его на развитие экономики Республики Казахстан. Проведенные исследования позволяют сформировать комплексное представление о состоянии отрасли сельского хозяйства, а результаты - найти применение разработке стратегической политики развития аграрного сектора экономики Казахстана.

Ключевые слова: аграрная экономика, сельскохозяйственное производство, агробизнес, инвестиции, лесное и рыбное хозяйство.

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