EVALUATION OF THE RIVER FUNCTIONS INDEX (IFF) OF THE FERSINA STREAM IN THE TRACT OF PERGINE VALSUGANA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Bosca D.

This study aims to analyze the Fersina stream in Pergine Val-Sugana and identify the river flow index to evaluate the present state of the watercourse and the possibility of intervening with river re-naturalization operations and On the shores. The section is located between the bridge of the SP66 and the bridge of Viale Dante Alighieri of Pergine Valsugana.

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10. Костылева Н.В., Шенфельд Б.Е., Бузмаков С.А. К вопросу практической реализации внедрения нормирования выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферу на основе наилучших доступных технологий// Экология и промышленность России. 2015. № 12. С. 30-35.

11. Оборин А.А., Хмурчик В.Т., Иларионов С.А., Маркарова М.Ю., Назаров А.В. Нефтезагрязненные биогеоценозы (Процессы образования, научные основы восстановления, медико-экологические проблемы). УрО РАН, Пермский гос. ун-т, Пермский гос. техн. ун-т. — Пермь, 2008. 511 с.

12. Хаустов А.П., Редина ММОхрана окружающей среды при добыче нефти. Издательство «Дело». Москва. 2006. 84 с.

13. Moskalenko A.V., Pechenkin A.N., Buzmakov S.A., Byachkova V.A. Environmental problems in the extraction of hydrocarbons in the arctic// Новое в естественных и гуманитарных науках = Innovations in Science and Humanities Сборник материалов межвузовских научно-практических студенческих конференций. 2016. С. 80-82.

УДК 502.3/. 7 D. Bosca

University of Trento (Italy)

e-mail: daniele.bosca@studenti.unitn.it



This study aims to analyze the Fersina stream in Pergine Val-Sugana and identify the river flow index to evaluate the present state of the watercourse and the possibility of intervening with river re-naturalization operations and On the shores. The section is located between the bridge of the SP66 and the bridge of Viale Dante Alighieri of Pergine Valsugana.

Information about the basin. The Fersina basin has an area of approximately 170 km2 and a total length of 28.9 km, while the stretch studied measures about 973 m. The estimated average flow rate across the waterway is 3 m3 / s. The IFF (Italian acronym of Rivers Function Index) assessment was carried out in the date of 1/6/2016, the optimal condition for the hydrological system because it is between the soft spring and the winter lean. As regards the full ordinary evaluated as the level or extent of fullness in a section that compared to the maximum or maximum annual range, which occurred in the same section is equal to or exceeded 75% of the cases, Soft bedside, between 8 and 15 m, depending on the stretch and wet winters, about 6 m and recalling the full moon river as less than or equal to 2 times the soft bed. The beginning and the end of each section were marked by downstream valley sequential GPS points and attachments of multiple single-stroke photographs, even those taken upstream from the mountain in a coherent manner.

In addition to the study of the IFF index, some photo areas of the stroke and historical photos were taken into

account to understand the change over time. Chemical and Aquatic Biological Relationships of the Basin have been useful to confirm what was analyzed during field exit; Important information has been confirmed by the study on macro-invertebrates and on shrub and tree species.

Macro-vertebrate study. During the field outflow, a thorough analysis of the biological component in the riverbed was not carried out; To get this information, we have resumed a previous field study of a week in a section just downstream of the trajectory studied and a more thorough study carried out throughout the water course in 2004 by the Agrarian Institute S. Michele all'Adige, Department of Natural and Environmental Resources. What is the result is the presence of Plectoclasts of the genus Leuctra, Efemerotteri, Heptagenidae, Ephemerellidae, Ryacophilidae and Limneplilidae trichomes, Ditteri Simulidae and Chironomi-dae, Beetles; However, they lack the most sensitive taxa to allow a good water condition assessment.

Figure 1 GPS Points of survey 1/06/2016 on map of 2016

Figure 2 GPS Points of survey 1/06/2016 on map of 2006

The IFF evaluation period was optimal in understanding the variety of vegetation present on the waterway. Due to the presence of urbanized areas in direct contact with the stream, the banks on both the right and the left sides reduce the vegetation in general. The poor coverage coverage has also been determined by many interventions over the years, as evidenced by historical photos. A direct and common part of the bed river remodeling and proximity to urban areas was the introduction of exotic spicies: Robinie (Robinia pseudoacacia, Ailanthus altissima), Budleja davidii. There are, though not quite uniformly native species such as Salici, Pioppi, Ontani, Frassini and Saliconi, which partly guarantee the shade necessary for fish suitability.

Iff in the different tracts identified. Analyze the initial considerations now describing each trace identified and evaluating the merits and criticisms with possible and eventual renaturalization interventions.


Figure 3 Initial tract from the bridge SP66, GPS point


Figure 4 Initial tract from the bridge SP66, GPS point


The first stretch has a 6 m deep wetland and a 10 m soft float, the amplitude of the rainforest band, which is

<10 m is for the right bank and Left > 15% of discontinuity, on the right bank with the presence of non-native or weanous shrubs and on the left, isolated arboreal larch. The stretch is sanded with deposition of different granulometry material than on-site, while the bottom is uniform (even rocky or armored). By analyzing the transverse section, articulations are very evident, which minimize fish suitability by annulling the freckles and shadings and making it uniform, so in the absence of different hydromorphological elements and reducing the thickness of the periton . This stretch is poor.


Figura 5 B-C Tract, GPS point B

Figura 6 B-C Tract, GPS point C TRACT C-D

It is affected by wet waves of 6 m and smooth softwood of about 10 m, with regard to the right bank there is a discontinuity in the bandwidth of the rainforest> 15%, while on the left shore it is between 5% and 15%. We are always in a mess with A fishy fitness situation that is good for all the characteristics; The perimeter thickness is absent or thin but covers with tolerant species on a total area> 35%. The presence of minor interventions along the cross section leads the index to a mediocre-poor judgment.

Figure 8 Tract C-D, GPS point D


Figure 10 Tract D-E, GPS point E


The affected stretch has a wet riverbed similar to the previous ones, but the soft bed in this case is wider, at about 15 m. An ever-weavered tract, but with a full-fledged riverbed 2-3 times the soft bed, the amplitude that favors the areas of good fishiness, and in this case the presence of separate hydroforms at regular distances. Thanks to these characteristics we can have a mediocre

index of quality, which makes it a stretch closer to the natural hydromorphological conformation.

Figura 11 Tract E-F, GPS point E

The stretch that by the characteristics of the river does not come from the upstream sections, with soft flora estimated at 10 m. The presence of nearby urban activities still makes it necessarily messy. The fish suitability is also dictated by the fact that it has a different strip of striped and well-braided strip, although still characterized by residual strains. It follows that despite the upstream and downstream anthropogenic interventions it does not seem to be particularly affected by the morphodynamic aspect of the stream.

Figura 12 Tract E-F, GPS point F

In this section there is a significant shrinkage dictated by numerous antropic interventions, such as bridges in series that lead to having a soft flurry just above 8 m and consequently, considering the embankment from both sides, a full-fledged riverbed almost Higher than the triple of the same soft bed. The amplitude of the perimeter of the river strip while on the left side is functional, on the right side there is a greater discontinuity but with more interruptions, this is due to the fishiness that is insufficient.


Figure 13 Tract F-G, GPS Point F

Figura 14 Tract F-G, GPS Point G Even in this section there is a shrinkage of the soft bed with respect to the wet beam characterized by frequent, although nevertheless significant, disturbance disturbances with the relative variation of the hydraulic pull only in some cases. The wreckage and the low diversity of vegetation give rise to an index of low fish suitability and a hydromorphology characterized by distinctly distinct elements with irregular succession, as it leads to a mediocre-poor rating, and which would require of re-naturalization interventions.

Termination of our study, upstream of the second bridge of Viale Dante Alighieri of Pergine Valsugana. The vegetation present in the periwinkle belt is secondary characterized by the absence of a primary primary formation for the presence of left and right handrails on the right and the left, and free and mobile retention structures with fills that do not allow fishiness Elevated despite the presence of functional macroinvertebrates on the stretch. Indistinctly hydromorphologic elements are characterized in this section, which is not subject to artistic interventions, whether upstream or downstream. TRACT G-H

Figure 15 Tract G-H, GPS point G

Figura 16 Tract G-H, GPS point H

It was desirable to outline the IFF index assessment of the various sections studied in order to better understand the conclusions and where possible improvements and / or mitigating interventions could be made.

Table 1

IFF 2007 - Fersina Stream

Indice di funzionalità fluviale - Torrente Fersina

Domanda 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tot


Scheda 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 20 20 5 20 1 10 5 10 94 94

Scheda 2 1 1 5 10 5 5 5 10 5 1 5 20 20 15 20 5 5 5 10 107 112

Scheda 3 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 5 20 20 20 15 5 10 10 12'" 141

Scheda 4 1 1 10 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 20 20 15 25 5 5 5 10 126 126

Scheda 5 1 1 5 5 10 5 10 15 5 15 5 20 20 5 5 5 15 5 10 116 115

Scheda 6 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 20 20 5 5 15 15 5 10 102 102

Scheda 7 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 20 20 15 5 5 15 5 10 106 106


mediocre-scadente mediocre

Possible improvement interventions in the most critical traits. Analyzing the various traits you can notice how the stretch that could be improved is represented by the initial one and following the last three upstream of the second deck. The critical features are mainly due to a lack of continuous ripening vegetation and a low fish suitability factor. Thanks to the artwork present (bridges in series) it seems that the problem of the containment of the fillets has been solved and the spondal erosion has been contained, albeit partially moved downstream. Then, starting from these issues, it was conceived of possible restoration interventions. The main features of the first section AB are dictated by the fact that there are several on-line bridges that do not allow the formation of storage

and therefore of developed vegetation, and in particular the first barrier immediately downstream of the deck is in fact a An indispensable barrier for the rise of fish fauna. An intervention of possible renaturalisation could be made of a mass through the positioning of cyclopial boulders drowned in the concrete, in order to allow the formation of a succession of jumps and pits. The creation or a type of ramp that has a roughness resulting from the roughness on the split face of the boulders and between the gaps existing between one boulder and another, and also by the narrow succession of jumps that dampens the pool energy in the puddle. This pseudo-natural cascade structure, if added to a bushing by willow bushes on the shores, could represent a decisive aesthetic as well as

biological improvement. In addition, the step & pool series, which creates oxygenation zones for fish, "low" or "low" death rates, can in some situations allow the climb

that such an intervention has to be thoroughly evaluated by the fact that it is immediately downstream of a bridge and therefore with the probable problem of the skid steer and the stability of the bridge itself, therefore an accurate study The flow and flow of the bottom of the creek.

Figura 18 Example of creation of habitat outside

the river

However, if we look at the latest downstream stretches, which have a mediocre-poor index, we can see the main criticisms from the scarcity of habitats for ovodeposition. A possible improvement could be represented by the reconstruction of new habitats outside the river, due to the presence of external openings that enter Fersina. This would allow for the creation of sub-spondral shelter areas, improvement and increase of organic substance inputs to the water course, and increase in the relationship between aquatic environment and spondal vegetation referring to the macrobenthos.


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УДК 502.3/. 7 C. Frison

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e-mail: corrado.frison@libero.it



The paper illustrates the remedial actions for the environmental reclamation of industrial site for a case of national interest. A series of assessments about the management of the muck and surface water regulation also have been carried out.

Keywords: industrial site, landfill, pollution, environmental reclamation, composite barrier, geosynthetic materials

Статья иллюстрирует операции по экологическому восстановлению промышленной площадки в одном случае национального интереса. Также была проведена серия оценок по управлению извлеченного материала и урегулированию поверхностных вод.

Ключевые слова: промышленный участок, полигон, загрязнение, восстановлена окружающей среды, композитный барьер, геосинтетические материалы

The industrial sites can be sources of pollution. Frequently, temporary or permanent cessation of productive activities involves the release of polluting materials that, consequently, causes environmental problems. The remedial actions often consist of environmental reclamation and the areas cease to be a danger, but often remain unused and therefore destined to degradation.

In the following report, constraints and solutions will be developed for a case of national interest: the industrial site "ex Ecolibarna" situated in Serravalle Scrivia (Piedmont, Province of Alessandria).

The area of study (Figure 1) is an industrial decommissioned site with a surface of approximately 70000 m2.

The general context emerged from the various

stages of environmental characterization is that of a site contaminated by hydrocarbons connected to the various industrial activities.

From the comparative examination of the data obtained from the surveys carried out, it was possible to define a geological structure marked by the presence of:

• non-permeable substrate (marl: "Marne S. Agata Fossili");

• silty - sandy levels with limestone and gypsum interlayers;

• sandy - gravel layers;

• backfill.

The feeding of the area comes from a direct flow from South-West to North-East, which has a modest and correlated to the morphology of the slope hydraulic gradient. The depth of the water respect to the ground

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