Научная статья на тему 'Thematic dictionary of architectural conservation'

Thematic dictionary of architectural conservation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Tampone Gennaro

In the paper the author reports on the publication of a first general dictionary on the preservation of the cultural goods and of his personal experience as responsible of the Section dealing with Decay and consolidation of the building materials, Failure and strengthening of the structures. Indications for the extension and translation into other languages of the work are given. The research concerning the assessment of the thesaurus of the terms, in this case of operational kind, on architectural conservation, needs to be extended to the words that are not to be usually found in common dictionaries but are anyway related to the main subject, namely those concerning conservation theories, survey, decay of the materials, failures of the structures. The theories of conservation with their developments as well the modern trends are to be recorded together with their authors and the official acts that deal with them. Special attention should be devoted to the values carried by the monuments and their load bearing structures (made of stone, masonry, steel, timber…) reporting the related terms. Some ambiguous terms as «restauro» (restoration, restauration, Restaurierung) need explanation and collocation in their linguistic context. Fundamental groups of entries in a specialized dictionary of this kind are those related to the failures of the structures of various materials and to the lesions of the members in the actual condition as well repair and strengthening technology, techniques, tools; furthermore the suitable materials to be used, the materials available today. The most technical recurrent terms are application of additional devices (bars, plaques, centrings, prosthesis, cooperating slabs); diaphragms, poles, micro-poles, injections, underpinning. Some essential terms of doctrinal significance are Compatibility, Adjustability, Reversibility, Improvement of the condition of a structure, Futile care as well Criterion of the minimal intervention, Recovery of the residual strength of a structural member. The lexicography of the current practice of the architectural conservation should include the terms related to the safety of the building, vulnerability of a monument for instance, and safety of the operators on the worksite as hazard, professional risk, accident, safety measures.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Thematic dictionary of architectural conservation»

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Д. Тампоне

Тематический словарь архитектурной консервации

Итальянский толковый общий словарь реставрационных терминов явился первым в своем роде. В нем приводятся описание теоретической базы, основных тематических групп, главных критериев отбора словарных единиц, а также ключевые термины архитектурной консервации, реставрации, структурного укрепления,усиления материалов.

Ключевые слова: лексикография, архитектурная консервация, реставрация, структурное укрепление, усиление материала, тематический словарь

Gennaro Tampone Thematic dictionary of architectural conservation

In the paper the author reports on the publication of a first general dictionary on the preservation of the cultural goods and of his personal experience as responsible of the Section dealing with Decay and consolidation of the building materials, Failure and strengthening of the structures. Indications for the extension and translation into other languages of the work are given. The research concerning the assessment of the thesaurus of the terms, in this case of operational kind, on architectural conservation, needs to be extended to the words that are not to be usually found in common dictionaries but are anyway related to the main subject, namely those concerning conservation theories, survey, decay of the materials, failures of the structures. The theories of conservation with their developments as well the modern trends are to be recorded together with their authors and the official acts that deal with them. Special attention should be devoted to the values carried by the monuments and their load bearing structures (made of stone, masonry, steel, timber...) reporting the related terms. Some ambiguous terms as «restauro» (restoration, restauration, Restaurierung) need explanation and collocation in their linguistic context. Fundamental groups of entries in a specialized dictionary of this kind are those related to the failures of the structures of various materials and to the lesions of the members in the actual condition as well repair and strengthening technology, techniques, tools; furthermore the suitable materials to be used, the materials available today. The most technical recurrent terms are application of additional devices (bars, plaques, centrings, prosthesis, cooperating slabs); diaphragms, poles, micro-poles, injections, underpinning. Some essential terms of doctrinal significance are Compatibility, Adjustability, Reversibility, Improvement of the condition of a structure, Futile care as well Criterion of the minimal intervention, Recovery of the residual strength of a structural member. The lexicography of the current practice of the architectural conservation should include the terms related to the safety of the building, vulnerability of a monument for instance, and safety of the operators on the worksite as hazard, professional risk, accident, safety measures.

Keywords: lexicography, аrchitectural conservation, survey, failure, structural strengthening, consolidation of materials


The publication of a first general dictionary on the restoration of the cultural goods issued in Italian language in Florence and carried out by several Experts (the author of the present paper has been responsible and writer of the Section on Decay and consolidation of the building materials, Failure and strengthening of the structures) filled up a gap in the literature on the subject [1-10].

Here are described the criteria followed in the preparation of the cited Section of this new lexicographic work with considerations about the results. In addition are reported some fundamental terms of the architectural conservation.

General criteria

When building up the first dictionary in a specific domain, certainly the main concern as well the core of the scientific activity is the research into the lexicon of the terms related to specific headings. But when a treasure of entries has been built up the authors become aware of the necessity of getting more upstream in the process, aiming at a wider and more specific definition of the object of study. One has to record all the terms that are pertinent but generally not included in other dictionaries.

A dictionary general of the conservation should contain the entries concerned with all the categories of the cultural goods, especially material, with special reference to the architectural ones, i. e. the built heritage (patrimonio architettonico), that, in a certain way, act as a paradigm. In fact, for the ample range of their components and the variety of the constituting materials, they include a large amount of the others.

The theoretical approach

The conservation theories and the achievement of the practice should be recorded; the leading terms in this sector are Authenticity, Integrity; besides Conservation, in antithesis with the term Restoration when the latter means reconstruction imitating the disappeared work; Architectural Conservation (Conservazione architettonica), Integrated conservation (a concept introduced by the Amsterdam declaration, 1975; Conservazione reintegrativa), Tutelage, Preservation (Tutela), reclamation, rescue (Recupero). The consideration of the contour conditions are defined by terms such as setting, urban, rural, industrial setting. Site; natural site, site transformed by man, social context.

Nevertheless the extension of the philosophy of the general conservation with the related theories to the practice of the interventions on the architectural monuments (Monument, Historic building, Landmark (am.), Vernacular architecture), that mainly concern the treatment of materials or the repair of the load bearing structural systems, is not immediate and automatic. First of all it is necessary to classify the components of a structure in members (membrature) with their resistant section (sezione resistente),

structural units, structural systems, connections or joints (unita strutturali, sistemi strut-turali, collegamenti). Fundamental is the Bearing capacity (Capacita portante).

The Conservation methodology also demands for Technical criteria and Operational criteria. In order to understand this assumption, one should recall the slow course of the apprentice of the process of stone decay, lasted from the 19th up to the Eighties of the last century, and to the finalization of appropriate consolidation methodologies and products for the stone artifacts. Similarly, it is to be pointed out that up to the 18th c. the operations of removing a damaged column in a building after adequate propping and the putting in place a new one, i. e. the «replacement» of a worn fundamental member, the realization of substructures (timber poles driven in the soil, for instance) in case of soil settlement, the strengthening of a cracked wall carried out dismantling the damaged parts and rebuilding them, were considered the essence of the restoration (see for instance [16]).

At the beginning of the modern positions of the scientific approach of the discipline, in the conservation of very significant buildings of the past, the problem of the preservation of their load bearing structural system was not perceived at all as can be deduced, for instance, reading the Athens Charter on restoration (1931). In the fundamental document prevail some concepts as utilitarian role of the structure, that was considered just a functional part of the building, and the only concern for its efficiency in order to ensure the stability of the building. This approach was the consequence of the conviction that the ancient structures can be totally replaced if necessary or restored just changing the worn members with new ones no matter if of different material and technology, as steel or reinforced concrete, on condition that they are concealed so as not to spoil the artistic look of the building.

The technology

The modern theories elaborated by G. Giovannoni, C. Brandi, Piero Sanpaolesi and other eminent Authors were not directly applicable because at their times it was not yet available a technology (materials and techniques) suitable to achieve the abstract assumptions. Actually the setting of a philosophy of structural conservation containing principles of correct approach to the problem is just a recent achievement . The elaboration of technical criteria for their fulfillment, i. e. the setting up of an adequate technology, based partly on the adaptation of the current building techniques and materials and partly on the invention of new ones for specific purposes, came only later as a natural consequence. It was then understandable that the practice of replacement is not a general solution to the complex problem of strengthening a structural system. Some fundamental related terms are Criterion of the minimal intervention (Criterio del minimo intervento), Recovery of the residual strength of a structural member (Recupero delle resistenze residue di una membratura strutturale), Carrying out the strengthening of a structure without dismantling it and operating in place (Esecuzione di consolidam-

enti operando in sito senza effettuare smontaggi), Compatibility, Adjustability, Reversibility (Compatibility, Reversibilita, Regolabilita). Futile care (Accanimento terapeutico). Repair (Riparazione), Strengthening (Consolidamento strutturale), Improvement of the condition of a structure (Miglioramento strutturale). The most recurrent terms are application of additional devices (bars, plaques, centerings, prosthesis, cooperating slabs; diaphragms, poles, micropoles, injections, underpinning (applicazione di dispositivi ad-dizionali quali barre, lamine, centine, protesi, solette collaboranti; diaframmi, micropali, iniezioni, sottofondazioni) .

Amongst the tools a particular importance is to be attributed to drills and saws specifying the various kind available for specific uses, f. i. chain saw (sega a catena).

Today we preferably recommend and operate routine maintenance of the building and repair of the ancient structural members, of the connections and constraints, in order to conserve the authenticity of the building as well to avoid irreversible damage as decay and failure. At the same time, the functionality of the structure in a condition of safety (see further) is ensured.

It ought to be said that in a few extreme instances, due to the severe condition of the building, the strengthening of the load bearing structure is the only operational possibility for the conservator.

The values

One is forced to include in a general dictionary, in spite of some contradictory condition towards the rigorous theories that demand for the conservation of both the values of the monuments (artistic, historic, scientific, technical value) and their objective materiality, terms as replacement of the parent materials, reinforcement, retrofitting (sosti-tuzione del materiale originario, rafforzamento, adeguamento) and similar because the operations they define were, and unfortunately they still are, extensively used even if not strictly necessary. The terms exceptional, outstanding value refer to the requisites for the insertion of a monument in the UNESCO's list.

The didactic value of the conservation activity demands for a specific phraseology such as Dialectic relations between the failure manifestations (the lesions) and the strengthening devices, (Relazione dialettica tra le manifestazioni del dissesto (le lesioni) e i dispositivi di consolidamento).

The failure

A very important term is bond (apparecchio), the way of putting in place, placing (messa in opera) in mutual connection the elements of a structural member; building process as well. Anyway in the Section treating the decay each entry concerning this subject puts forward the necessity of specifying the terms of the most recurrent building materials due to the peculiar ways of decaying depending on the characteristics of each material and structural systems, including as well entries

relative to the causes of degradation and the peculiar decay of wood, iron and steel, plaster, concrete, that often are neglected even in the specialized lexicons. In the failures of the structural systems those related to the masonry, without forgetting the timber and metallic structures, need special mention and explanation. Some essential terms are Lesions of the Members as permanent deformations, ruptures, cracks, displacements, Failures of the structural units and failures of the systems, Survey of the failures, Assessment of the frame of the cracks; Loading history, course of the failures, actual, present condition of the structure. Active or no longer active failure. Anamnesis of the structure; (Lesioni delle membrature come deformazioni permanenti, rotture, spostamenti. Dissesti delle unita strutturali, dissesti dei sistemi strutturali, Rilevazione delle lesioni e dei dissesti, Rilevazione del quadro fessurativo; storia dei carichi, decorso dei dissesti, condizioni effettive della struttura, condizioni presenti; Dissesto attivo o in quiete, Anamnesi della struttura)

Modern technology

The entries on structural repair require first the mention of the structural configuration or structural scheme, of the actions (Static, Dynamic actions; permanent loads, incidental or live loads; loading history; condition of a structure) exerted on a structural system and the explication of failures as well of other series of terms, related to the relevant characteristics of the building materials used in a given structural system.

The entries concerning the modern so called smart materials (Fibre Reinforced Polymers, Special and Stainless steels, Titanium alloys etc.) and their application in conservation should be included.

Special attention is to be paid to pre- and post- tensioning with active strengthening devices (pre- e post- tensionamento con dispsoitivi attivi di consolidamento) that are at the base of the modern views on strengthening interventions, as well as adjustment (regolazione).


The terms related to survey and investigations and analyses need special attention and extension due to the great importance assumed by this field in present days. The leading terms are Investigation yard, (Cantiere di studio), Documental and historic research, architectural survey (Ricerche documentarie e storiche, rilievo architettonico), Analysis (Analisi), Soundings (Prova, Sondaggi), Test, trial, loading test, (Prova, Prova di carico), Core sampling (Carotaggio), Probe (Sonda), Sampling (Raccolta di campioni, Campionamento) Grading (Determinazione delle caratteristiche fisiche e meccaniche, del legno, per es.). The final aim is the diagnosis which implies the consideration of all the data that have been collected and their critical evaluation; it allows to express a judgment on the actual condition of a structure (see before).


The principles of conservation of artifacts and structures and criteria for intervention need to be recorded with a large number of specific terms. Trough these entries also the main events of the history of the strengthening techniques can receive appropriate extensive documentation as well the modern trends in conservation as, for instance, permanent propping of the structurally damaged buildings, timber to timber and others.

It is also necessary to include obsolete terms to allow the understanding of ancient texts.

A dictionary that intends also highlight the history of conservation and recognize the importance of the assumption that every restoration intervention is a different case should bring to the inclusion of a few case histories. These should be chosen amongst the examples on which the judgment concerning the legitimacy, positive or negative, has already been largely discussed and recognized. But, how to avoid reporting on a few recent successful and innovative cases as the restoration work of the Pisa Leaning Tower, probably the most important strengthening work of the past millennia? In the last cases it is necessary to limit the explanations reporting only the objective data leaving the judgment pending.


In the consideration of the fundamental, ethic importance that was assumed by the fitness for use of s building as well by the prevention of accidents in the worksite and, consequently, by the measures to plan in order to ensure fitness and safety, this theme needs extensive treatment. Architectural barriers, hazard, accident, occupational risk, assessment of the risks, Safety in the conservation worksite, safety plans, assessment of the risks, Insurance. Vulnerability (to earthquakes, to floods, for instance). (Barriere architettoniche, pericolo, incidente, rischio professionale, Sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro, piani di sicurezza, determinazione dei rischi, Assicurazione. Vulnerability, ai terremoti, alle alluvioni, per esempio)


The sources for the dictionary should be the available literature on the specific subjects, i. e. the scientific and technical literature, the current use of words and phrases in the plans or reports on the works, the worksite language but selecting the most appropriate expressions. Furthermore the complex of laws and norms regarding the matter in every country and the international documents on conservation, particularly the «Charters» (see references 11-26).


As final consideration, it should be noted that also a dictionary, that collects and records the meanings of the words, is not exempt, in the choice of the entries and in the explanation of their meanings, from personal theoretical and practical orientation of the author or of the school to which he belongs.


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21. Tampone G. La sicurezza nei cantieri di restauro architettonico // Bollettino Ingegneri. 2008. № 10. P. 22-24.

22. Tampone G. Safety in the conservation workplace // ICOMOS 18th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium «Heritage and Landscape as Human Value», 9-14 November 2014, Florence. URL: http: // icomos.org (дата обращения: 12,12,2014).

23. Gurrieri F. Restauro e conservazione: carte del restauro, norme, convenzioni e mozioni sul patrimonio architettonico ed artistico. Firenze: Polistampa, 1992. 210 p.

24. Linee Guida per la valutazione e riduzione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale: Allineamento alle nuove Norme tecniche per le costruzioni: circolare № 26, 2 dicembre 2010 / Ministero per i beni e le attivita culturali, Segretariato generale. Roma: Gangemi, 2010. 431 p.

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