5. Маккавеев Н. И. Русловые процессы в зонах переменного подпора / Н.И. Маккавеев, И.В., Белинович, Н.В. Хмелева // Русловые процессы. М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1958. С. 318-337.
6. Матарзин Ю. М. Гидрология водохранилищ. Пермь, 2003. 296 с.
7. Реймерс. Н. Ф. Краткий словарь биологических терминов. Книга для учителя. 2-е изд. - М.: «Просвещение», 1995. 367с.
ANTHROPOGENIC TRANSFORMATION OF ENVIRONMENT IN CONSTRUCTION OF RESERVOIRS (KAMA RESERVOIR) A.A. Shaydulina Perm State University, 614990, Perm, street Bukireva, 15, e-mail: Adelinash89@mail.ru The article discusses the change in the natural regime of the liquid and solid runoff of rivers as a result of anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment in the construction of reservoirs.
Keywords: reservoir, natural - anthropogenic object, the transformation of the reservoir.
УДК 502
C. Frison®
Politecnico di Torino - Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building
Engineering (DISEG)
The paper illustrates the main bioengineering intervention techniques to prevent soil erosion describing for each of them the advantages, disadvantages, the applicative limits and the constructional errors.
Keywords: vegetative cover, planting process, geosynthetic materials, drainage interventions.
The erosion is the most important component of soil degradation. It is a physical process responsible for the continuous remodeling of the terrestrial surface, which causes the removal of the solid material from the soil surface and its deposition somewhere else. In not man-altered ecosystems, erosion is a natural phenomenon that human activities accelerates and causes a progressive degradation of the fertility and therefore the potential productivity of soil. The slope instability is not the result of a single process of erosion, but is much more complex, and there
® C. Frison, 2016
are several arrangements to provide. In order to solve at least in part the problems of instability, we can perform specific arrangement techniques that use biodegradable materials (more or less durable) and vegetation that allow a consolidation of sliding surface (increase in shear strength, reduction of water in the soil and the neutral pressures), without polluting the environment and the natural land balance.
The arrangement interventions with biotechniques determine a reduced impact on the land, improving the aesthetic aspect. They can replace only under certain conditions, physical and environmental, those classics. For example, in cases of modest spaces of climatic extremes or of civil protection, we follow the classical engineering diagrams. The bioengineering is clearly distinguished from the conventional engineering as it uses live plants to stabilize the steeps. While in traditional works the steep is consolidated by supporting walls, in bio-works we try to create an harmonious environment, combining inert materials and plants, obtaining a permeable and draining work of consolidation.
The techniques for the periodic maintenance of existing vegetation and for the reconstitution of the vegetative surface cover play a fundamental role in the context of the operations of maintenance, protection and consolidation of the slopes and the escarpments. The aim is to protect by the vegetation the soil surface from the rain drop impact, ensuring the correct absorption of meteoric water, avoiding the surface water run-off. This goal can be achieved through the correct vegetation management or using techniques that foresee the use of vegetal natural material, exclusively or in combination with other inert materials. To have successful bioengineering interventions, the proper use of the vegetable component is particularly significant either for the technical aspect or for the ecosystemic one. We must therefore use only autochthonous species, typical of the local vegetation of the area of operation.
In bioengineering works, during the delicate period between the end of the work and the development of the vegetation cover (resulting by the work of re-naturalisation: planting process, etc.); the geosynthetic materials, used to protect escarpments, constitute the only defense of the land from the surface rain erosion. They play also an effective action of distribution of the loads and the traction stresses on large surfaces, like other geosynthetics (geonets, geotextiles, geogrids), although with inferior mechanical characteristics. The effectiveness of their contribution lapses in the arc of a few seasons with the fiber degradation, but it is gradually replaced by the development of the herbaceous vegetation. Its natural fiber thus represent the optimal support to the development of the vegetation, increasing the
fertility of the soil (biodegradable products), keeping the finer particles and reducing the water evaporation.
To integrate "grassing method" and geosynthetic materials, we can perform drainage interventions whose purpose is to remove and collect the surface water and groundwater in correspondence with unstable slopes or foundation soils, in order to decrease the interstitial pressures and consequently the soil thrusts.
When the cited above interventions are inadequate because the slope is not only subject to surface runoff, but it is also affected by ground instability in the first meters of soil; you can use surface stabilization techniques that have the function to stabilize the more superficial soil layers, and therefore to prevent a hypothetical slope instability in the first meters of depth. The realization of these works follows the bioengineering guidelines by using natural materials such as wood and the installation of herbaceous and arboreal species suitable to the environment and to the subject to intervention area.
In the table 1, I am going to illustrate a summary of the main intervention techniques, describing for each of them the advantages, disadvantages, the applicative limits and the constructional errors. As already mentioned, these techniques can be mutually integrated and matched for optimal prevention, arrangement, recovery and in general for the resolution of environmental destruction issues.
Table 1.
Overview of the main Bioengineering techniques: advantages, disadvantages, applicative limits and constructional errors. [1]
Typology Advantage Disadvanta Application Constructional
ge limits errors
Low cost, Defense Poor, steep Non
simplicity of from substrates homogeneous
operation. erosion not and with sowing, out of
Basic immediatel strong season, with not
intervention y effective. runoff risk. certified species
for On the or not
Hand sowing antierosive other hand corresponding
purposes and a too fast to the design
revegetation. grassing can affect the growth of shrub arboreal species. specifications species.
Basic More Substrates Non
intervention expensive with a homogeneous
for intervention strong sowing, out of
antierosive technique runoff season, with not
purposes and than hand surface certified or not
revegetation. sowing, it risk. corresponding
Quick requires the to the design
Hydroseeding operation which allows use of mechanical specifications species. Errors
the grassing means. in the
of steep preparation of
surfaces, also the mixture
on poor damaged by
substrates, if excessive
it's carried pumping
out with pressure seeds.
Antierosive, it Limited Very arid Insufficient
protects the duration, substrates. anchorages. Not
soil and resistance: Steep adhering to the
facilitates the not escarpment ground. Roll-
Bionets revegetation. exceeding 5 s. out net already
kN/m for networks in jute, and 15 kN/m for networks in coconut. altered from humidity.
Antierosive, it Limited Steep Insufficient
protects the resistance. escarpment anchorages. Not
soil and Very s and adhering to the
Biodegradable mats facilitates the compact possibility ground. Roll-
revegetation. mats foster of runoff. out net already
It's suitable the surface altered from
for soils runoff. humidity.
(little) fertile.
Antierosive, it This Steep Insufficient
protects the solution is escarpment anchorages. Not
soil and more s. adhering to the
facilitates the expensive ground.
revegetation. and less
Synthetic three- It's suitable flexible
for semi-arid than
dimensional geomats soils. It's suitable particularly for the construction of in-ground pipes. bionets.
Consolidation It is Protracted The choice of
Scion of slopes by necessary drought, plant species
taking root. to check the salinity, not native or
tit Active rooting altitude, unsuitable to
drainage of process. poor the intervention
substrate. insolation. site. Wrong
! & Rapid plant period of
7 cover. planting. Wrong planting procedure.
Consolidation It is Detritic Inadequate
and necessary formations: choice of
antierosive to check very coarse anchorages.
function. and gravel and Failure of the
Palings maintain cobbles. choice of
alive the vegetative part. vegetative plantation.
Stabilizing Control and Formations: Not appropriate
function and maintenanc clay and wood diameter.
defense from e of the cobbles Bad quality of
the erosion of vegetative (gravel). wood. Not-
detritic cover are adequate plant
steeps. necessary. You should take into material and planting process.
Living grills considerati on the active soil pressure and the bearing capacity of the supporting soil. Assembly errors.
The Undercuttin Disposal of Not-adequate
fundamental g and high flow plant material
function of siphoning rate on a and planting
interception, phenomena steep slope process.
conveying can occur. (pipes). Assembly
Drains and pipes and delivery of runoff or infiltration of the slopes. Drainage at great depth. errors.
1. De Antonis A., Molinari V.M. Interventi di sistemazione del territorio con tecniche di Ingegneria Naturalistica. Regione Piemonte, 2003
2. http://www.maccaferri.it/index.php/it/ingegneria-ambientale
3. http://www.tenax.net/index.php
С. Фрисон
Политехнический университет Турина, г.Турин, Италия
В статье представлен краткий обзор основных методов вмешательства биоинженерии для предотвращения эрозии почвы, описывающий для каждого из них преимуществу недостатки, аппликативные пределы и конструктивным ошибки.
Ключевые слова: растительный покров, процесс посадки, геосинтетические материалы, дренажные вмешательства.
УДК 502
Antonio Manzo® Politecnico di Torino, Italy
We must start to explain few but important information about maritime engineering. This is a part of hydraulics that studies the features of the wavy way and the interaction between waves and structures near the coasts.The waves have an energy formed by two components, one potential and another kinetics; the first depend on altitude of the liquid
® Antonio Manzo, 2016