EVALUATION OF COMMUNICATION SPEED IN THE STREET SEGMENT OF REGULATED ROAD NETWORK Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Mamirov Ulug‘Bek, Atahanov Hoshimjon, Saidyusupov Ma’Rufxon

The article examines a special aspect of organization and operation of passenger transport in the city of Namangan. The calculation of quality indicators of the city bus transport was carried out in terms of traffic safety, convenience, reliability and other indicators. Some recommendations on improving the quality of city passenger transport services have been developed by local self-government bodies. In the analytical calculation of the message speed, the time spent on movement during the passage of the segment was approximately determined. Based on the materials discussed above, in this article, the criterion for evaluating the level of service for traffic flows on segments of urban streets with controlled traffic is the speed of the message MS.

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август, 2023 г.



Ulug'bek Mamirov


of the Transport Development Department of the Namangan Regional Transport Department, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan E-mail: bibikhontumanbaeva@gmail.com

Hoshimjon Atahanov

Senior Lecturer, Namangan Engeenering Construction Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan

Ma'rufxon Saidyusupov


Namangan Engeenering Construction Institute Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan


Мамиров Улугбек Хабибулаевич

начальник отдела развития транспорта Наманганского областного управления транспорта, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Атаханов Хошимжон Боймирзаевич

ст. преподаватель Наманганского инженерно-строительного института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган

Саидюсупов Маъруфхон Баходирхон угли


Наманганского инженерно-строительного института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган


The article examines a special aspect of organization and operation of passenger transport in the city of Namangan. The calculation of quality indicators of the city bus transport was carried out in terms of traffic safety, convenience, reliability and other indicators. Some recommendations on improving the quality of city passenger transport services have been developed by local self-government bodies. In the analytical calculation of the message speed, the time spent on movement during the passage of the segment was approximately determined. Based on the materials discussed above, in this article, the criterion for evaluating the level of service for traffic flows on segments of urban streets with controlled traffic is the speed of the message MS.


В статье рассматривается особый аспект организации и эксплуатации пассажирского транспорта в городе Намангане. Проведен расчет показателей качества городского автобусного транспорта с точки зрения безопасности движения, удобства, надежности и других показателей. Органами местного самоуправления разработаны некоторые рекомендации по повышению качества услуг городского пассажирского транспорта. При аналитическом расчете скорости сообщения ориентировочно определялось время, затраченное на движение при прохождении отрезка. По материалам, рассмотренным выше, в данной статье критерием оценки уровня обслуживания транспортных потоков на участках городских улиц с регулируемым движением является скорость СС сообщения.

Библиографическое описание : Mamirov U.X., Atahanov H.B., Saidyusupov M.B. EVALUATION OF COMMUNICATION SPEED IN THE STREET SEGMENT OF REGULATED ROAD NETWORK // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 8(113). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/15819

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Keywords: route, traffic, segment, node (connection), corridor, traffic volume, capacity, traffic interval, city, intermediate stop, station, passenger flow, speed, traffic regularity

Ключевые слова: маршрут, трафик, участок, узел (соединение), коридор, интенсивность движения, пропускная способность, интервал движения, город, промежуточная остановка, станция, пассажиропоток, скорость, регулярность движения.

Introduction. Transport is the third most important branch of world material production networks. Unlike industrial and agricultural sectors, it does not produce any kind of products, but it plays a very important role in the development of production.

A total of 5,6 billion passengers were transported by road transport in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2021, which corresponds to 99,1% of the volume of passenger transportation in all modes of transport. During 2021, a total of 28,5 trillion sums worth of services were provided in road transport, which corresponds to 53% of the total work performed in all types of transport. Also, the volume of services provided in road transport is 4,9% of the GDP, and 12,9% of the total services provided [1,14,15].

One of the leading places in the structure of the city economy is city passenger transport, and many aspects of the city's life depend on its quality and stable operation, in particular, the population's business activity, its quality and stable operation. Comprehensive development of the city economy, formation of favorable social conditions of the region, management of city passenger transport [2,4,5] and development of measures to increase the quality of city passenger transport services that satisfy consumers require assessment of the level of service to residents and passengers [3,16].

In the design of transport networks, it is necessary to take into account such factors as reliability, stability, power, limitations in network throughput and loading, and economic limitations. Currently, when analyzing the performance of the road network and evaluating the quality of the transport infrastructure, the transport infrastructure is divided into two main classes [4, 6, 7, 8].

• Transport flow infrastructure;

• Stopped transport infrastructure.

Assessment of the road state network is necessary to

ensure the reliable operation of public transport, both when opening new routes and adjusting existing ones [10, 11]. One of the ways to assess the road state network is segmentation. Road network segmentation is the process of dividing a road section into several segments. The purpose of segmentation is to simplify [10,14,15].

Segmentation is widely used to analyze public transport routes. These are identified as "narrow joints" of the road network and a factor causing delays in rolling stock. The purpose of the analysis is to make management decisions or adjust the direction of the city's public transport network.

Regardless of the type of closed intersection, segment is the main element of the generalized representation of the road network or its sections (Fig. 1), because three levels of road network analysis (section and object, corridor, areawide analysis) [5, 22].

Figure 1. Types of city street segments and the linear part of the street network [5]

Materials and methods. In solving the problem of reforming route networks, a method of discrete event modeling was proposed, which allows taking into account the dynamic nature of bus routes and making changes to the existing route network [12, 22]. Thus, international experience shows that solving the problems of design and optimization of route networks can

be done using a complex of analytical, mathematical, probabilistic and software methods. This topic also attracted the attention of Russian researchers. There are a number of works, the main principles of which can be used to solve problems in the field of design and reform of urban passenger transport route systems (Table. 1).

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Table 1

Summary of MAC Structure - Quality / Level

Node, connection

Line - ferry, between two peaks

Segment - connection and its vertices

Section - combination of several identical segments

Linear segment (Facility) - combination of several different segments

Corridor - combination of parallel linear parts

Road network (Areawide Analysis) - set of segments, sections, linear sections, corridors located in a certain area

Based on the segments presented in Fig.2, segmentation can be performed at the intersection. Assessment of the state of the road network is necessary to ensure the reliable operation of public transport, both when opening new routes and adjusting existing ones. Road network segmentation is the process of dividing a road section into several segments. The purpose of segmentation is to simplify [5, 13, 22].

A regulated street segment (Fig.2) includes streets and regulated intersections that close it. Therefore,

According to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) [11-19], criterion for evaluating the level of service (LOS) for traffic flows on regulated street segments is the communication speed or the ratio of its speed to

following were taken into account when analyzing the traffic flow on this street [14,17]:

• Intensity of traffic, permitted speed, number of lanes, presence of dividing lines, density of placement of entry points to the road section, flow in the direction;

• Intersection characteristics, duration and structure of the control cycle;

• A left turn is made at the end of closing segment of the intersection.

a m a _ ■ ' & à



traffic capacity is represented by Tables 2-4. The controlled traffic streets are divided into four classes according to the observed traffic speed values in free conditions Sf (Table 2).

Table 2.

Figure 2. General view of Navoi street in Namangan city

Gradation of traffic flow service levels in city street segment [11]

Level of Service (LOS) street class


Range of speed values in free conditions Sf, km/h

55-45 45-35 35-30 35-25

Typical value of speed in free conditions Sf, km/h

50 40 35 30

Message speed St, km/h

A 42 35 30 25

B 34-42 28-35 24-30 19-25

C 27-34 22-28 18-24 13-19

D 21-27 17-22 14-18 9-13

E 16-21 13-17 10-14 7-9

F 16 13 10 7

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Table 3.

Gradation of traffic flow Levels of service in city street segment [12]

The ratio of message speed St to the basic speed of free flow Sf, % Level of Service (LOS) at the ratio of traffic volume V to capacity C

V/C< 1,0 V/C > 1,0

>85 A F

>67-85 B

>50-67 C

>40-50 D

>30-40 E

<30 F

Table 4.

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Levels of service of traffic flow in city street segments [13]

LOS Boundary values of the message speed St at the speed in free conditions Sf V/C

S 1 1 5 Ui Sf = 50 Sf = 45 Sf = 40 Sf = 35 Sf = 30 Sf = 25

A >44 >40 >36 >32 >28 >24 >20 V/C< 1,0

B >37 >34 >30 >27 >23 >20 >17

C >28 >25 >23 >20 >18 >15 >13

D >22 >20 >18 >16 >14 >12 >10

E >17 >15 >14 >12 >11 >9 >8

F <17 <15 <14 <12 <11 <9 <8

F Any message rate value V/C> 1.0

Results and Discussion. Based on the above, the criterion for evaluating the Level of service to traffic flows by segments of city streets with controlled traffic is the message speed ST. The choice of the MS indicator is explained by its ability to:

• it is determined analytically using calculation procedures [11,12];

• measured on the ground using on-board equipment of vehicles (GLONASS or GPS tracks), including real-time data;

• assessment of design solutions determined based on the use of microsimulation in execution.

To develop an approximate gradation of Level of service based on St message rate indicator (i.e., similar to that presented in Table 4), it is necessary to:

• a mathematical model of the city street segment to estimate speed of communication in the regulated segment;

• a mathematical model for estimating speed in free conditions on a part of regulated city street;

• based on the obtained values, a typology of nearby segments where movement is regulated in free conditions.

During the study, road network of the investigated route was divided into segments and divided into 5 segments and 1 section (Fig.2 and Fig.3).

Figure 3. Dividing into segments Navoi street of the Namangan city

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In HCM manuals and works based on them [11, 12, 13], messages in the segment of speed adjustable (Sr) (mph) are taken as a ratio (Figures 4 and 5)

Sr =



5280(^ + d)

where Lseg - length of the segment, including cross section (see Fig. 4), m;

tR - duration of movement during passage from the segment (that is, duration of car in motion), s;

d - duration of delay at the intersection closing segment, sec.

Figure 4. "Distance-speed" scheme in the segment of Navoi Street in Namangan, Ll - transportation length, W - intersection length, Lseg - segment length

According to the total time (TT) spent on passage of the segment is determined by following formula.

^ ^ t r> I d

Figure 5. The graph of speed change when the vehicle moves in the controlled [22] segment on Navoi Street: TT - total time spent traveling through segment; d - delay at the controlled intersection, ST - message rate

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It is known that section is a group of consecutive segments with similar traffic characteristics for given travel mode. When nature of traffic and main characteristics of carriageway (number of traffic lanes, roads, etc.), as well as character of the development neighboring areas change, it is recommended to combine linear consecutive segments into a section. Otherwise, when the main characteristics are different, consecutive segments form a linear section [17, 18, 19].

When segmenting the road network, attention is paid to the characteristics of the road network that affect the change in traffic flow (Table 5) [20, 21]: traffic intensity, number of road intersections, pedestrian crossings, controlled intersections, traffic lanes, parking spaces, presence of a dividing line, tram tracks, parked vehicles, and the ratio of segment length to the length of part occupied by parked cars [22, 23, 24].

Table 5.

Characteristics of the street-road network on Navoi street

Segment number Segment length, km Number of stops Number of intersections Number of pedestrian crossings Number of junctions Number of traffic lanes Presence of dividing line Presence of parked cars The ratio of the length of the segment to the length of the parking space

1 0,5 1 2 3 2 3/3 + + 80% (0,4)

2 0,35 1 1 2 3/3 + + 57% (0,2)

3 0,5 0 1 1 3/3 + + 70% (0,35)

4 0,23 1 2 1 3/3 + + 87% (0,2)

5 0,32 1 1 1 3/3 + + 90% (0,29)

6 0,25 1 1 0 3/3 + + 40% (0,1)

7 0,26 0 0 0 3/3 + 0 0

8 0,54 1 3 1 3/3 + + 92% (0,5)

9 0,4 0 0 0 3/3 + + 25% (0,1)

10 0,3 0 1 0 3/3 + 0 0

The method of calculating communication speed and evaluating the Level of Service in city street segment, taking into account all the influencing factors, is very laborious. Thus, it is one of the possible solutions to reduce complexity of evaluating the message speed and Service of Level.

MS message speed is determined on the basis of received data. The advanced equipment of vehicles was used in research. These are: coordinates of GLONASS or GPS waypoints and time of the vehicle passing these points (Fig. 3).

V = Lseg

ti t2

where Lseg - length of segment, which can be determined by geodata positions, km; h and t2 - moments of transition from the "segment start" and "segment end" track points.

Conclusions: Based on the results obtained during research, in the analysis of passenger, linear place or section, they can be described as a combination of segments. On this basis, a segment of a city street or road is selected as main element of evaluation in a way that is adjusted to the city.

In the analytical calculation of the message speed, time spent on movement during passage of the test segment was approximately determined. Therefore, accuracy of the analytical estimation of the message speed should not significantly exceed accuracy of estimation made using data and GLONASS tracks, as well as micromod-eling methods.


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