CITY PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND PASSENGER TRAFFIC STUDYING THE EFFECT OF WEATHER INDICATORS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Passenger / public transport / weather indicators / temperature / route time / humidity / precipitation / Пассажир / общественный транспорт / погодные индикаторы / температура / время в пути / влажность / осадки.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Yuldoshev, Davron Furkat Ugli, Muminov, Tulkin Shoykulovich

Currently the timetable for public transport in Tashkent is being developed taking into account a number of indicators, such as the territorial location of the city, the number and density of traffic, the population's need for public transport, the length of the route and travel time. However, the change in passenger traffic depending on weather conditions is not taken into account. Weather indicators play an important role in predicting passenger traffic. A scientific approach to this issue requires an analysis of changes in passenger traffic during the movement of buses, depending on weather conditions. The article examines the relationship between the weather characteristics of shuttle buses and passenger traffic.

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На сегодняшний день расписание движения общественного транспорта в Ташкенте разрабатывается с учетом ряда показателей, таких как территориальное расположение города, численность и плотность движения, потребность населения в общественном транспорте, протяженность маршрута и время в пути. Однако не учитывается изменение пассажиропотока в зависимости от погодных условий. Индикаторы погоды играют важную роль в прогнозировании пассажиропотока. Научный подход к этому вопросу требует анализа изменения пассажиропотока во время движения автобусов в зависимости от погодных условий. В статье исследуется взаимосвязь между погодными характеристиками маршрутных автобусов и пассажиропотоком.



Yuldoshev Davron Furkat ugli

Tashkent State Transport University, Assistant of the Department of "Transport Logistics", davron.yoldoshev@bk.ru Muminov Tulkin Shoykulovich

Tashkent State Transport University, Assistant of the Department of "Transport Logistics",


Currently the timetable for public transport in Tashkent is being developed taking into account a number of indicators, such as the territorial location of the city, the number and density of traffic, the population's need for public transport, the length of the route and travel time. However, the change in passenger traffic depending on weather conditions is not taken into account. Weather indicators play an important role in predicting passenger traffic. A scientific approach to this issue requires an analysis of changes in passenger traffic during the movement of buses, depending on weather conditions. The article examines the relationship between the weather characteristics of shuttle buses and passenger traffic.

Keywords: Passenger, public transport, weather indicators, temperature, route time, humidity, precipitation.


На сегодняшний день расписание движения общественного транспорта в Ташкенте разрабатывается с учетом ряда показателей, таких как территориальное расположение города, численность и плотность движения, потребность населения в общественном транспорте, протяженность маршрута и время в пути. Однако не учитывается изменение пассажиропотока в зависимости от погодных условий. Индикаторы погоды играют важную роль в прогнозировании пассажиропотока. Научный подход к этому вопросу требует анализа изменения пассажиропотока во время движения автобусов в зависимости от погодных условий. В статье исследуется взаимосвязь между погодными характеристиками маршрутных автобусов и пассажиропотоком.

Ключевые слова: Пассажир, общественный транспорт, погодные

индикаторы, температура, время в пути, влажность, осадки.



The movement of public transport, the service of passengers and their timely arrival at their destinations depend directly on the established schedule, and the schedule is usually developed taking into account the needs of passengers, route distance, types of buses on the route and weather conditions. Weather conditions are one of the main factors influencing the flow of passengers on public transport. The time spent by passengers from home to the station or from one station to another is also directly related to these indicators. The movement of public transport on the basis of a pre-developed schedule will also depend directly on weather conditions. As a result of accurate and precise consideration of weather conditions, the quality of public transport services will increase. This will lead to an increase in the use of public transport services by passengers, increase the productivity of passengers by reducing travel time in unfavorable weather conditions.

The rate of change in passenger flow and passenger flow during the movement of public transport on the route depends on the level of daily precipitation, humidity, temperature and season. One of the indicators characterizing the dynamics of ticket sales for passengers is the impact of weather conditions. From the weather indicators, the factors that have the greatest impact on the flow of passengers on public transport and the timely arrival of passengers at their destinations are temperature and humidity. Therefore, in the development of the schedule of public transport traffic, it is important to conduct research on forecasting the dynamics of changes in passenger flow, taking into account weather conditions.


Many scientific studies have been conducted by researchers around the world to address these issues. For example, the Department of Meteorology, Freie Universit"at Berlin, German researchers KM Nissen, N Becker, OD"ahne, M.Rabe, J.Scheffler, M Solleva U Ulbrichlar conducted a study on how weather conditions in Berlin affect passenger flow. The study found that the flow of passengers on public transport in Berlin was determined by ticket sales. The analysis took into account passengers over 6 years of age and passengers using public transport on the basis of electronic payment. In Berlin, the share of tickets sold in unfavorable weather conditions is analyzed as a percentage, and the share of tickets sold by bus drivers increases when the weather is unfavorable. [1]

Technological University Dublin - Blanchardstown Campus researchers Markus Hofmann and Margaret O'Mahony have studied the performance of buses in weather conditions. The study developed recommendations for dispatchers to take into


account weather conditions when compiling bus schedules. The study analyzed the relationships between changes in passenger flow in weather conditions during the 12 months of the year. [2]

The Institute of Future Cities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong researcher Sui Taoa, and Jonathan Corcoranb, Francisco Rowec, and Mark Hickman have conducted research to develop models that depend on local weather conditions for bus travel times. The study modeled the effect of weather on the hourly movement of buses with the functional capabilities of the region. The study was designed to obtain delayed effects of buses in a set of data from transit smart cards and detailed measurements of weather in units of time. [3]

Researchers Syeed Anta Kashfi of Queensland University of Technology, Australia and Associate Professor Jonathan Bunker conducted research on the effects of weather on bus traffic. The study examined the effect of adverse weather conditions on bus traffic. The issues of weather dependence of bus route length and travel time and the impact of private vehicles on buses in adverse weather conditions have been studied. [4]


The main factors influencing the mode of movement of public transport and the timely arrival of passengers at their destinations are discussed below.

- The level of readiness of public transport for service;

- Time of commencement of public transport in the direction;

- Organization of public transport;

- Number of passengers;

- Buses at intermediate stops on the routes;

- Waiting for passengers at the station

- Passenger turnover at intermediate stations;

- Number of intermediate stations;

- Number of intersections on the route;

- Number and level of congestion;

- Bus type and capacity;

- Qualification and age of the driver;

- Areas where the route intersects (residential area, uninhabited area, steep slopes, curves in the plan, radius, status of the area);

- Condition of route infrastructure;

- Weather conditions:

- Regularity of bus traffic

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The impact of weather indicators on the movement of public transport is evenly distributed throughout the route. The fact that public transport stops at the intermediate station is affected by the fact that the weather is unfavorable due to the time of departure and arrival of passengers on buses.

Figure 1 Dependence of public transport and passenger traffic on weather


a) dependence of public transport traffic on weather indicators

b) dependence of passenger traffic on weather indicators

It will be fully exposed to the weather during the movement of public transport. Therefore, the quality of public transport services also depends on weather conditions.

The process from the moment a passenger leaves home to the moment of arrival (work, study) is very complex, and the time spent on it is formed on the basis of many parameters. It should also be noted that all of the indicators that affect the time it takes to reach a passenger's destination are random in nature. Therefore, planning this time is a very complex issue. The time it takes for a passenger to get to his or her destination consists of the time he or she spends getting from home to the station, the time he or she spends waiting at the station, the time he or she spends on transportation, the time he or she spends getting back on another vehicle. This process is considered for the use of the bus to reach the destination of the passenger and can be expressed as follows:

t = i +1 +1 +1 +1,

Me oe mK k Ky om


Scientific Journal Impact Factor

6y epga: t6e - time taken by the passenger to reach the station, min.; tmK - time spent by the passenger waiting for transport at the station, min.;

tK - time spent by the passenger on the bus, min.; t^ - time spent by the passenger to re-board another vehicle, min.; t6M - time spent by the passenger to get to the destination from the station, min.

(1) Each time in the expression again consists of definite constituents, and is discussed below.

The time it takes a passenger to get from the house to the station depends on many indicators, the two main of which are the distance from the house to the station and the speed of the passenger on foot. Then this time can be expressed as follows:







here: l6M - distance to the station where the passenger walks, km.;

Vn - passenger walking speed, km / h. However, the distance and velocity values in expression (2) are also affected by various factors. In other words, it is formed under the influence of various indicators. The distance varies depending on the category of the area and the level of development of public transport there. If the area is an area with multi-storey buildings - the distance to the station should be on average up to 500 m, if the area with one-storey houses - on average - up to 700 m. It also affects the passenger's choice of which station to go to and the density of the route network as well as the distances between stations. Another influencing factor is the passenger's purpose, age, gender, health, and weather conditions when traveling these distances.

The speed of a passenger on foot, on the other hand, will have different values in different parts depending on the conditions of the road he is moving in the area. Based on this, the length of the road on which the passenger walks can be expressed as follows (Figure 1):

ii Al



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Figure 3. The scheme of movement of the passenger from the house to the station.

l1 - the distance from the passenger's home to the public transport lane; l2 - the distance from the public transport lane to the station; It - a straight line distance from the passenger's home to the public transport station; W - the walking distance from the passenger's home to the public transport station; tO - the effect of weather conditions.


Tashkent has a population of 2.7 million. In 2019, the Republic of Uzbekistan was visited by 6,748,500 tourists, of which 19% are tourists in Tashkent. If we analyze the number of passengers transported by public transport in Tashkent, the total is 104,725,000 people. In Tashkent, passengers have a choice of public transport. Different types of transport are provided by passenger transport. These include subways, buses, and taxis.

The study of passenger flow is carried out on weekdays and weekends. Impact of weather conditions According to the analysis of world scientists, weekends have a greater impact on passenger turnover on public transport. Another factor influencing the flow of public transport passengers in Tashkent is the fact that students do not use public transport during the holidays and holidays from schools, colleges and universities. According to research, this influencing factor is evidenced in the busy traffic of public transport, which is a time interval between 7 and 9 o'clock in the morning. There are several ways to determine passenger flow. It can be determined by calculating the flow of passengers relative to the tickets sold and adding to it the percentage of passengers traveling on the basis of electronic, monthly payment cards. The general calculation of passenger traffic is based on the tickets sold in the experience of foreign countries. The increase in the time passengers spend from home to the station and during traffic, as well as the time spent moving from one station to another, varies on a relative basis when it rains, freezes, low humidity on dry days, and outdoors.

In order to reach the destinations of passengers, "Yalangoch" was conducted to determine the time spent on arrival from 111 to 1 Odilkhodjaev Street, Mirabad district. The performance of the passenger as a pedestrian and as a passenger in the transport was carried out on the basis of a modern program "Geo Tracker". At the same time, the passenger followed the scheme of bus routes 129-70-46. The distribution of time spent by the passenger to reach the destination (total 1 hour 2min.) Is shown in Figure 2.

According to the study, a passenger spends most of his time driving from home to his destination. This accounted for 62% of the total movement time. The next major time spent is the time passengers wait at the station. This time accounted for 25% of the total time spent. Waiting for a passenger in transport and at the station is associated with a violation of the regularity of public transport. [5]

Adverse weather conditions also have a significant impact on the disruption of public transport.

Figure 4 Distribution of time spent on arrival of passengers to the destination in the area from 111 "Yalangach" district to 1 Odilkhodjaev street, Mirabad district.

The flow of passengers is significantly reduced, even during inclement weather at night on weekends. It is expedient to study the effect of weather on public transport traffic in two ways, absolute and relative methods. [6]

The absolute method assumes a change in the flow of passengers in a way that is not dependent on the bus drivers. In a relative way, the behavior associated with weather effects in drivers driving a bus is understood. Studies show that the convenience of waiting times and places for public transport also affects the flow of passengers in adverse weather conditions. This will depend on the flow of passengers on public transport.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

72 °C 7Z mm

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Figure 5. General temperature and precipitation indicators of Tashkent city

According to hikersbay.com, the highest temperature in Tashkent for years is in July, and the lowest in January. Analyzing the rainfall data, the highest rainfall was in March and the lowest rainfall was in August. Passenger flow forecasting is performed with an in-depth analysis of weather seasons during the year. It is advisable to create bus schedules, taking into account the precipitation and temperature indicators, which are among the factors affecting the flow of passengers and the timely arrival of passengers at their destinations. There were also organizers of weather indicators. There are also indicators such as air pressure, sunrise and sunset times, and average wind speed. [6]

The effect of weather indicators on the readiness of buses is mainly manifested at low temperatures. Adverse effects of weather on the route mainly lead to problems with the need for a certain reduction in speed in ice, reduced visibility in rain and fog, changes in passenger flow in rain and low temperatures, maneuverability of buses, increased traffic congestion. These negative effects lead to an increase in the total travel time of public transport and a decrease in the quality of service. 35-40% of public transport time on the route is spent on stopping (stopping) at intermediate stations. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the time taken for passengers to reach their destinations (40 min in the city). Route time and communication speed will vary during the impact of the above indicators.


In conclusion, it can be said that the organization of public transport traffic without taking into account the weather indicators has a negative impact on the travel


time of the bus on the route and the quality of service. The study found that failure to take into account weather indicators in the mode of public transport leads to a decrease in the quality of service. It is advisable to take into account such factors that affect the departure of bus route times from the plan when developing a timetable. In developing the timetable, it is possible to take into account each of the weather indicators, ensure the range of buses, increase the reliability of passenger service and ensure timely delivery of passengers to their destinations.


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