ETHICAL-DEONTOLOGICAL ASPECTS IN THE WORK OF A DENTIST Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Mytchenok M., Sidash Yu., Mytchenok O.

The article deals with the issues of ethics and deontology of a dentist under present-day conditions. A future dentist must understand social-humanitarian dimension of his mission - from professional level in dentistry to the principles of ethical and legal regulation of medical profession. The profession of a dentist is the one formed on the moral foundation, possessing moral values and filled with deep moral content. A student mastering the profession of a dentist should realize that ethical-deontological culture of a dentist is not a simple feature of his/her personality worth of respect, but a quality determining his/her professionalism.

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Целью мероприятия является профилактика социального сиротства. "Школа осознанного роди-тельства организованна как на базе Центра, где длительность обучения составляет 24 часа, так и имеет выездной характер работы на базе пансионата "Лесная сказка" в трехдневном режиме.

Деятельность ШОР позволяет повысить родительские компетенции, расширить спектр воспитательных стратегий, создать сообщество взаимной помощи и поддержки. Организованный, таким образом, процесс способствует формированию у ребенка положительного образа кровной семьи, повышению мотивации ребенка и родителей на восстановление детско-родительских отношений, осознанию родителями их возможности выполнять родительские обязанности и приводит к созданию наиболее эффективных условий для возвращения воспитанника из детского учреждения в семью.

Список литературы

1. Кон И.С. Психология юношеского возраста: (Проблемы формирования личности). Учеб. пособие для студентов пед. ин-тов. — М.: Просвещение, 1979. — 175 с.

2. Лаврентьева З.И. Комплексные исследования магистрантов как способ анализа многомерности современных социально-педагогических проблем детства // Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2019. №2. С.49-56

3. Лаврентьева З.И. Система работы с детьми-сиротами и детьми, оставшимися без попечения родителей, в современной России //Ученые записки. Вестник академии. 2018. Т. 10. №2 2. С. 130137.

4. Расчетина С.А., Лаврентьева З.И. Методологические основы исследования социальных проблем детства и способов их решения в процессе профессионального социально- педагогического образования.// Социальная педагогика, .№1, 2018. С. 29-37.


Mytchenok M.

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Sidash Yu.

Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, The department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Associate Professor, Poltava, Ukraine Mytchenok O.

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The article deals with the issues of ethics and deontology of a dentist under present-day conditions. A future dentist must understand social-humanitarian dimension of his mission - from professional level in dentistry to the principles of ethical and legal regulation of medical profession. The profession of a dentist is the one formed on the moral foundation, possessing moral values and filled with deep moral content. A student mastering the profession of a dentist should realize that ethical-deontological culture of a dentist is not a simple feature of his/her personality worth of respect, but a quality determining his/her professionalism.

Keywords: deontology, ethics, dentist.

Globalization and integration processes in the society, a dynamic development of medical technologies, world recognition of physical, moral and social health issues as the major parameters of social-economical maturity, culture and success of the state, social inquiry for the quality of medical services stipulate special requirements to professional work of medical staff on the whole and dentists in particular [5].

Achievements of current medicine have attained principally new quality substantially increasing efficacy of both diagnostics and treatment. In this respect deontological aspects have not only lost their topicality, but have become considerably important.

History of medicine has elaborated such kind of

phenomenon between a doctor and a patient when relations are filled with humane content - this is medical ethics and deontology. Medical ethics assumes a wide range of issues: relations of medical workers with patients, students, and themselves in their associations. In this respect medical ethics is closely connected with medical deontology assuming the norms of relations between a doctor and a patient mainly. In its historical formation and development deontology is completely obliged to the moral factors [4].

Ethics and deontology are integrated notions. They stipulate the role of ethical and moral standards in human life and activity.

Medical worker ethics has found its practical implementation in particular moral principles stipulating

doctor's attitude to sick persons during communication with them and their relatives. The whole moral-ethical complex is considered to be termed "deontology". Therefore, deontology is practical implementation of moral-ethical principles in the work of doctors and junior medical staff. It is the study of the nature of duty and obligation. Deontology is directed to the creation of maximum favorable atmosphere for effective treatment of patients [2].

Under present-day conditions a good doctor is not only a person who received a proper professional training, but is able to apply knowledge for the benefits of patients and keeps to the norms of medical deontology. It is a matter not only of a proper behavior of medical staff but also elimination of harmful consequences after inadequate activity of a medical worker [1].

Universal moral standards must be the highest for a modern doctor. Therefore, he/she cannot but follow the conceptions of moral and value character in the process of making a decision. The doctor moderates as an expert who on the basis of clinical data and examination findings makes the final diagnosis, explains to the patient everything concerning disease paying attention to patient's everyday problems [4].

During the first visit a doctor of any specialty has to come down the patient, remove emotional stress, target him/her to successful treatment, and inspire the hope in recovery. To solve this difficult task a complete contact and mutual understanding, patience, ability to listen to the patient, empathy with his sufferings are essential [1].

Formation of ethical-deontological principles and world outlook of a future doctor and foundations of his professional knowledge begins with the moment of entering a medical university. Implementation of principles of medical ethics and deontology into the educational process during practical classes and lectures is quite overcoming in case external environment of educational facilities and visual aids promote the formation of notion about doctor's position in the society, his professional duty, and they are associated with the requirements of continuous adherence to high ethical principles in the relations between a teacher and student, as well as students themselves.

Esthetically acceptable educational facilities, interesting lectures and practical classes play especially valuable educational role. Students should always feel the atmosphere of high medical culture. In their turn, teachers should watch over students in order they follow standards of medical ethics and deontology.

In addition to medial-biological and general training in the process of learning a future doctor should master the foundations of many medical subjects, be able to examine and treat patients on a high professional level. In their turn, patients require special attention, sympathy and ability to understand their worries. Professional training of a medical specialist requires from a person who decides to devote his life to medicine self-sacrifice and self-improvement, maximum efficiency of moral and physical energy, devotion to work, since human life and health, the most valuable things, are in the hands of doctors. In this respect, educational-professional work should be carried out with students both

during classes and after them for the whole period of studies at a medical university.

Meeting of students with their first patients is always an exciting event in their lives. A student tries to imitate his teacher in everything: the manner of speech, writing medical documents, carrying out various procedures and manipulations etc.

Student's appearance must meet the requirements and should not provoke a negative reaction on patient's part. Neat appearance is very important for a medical worker. Students must realize clearly that neat appearance, clean and ironed white gown and cap produce a favorable psychotherapeutic effect on the patient. These external attributes emphasize high humanity, pure thoughts and nobility of medical profession. During all the years of studies teachers are sure to form this idea in the consciousness of students.

Seeing a patient the student must keep to essential elements of communicative skills, that is, nice smile during first meeting and communication, greeting, introducing, formation of confidence, colleting anamnesis, substantiation of reasonability to conduct appropriate physical methods of examination, explaining the results of examination and planning the following actions, and completion of talk.

While talking with a patient a student must look into the patient's eyes and follow his facial expression. It promotes frank talk, and observation enables to foresee the most reasonable aspect for further communication. Familiarities are not allowed in communication with patients. Speech should be selective and questions regarding the facts of the matter.

A future doctor should master the art to listen to the patient. Certain tactfulness and patience are essential in order not to interrupt and listen to the end. Careful listening enables to understand patient's inner world with all his worries and anxiety, promotes to establish a good contact and mutual understanding.

Relations of a doctor with co-workers and whole medical staff are one of the most important parts of medical ethics requiring a lot of knowledge and training, proper behavior and self-control, good breeding and self-education. Rude manners, tactlessness, unfriendly relations between medical staff members are not acceptable inside the medical institution. Only the atmosphere of friendship, kindness, sympathy, concern and mutual support should be dominating. In other case you will fail to achieve effective psychotherapeutic effect on patients' minds [3, 4].

Nowadays the latest achievements of medical science and technology make us to consider traditional standards of medical deontology in a different way. The old link "doctor-patient" is changed into a new one "doctor-device-patient". Although the need of the patients themselves in attentive and tactful doctor's attitude, in his kind encouraging words has decreased. And the doctor must always remember it. Technological progress in medicine should not put the patient's personality into the background. Medicine was and will always be the medicine of personality, the medicine for the individual with rather complicated world outlook.

Confidence is one of the cornerstones in medicine. The patient will choose only the specialist he entrusted.

Doctor's contact with the patient is already the beginning of the therapeutic process. A doctor who is not entrusted with patient's confidence and who does not care about relieving patient's mental sufferings cannot treat. To gain the patient's confidence and prestige one should be good doctor. To be a good doctor one should not only increase professional knowledge but improve moral qualities as well (kindness and love for people). It must become a habit.

One of the main ethical and moral principles is keeping medical secrecy: the doctor does not have the right to disclose confidential information about his patient and express a doubt concerning the results of recovery. Medical secrecy is the information the doctor gets while performing his duties.

Ethical commitment of a dentist is to respect the patient's right to make a decision himself. At the same time, dentist's work is inevitably affected by such human factors as subjective opinion, fatigue, lack of time, errors of other people, technical failure etc. Today specific activity of a dentist includes a comprehensive implementation of bioethical principles: personal autonomy, privacy, written consent, dignity, voluntariness, vulnerability, justice. Patients want to believe that their doctor always makes a correct diagnosis and never makes an error in treatment, but sometimes it is not so. The combination of human relations and technological things increases probability of medical errors. Ethics requires from the doctor to inform his patient about his possible errors made in case they influence upon the patient's health. Open recognition and analysis of errors will benefit both the patient and dentist in practical work [4].

Thus, to make a brief summary of requirements fulfilled by the doctor is possible in three aspects: professional level, consciousness and kindness. Requirements for the patient are expressed in two words: respect and confidence.

Different deontological aspects are indicative of the fact that contemporary scientific-technical progress should not make a barrier between the patient and doctor. It must not transform into regress when the doctor does not see farther than a button on the equipment and is not aware of the patient's individuality.

Medical workers must know and always keep to the legal and moral standards ensuring professional perfection of work and its ethical-deontological direction. It is precisely this fact that will be the earnest of success of a modern doctor.


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3. Ostropolets S.S. Sovremenntie aspektti medytsynskoi эtyky y deontolohyy. Novosty medytsynt. 2009. № 15. S. 23-24.

4. Rybalov O.V., Lytovchenko I.Iu., Kolomiiets S.V., Prochankina V.L. Deontolohiia i profesiina etyka v diialnosti likaria-stomatoloha. Ukrainskyi stomatolohichnyi almanakh. 2018. № 2. S. 37-40.

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Mytchenok M.

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The present article deals with implementation of distance education in modern education system. Different models and technologies of distance learning are considered by the author.

On the basis of the analysis of a significant source base, we can state that in the system of distance learning the defining methods of managing educational activities and methods of teaching are software and hardware that operate on the basis of ICT, communication networks and systems, and are used by the subjects of the educational process under the direction of a teacher.

Keywords: distance learning; innovative education; information and communication technologies.

The National Strategy for Education Development in Ukraine states that informatization of vocational education, formation, and implementation of information educational environment, development of pedagogical software, creation of distance educational systems, and access to world information resources are important conditions for its modernization.

The rapid development contributes to the modernization of the modern educational system. Modern distance education is an extensive system of knowledge transfer at a distance using a variety of tools and technologies which facilitate the students with the necessary information for usage in practical activities. Remote learning is widespread in many countries and

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