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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Makhsudov Pulatjon Makhsudovich

The article is devoted to the issues of methodological activity of a teacher of professional education. Methodological activity has not yet been fully explored and has not been described as a separate type of teacher professional activity. There are three views on the definition of methodological activity in today’s pedagogical and methodological literature. Research shows that the methodological (teaching) activities of a teacher of vocational education include design, technological (implementation) and analytical activities.

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Makhsudov Pulatjon Makhsudovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of General Technical Disciplines, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan.


Abstract. The article is devoted to the issues of methodological activity of a teacher of professional education. Methodological activity has not yet been fully explored and has not been described as a separate type of teacher professional activity. There are three views on the definition of methodological activity in today's pedagogical and methodological literature. Research shows that the methodological (teaching) activities of a teacher of vocational education include design, technological (implementation) and analytical activities.

Keywords: methodical activity, design activity, constructive activity, normalized activity, analytical activity, educational activity, organizational and managerial activity, research activity, vocational training teacher.


Methodological activity has not yet been fully explored and has not been described as a separate type of teacher professional activity. There are three views on the definition of methodological activity in today's pedagogical and methodological literature [1; 2].

At first glance, the methodological activity focuses on methodological work related to the teacher's self-education, work with didactic tools and professional development in the field of science.

The second is that methodological activity is considered to be related to activities related to the teaching of a particular subject. In this case, the authors do not take into account the specific features of the teacher's methodological and educational activities, and use terms such as "methodical activity", "teaching activity" and "educational activity" as synonyms.

Researchers who follow the third point of view interpret methodological activity as a set of relatively independent skills that are clearly expressed in the structure of professional and pedagogical activity.

On the other hand, which we support, methodological activity is interpreted as an activity related to teaching.

Materials and methods

Teacher-practitioners recognize the specific features and importance of methodological activity. In terms of importance, it ranks third after teaching and educating the subject.

It is not possible to directly observe the methodological activity of a teacher, only to analyze and observe his teaching activity. Methodical activity, methods and techniques of its implementation is a complex process of thinking. In order to differentiate the pedagogical process and its provision: methodological, logistical or organizational, it is necessary to identify differences in the subject of their activities.

The purpose of the methodological activity is to serve the teaching practice.

The object of methodical activity of a teacher of professional education is the process of formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

The subject of methodical activity consists of various methods and techniques, methods of regulating the process of implementation and formation of new knowledge and skills, taking into account the specific features of a particular subject. This activity is indirectly reflected in the methodological products (results) created in the field of methodological design and construction.

Tasks of methodical activity are:

- design activities related to long-term planning of educational content and development of teaching content, planning and preparation of educational activities;

- constructive activity, including the planning of new lessons (selection, compositional design of educational information), a system of actions that lead to interaction between teachers and students in the process of formation of new knowledge and professional skills;

- normative activity that promotes the implementation of educational standards, curriculum requirements, conditions for the implementation of the educational process in this type of educational institution;

- analytical activity.

The methodological activity of a professional education teacher is primarily aimed at developing in students (although it is not limited to this) the knowledge, skills and abilities in their profession, as well as the nature of activities, abilities, interests and so on.

The methodological (teaching) activities of a professional education teacher include design, technological (implementation) and analytical activities at the primary level, as research shows [3, 4].

In the process of identifying and assessing the status of methodological activity, it should be noted that this activity depends on both the laws of development of pedagogical science and the laws of implementation, and is aimed at predicting the pedagogical activity itself.

In determining the content of a professional education teacher's methodological activity, it is also nec-

essary to take into account the processing, transmission and assimilation of a continuously growing flow of information, which is not possible in traditional forms and methods of teaching. In addition, the development of didactic technologies removes outdated patterns of classical forms and methods of teaching. All this requires new approaches to the organization of the evolving data flow processing, new forms of hard shells and new approaches to the educational process that are not surrounded by their classical structure.

In the process of developing, analyzing, and evaluating a predictive model of methodological activity, both the individual student and the student team must take into account the fact that they themselves are constantly evolving, evolving objects. That is, a favorable effect is possible in order to change them, only in a correspondingly dynamic and mobile meta-system, dynamic systems, as in the case of the reading process. The dynamics and mobility of the learning process are reflected, in particular, in changes in psychological attitudes, ethics, passions, demographic situations, and more [5].

Teaching involves the processing and assimilation of new information, a new understanding of things and events, and insights into the world around us. This process implies that change is inevitable over time.

The dynamic process of teaching is constantly changing with its underlying layer - the didactic knowledge system, which, in turn, is a dynamic system: the structure, the content of knowledge is constantly defined, supplemented, although the structure of the didactic knowledge system remains virtually unchanged, ie the number of didactic knowledge blocks remains the same. remains, but each is filled with new content. This dynamic system ofknowledge is reflected in the projects of the learning process, their implementation and analysis, developed by the engineer-educator. In other words, in the mobile process of teaching, the methodological activity of a professional education teacher as a whole is dynamic in its constituents - the development, implementation and analysis of projects of the teaching process.


The study and analysis of the methodological activities of a professional education teacher was conducted on the basis of existing research in this area. Within the framework of solving these tasks, Russian scientists VV Shapkin and VA Makushev [6], E. F. Zeer and N. S. Glukhanyuk [7], N. M. Zhu-kova [8], N. I. Kravtsov [9], A. K. Radchenko [10], N. E. Erganova [11], V. P. Kosyrev [12].

In our opinion, these authors conducted research on the study, analysis and evaluation of the most approximate types of teaching and educational activities of teachers of vocational education institutions, which adequately reflect the general state of the methodological activity of a teacher of vocational education.

Therefore, its structure is a set of different types of activities: planning and design of theoretical and practical lessons; analysis of educational and program documents (analysis of educational and program documents and methodical complexes); development and analysis of theoretical and practical curriculum; planning a system of theoretical and practical lessons; Distinguish the content of teaching materials and educational and production work for theoretical and practical lessons; modeling the forms of presentation of educational material in the classroom; constructing students' activities to develop technical understanding and practical skills; managing and evaluating student performance in the classroom; preparation for the lesson and reflections on their activities during the course.

Apparently, as the authors objectively considered, "these activities do not cover all the diversity of pedagogical practice of a professional education teacher". In the process of learning professional teaching methodology, prospective teachers will only acquire basic methodological skills. All systems of methodical activity are formed and improved in the process of practical work of the teacher.

We all know that not every teacher can start methodical work at once. Initially, the young teacher

begins to master the process of teaching their subject, the search for successful methods, the development of methodological developments in the subject, the choice of visual aids, teaching materials, logistics. It takes 1 to 3 years to understand the importance of methodological activity for learning outcomes. The peculiarity of the methodological activity of the teacher in this period is the indisputable description of the methodological component in the general structure of professional and pedagogical activity.

Helps the teacher to understand that the impact of methodological developments (products) on learning outcomes is significant in order to understand that methodological activities actually have a completely different character than teaching activities.

In determining the type of methodological activity is based on the content of the functional component of pedagogical activity.

The type of methodological activity is a stable order of planning, design, selection and application of teaching aids for a particular subject, which determines their development and improvement.

Types of methodical activities performed by teachers of professional education include:

- Analysis of educational and program documents, methodical complexes;

- methodical analysis of educational material;

- planning a system of theoretical and practical lessons;

- modeling and design of forms of presentation of educational information in the classroom;

- design activities for the formation of technical understanding and practical skills of students;

- development of teaching methods on the subject;

- development of types and forms of control of professional knowledge, skills and abilities;

- management and evaluation of students' learning activities;

- reflect on their work in preparing for the lesson and analyzing its results.

These types of methodological activities, of course, do not cover all the diversity of methodological practices of professional teachers. Learners acquire such types in the process of methodical training that they ensure the readiness of the teacher for the lessons.

Assessing the importance and complexity of certain types of methodological activities V. V. Shapkin and V. A. Markushevs [6]. Through the use of questionnaires and methods of comprehensive self-assessment, the most complex and important components of the professional pedagogical activity of teachers and masters of professional education in their educational activities were identified.

The list of the most important components of the methodological activity of teachers of general and special sciences, identified by them, is as follows:

1) in preparation for the lesson - setting the lesson task (25% of respondents), as well as the separation of tasks and exercises, taking into account the profession (22.7%);

2) in the conduct of the lesson - the formation of activity, initiative, interest in knowledge (35.49%).

The most complex components of direct activity include:

1) in preparation for the lesson - setting the lesson task (25%);

2) separation of tasks and exercises taking into account the profession (31%); writing an abstract (13.6%).

Table 1.- The most important and typical types

3) in the conduct of the lesson - student management during the lesson (13.6%) and the formation of activity, initiative, interest in knowledge (22.7%).

Pedagogical-analytical research on the study and evaluation of the content of professional pedagogical activity among teachers of special subjects of vocational education institutions in Namangan and Tashkent regions and the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers allowed to determine the most predictable complex behaviors to implement.

According to the results of the expert assessment, the most approximate types of systematic methodological activities include:

1) explanation, demonstration, instruction, assessment and control of knowledge quality, etc.;

2) formation of learning motives;

3) formation of professionally important qualities;

4) forecasting the effectiveness of the educational process.

The assessment of readiness for the implementation of methodological activities was based on the practical work of teachers in vocational education institutions (average work experience of 10 years), which can assess and distinguish the importance of the most typical types of activities performed by a professional education teacher. The order of importance of activities in the hierarchical hierarchy is shown in Table 1.

of activities of a professional education teacher

№ Typical types of professional education teacher activities Significance, in percent

1. Implement the learning process 26

2. Organization and conduct of educational work 14

3. Designing the learning process 13

4. Development and preparation of equipment for the learning process 11

5. Designing the educational process 10

6. Analysis of the learning process 9

7. Use of training equipment 8

As can be seen from the table, the most important and labor-intensive types of methodological activity of teachers and masters of vocational education are:

1) implementation of the educational process (26%);

2) organization and conduct of educational work (14%);

3) design of the educational process (13%) and others.

Thus, methodical activity is an independent professional activity of a teacher in the design, development and construction of teaching aids that provide regulation of teaching and learning activities in a particular subject or cycle of academic disciplines.

The work of teachers who are beginning to teach special subjects shows

that the main difficulty in them is the separation of the studied material and its transformation into teaching material, modification of knowledge, taking into account the level of preparation, age and future profession of students.

The views of the authors on the difficulties in the implementation of educational activities were also confirmed. Most of the teachers surveyed find it difficult to work with parents on important components of learning activities, such as extracurricular activities and the organization of extracurricular activities in science. In defining the goals and objectives of the lesson, the educational tasks of the lesson are formed in a suspended and vague way. In most cases, they do not correspond to the nature of the teaching material and the methodological idea of the lesson, their implementation is homogeneous, linear in nature.

It was also found that the pedagogical effectiveness of any education is primarily the creation of subjective conditions for the teacher to confirm positive attitudes based on the acquisition of knowledge in students [7].

Later (in 2005) these data were compiled by T. V. This was confirmed by the results of Pidakova's research on the professional formation of a professional education teacher. Her research has identified

the challenges and challenges that teachers who are just starting their careers face throughout their careers. One of the main methodological problems in their professional and pedagogical activities is the difficulty of preparing for lessons: the separation of the content of educational material, the design of the lesson, the choice of appropriate methodological methods, and others.

The personal and professional characteristics of professional education teachers allow us to say that there is a "block of qualities" that is necessary in dealing with students and has a positive effect on their interaction with them. These are emotional-volitional, didactic and communicative blocks.

A comprehensive study of teachers of special subjects ofvocational education institutions in Tashkent and Namangan regions shows that their readiness to carry out certain activities is within the following limits (in percent):

- methodical (teaching) - 61;

- educational - 26;

- Organizational and management - 22;

- research - 14.

In our opinion, the data indicate that the methodological training of specialists is insufficient, there is a lack of focus and optimization among the individual types of training.


Thus, the organizers, who constitute the content of the methodological activity of a professional education teacher, define the role and function of each in the system of methodical activity, were determined empirically.

A list of the most important and complex ones for performing systemic actions was identified. It was also found that vocational education teachers face significant challenges in their extracurricular activities and activities that require a similar creative approach.

According to the subjects, the fact that the state of methodical behavior is determined by self-assessment corresponds to the formation of a sufficient lev-

el for the implementation of professional pedagogi- In the context ofthe transition to new technologies

cal activity. However, such an assessment meets the of teaching in vocational education institutions, voca-

conditions of the information-transfer technology tional education requires the teacher to acquire skills in

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of the training in which this activity is carried out. a different system with a different structure and content.


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