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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yo’ldashaliyev I.

The strategic direction of the development of the education system in society is the intellectual and moral development of man on the basis of purposeful independent activity in various fields. In our country, as well as in the developed countries of the world, the promotion of independent education is an important direction in the process of education reform. The study of the phenomenon of educating the professional competence of the educator has found little expression in the work of a number of scholars. These authors put forward the idea that professional competence - along with the qualities of reliability - characterizes the pedagogical culture of the teacher as a professional-individual phenomenon.

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UDK 004.02:004.5:004.9

Yo'ldashaliyev I.

National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan


at the Fergana Training Center


Annotation: The strategic direction of the development of the education system in society is the intellectual and moral development of man on the basis of purposeful independent activity in various fields. In our country, as well as in the developed countries of the world, the promotion of independent education is an important direction in the process of education reform. The study of the phenomenon of educating the professional competence of the educator has found little expression in the work of a number of scholars. These authors put forward the idea that professional competence - along with the qualities of reliability -characterizes the pedagogical culture of the teacher as a professional-individual phenomenon.

Keywords: Military skills, professional competence, individual event, professional activity, military training, psychological training.

Introduction: The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "On the Fundamentals of State Youth Policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan" and "On Education" "On General Military Obligation and Military Service" Understanding the content and essence of the Law "On Defense", "National Program of Personnel Training", Presidential decrees and government decisions on youth activities, the legal and educational framework governing the relationship of man to another person, society and the environment. Teachers must have political and legal knowledge and culture to ensure the acquisition of knowledge on topical issues of public policy, which includes the following criteria:

In turn, the concept of professional competence, as noted by VA Slasten, represents the unity of theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to carry out pedagogical activities and characterizes his professional formation. Diagnosis of professional competence Essential characteristics of professional development should include diagnostic, communicative, managerial and projective training groups. The cognitive activity of the educator is largely determined by the complexity, dynamics, non-standardity of the studied objects, the influence of the boundaries that separate social phenomena, their search, uncertainty, which implies observation, the ability to model the inner world of the interlocutor [1]. In this case, the features of self-regulation are characterized by the need to improve their knowledge and skills, the ability to strictly coordinate their actions towards

other people. In the works devoted to the study of the professional competence of the teacher, it is distinguished by the following types:

Special training ability - a sufficiently high level of professional activity, the ability to design their future professional development;

- Competence of social upbringing - mastery of joint professional activity, cooperation, as well as the methods of professional communication adopted in this book, social responsibility for the results of their professional career.

The main part: The military-pedagogical process is an organized and purposeful activity aimed at forming the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of military listeners, combat and spiritual qualities of the personality of combat and military teams. The military-pedagogical process is a complex social phenomenon that involves military training and education, which are inextricably linked.

Military training is the process of imparting military knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for practical activities, as well as the preparation and coordination of military teams (units, units, components) to perform combat operations (combat missions). . Military education is the deliberate, organized and systematic formation of the qualities necessary for the performance of military duty. In the process of training and education, the development of military listeners is carried out, that is, mental and physical activity is improved in accordance with the requirements of military specialization, psychological training is carried out, which forms the military and emotional stability and internal preparation for combat operations. Demonstrates the ability to cope with the difficulties and difficulties associated with military service, both in war and in peacetime, as well as in dangerous situations in a rapidly changing environment, long-term psychological stress. In essence, training is a social process that is unique to society as a whole and to the Armed Forces. In general, teaching is the primary method of obtaining information, an experienced person - a purposeful, organized, systematic and systematic process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities under the guidance of teachers.

The process of military training thus refers to the purposeful, interrelated activities of the coach (commander, supervisor, instructor) called the teacher and the listener (subordinates) called the teacher. By the nature of teaching, it means the management of students' knowledge and practical activities and includes the following functions:

motivation to learn;

describe the content of the studied material; organization of students' educational activities; knowledge, skills control.

The basis of the process of acquiring knowledge is the practical application of knowledge, as a result of which the military listeners fully master it. To do this, military listeners must be specially trained to apply knowledge in practice, to form in them methods of mental and practical action. In each lesson, students need to

make sure that the theoretical knowledge they acquire is the basis of their practical activities, and that practical activities provide them with concrete material for the conscious acquisition of theoretical knowledge and are a necessary condition for mastering it. The process of military training thus refers to the purposeful, interrelated activities of the coach (commander, supervisor, instructor) called the teacher and the listener (subordinates) called the teacher. By the nature of teaching, it means the management of students' knowledge and practical activities and includes the following functions: motivation to learn;

describe the content of the studied material; organization of students' educational activities;

The most important part of military training theory is the principles of training. Under Learning Principles It is common to understand applied pedagogical rules that reflect the laws of the military pedagogical process and determine students 'performance in equipping students with knowledge, skills, and abilities. Each of the principles reflects the specific features of the learning process. Therefore, the successful solution of learning problems is possible only on the basis of the implementation of the whole system of principles in close contact with each other. Therefore, a deep understanding of the essence of the principles of training in the relationship by each officer, the implementation of their requirements in practice is the most important condition of military pedagogical activity.

Competence - the ability to do something effectively, to perform according to the standards applicable to a particular profession. In Secondary and Higher Education in Europe [4], this is done as follows: Learning:

- be able to benefit from the experience;

-organize and place the interconnectedness of the acquired knowledge; -organize the application of personal knowledge;

- be able to solve problems;

- voluntary education;

That is, in my opinion, if it is applied to the military audience, along with its educational potential, their personal individuality will develop. I believe that the quality of education has improved if interactive education has been implemented not only on the basis of instructions given by the teacher, but also taking into account their own interests and views. Research:

-search for various information; -ask around; -consultation of experts; -receipt of information;

- be able to work with documents and classify them;

I think that requires a military audience to work on themselves. This is similar to the BBB method. Performs the third stage of the method of thought in the form of "I knew", "I knew", "I want to know". I mean, I want to know. This leads to the development of the military listener's ability to search for answers to questions that are abstract to him and want to gain a broader understanding. Military listeners are asked questions about interactive technologies, documents and books, as well as their peers in the military, which leads to the formation of communication with others.


-Organize the relationship between past and present events;

a critical approach to one or another part of the process of social development;

- overcoming difficulties;

- to take a position in debates and to have one's own opinion;

-read and pay attention to the important political and environmental aspects of the process;

-social skills related to health and the environment

I think this aspect helps military listeners understand the comparison of the present and the past, the concept of the unity of society and people. I believe that the very essence of education, I think, is to include the military in the whole of society and the people, and to be an integral part of it.


-Evaluation of masterpieces of art and literature;

I think it is necessary to evaluate this attitude in relation to martial arts, the formation and essence of Uzbek martial arts, to explain to military listeners the criteria for the formation of martial arts from the time of Amir Temur to the present day.


- group work and cooperation;

- ability to make decisions;

- ability to resolve conflicts and disagreements;


- conclusion and execution of contracts;

I think every military listener is an integral part of their military. In doing so, it ensures solidarity from the common soldier to the general. We can see that if the cooperation is carried out in harmony with each other, it will ensure its integrity. The concept of cooperation means to be united, to ensure solidarity in any situation, to reach an agreement and to solve problems.

Settle down:

-introduction to the project;

-feeling of responsibility;

-contribute to the group and the team;

-expression of consensus;

- be able to organize their work;

- ability to work with computing devices;

Get used to it

- Ability to use new information and communication technologies;

-prove conciseness in the face of frequent changes;

- to show his strength and perseverance in the face of difficulties;

-making new decisions;

This, in all areas of competent education, emphasis is placed on the role of the individual's experience, his or her active position, level of readiness for action, and the demands of the sociocultural community.

- To identify the specifics of the formation of professional competence in future teachers of military education, to study the ideas of Central Asian thinkers on the formation of a culture of communication.

- Improving the formation of professional competence of future teachers of military education, the study of factors in the formation of professional culture of military education specialists, based on new pedagogical technologies.

- To study the possibility of applying the factors of formation of professional competence in future teachers of military education in the teaching of professional, pedagogical-psychological and other disciplines.

- Development of methodological recommendations for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of military education and their implementation in practice.

Information and methodological support plays an important role in the formation of professional competence in the training of teachers of military education [3]. The distance learning system and the effective use of teaching aids are key factors in shaping the professional competence of future teachers in improving the quality and effectiveness of education. The distance education system is used when there are problems in the implementation of the traditional education system or when conditions require this process. This process allows for the adequate use of modern technology to increase the effectiveness of education in a given environment.

Distance learning is a form of education based on information and telecommunication technologies, such as distance and full-time education, which includes the best traditional and innovative methods, teaching aids and forms.

Distance learning is an education system based on new information technologies, telecommunication technologies and technical means. It is a system that requires the learner to practice more independently, providing the learner with a learning environment and communication with the teacher based on certain standards and educational rules. In this case, the flow process does not depend on when and where the learner is. Distance education is an educational complex based on the means of distance learning, which provides educational services to all segments of the population and foreign students using a special information environment. So, distance learning is a process in a distance learning complex.

Distance learning and distance learning have their own characteristics, pedagogical system, needs and goals. In my opinion, distance learning has a wide range of opportunities for military students to learn and work on themselves, including the opportunity for military students to use a wide range of pedagogical technologies, not just one lecture, to expand their knowledge and skills in the formation of individuals.

Distance learning - the relationship between a student and a teacher based on the purpose, content, method, organizational forms and teaching methods -Internet technology or other interactive methods and components of all learning processes at a certain distance from each other. I think there will be no interruption of communication between the military teacher and the military audience, and the military listeners will lose the ability to refrain from asking questions during the lesson, and the military listener will be able to ask the questions that arise in the training. This requires a great deal of attention and responsibility from the military instructor. Distance learning system is a system of education based on the conditions of distance learning. Like all education systems, distance learning has its own structure, purpose, content, methods, tools and organizational forms. Pedagogical technologies of distance learning are a set of teaching methods and techniques that provide the educational process of distance learning based on the selected teaching concept. In my opinion, in traditional education, a teacher would be limited to a small amount of knowledge, while in distance education, a military teacher could provide other interactive methods and information in addition to the skills he or she already has.

Changes in the modern information system force the teacher to improve their skills and improve their professional skills, which means that they have to improve their professional competence. The main purpose of modern education is the adaptation of society, the state, the individual to modern education, the education of a comprehensively developed person. In the formation of professional competence of a teacher of military education, the pedagogical and technical-technological problem situation is noted as a set of conditions that allow to create a pedagogical process. Pedagogical conditions not only create this process, but also determine its current state. The formation of the professional competence of a teacher of military education is carried out gradually, through the integration of pedagogical disciplines, ie didactic synthesis and the solution of pedagogical and problem-solving tasks at the level of interdisciplinary communication. As a military education teacher prepares for a lesson, she thinks about how to present new material using a variety of methods and techniques. It selects objects of work taking into account the individual characteristics of students, their experience, physical development and other factors that affect labor productivity. As you know, modern production is developing very fast. military weapons, technological processes are constantly improving. To a certain extent, this should be reflected in military education. This means that future teachers need to constantly monitor developments in science and technology, keep their learners

informed, and work on their skills. In the training and education of future military education teachers, we can include the following types of skills:

- teaching skills;

- ability to use modern teaching methods;

- parenting skills;

- The quality of the human factor;

- the ability to objectively assess and control knowledge;

in the control of pedagogical activity of the teacher of military education on the following aspects:

a) education - to determine the purposefulness of educational work, its scientific basis and the correct choice of its content;

(b) Determining the quality of the results of labor and professional activities, the stages of development, the level of development and the direction of the future;

should pay attention to these. I think that the character of the military audience and the priority actions in education, the formation of labor and professional character depends primarily on the teachers of military education. Only if they can plan it properly will full-blooded education take precedence over military education.

In terms of the requirements for the level of professional training of graduates, competence refers to the ability of students to apply a set of knowledge, skills and methods of activity in a specific situation. In pedagogical higher education institutions, basic competencies are defined at the level of educational blocks and academic disciplines for each stage of education. In determining the order of basic competence, the essence of social and personal experience in accordance with the main objectives of professional pedagogical education is vital in the process of organizing professional activity in a social society. From this point of view, the basic competence is divided into: holistic - meaningful, socio -cultural, educational - cognitive, information, communicative, socially active, self-improvement. The professional development of a military education teacher is as follows: pedagogical system, process and outcome. Social rules are reflected as important bases in assessing the level of professional formation, and they, in turn, are recorded in the context of the State Education Standard. In assessing the performance of the education system, it is possible to distinguish its effectiveness and key indicators related to the development of the pedagogical system.

In the scientific work of R.A. Hamrokulov it was determined that the following aspects and directions of communication culture should be formed in the formation of professional competence of future teachers of military education


- The relationship between military educators and future military leaders;

- a greeting between future military leaders;

- attitude in the process of socially useful work;

- Relationships in the classroom;

- formation of behavioral skills of future military leaders;

- elements of formal relations in the process of public works


- Relationships between colleagues.

The impact of national values on the formation of the professional competence of military education trainees is enormous. As important forms of social consciousness, they influence the activities of students in their consciousness, behavior, and behavior, and also increase their value in the learning process, in the extracurricular educational process. I think that's what military education is all about. I believe that the priority of education and the formation of individuality in many respects depends on it. Because the development of a professional competitor is a creative development, the ability of the teacher to adapt and manage changes in the environment, the ability to react quickly, the socio-economic and spiritual development of the process depends on the professional level of the teacher.

Conclusion: In my opinion, the main problem in changing the education system is the relationship between the military teacher and the military education teacher in professional competence, the meaningful course of the lesson during the course. I think it's important to prioritize education. Based on the above, it should be noted that military education should have the following skills in the formation of professional competence of students:

Use of interactive methods, manuals in the classroom, in distance learning;

Creating a culture of communication between military teachers and military listeners in systematic education;

At the beginning and end of the experiment, it was convinced that criteria need to be developed during the research period in order to determine the professional competence of the students. Taking into account the study of sources on the subject, observation of student activities, the situation at different stages of experimental work, the following criteria, the following criteria determine the level of formation of professional competence in future military education teachers: It was decided that it is possible to evaluate on the basis of criteria:

1. Be able to understand the essence of basic concepts such as professional competence and pedagogical skills.

2. Understand that an important condition of professional competence is the requirement of the period.

3. The need to form professional competence.

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4. To be able to organize practical actions for the formation of professional competence.

5. Ability to fully demonstrate professional competence.

I think that the above can create a basis for the formation of professional competence of military students, and at the same time improve the quality of education. I believe that achieving quality education requires the cooperation of

bilateral relations, which requires the formation of a culture of communication from military educators and the inquisitiveness of military listeners.


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