Taylakova D.B. assistant teacher "Innovative economics" department Karshi engineering-economics institute
Abstract. The article highlights the essence, goals and objectives of the service sector, scientific proposals to ensure employment and improve living conditions through the comprehensive development of services in rural areas of the country.
Keywords: service sector, rural areas, employment, living standards, digital technologies, innovative activities.
INTRОDUCTIОNS. In rural areas, the need to select low-resource-intensive services, develop digital and online services, and demonstrate their widespread use is proving itself. Important tasks have been set in Uzbekistan to comprehensively develop and support the service sector, provide benefits to the sector, develop a range of services in rural areas and implement comprehensive measures to increase employment. Several important tasks have been set to "develop the service sector in rural areas, create enough productive jobs for them, and raise the living standards of the rural population to the level of urban population" [1].
Several Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were adopted, including the Resolution PR-4752 dated June 16, 2020 "On measures to support the services sector", the Resolution No. PR-5113 dated May 11, 2021 "On measures to accelerate the development of the services sector" and the Resolution No. PR-3856 dated July 14, 2018 "On measures to improve and increase the efficiency of work to ensure employment". In order to ensure the implementation of these priorities, it is important to work in such areas as increasing the level of employment through the development of services in rural areas, development on the basis of full effective use of digital technologies.
Accelerated development of the service sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan and a sharp increase in its share in GDP solves a number of important socio-economic problems, including employment, increasing real incomes, improving the welfare of all segments of the population. One of the peculiarities of the development of the national economy of Uzbekistan is that the share of services in the country's GDP has been growing from year to year, from 48.9% in 2015 upto 53.5% by 2020.
Today, the process of providing services in rural areas of the country is developing slowly, the demand for services in rural areas is not sufficiently met. This, in turn, has a negative impact on the formation and development of the
service sector, reducing its impact on the living standards of the population to some extent. After gaining independence, it became expedient to comprehensively develop the service sector in rural areas, solve social problems of the population, reform property relations, agrarian reform, financial and credit reforms, social reforms and foreign economic relations to improve the living conditions of the population.
The lack of a single concept for the gradual development of the system of services in rural areas in accordance with market conditions and thus improving the welfare of the rural population of the country requires the need for extensive research in this area.
LITERАTURE REVIEW. On issues of employment and improvement of living conditions through the comprehensive development of services in rural areas, in his world-famous study of the nature and causes of the wealth of nations, Adam Smith, one of the great foreign economists, in order to fully reveal the economic content of the flirtations in the form of service and to sol ve the problem of considering it as a source of social wealth of the country, commented on the concepts of "productive labor" and "unproductive labor". In this way, A. Smith made a significant contribution to the development of the concept of primary service, distinguishing between tangible and intangible production.
To date, the service is based on the service sector, and this activity is involved in the implementation of various processes. First of all, the word "service" has two main lexical meanings: - to act for the benefit of another and to provide economic benefits to someone [5].
The scientist M.M.Mukhammedov, who more fully reflects the material and intangible views of Adam Smith, who made a significant contribution to the concept of service, in his monograph "Theoretical foundations of the development of services and tourism" said that the labor expended in the production of any delicacy necessary for human consumption (whether it is material or intangible) must still be regarded as useful to society, as productive, and as a part of social wealth [6]. In this way, the scientist proves scientifically that the labor of those engaged in service is capable of creating value and consumption value, as well as labor aimed at creating any good.
The term "service" is used by scholars in the economic literature from different perspectives and is interpreted in relation to the field of economic knowledge. Many foreign and domestic scientists have conducted theoretical research under this term. One of the most famous scientists is Philip Kotler, who describes service as follows: "Service is any activity that one party can offer to another" [7].
Well-known scientist of our republic I.S.Tukhliev says that "Services are a kind of invisible commodity" [8] and in this approach the scientist expressed the commodity nature of the service, that is, the labor relations in the production of services, material production, but the development tries to emphasize that the
result of the extraction process will have an intangible form. I. Ochilov's definition of the concept of service has improved in terms of content and essence compared to others, and his description is given in the following form: "Service" means the conscious activity of a person, business entities, the state and society aimed at meeting a specific need in connection with the process of service that benefits them"[9].
According to professor M.K. Pardayev, "The sphere of services means the spheres of social production aimed at the creation of consumer values that do not have a material appearance. It includes the provision of material services (construction, transport, communications, trade, household services, etc.) and intangible services (legal advice, training, training, etc.)" [10]. He also cites the field of services as an important sector and field that helps him in the development of human social activity. In this way, the scientist proves scientifically that the service sector is a field that directly relieves the burden of each consumer as a field of material and intangible services, directing it to human consumption.
According to B.B.Mardonov, "Service is an economic category, it is a common type of labor activity aimed at meeting the needs of consumers (light, long, easy) and ensuring their interests"[11], arguing that consumer services are an important source of income.
Based on the opinions of the above scientists, it can be said that the state, society, enterprises and organizations, whether individual consumers, consume various types of services in order to meet their needs and requirements. Therefore, their demand and demand for the consumption of services is a clear evidence of the fact that the service sector itself is the locomotive of industries and sectors in the proper development of the service sector.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. It is explained by substantiating the main features of the development of the service sector in rural areas, increasing its socio-economic efficiency through the development of strategies to ensure employment and improve living conditions through the comprehensive development of the service sector in rural areas.
In the analysis of the development of the service sector in rural areas, the methods of induction and deduction, comparative analysis, tables and figures were used, and the development of proposals and recommendations is one of the current issues.
ANALYSIS AND RESULTS. The main goal of the reforms being implemented in the country is to create decent living conditions for people in rural areas. This requires further development of the service sector in rural areas.
It is of great importance to identify a number of sectoral issues in the provision of services to the rural population. In particular, the aging and declining rural population, the state of the service sector in rural areas, the availability of public transport, the need for new information and communication technologies, sufficient and quality resources for education,
health and innovative approaches. For this purpose, it is necessary to identify ways to provide services in rural areas.
On February 26, 2016, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the Resolution number 55 "On the Program of Development of the Service Sector for 2016-2020". [13] This resolution identifies the following as priorities and tasks for the development of the service sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2016-2020.
First, it is planned to increase the gross domestic product through the development of the services sector, bringing its share in the national economy to 58.7% by 2020 (Table 1).
Table 1
Growth of the service sector in the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan22
№ Indicators Years Percentage change in 2020 compared to 2016, (+;-)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
1 The share of the service sector in GDP 47,1 47,8 48,2 48,5 58,7 +11.6
2 Growth of the service sector, % 111,2 111,6 112,2 112,8 113,3 +2,1
3 Growth of the service sector in rural areas, % 111,4 111,8 112,3 112,9 113,4 +2,0
Second, it is planned to increase the service sector by +2.1 times in rural areas by 2020. This indicates that special attention is paid to improving the type and quality of services in rural areas.
This is due to the fact that at a time when services are mainly developed in urban areas, enough attention is paid to this issue in rural areas, and great attention is paid to ensuring its full development. After all, the living standards and quality of life of the rural population cannot be realized without the development of the service sector.
Thirdly, the issue of creating a competitive and entrepreneurial environment in the field of services in rural areas, as well as promoting the development of small business and private entrepreneurship. At present, the service sector is developing mainly due to small business and private entrepreneurship. With the growth of these services, a number of problems can be solved. In particular, along with the creation of new jobs in the country, the problem of employment will be solved, the demand for services of the
22 Data of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
production process will be met, and ultimately the living standards and quality of life of the population will be increased.
At the same time, an in-depth analysis of the development path of our country, the sharp changes in the world market today and the growing competition in the context of globalization require the development and implementation of completely new approaches and principles for more stable and dynamic development of our country.
In order to further increase the effectiveness of reforms, create conditions for the comprehensive and rapid development of the state and society, to implement priorities for modernization and diversification of the country and liberalization of all spheres of life, a comprehensive study of current issues of concern to the population and entrepreneurs., the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017 -2021, developed as a result of the analysis of law enforcement practices and best international practices, as well as a broad public discussion. In fact, this strategy has become a "road map" for structural reforms in all spheres of society. This map was also one of the results of the development of the service sector. Today, the service sector is one of the sectors of the economy. Positive results have been achieved due to the implementation of the policy of state support, stimulating the development of the service sector in the country.
In the course of our research, we consider it expedient to pay attention to the following aspects for the development of the service sector in rural areas.:
> income of the population;
> customs and traditions;
> regional specialization;
> natural climate;
> availability and quantity of natural raw material resources;
> amount of investment inflows;
> specialization of entrepreneurs in a particular type of activity, etc.
Income of the population - Income of the population in rural areas affects
the development of the service sector. In rural areas, as real incomes increase, so does demand for goods and services. There is a significant gap between the incomes of rural residents and the incomes of urban residents. The income of the urban population is 3-4 times higher than the income of the rural population. The level of access to services by the urban population is 3-4 times higher than the level of access to services by the rural population. For this reason, the service sector and its types in cities are developing rapidly. The low incomes of the rural population are due to the fact that the population works in seasonal jobs, receives wages in kind, and businesses pay low wages.
Studies show that there is a great need for banking services in rural areas, but the population is forced to turn to banking services located in urban areas to receive remittances from abroad. This, in turn, leads to travel costs from the population to the city, loss of extra time, as well as a number of inconveniences.
Today, the sharp increase in the provision of families with sophisticated home appliances, computers and personal vehicles has led to an expansion of services provided to them. However, the development of these services in rural areas is not ideal. Given the high level of supply of household appliances to every family, there is a lack of repair shops in case of malfunctions in these appliances or to adjust faulty appliances. When consumers buy home appliances from modern brands such as Artel, Samsung, Roison, etc. the service of the goods is guaranteed for 3-5 years free of charge. However, their service centers are located only in urban areas, which creates a demand for time and cost, as mentioned above, in the purchase of appliances purchased by citizens living in rural areas and damaged. Therefore, further acceleration of work on the development of services in rural areas is a key element in the development of services in rural areas - entrepreneurship.
Assists small and private enterprises in rural areas in the supply of resources, sales and transportation services, storage, processing and marketing of products, providing utilities, household, repair and construction services to the population, training members of community, farmers, owners of private farms, business centers providing information support and legal advice.
Adoption of similar services development programs across the country could incur excessive financial costs. If the government implements a separate development strategy for each region, district and city in the development of the services sector, the level of accuracy of financial investments will increase, which in turn will prevent unnecessary costs.
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Services to the population in rural areas Although it is convenient to create a variety of business infrastructure in these rural areas, many low-income families live in rural areas. This is due to the unsatisfactory level of various services in rural areas, low wages paid by entrepreneurs, and the fact that the population works in seasonal jobs. As a result, the level of poverty in rural areas and the population in need of social protection is increasing.
Because the strata of the population living in rural areas are different, it is important to understand how macroeconomic changes can affect the strata of the population. Therefore, on the basis of our scientific research, we have identified three main methods that affect the rural population and made it possible to substantiate it scientifically.
Based on the analytical conclusions of the labor potential of employees in the service and manufacturing sectors in rural areas, the study will allow to accurately assess and analyze the factors affecting it in the future of the population employed in these sectors.
In solving the problem of raising the living standards of the population in rural areas, it is necessary to identify the segments of the population li ving in the most needy situations and pay special attention to the continuous reduction of their number. Due to the large differences between the population and its social
groups in each rural area, the inclusion of the population's income and its demand for certain services should be analyzed.
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