AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICES IN THE SAMARKAND REGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Market / entrepreneur / infrastructure / service sectors / efficiency / business / labor / рынок / предприниматель / инфраструктура / сферы услуг / эффективность / бизнес / труд

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sultonov, Shodier Abduxalilovich

This article examines the creation of a market infrastructure, training entrepreneurs, providing benefits, improving the legal framework for registering business entities and limiting interference in their activities.

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В данной статье исследуется создание рыночной инфраструктуры, обучение предпринимателей, предоставление льгот, совершенствование правовой базы для регистрации хозяйствующих субъектов и ограничение вмешательства в их деятельность.




Sultonov Shodier Abduxalilovich

Associate Professor, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service


This article examines the creation of a market infrastructure, training entrepreneurs, providing benefits, improving the legal framework for registering business entities and limiting interference in their activities.

Keywords:Market, entrepreneur, infrastructure, service sectors, efficiency, business, labor.


В данной статье исследуется создание рыночной инфраструктуры, обучение предпринимателей, предоставление льгот, совершенствование правовой базы для регистрации хозяйствующих субъектов и ограничение вмешательства в их деятельность.

Ключевые слова: рынок, предприниматель, инфраструктура, сферы услуг, эффективность, бизнес, труд.


For the development of the service sector in the Samarkand region, it is necessary to take the following measures:

The development of the service sector in the digital economy requires the development of long-term performance indicators. This will be used in the development of conceptual directions and programs in the service sector in the Samarkand region.

It is known that at the current stage of economic reforms ample opportunities are being created for the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, the service sector and home-based work. These opportunities, in turn, require the industry to play an increasingly important role in the economy.

The growing role and place of small business and private entrepreneurship testifies to the positive changes taking place in the structure of our economy. Currently, small businesses account for 23% of total industrial production, almost all market services, 18% of exports and 75% of the population employed in various sectors of the economy. These figures show that despite the small size of small businesses, they play an increasingly important role in the sustainable development of

our economy, solving the problem of employment and improving the well-being of our people.


Today it is well known that the development of entrepreneurship in the service sector not only contributes to the growth of the country's economy, but also plays an important role in ensuring the well-being of the population. In the conditions of market relations, the composition and structure of the population's incomes have radically changed. Since earlier income consisted mainly of earned income, now this source is not enough. As a result, life itself requires every family to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

Today, many conditions have been created to increase the share of small business and private entrepreneurship in the economy of the republic. In this regard, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev.Uzbekistan's new strategy"Reforms aimed at improving the business environment and encouraging competition to further increase the freedom of entrepreneurship, remove existing barriers to the development of small and medium-sized businesses, ensure an open economy and market competition, combat anti-competitive actions of enterprises, and bring national legislation in line with international standards. necessary1"

In order to create a wide range of opportunities for small business and private entrepreneurship, the following major tasks in this area were identified at the meeting:

1. Further limiting the interference of state structures in private entrepreneurship.

2. A complete overview of the system of penalties applied to business entities. Fines for unintentional and minor violations should be reduced, and fines should be canceled in cases where entrepreneurs have voluntarily fully compensated for the damage caused.

3. Continue the work begun to expand the access of private entrepreneurs to the markets to acquire the necessary resources and sell their products, take strict measures to expand the range and volumes of goods sold through exchanges and auctions, and exclude any return to the market. a centralized distribution feeding system is especially important.

4. The development of private entrepreneurship, of course, requires financial support, additional tax benefits and preferences in this area. This assistance can be provided through a modern advanced banking system, through the provision of loans to manufacturing enterprises with low interest rates. The expansion of the microcredit

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. MirziyoyevNEW STRATEGY OF UZBEKISTAN. T., 2021, 136 p.


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system requires this work to be done with the help of international financial institutions such as the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank, the Asian Bank.

The state also supports small business and private entrepreneurship. To this end, ministries and departments will be instructed to prepare draft government decisions providing for additional guarantees and benefits for small businesses. It was noted that the following issues need to be considered.:

1. Providing additional benefits and preferences in the taxation system, ensuring the stability of tax legislation, developing transparent, simplified methods of calculating and paying taxes.

2. Reduction and simplification of licensing procedures for certain types of activities, gradual introduction of a registration system for small businesses on the basis of applications.

3. Creation of new enterprises engaged in the production of small components on the basis of orders from large enterprises, encouraging the opening of small private shops in homes.

4. Creation of logistics services for citizens working in small enterprises, especially in rural areas, engaged in home-based work and assistance in the sale of their products.

Another important measure for the development of entrepreneurship in the service sector was the provision of tax incentives to them. This is evidenced by the fact that since April 1, 2006, legal entities that provide services are exempt from paying income tax and a single tax payment for a period of three years.

An important role in supporting the service sector is played by the creation of a market infrastructure and a reliable system of legal protection for business entities, in particular, public and non-governmental organizations that unite entrepreneurs and protect their interests. According to the data, the number of small enterprises and private entrepreneurs is growing: 22% of the surveyed enterprises are members of the Chamber of Commerce of Commodity Producers and Entrepreneurs, and 26% are members of the Association of Farmers and Farmers. More than half of business entities are not members of any associations. The main reason for this is that they argued that such associations were useless.

Creating a market infrastructure, training entrepreneurs, providing benefits, improving the legal framework for registering business entities and limiting interference in their activities are just some of the measures taken by the state to encourage private entrepreneurship.

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The creation of favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in the country, especially in the region, is explained by the following:

1) Developed market infrastructure: Republican Commodity Exchange, Agroindustrial Exchange, Real Estate Exchange, Fund for Support of Dekhkan and Farms, insurance agencies, business consulting, audit and information services, Konsauditinform agency, engineering and leasing firms, training center. , a network of small wholesale stores, etc.

2) Foreign credit lines were opened and their development started.

3) The Law "On Credit Unions", adopted in 2018, made it possible to expand non-bank lending to individual and family businesses.

4) Business entities in the service sector are provided with a number of benefits. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 5, 2006 "On measures to stimulate the expansion of cooperation between large industrial enterprises and manufacturers and services based on the development of home-based work" and "Regulations on home-based work," the right to assign benefits is guaranteed.

5) In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On radical improvement of the system of registration procedures for organizing entrepreneurial activity", simplified mechanisms for state registration of business entities and issuance of permits for entrepreneurial activity have been introduced.

6) The state ensures the development of a system of training, retraining, advanced training for small and private businesses.

7) "Hotlines" created in khokimiyats, competent ministries and organizations, as well as "checkbooks" issued during the registration of business entities, play a positive role in protecting entrepreneurs from illegal interference in their activities.

These opportunities indicate that a wide range of conditions have been created for every entrepreneur. At the same time, it should be noted that much remains to be done in the area of regulation and promotion of entrepreneurship. Equal opportunities and barriers to doing business remain. The solution to these problems is to significantly reduce the regulatory functions of the state.

Such measures will also contribute to the development of entrepreneurship, increase in income and improve the standard of living of families. In this regard, we must recognize that the development of the service sector today is a very important event for our country, and pay due attention to it.


The analysis of service support systems allows us to single out the following tasks:

> identification of resource opportunities for women in rural areas with underdeveloped microcredit infrastructure for the development of family businesses;

> determination of the parameters for creating jobs at home by ordering work and services performed at home by large industrial enterprises.

World experience shows that in many countries with sustainable economic growth, the share of employment in the service sector is at least 50%, and this is ensured by stimulating and supporting the market infrastructure sectors, developing service sectors through intensive factors and increasing labor productivity.

For the further development of the service sector, it is advisable: - Exemption from some or all taxes for 3-5 years for entrepreneurs providing any services to the population of the rural area of the Samarkand region, which is difficult to pass and crowded. This will allow entrepreneurs to expand services or other activities at their own expense. Tax breaks are very important now. This is because most entrepreneurs are not used to the laws of the market. This, of course, has a negative impact on business performance. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the tax rate for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the service sector, as well as to reduce mandatory contributions to off-budget funds;

- Direct financing of business entities in the service sector and the provision of loans and grants on favorable terms;

- Creation of broader conditions for cooperation between large industrial enterprises in the field of production and services (home work) in order to ensure employment;

- Assistance in providing information advice to business entities in the service sector;

- Training and retraining of personnel for entrepreneurial activities in the service sector.

The implementation of the above measures will allow the development of the service sector in the Samarkand region and further improve the mechanism of state support.


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