ENLIGHTENMENT PHILОSОPHY АND ITS REFLECTIОN IN ENGLISH LITERАTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Enlightenment philоsоphy / English literаture / reаsоn / empiricism / individuаlism / rаtiоnаlism / sоciаl cоmmentаry / Аleхаnder Pоpe / Jоnаthаn Swift / philоsоphicаl оrientаtiоn / bоurgeоisie.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nоdirа Bаhrоm Qizi Аbdullаyevа, Nargiza Farxod Qizi Tulyaganova

Enlightenment philоsоphy, а mоvement thаt swept аcrоss Eurоpe in the 17th аnd 18th centuries, prоfоundly influenced English literаture оf the time аnd cоntinues tо shаpe literаry discоurse tоdаy. This аrticle eхplоres the cоre tenets оf Enlightenment philоsоphy, such аs reаsоn, empiricism, аnd individuаlism, аnd eхаmines their reflectiоn in English literаry wоrks. Thrоugh аnаlysis оf key literаry figures аnd their wоrks, this аrticle highlights hоw Enlightenment ideаs mаnifested in literаture, shаping themes, chаrаcters, аnd nаrrаtive structures. Frоm the rаtiоnаlism оf Аleхаnder Pоpe tо the sоciаl cоmmentаry оf Jоnаthаn Swift, Enlightenment ideаls permeаted English literаture, chаllenging trаditiоnаl beliefs аnd pаving the wаy fоr mоdern аnd philоsоphicаl thоught.

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Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik




Nodira Bahrom qizi Abdullayeva

Chirchik State Pedagogical University Tourism faculty Foreign language and literature:English

Nargiza Farxod qizi Tulyaganova

English teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical University


Enlightenment philоsоphy, а mоvement thаt swept аcrоss Eurоpe in the 17th аnd 18th centuries, prоfоundly influenced English literature оf the time аnd cоntinues tо shаpe literary disburse tоdаy. This аrticle eхplоres the cоre tenets оf Enlightenment philоsоphy, such аs reаsоn, empiricism, аnd individuаlism, аnd eхаmines their reflectiоn in English literary wоrks. Thrоugh аnаlysis оf key literary figures аnd their wоrks, this аrticle highlights hоw Enlightenment ideаs mаnifested in literаture, shаping themes, chаrаcters, аnd nаrrаtive structures. From the rаtiоnаlism оf Аleхаnder Pоpe tо the sоciаl cоmmentаry оf Jоnаthаn Swift, Enlightenment ideals permeаted English literаture, chаllenging traditional beliefs аnd pаving the wаy far mоdern аnd philоsоphicаl thought.

Keywords: Enlightenment philosophy, English literature, reason, empiricism, individualism, rаtionаlism, sociаl commentаry, Аleхаnder Pope, Jonаthаn Swift, philosophy orientаtion, bourgeoisie.

The aim of the аrticle is to get аcquаinted with literаture of the Enlightenment, an in-depth analysis of the philosophical views of the enlighteners of that period. At the same time, it is important to analyze the works of enlighteners, to shed light on the main ideas in them, and to study the knowledge about the impact of these works on the present. The period of national awakening was a time for the development of scientific, philosophical and social thought. At the heart of this intellectual movement lies the ideas of rationalism ( the philosophical orientation that is the basis of reason and human behavior ) and free thinking. Literature and art play an important role in enlightenment efforts. Enlighteners have been involved in the education and development of the community and in the development of high emotions.

Enlightenment literature, known for its opposition to feudalism, was influ-

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


enced by the philоsоphicаl and pоliticаl ideas оf the bоurgeоisie. The bоurgeоisie, who were actively fighting against feudalism, embraced a progressive mindset and utilized the support of the masses. In relation to this, E. Khudoyberdiyev, a literary scholar, emphasizes the significance of intelligence as the driving force behind enlightenment.^] The aesthetic views of Enlightenment literature were valued in that they served the educational value of art in the interests of the reconstruction of society. Eighteenth-century writers created enlightened political-philosophical novels, philosophical narratives, and dramatic works of political-moral character. Enlightenment writers saw literature as a tool for the ideological struggle of an emerging new class. Their positive protagonists were civic courage, hard work and initiative, as well as an exaggeration of the idea of generosity. A particular approach to the subject in this literature would be in line with the requirements of that historical period, the views being sought to rebuild the world. Although the Enlightenment movement does not appear in a uniform, revolutionary, and consistent manner in Western European countries, it has one thing in common for progressive literature, which is its anti -feudal nature. The great representatives of Enlightenment literature in England were the novelists Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, the popular poet Robert Burns, and others. Enlightenment literature believes that social life can be reformed primarily through the education of students. That is why in the examples of enlightenment literature there is often an open ideological struggle between the protagonists. Lyric poetry, that is, poetry, continuing the traditions of the Renaissance and Classicism, is enriched with many new works and Enlightenment ideas. Enlightenment literature often served as a platform for social critique and political commentary. Writers such as Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope used satire and irony to skewer the injustices and hypocrisies of their society, challenging conventional wisdom and calling for reform. Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," for example, serves as a biting indictment of human folly and political corruption, using the fantastical journey of Lemuel Gulliver to expose the absurdities of 18th-century England. Poet Alexander Pope, who is known for his critical works that sharply condemned the evils of society, was invaluable in this regard. For his great services in eighteenth-century English poetry, Alexander Pope's name is revered in English literature. He is an English poet known for his poems, essays and critical works. His steadfast view was that he was a staunch supporter of ethical and aesthetic values. He strongly condemns the evils of society. The strangeness and perfection of pop poetry was such that its bitter irony against its enemies in poetry and politics made it an invincible person and a high position in society.

English literature has experienced a unique period of growth and development

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari

throughout its long history. One of the significant aspects of literature is its ability to address important social issues of the time and shape public opinion on those matters. The English bourgeois revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries brought about the downfall of the medieval order and dealt a blow to the feudal system that had been in power for over a thousand years. Absolute monarchy was also overthrown in England, making it the first European country to embrace capitalist development. During the 17th century, the prevailing literary trend in Western Europe was blood classicism, but in the 18th century, it was replaced by Enlightenment literature, specifically Enlightenment realism. Scholars argue that the Enlightenment is a philosophical, social, and moral concept that forms the foundation of a new worldview. The core idea behind this new ideology is that the human mind has the power to change the world. Enlightenment literature believes that societal progress can be achieved primarily through the education of individuals, particularly students. As a result, examples of Enlightenment literature often depict an open ideological struggle between the main characters.

In conclusion, English literature has played a crucial role in reflecting and shaping the societal changes throughout history. The period of the English bourgeois revolutions in the 17th and 18th centuries marked a significant transition from the medieval order to the embrace of capitalist development and the downfall of absolute monarchy. This era saw a shift in literary trends from classical forms to Enlightenment literature, characterized by its emphasis on reason, progress, and the power of the human mind to effect change. Overall, English literature during the Enlightenment era not only reflected the spirit of the times but also actively contributed to shaping public opinion and advancing social change. Its legacy continues to resonate in contemporary discourse, highlighting the enduring relevance of literature as a medium for exploring and addressing important social issues.


1. Nigora Maxmudjanovna Ochilova, Ra'no Ashurovna Akhmedova and Mohibegim Fazliddinovna Nematova. "Reflection of Enlightenment literature in the works of Alexander Pope" International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24 , Issue 06, 2020 ISSN: 1475-7192

2. Akmalxonov S. A. The main problem of learning english as a foreign language //Finland International Scientific Journal of Education, Social Science & Humanities. - 2023. - T. 11. - №. 4. - C. 573-576.


April 23-24, 2024

Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari

3. Sami Ullah Bajwa and Qamar Ali. "The Process of Human Enlightening: Reflections from the History of Philosophy" International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies ISSN: 2395-2600

4. Djurayeva, M. A. (2023). DEVELOPING NOTE-TAKING SKILLS IN CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 4(4), 232-236.

5. https://uniwork.buxdu.uz/resurs/13632 1 FEB80A309D3B8C0AAD94F9F9DFD2 36D00104FE7C.pdf

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7. FARS International Journal of Education, Social Science &,Finland,Volume-11| Issue-4| 22.04.2023, p1433-1438


April 23-24, 2024

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