EMOTIONALLY-EXPRESSIVE COLORING OF THE UZBEK ETHNOUS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Etnografiya / etnos / etnik birliklar / feodal tuzum / o'zbek. / Этнография / этнос / этнические единицы / феодальный строй / узбеки

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Shafoat Malikovna Shirinqulova, Arslonbek Mavlanov

Ushbu maqolada tilningning emotsional ekspressif boyishida etnografiyaning roli o'zbek xalq amaliy san'ati, folklori, hamda tarixining rivojlanish davrlari misolida ko’rsatib otilgan.

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Аннотация В данной статье показана роль этнографии в эмоциональноэкспрессивном обогащении языка на примере периодов развития узбекского народного творчества, фольклора, истории.


Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions

Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar


Shafoat Malikovna Shirinqulova

Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Languages, Tashkent Medical Academy

Arslonbek Mavlanov

Student of the 1st treatment group 119a of the Tashkent Medical Academy


Ushbu maqolada tilningning emotsional ekspressif boyishida etnografiyaning roli o'zbek xalq amaliy san'ati, folklori, hamda tarixining rivojlanish davrlari misolida ko'rsatib otilgan.

Kalit so'zlari: Etnografiya, etnos, etnik birliklar, feodal tuzum, o'zbek.

Аннотация В данной статье показана роль этнографии в эмоционально-экспрессивном обогащении языка на примере периодов развития узбекского народного творчества, фольклора, истории.

Ключевые слова: Этнография, этнос, этнические единицы, феодальный строй, узбеки.

In this article, the role of ethnography in the emotional expressive enrichment of the language is shown on the example of the development periods of Uzbek folk art, folklore, and history.

Keywords: Ethnography, ethnos, ethnic units, feudal system, Uzbek.

There are many different peoples and nations in the world. Mankind is so ethnically rich and diverse that it is not clear to science how many peoples and nationalities live on the surface of the Earth. Nevertheless, according to scientists, there are more than two thousand peoples in the world, and they consist of national units from several thousand to a billion. No matter how much and no matter what social level they are, they develop on the basis of common laws and values in their development. Usually science mentions such factors as a common language and regio




single peasant way of life, way of life and culture, national feeli and character.

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions

Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar

Each ethnic group, in turn, consists of certain tribes and clans, clans and communities, social groups and classes. Scientists believe that the national language is the most important factor in the creation of these historical units and their integration. Because language is the main factor that allows individual ethnic units to freely communicate with each other, communicate, express and understand their feelings, establish economic and cultural relations. Because thanks to the language, not only historical unity is established, but also a general socio-economic, especially cultural and spiritual unity. Many nations and peoples are named according to their language.

Some researchers single out certain peoples and nationalities based on their way of life and culture. However, there may be several ethnic groups with the same lifestyle. Such peoples are found in Central Asia or on the banks of the Volga, in Siberia or in North America. On the contrary, in the same territory there can be peoples and peoples with different languages and similar economic and cultural life. In the study of the ethnic process, various historical sources, archival documents and samples of oral art are widely used. Linguistic (linguistic) information also helps in determining the origin and ethnic makeup of ethnic groups. The history and characteristics of their material culture can be determined in cooperation with the science of archaeology. The spiritual culture of ethnic groups is studied in conjunction with art history, musicology, religious studies, folklore and literature.

Cities and villages began to appear in Uzbekistan at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. In the sacred book of the Zoroastrians "Avesta", ancient Sogdian writings and Persian sources, information about the times of Alexander the Great, it is reported that there are many cities and villages, castles and fortresses. Along with the cities and villages of the Uzbek country, discovered thanks to archaeological finds, some large and small courtyards, rich decorative ornaments and painted paintings deserve attention.

Clothing of the peoples of Central Asia has a long history. Although each people and ethnic group has its own characteristic headdresses and shoes, the presence of common features of the ethnic groups living in the region, their historical fate and culture indicate that they have long been close to each other. Antique large wall paintings, images printed on various objects, book miniatures of the Middle Ages found during archaeological excavations provide rich information about the clothes of our ancestors in the past. Miniatures of the Middle Ages show that the type of Uzbek clothing was formed and preserved until the next period. Changes in ancient folk clothes are mainly visible at the beginning of our century,

transformations in it are clearly known mainly in cities.

Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions

Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar


Traditional Uzbek clothing consisted mainly of a shirt, trousers and coat, duppi on the head, Kalish-maxi on the legs and boots. Almost the same style of men's and women's and children's clothing testifies to their antiquity. Such dresses are sewn in a simple way, sometimes without scissors and without sewing. A piece of gauze was folded in half, and a piece of a rectangle (placed behind the bosom) was sewn across the shoulders and a shirt was made from a piece of the rectangle.

Men's traditional T-shirts are sewn to the knees, while women's and girls' ones are sewn to the ankles. In the Ferghana Valley, the hem of a man's jacket is vertical (yirmochi) to the waist, while in another species, the yirmochi extends horizontally from one shoulder to the other. Both have a long collar, in places the collar is embroidered. A shirt with a horizontal split collar is common in the Zarafshan, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya valleys, Tashkent, Bukhara and Khorezm. A wide embroidered or decorated braid is also sewn on the collar of a woman's dress.

The traditional social life of the population of Uzbekistan is determined by the feudal system, which was formed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and sanctified by Islam. But in the whole way of life and worldview, the remnants of the first forms of the social system, ancient traditions and rituals have been preserved.


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