Научная статья на тему 'Emergence of the economic insight (the sample of the Uzbek economy)'

Emergence of the economic insight (the sample of the Uzbek economy) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Khasankhanova Nodira Isametdinovna

The article examines the causal relationship in the context of economic thinking transformation. The main idea was developed through the research of "Uzbek model of development" and the role of the economic theory of the formation of this phenomenon.

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Структурное преобразование составных частей экономической мысли (на примере экономики Узбекистана)

Данная статья изучает причинно-следственную связь в контексте изменения экономического мышления. Особая роль отведена изучению Узбекской модели развития и роли экономической теории формировании данного феномена.

Текст научной работы на тему «Emergence of the economic insight (the sample of the Uzbek economy)»

Hay^Hbie cmpeMneHun 4 (16) '2015


Tashkent financial institute, Uzbekistan

Economic concepts can be reflected in the categories such as law, the country production process, social changes, economic relations and their properties. Every society develops and improves its economic philosophy based on own economic situation. Small societies defined as a part of the large companies, trying to strengthen its economy both internally and externally. Society moves towards legal protection of own economy, transforms agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors in the competitive field. It will take such action as social protection improvement, implement political, cultural, economic reforms and invests to private property development.

The basic requirements for transition to a market economy should be based on the creation of new economic thinking. In case of Uzbekistan it was first announced in 90's. The idea of the transition was first proposed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Later it was developed and known as the "Uzbek model", which is an authentic turn of reforms. This model was formatted as a process requiring a long time and labor. In the process of overall economic development through a series of economic reforms achieved the following results:

• Firstly, enforced goals, objectives and immutable direction were defined at the beginning of the reforms. These goals and directions were determined as country's economic and social permanence basis. Various spheres of the economy were improved in a short period of time.

• The second stage of reforms was aimed on foundation of legal regulations of market improvement. Adopted laws have become trusted mechanisms for the implementation of the reforms and have warranted their irreversibility. As a result, the mechanisms were improved and the newly adopted laws implementations were started.

• Third was the targeting of economic reforms implementation and the establishment of the provisional macroeconomic policy. Stability and firmness of macroeconomic and financial situation of the country were achieved.

• Results of the fourth stage were the real changes happened in the formation period of mixed economy. The achieved results started to meet the present requirements of society, the transition of state property to private was as positively as expected; established infrastructure at the new market started to meet increasing needs of business entities.

• Fifth phase was a creation of funding to make the economy known in both regional and global levels. The role of local government was more than just participation against the backdrop of financial resources scarcity. The first priority was given to development of energy producing and mining industry (oil and gas),

then was ferrous metallurgy industry, electronics, chemical and petrochemical industry. As a result there developed producing of more than 600 kinds of goods in different regions.

• The sixth was one of the most important stages; it was aimed on state economic integration into global economy.

In turn, it should be noted that the changes forms a new thinking, a new point of view in mind of population. The new economic relations and the cooperation of private property with government gradually changed their views. The most products known as a high rank goods in 90's (car, TV set, mobile telephone and etc.) eventually turned into a commodity.

The development of economic thinking and its structural framework shows us the link between the human mind and economic thinking by itself. As it was noted by Blyakhman the economic thinking is, an economic relations mapping process which could happen only in human mind. His offer was to divide the composite structure of economic thinking into three main parts, as it was shown in graph.1

the f

conversion of theoretical ideas into practical action and using of economic thinking' actio

Figure №1. The structure of economic thinking

Based on the above composite structure we consider that the economic thinking consists on following:

• human by himself;

• economic consciousness and behavior;

• economic activity;

• economic education and training;

• economic culture.

The consistency economic thinking constituents depends both from social structure of the society and the whole economic situation. Man of the birth of what the

1 Blyakhman, L. (1990) Restructuring of economic thinking [Перестройка экономического мышления]. - Moscow: Politizdat, 1990.

Научные стремления 4 (16) '2015

rest of his life has a number of economic relations, engaged in various activities. All this can be divided into gaming activities, the development of knowledge and work. These activities take place inseparable from the economy, the child through play activity realizes the economic relations in society, in educational institutions, along with the subject of mathematics, native language, literature familiar with the basics of economic knowledge and work activity takes place together with the processes of production, maintenance, contracting, based on economic relations. A great economist A. Smith is aware of this process, created a "concept of economic man".

Economic man - creative subject of the economy, having the freedom to choose which based on his goals, interests and needs and taking into account his capabilities; can make the best and rational decision.2 From this definition, we can realize that economic man is a person, leading activities in any area of the economy based on his behavior. The economic man's consciousness and behavior serves society to operate and enter into a relationship.

Economic consciousness and behavior is the cause of human occupation in some form of economic activity, this activity encourages people to develop economic knowledge and finally to conduct business on the basis of economic culture. With the economic development of the society develops not only the economy, but also to harmonious politics, science, art, literature, education and culture.3

Arising on the combination of the subject of economics and psychology subject of economic psychology studies the manifestation of economic relations in knowledge and behavior. That is, the subject based on the practice of economic management and examines such factors as the results of human behavior in the structure of economic relations and mechanisms of the processes of economic activity, regulations having to do with human consciousness, decisions for economic development, and the importance of social thought in solving problems. Economic behavior, which is one of the categories of economic thinking, Krylov scientifically proved as follows. According to him, the economic behavior - this behavior is responsible for the economic impact.

And so, by definition Krylov, economic psychology is the psychology of this entity managing the economy in a broad sense. According to Karimova, economic thinking as a product of economic consciousness - a reflection of ideas, knowledge, ideas and views on economic relations in the minds of the subjects that have entered into business relations, which gives the ability to analyze, summarize, compare and draw conclusions regarding the activities. Economic behavior, according to Karimova and Akramova - are actions and behavior exhibited when exposed to the working environment, tools, and pushing.

According to Krylov, economic consciousness - is the direct mapping of objects related to the production, development and profitability in the human mind, having their views, goals and outlook. That is due to the fact that there is economic

2 Gukasyan G. (2010) The economics from "A" to "Z". Special handbook [Экономика от "А" до "Я". Тематический справочник] - Moscow: 2010. 248 pages

3 Krylov A. (1998) Psychology. textbook [Психология. Учебник] - Moscow: Prospect, 549 pages

consciousness, we have the knowledge, imagination and feelings on how to find and multiply the benefits that satisfy our material and moral needs and contribute their labor in the production of material production. And so, saying economic thinking, first of all, you can understand the emotions and feelings that come from economic relations, reasonable elements with respect to their understanding of various aspects of the properties of concepts, ideas, habits and experience as a result of the economic imagination and thinking. Hence, economic thinking is a complex psychological chain of systems that directly arises from the effects of the economic situation and the conditions of human consciousness, outlook and his motives. A result of a choice -counting of profits and losses, Compare used (time, power, money, opportunities) and results (profits). Despite their simplicity, these economic processes require complex, mysterious and original research.

Today we all know, people's lives, their occupation with politics, science, art, literature, education and culture they need to consume good things of life (food), dress and use different services. And for this they need the means of subsistence, such as food, clothing, home and various services. People for possession of such means of subsistence are engaged in different activities. The most basic of all human activities are different, the economic activity of producing material and moral values and providing a variety of services to ensure their life and development.

A set of interactive various activities aimed at the production and delivery of consumer necessaries for living and improving people collectively referred to economic activity. Determination of relative economic activity occurs in a number of economic literatures. In these works, economic thinking is defined as an economic system that serves the needs of society as a process of production, distribution and consumption of goods, services and resources.4

At present, as recognized in the world literature, much attention is paid to the study of the Institute of Economics, as the economy definitely has an impact on all aspects of society. According to Taylor, even if economic activity does not dominate all spheres of society, but its importance is felt in every area. The task of every person is to know the laws of the market economy, as they are brought to life in Uzbekistan, the application of these laws in economic activity and the secrets of the establishment of production of goods. It is understood that as a result of successful economic education, students can acquire formed and improved skills and qualities such as diligence, initiative, business acumen and conducting economic calculations. The content of economic education is constantly enriched eastern thinkers. Abu Nasr Farabi, in his treatise "On achieving happiness and prosperity," he wrote, "One must know about proper distribution of their funds", "greed in spending money leads to greed. Unplanned waste of money leads to idleness and unrestrained action. "Economic education - is a type of social education, which studies meanings, methods and

4 Sobirov, B. (2004) E.E. CoSupoB. Using innovative methods for the formation of economic terms in students mind [YrçyBHHjapaa hkthcoahh TymyHHajapHH maKjaaffrnpHmga нннoвацнoн ycyjjapgaH ^ongajaHHm] - Tashkent: Thesis

Hay^Hbie cmpeMneHun 4 (16) '2015

problems of economic development of the skills and qualifications. Economic education is against to the backdrop of economic knowledge and literacy. Economic knowledge is a collection of information that illuminates the nature of the production process and the meaning of economic relations. Economic literacy - this property is the initial information on the production, economic activity, the economy and economic relations.5

The process of economic education and training is organized to acquire economic skills and qualifications, and makes it possible to target improvement of the individual, that is, systematic influence on him. In the process of economic education is a systematic effect on the consciousness (in education), feelings (in the classroom and outside of the lesson) and will (in the process of organizing the activities and behavior management) students. Economic education and training can be shown by the following sequence: Self-education, re-mastering, economic education are the purpose of the social order, forms, methods, organization and conditions and management capabilities.6

Economic education is a pedagogical process, based on the students' mastered theoretical knowledge on economics and aimed at the formation of certain qualities (thrift, prudence, giftedness, sociability, diligence and proper assessment of the situation, etc.), skills and qualifications of economic activity. The main purpose of the organization of economic education is to improve the economic skills and the formation of future skills of students as subjects of economic activity. To do this: "the study of economic activity, to feel their place in it, the development of modern standards of conduct, the mastery of economic culture, the formation of modern economic thinking and education lean against the funds and the results of labor". Careful development of students' economic knowledge and skills of their practical application in economic activity ensures the formation and strengthening of economic culture. In the "Dictionary of the masses" it is indicated that the economic culture in the economic life of the community - a set of indicators:

1) the mass of creative participation;

2) their economic knowledge;

3) skills and mastery of farming;

4) economic ideas and thinking.

According to our opinion, economic culture is not shown separately as above. Harmony of these provisions reflects the economic culture of the individual. From this perspective, the concept of "economic culture" can be characterized as the highest degree of development of the personality of the theoretical and practical knowledge of economics.7

5 Eshmuradova, G. (2009) The meaning of pupils' knowledge (economic) increasing [y^yBHrnapHH H^THCogHH Sn^HM^apHH pHBO^^aHTHpnm Ma3MyHH] - Tashkent: Thesis

6 Khasanov, A. et. al. (1998) Concise Dictionary of Economics [H^THCogneTgaH ^Hc^ana ^yraT] -Tashkent

7 Eshmuradova, G. (2009) The meaning of pupils' knowledge (economic) increasing [Y^yBHH^apHH H^THcogHH Sn^HM^apHH pHBO^^aHTHpnm Ma3MyHH] - Tashkent: Thesis

Economic activity is based on the form and perfection of the economic culture of the society. Economic culture is an organization of economic activities, values, respect for the forms of ownership and economic success. This economic thinking is based on:

Figure №2. The basics of economic thinking8

At a certain time in society there are many unmet needs. Over time, the emergence of new products, under the influence of a broad advertising and trade promotion needs change and grow. Personality is formed and perfected on scientific trends and unbounded growth of the needs of society, that is, its image as a family, makhalla (local community gathering) and the state. The desire to know the test of economic life and determine the main directions of research trends of this activity has been a long time, and it directs to the desired aspiration for mankind toward streamlining economic activity economic laws and categories.

Practical results of work, technical renewal of production, innovation in various fields, identifying new needs with the emergence of new types of products, the creation of various technical means to the welfare of human life - all this shows new stage level of scientific development. The emergence of scientific and innovative business plans, the formation of large joint-stock companies means creating conditions in society today. It should be noted that a number of problems encountered in the field of science. The world market in developed countries comes with their outstanding innovation, and the output of developing countries about their raw materials and a slow scientific development of these countries. Therefore, in these countries it is significant, and engineering activities of transnational companies and investments aimed at improving the scientific level of the country.

Of course, the improvement of the institutions of the economy takes place on the basis of consistency and continuity. The sequence is shown in:

• maintaining scientific works;

• introduction of innovative technologies;

• the process of training;

• work.

8 Koravlov, M. (2008) Economics, risks and protection. reference dictionary [ Экономика риски защита. Словарь справочник] - Moscow. 771 pages.

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In any society, conducting research works carried out in several levels: primary, industry and nation-wide. Institute of Economics, who are conducting research in the conduct of activities aimed at the production or economic well-being in other industries, first pass the primary level, that is, create a new experimental type of product, and then extend it to the local and national level.

Introduction of innovative technologies is a basic requirement and pushing factor today. Because of, if you do not implement consistently news in the current information society, one company starts to lag behind the other. Therefore, the global market is constantly provided innovative technology. The sequence of the training system consists of training to staff activity on the basis of a certain schedule. In our country the training sequence is carried along with the continuity.

Carrying out activities of continuous training is provided on the basis of national standards and consistency of different levels of educational programs. The peculiarity of the national model of training is administered by an independent nine-year general secondary education and 3 years of secondary special (vocational) education in the country. This provides a gradual transition from the programs of general education in vocational programs. As work proceeds in the sequence of the development of new technologies and at the same time continuing professional training. Human resources, as well as other resources, must always be produced and updated. This can be seen both in the local and global sense.

Re-education of human resources in the local sense includes the continuous expansion of the restoration of physical and mental ability, update and develop their working skills, general knowledge and training, and of course, the preparation of the work shift. Workforce education in the broadest sense means:

General conditions of natural growth and vital

Recruitment of staff for the production and release

Allocation and re-allocation of labor by industry, and areas


Meet the social, cultural and spiritual needs of the population

Ensure full and effective employment of labor

Figure №3. The steps of workforce education

Direction of creativity and constructiveness is based on creativity and systematic in ensuring harmonious structure of economic thinking. This trend is a cause of technological innovations and serves to improve the process of economic life. Analyzing the above, we propose the following:

1) relief law in the conduct of economic relations;

2) close gaps in the law in the conduct of world economic relations;

3) develop the trend of "economic man", while improving laws related to

human factors.

In summary, it can be noted that Uzbekistan's economy is in a step-by-step development, and in improved components of economic thinking. The human factor, which is the basis of our reforms and attention to it, there is always at the leading level.


1. Blyakhman, L. (1990) Restructuring of economic thinking [Perestrojka ekonomicheskogo myshleniya]. - Moscow: Politizdat, 1990.

2. Gukasyan G. (2010) The economics from "A" to "Z". Special handbook [Ekonomika ot "A" do "YA". Tematicheskij spravochnik] - Moscow: 2010. 248 pages

3. Krylov A. (1998) Psychology. textbook [Psihologiya. Uchebnik] -Moscow: Prospect, 549 pages

4. Sobirov, B. (2004) B.B. Sobirov. Using innovative methods for the formation of economic terms in students mind [Uuvchilarda i^tisodij tushunchalarni shakllantirishda innovacion usullardan fojdalanish] - Tashkent: Thesis

5. Eshmuradova, G. (2009) The meaning of pupils' knowledge (economic) increasing [Y^uvchilarni i^tisodij bilimlarni rivozhlantirish mazmuni] - Tashkent: Thesis

6. Khasanov, A. et. al. (1998) Concise Dictionary of Economics [I^tisodiyotdan ^is^acha lurat] - Tashkent

7. Koravlov, M. (2008) Economics, risks and protection. Reference dictionary [Ekonomika riski zashchita. Slovar' spravochnik] - Moscow. 771 pages.

Khasankhanova Nodira Isametdinovna



Tashkent financial institute, Uzbekistan Summary

The article examines the causal relationship in the context of economic thinking transformation. The main idea was developed through the research of "Uzbek model of development" and the role of the economic theory of the formation of this phenomenon.

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