ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK USING MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Zakirova S.A.

This article discusses the use of multimedia technology in the creation of electronic textbooks.

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УДК 378.45

Zakirova S.A.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Department

"Informatics and management" National Institute of Fine Arts and Design Uzbekistan, Tashkent ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOK USING MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGIES

Abstract: This article discusses the use of multimedia technology in the creation of electronic textbooks.

Key words: multimedia, computer computer, informatics, internet, electronic textbook

The modern education system is increasingly using information technology and computer telecommunications. The system of distance education is especially dynamically developing, which is promoted by a number of factors, and above all -the equipment of educational institutions with powerful computers and the development of the Internet community. Lecture-seminar form of education has long lost its effectiveness - the practice has proved that almost 50% of training time is wasted. Studying foreign experience, it is possible to single out the following important aspect: the teacher acts not as a distributor of information (as is traditionally accepted), but as a consultant, advisor, and sometimes even a fellow student.

This gives some positive points: students are actively involved in the learning process, they are taught to think independently, to put forward their points of view, to model real situations. The development of information technology has provided a new, unique opportunity to conduct classes - the introduction of distance learning. Firstly, it allows the learner to choose the time and place for training, secondly, it provides an opportunity for people who are deprived of traditional education to receive education for various reasons, thirdly, to use new information technologies in training, fourthly, to a certain extent reduces the cost of training.

On the other hand, distance education enhances the individualization of learning.As a rule, electronic textbooks are used in distance learning. The advantages of these textbooks, in our opinion, are: firstly, their mobility, secondly, accessibility due to the development of computer networks, thirdly, the adequacy of the level of development of modern scientific knowledge. On the other hand, the creation of electronic textbooks also contributes to the solution of such a problem as the constant updating of information material. They may also contain a large number of exercises and examples, detailing the dynamics of various types of information. In addition, with the help of electronic textbooks knowledge control is carried out - computer testing. Distance learning is a complex of educational services provided to the general population in the country and abroad using a specialized information educational environment based on the means of exchanging educational information at a distance (satellite television, radio, computer communications, etc.). The DL information and educational system is a system-organized set of data transmission facilities, information resources, interaction

Экономика и социум" №5(60) 2019



protocols, hardware-software and organizational-methodical support, focused on meeting the educational needs of users. TO is one of the forms of continuing education, which is intended to realize the human right to education and to receive information.

That is, by distance learning we mean any kind of knowledge transfer, where the learner and the learner are separated in time and / or space. If we agree with this definition, the "good old" correspondence course is the prototype of a modern DL, which, however, lacks an element of individualization. How can the elements of individualization be introduced into the components of distance learning?Since modern computers make it possible to reproduce practically all types of information transfer known so far, and, which seems to us the most important, only they can implement adaptive algorithms in training and provide the teacher with objective and timely feedback on the process of learning material mastering, it becomes It is quite obvious that the fundamental difference between the DL in its understanding from the traditional absentee is not only that "pen and paper "replaces the computer, and" pigeon mail "- the Internet. A multimedia computer is not only a new integrated storage medium, it is the device that most fully and adequately displays the face-to-face model. In addition, only reference and information systems based on hypermedia links can be implemented only in computers, which is also one of the most important components of the individualization of learning.

What is the "Electronic textbook" and what are its differences from the usual textbook? Usually, an electronic textbook is a set of training, controlling, modeling and other programs placed on magnetic media (hard or flexible disks) of a PC, which reflect the main scientific content of the academic discipline. EE often complements the usual, and is especially effective in cases where it:

• provides almost instant feedback;

• helps to quickly find the necessary information (including contextual search), which is difficult to find in a regular textbook;

• significantly saves time with repeated references to hypertext explanations;

• along with a brief text - shows, tells, models, etc. (this is where the opportunities and advantages of multimedia technologies are manifested) allows you to quickly, but at a pace most suitable for a particular individual, to test knowledge of a specific section.

The disadvantages of EC include not quite good physiology of the display as a means of perceiving information (perception of textual information from the screen is much less convenient and efficient than reading a book) and higher cost compared to a book.

Used sourses:

1. Khristochevsky SA Electronic multimedia textbooks and encyclopedias. // Informatics and education, - 2000, №2. Pp. 71-77.

2. Multimedia technologies as a means of improving the effectiveness of schooling. Methods of working on interactive equipmenthttp://xreferat.com/71/5327-1-mul-timediiynye-tehnologii-kak-sredstvo-povysheniya-effektivnosti-obucheniya-v-shkole-metodika-raboty-na-interaktivnom-oborudovanii.html from 03.30.2016

Экономнка h соцнумм №5(60) 2019



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