Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Senior Teacher Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University Baku, Azerbaijan
Summary: This article deals with educational activity of J. Mammadguluzade and the magazine "Molla Nasraddin". Jalil Mammadguluzade's pedagogical and educational activity began when he graduated from the Gori seminary in 1887, was appointed a teacher at Ulukhanli village school near Yerevan.. One of the main activities and goals of "Molla Nasreddin" magazine was the progress of enlightenment, science and education. In most of the texts published in the magazine, ignorance and vulgarity are exposed by criticizing the characters in their own language. Learning from the image of Molla Nasreddin in oral literature and the literary wealth related to this image, Jalil Mammadguluzade opened an unprecedented path for the entire Azerbaijani literature and press by making "Uncle Molla" his artistic image and naming his magazine after him.
Key words: "Molla Nasreddin", Jalil Mammadguluzade, a well-known pedagogue, literary seminary, educational activity
Резюме: В данной статье рассматривается просветительская деятельность Дж. Мамедкулизаде и журнала «Молла Насреддин». Педагогическая и просветительская деятельность Джалила Мамедгулузаде началась, когда он окончил в 1887 году Горийскую семинарию, был назначен учителем школы села Улуханлы близ Еревана. образование. В большинстве опубликованных в журнале текстов невежество и пошлость разоблачаются посредством критики героев на их родном языке. Изучая образ Моллы Насреддина в устной литературе и литературное богатство, связанное с этим образом, Джалил Мамедкулизаде открыл небывалый путь для всей азербайджанской литературы и прессы, сделав своим художественным образом «дядю Моллу» и назвав его именем свой журнал.
Ключевые слова: «Молла Насреддин», Джалил Мамедгулузаде, известный педагог, литературная семинария, просветительская деятельность.
In addition to being a great writer, playwright, and publicist, Jalil Mammadguluzade is an educator and public figure who played an unparalleled role in the rise of Azerbaijani literature to a new stage, formed an entire literary school. He was born on February 22, 1866 in the city of Nakhchivan, which has an ancient and rich history. In 1882 the writer was admitted to this educational institution at the initiative of A.O. Cherniyavsky, the inspector of the Azerbaijani branch of the Gori seminary, a well-known pedagogue and a kind person. Seminary life, which had a very positive effect on Jalil Mammadguluzade, became a turning point in his future destiny. During his studies at the literary seminary, he mastered the Russian language perfectly, and with the help of this language, Russian literature Krylov, Gogol, Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, etc. gets acquainted with the works of great classics such as
Although the educational system taught in the seminary was built entirely on the basis of serving the colonial policy of Tsarist Russia, literature was always given a special place here.
D.D. Semyanov, a pioneer and democratic thinker of the time, people-democrat M.Kipiani, Russian language teacher N.Novospasski, math and geometry teacher V.N. Pavlov, Georgian
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language teacher A.V. Kurtateladze and other advanced educators worked together with Cherniyavski who treated with love and care. As a result of the efforts of these advanced, enlightened teachers, students were introduced to religious sciences, as well as secular sciences, and acquired a progressive outlook and democratic ideas.
Jalil Mammadguluzade, who graduated from the Gori seminary in 1887, was appointed a teacher at Ulukhanli village school near Yerevan. This is how his pedagogical and educational activity begins. In December 1887, Adib was transferred from Ulukhanli to the Bash Norashen Zemsky school located near Nakhchivan and worked there until the end of 1890. He wrote his first work, the allegorical play Tea dastgah, right here, in 1889. In 1890 the writer was appointed supervisor and teacher of the Nehrem village school, and until July 1897, he carried out extensive and effective pedagogical activities. Jalil Mammadguluzade, a teacher who worked with him for ten years, said, "He devotes all his heart and energy to the education of the young generation, to the acquisition of science, education, and culture by the village children." In addition to this, during these years, Adib matures as a leading educator, he closely participates not only in the villages where he teaches, but also in the educational processes in Nakhchivan as a whole, and soon becomes one of the leading intellectuals of these processes.
In 1897, Jalil Mammadguluzade, who ended his ten-year teaching career, left the village of Nehram. His wife Hamida wrote in her memoirs: "In the city of Nakhchivan, Mirza Jalil, writer Eynalibey Sultanov, Mammadgulubey Kangarli, Gurbanali Sharifov, Shahbaz aga and Asad aga Kangarli, Faraj and Nasrulla Sheikhovs, Mirza Ali, Mirza Sadiq and Mirza Rahim Khalilov, Bakhshali aga Shahtakhtli, poet Muhammadtaghi sat and stood with free-thinking, enlightened, scientific persons like Sidgi Safarov... These young intellectuals held literary gatherings, organized performances and question-and-answer evenings, and often played the plays of the late Mirza Fatali Akhundov. In the works of Mirza Fatali, the roles of Mr. Jordan and Lankaran Khan were played by Mirza Jalil, and his brother Mirza Alakbar played the role of Mastelishah. The performances were directed by Mirza Jalil and Muhammadtaghi Sidgi. During these years, Mirza Jalil was seriously engaged in reading and read the works of John Stuart Mill, Darwin, Socrates, Marx and other scientists and writers of ancient Greece and Europe."
In 1903, Jalil Mammadguluzade's cooperation with "Shargi Rus" newspaper opened a new page in his educational activities. Thus, while the writer was in Tbilisi, he met with Muhammad agha Shakhtakhtli, a prominent public figure originally from Nakhchivan, educated in Petersburg and Paris, fluent in Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Russian, English, German, and French, publisher and editor of "Shargi Rus" newspaper.
Mirza Jalil later remembered this successful meeting like this: "Mohammed Agha met me on the street and took me to the Annona restaurant. He invited me there and asked me what is wrong with me. I took out of my pocket the story of putting a paper in Novruzali's mailbox and gave it to Mr. Mohammad. Our reverend writer laughed so hard while reading the story that the neighbors started looking at us with surprise. From here, Mr. Mohammad forcibly took me to the "Qafqaz" hotel, where I was staying, and forcibly put my bed and my belongings into the carriage, and took me to his house so that I could stay and write a story for his newspaper. I stayed..."
In the development of Mirza Jalil's outlook, his formation as an educator and a great writer of the future, the environment of Tiflis, one of the administrative centers and cultural cities of Transcaucasia at that time, and the cooperation of F. Kocherli, Omar Faig, M.A. Sabir, A. Sahhat, M.S. Ordubadi and other well-known intellectuals, "Shargi Rus" newspaper, which promotes enlightened ideas, played an unparalleled role. In January 1905, the writer recalls the incident of the newspaper's suspension of publication as follows: "With this, the newspaper "Sharqi Rus" died, and I remember that Mr. Mohammad decided to leave Tiflis, I remember that he wanted to go to Baku. But after the newspaper was stopped, the newspaper's printing press, which was perfect for that time, was left alone and its typists were also unemployed... We agreed through the notary that the printing press will remain in our possession, on the condition that we take over the debt of two thousand manats of the newspaper and the printing house."
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Thus, with the financial help of Mashadi Alasgar Baghirzade, an enlightened merchant, Jalil Mammadguluzade and Omar Faig bought the printing house of "Shargi Rus" newspaper and named it "Geyrat". Talking about the history and main purpose of the newspaper, Omar Faig expressed his thoughts as follows: "I, my dear friends, Mammadguluzade, a penman, and Mashadi Alasgar Baghirzade, a merchant - these three of us joined forces and opened a Muslim printing house in Tbilisi with the grace of God, and named it "Geyrat". The first purpose of "Geyrat" printing house is to publish and compile books in Turkish, Persian, and Arabic.
During the period of its publication, the "Geyrat" printing house fulfills the purpose it has set for itself and gains great respect among the public. , faction", "Sustenance, light and freedom" etc. The printing of a number of socially motivated works such as During this period, Jalil Mammadguluzade published in the Russian-language media in Tbilisi "Tatar language in the new elementary school", "Useful initiative", "Hablul-matin" newspaper about the results of the Hague conference", "How did Mrs. Aspinsova's school for Muslim girls turn out", "Binasiblar" , "Kheyr-dua" and a number of other articles with political content were published, including he worked as the head of the Muslim department of "Vozrojdeniya" newspaper.
Jalil Mammadguluzade applied to the governor of Tbilisi to publish a weekly satirical-humorous magazine named after Molla Nasreddin, the author of instructive anecdotes and a legendary master of laughter, in the printing house "Geyrat" in order to realize his educational ideas and achieve his highest goal. receives official permission to publish the magazine. The official program of the magazine was as follows: "1. Conversations, 2. Throws, 3. Column, 4. Funny poems, 5. Funny telegrams, 6. Satirical stories, 7. Anecdotes, 8. Mailbox, 9. Funny ads, 10. Personal ads, 11. Cartoons and illustrations" .
The editors often skillfully deviated from this program because they felt it was important to comment on current events, which in turn resulted in fines, lawsuits and intimidation for them.
Learning from the image of Molla Nasreddin in oral literature and the literary wealth related to this image, Jalil Mammadguluzade opened an unprecedented path for the entire Azerbaijani literature and press by making "Uncle Molla" his artistic image and naming his magazine after him. Adib was created with the participation of the artistic thinking of different peoples of different times, that is, it can be said that it is a generalized Eastern folklore Nasreddin, which has an international character, giving many new adjectives, historical and national qualities, dedicating his mind, wit, laughter and fighting power to the people's work. made into a copy - Molla Nasreddin of Azerbaijan.
Jalil Mammadguluzade wrote in "Communist" newspaper in 1924: "Molla Nasreddin" is not the work of a single author. "Molla Nasreddin" is a collection of the works of several of my dear friends, of whom I am only an elder friend. The magazine was created by the efforts of the hardworking Azerbaijani intellectuals who belonged to the lower social class and sympathized with the simple, poor, and oppressed masses from childhood, and grew up with a sense of hatred for the privileged classes, and who even managed to get paper money for the magazine, and indeed Jalil Mammadguluzade's "dear comrades". The most active supporters of Mollansraddin were the great folk poet Mirza Alakbar Sabir, writer, poet and publicist Omar Faig Nemanzadeh, Abdurrahimbey Hagverdiyev, Ali Nazmi, Aligulu Gamkusar, Mammad Said Ordubadi, Salman Mumtaz, Mohammadali Sidgi and others.
"Molla Nasreddin" magazine was printed for the first time in Tbilisi on April 7, 1906 at the "Geyrat" printing house. The magazine has been active for 25 years with small breaks.
1906-1918 340 numbers were printed in Tbilisi.
1921 Issue 8 was published in Tabriz.
1922-1931 400 numbers were published in Baku.
Issue 748 of the journal has been published for 25 years.
"Molla Nesreddin" magazine operated in a very complicated and conflicting historical period. The caricature on the cover of the magazine called "Awakening of the Muslim World" drawn by German artist Oscar Schmerling was commissioned by Jalil Mammadguluzadeh and was in line
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with the general content of "Molla Nasreddin" magazine. The first issue of the magazine began with these words:
In the Geyrat printing house, which has been opened for a year in Tbilisi, all kinds of books, collections, and all kinds of merchant and sofa books and papers in Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Russian, and Farangian are printed in the most beautiful letters. Orders by mail are accepted from every city and promised to be processed and shipped soon.
In the continuation of the first page, "Tbilisi. April 7" title, reflecting the main purpose and purpose of the magazine, written on behalf of Molla Nasreddin, contains an appeal to the "Muslim brothers": "I have come to tell you, O my Muslim brothers! I have mentioned those people who do not like my conversation and run away from me with some pretexts, for example, to tell fortunes, to tame a dog, to listen to a dervish story, to sleep in a bath, and other such important activities.
Because the authorities said: speak to those who do not listen to you.
0 my Muslim brothers! When you heard something funny from me and opened your mouth to the sky and closed your eyes and laughed so much that your guts almost burst and instead of a handkerchief you wiped your face with your skirt and said "damn the devil", then don't think that Molla Nasreddin you laugh
1 have finished my speech, but I have only one excuse: you must forgive me, my Turkish brothers, that I speak to you in the clear mother tongue of the Turk. I know that speaking Turkish is bad and shows a person's lack of knowledge, but sometimes it is necessary to remember the past days: remember those days when your mother rocked you in the crib and called you "Lay-Lay" in Turkish, and you couldn't rest because of earache. . Finally, your poor mother would say to you: "Baby, don't cry, he will come and take you away" and you would stop crying because you were afraid for your life.
In this appeal, the founders of the "Molla Nasreddin" magazine set out to expose their true beliefs - ignorance and illiteracy with their own language, to wake up the people from the sleep of ignorance, to direct the people who hate speaking in their mother tongue and perceive them as a minority of science to education, science and progress with a sharp satirical laugh. expressed their goals.
The magazine includes new genres and satirical humorous texts under the headings "Advice to those who are customers of our collection", "Telegrams of Molla Nasreddin", "News to know", "Proverbs", "Mailbox". Looking at its contents, critical and revealing laughter was used as an appeal that started with the words "I have told you". The text "Advice to those who are customers of our collection" included these advices: "First of all, to become a customer of our collection, it is necessary to do istikhara. Second - write the letters written to the office to become a client with a reed pen and Tabriz ink. In the temple you write with a steel pen and Russian ink. Third - do not agree to the money sent, let the hands of the postal workers touch it, because perhaps the hands of the workers are sweaty or wet. If this condition is met, the internal administration will not be forced to wash the money sent. Fourth - write the letters in such a language that there is not a single Turkish word: writing in Turkish is a bad thing and indicates a person's lack of knowledge. Fifth and last - we do not recommend becoming a client on the following days, because a person who applied for a job on those days will not benefit from it:
1) The 3rd, 5th, 13 th, 16th, 21st, 24th and 25th days of each month are non-working days - we do not recommend registering as a customer.
2) We do not recommend being a customer on Mondays and Wednesdays.
3) The 28th and 29th of each month are tahtul-shua days - it is not permissible to report to
4) Two days in each month are Scorpio - don't be a customer and don't start any business.
5) Twelve days in each month are considered to be eight star days. "These days, you should do something in the temple."
"Molla Nasreddin's telegrams" expresses more socio-politically motivated criticism and conveys to the reader the attitude towards the population in neighboring countries, including our
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own cities, the obstruction of progress and development by the representatives of the authorities, the system of despotic management over the people, and conveys it to the reader in the language of critical laughter:
Petersburg - March 30. The whole Russian homeland is calm, the wolf is grazing with the
Tehran - March 30. His Holiness the Shah is preparing for a trip to Europe.
Istanbul - March 29. The Ottoman government banned the population from coughing while walking on the street.
Tabriz - March 30. The people were given the good news of freedom: so the state does not prevent the soldiers from begging, butchering and begging.
Petersburg - March 29. They say here that Senator Cherivansky will be appointed to the position of the Orenburg mufti. Mr. Sultanov, the mufti of Orenburg, is transferred to the service of the gendarmerie.
Shamakhi - March 30. Muslims are making progress. A Russian pharmacist was allowed to open a reading room, provided that nothing was read in Turkish.
Nakhchivan - March 30. The Cossacks are asking the governor-general to send them a large number of ispichkas instead of patrons.
Tabriz - March 30. Haji Qurban's sugar factory burned down and two million damages are estimated. [7, p. 3].
In "Knownly News", Mollanasraddins give their readers satirical questions about the events they have seen in real life, and convey the truth with a mixture of sarcasm and humor:
Molla Nasreddin should make a vow and send the collection by the beginning of the year to those people who write answers to the following questions and send them to our office:
1) Which city is it that twelve Muslim lawyers of the glava divankhana can read a sentence and only one can write the name higgana-higgana?
2) Can the Sunni sect drink water from the same vessel and the Shia sect drink water from that vessel or not, should that vessel be washed and cleaned or not?
3) There are many stars in the sky, or a casino in the Muslim bazaar?
4) What is the solution to reject the mullahs who forcefully attack the mourning house to eat pilaf, and the private parts that are gathered because of crying?
5) Where can I get a textbook that would teach a Muslim child literacy in the Turkish language?
6) Laziness and lack of zeal come out of the quarries of which country?
7) Why don't the snakes coming from Iran in a box sting people other than Iranians?
8) What is the secret that as soon as the Armenian-Muslim war broke out, the government soldiers were infected with such a severe disease that the doctors didn't think it was okay for them to go outside?
9) Where did the four hundred manat collected for the "Ushi" community at the theater party in Yerevan go?
In the next issue of the magazine, the answers to these questions are given:
From Akhiskha:
Mr. Molla Nasreddin vowed to send the collection for free for one year to those who asked and answered 9 items in the collection number 1. Therefore, I am giving the answers published below and hope that, if accepted, it will wake up the gentlemen sleeping in front of Molla Nasreddin in the first issue.
4-cü suala cavab: £arasi budur ki, canab Molla Nasreddin qati bir elan cari qila ki, bundan sonra garak yas evinin qabagina camiyyati-xeyriyya tarafindan bir vakil qoyula va har galan molla milfindan bir vakil qoyula va har galan molla millat nafina hokman bir §ahi vera... Answer to the 1st question: That city is the city of Baku, in which only one of the eleven members of the glava divankhana can sing higgan-higgan in their own language...
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Answer to the 2nd question: The aunt of the granddaughter of Sheikh Zahid's sister saw in a dream that it was written in the "separation" section of the fanatical chapter of Sheikh Asghar Safrai's night book that it is necessary to wash the dishes in order to muddy the environment...
Answer to the 3rd question: If the madrasahs of the cities of Sheki and Shamakhi are included in the calculation, there is a lot of gambling...
Answer to the 4th question: The solution is that Mr. Molla Nasreddin should make a definite announcement that from now on, a representative should be placed in front of the funeral home by the society-charity, and a representative should be placed from each mullah's wife, and a king should be appointed for the sake of the nation. give... and the men (lotus) swear that they will not look at the private parts of non-mahram from now on.
Answer to question 6: It comes out of the heedless quarries of Muslim preachers.
Answer to the 7th question: The reason why they got that kind of character from Iranian Khans.
Answer to the 8th question: This is the secret that because the weather is cloudy, the mauser's displeasure quickly teases a person...
Answer to the 9th question: Kemail - I submit with confidence that it is still in the theater's buffet box office. [7, p. 4].
The answers are as critical and ironic as the questions themselves. The person giving the answers asks Molla Nasreddin to wake up the sleeping people depicted in the cartoon called "Awakening of the Muslim World" on the first page of the magazine, that is, to open their eyes and convey the truth, instead of sending the promised 1-year collection free of charge.
In the text entitled "Proverbs", the authors expressed proverbs and proverbs, which are an integral part of our oral folk literature, in a form typical of Mollanasraddinchi - using revealing laughter and satire:
Baby is sweeter than honey, don't let your eyes light up. You can't hold a watermelon in two hands.
The debtor wants the debtor's health: you borrowed money, don't give it. He who has less money has less anger. Don't try to be very rich.
The cat's hand does not touch the meat, he says it is forbidden.
I'll find a million bits a day if you can find it.
Take it from Tamarzi and give it to dadamala.
The touch should not be aware of hunger.
If the turtle comes out of its shell, it becomes "abrazovanni".
If you know a lot, talk less, if you know less, talk a lot.
A lot of living can't know a lot, a lot of sleeping can know a lot.
Halalzade confuses, haramzade reconciles.
If your heart desires, pray that your neighbor dies.
Don't speak the truth, the truth will hurt.
He who does not have a lice does not have a blessing.
Haram goods are halal.
People cannot be silenced without pilaf.
The valley is quiet, our foxes are good.
Enemy you with a stone, you enemy with a head.
He who is calm is healthy.
Don't show mercy to the sheep, it will be cruel to the wolf.
The one who owes is a fool.
When the khan lost weight, the life of the subject died.
He can speak the language of the dumb.
Take good care of your property, don't catch the mullah as a thief.
If you don't eat property, you will eat it with wealth.
Mullah's house will collapse when they invite guests to two places at once.
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Mullah saw the halwa and forgot the Koran.
Tell Molla plov, tell him the way to Maraga.
The man's door is closed.
Mufta pilaf is sweeter than zeal.
Every reader can become a mullah.
A Muslim has a problem, he does not tell anyone.
If you pull a thousand hairs from each beard, everyone will become a bowl.
Everything is new, but the training book is old.
He who gives what he has is ashamed, but he who takes from nothing is not ashamed.
Sleep in the shadow of the wall, let the lice eat you, don't cross any bridge, even if the dogs catch you.
You have an oily hand, rub it on your head and it will be good.
The one who walks slowly goes far, and the one who doesn't move goes too far.
There are many who give raisins to an orphan, but not bread. [7, p. 5].
One of the main sections of "Molla Nasreddin" magazine is the texts entitled "Postbox". These texts got their name from Jalil Mammadguluzade's work of the same name. The story "Mailbox" written by the writer in 1903 is one of his first prose works. In addition to bringing world fame to its author, this small-volume work takes its place in our literature as a classic example of Azerbaijani artistic prose. The writer's first written work, the story "The Mailbox", was published in 1904 in the "Shargi-rus" newspaper. In addition, this work was a turning point in Jalil Mammadguluzadeh's life, literary and social activities.
"Mailbox" is included in the series of stories of J. Mammadguluzadeh about the sad life of victims of exploitation and ignorance. The main character of the work is Novruzali, an Azerbaijani peasant who is oppressed by the world of lords. The writer does not directly and openly say anything about the life, personality, outlook, and spiritual world of this character he presents to the reader. To reveal Novruzali's slavish nature, he confronts his master, Vali Khan, one of the main culprits who put him in this situation, and his example mailbox.
It is not accidental that the name of one of the sections of the magazine was chosen as a mailbox. So, in the texts in this section, as well as in the work itself, real events in society are described using humorous-satirical laughter. Instructional recommendations and tasks in the "mailbox" section, which are literary classes of the "Molla Nasreddin" school, are reflected in most issues of the magazine. For example, the "mailbox" text in number 3 read:
In Lankaran Mashadi Oruj to Heydarali son:
We will be happy to print the article you sent, on the condition that you yourself visit Tbilisi and read the article you wrote.
In Goychay, Mr. M.K. to the master:
Burn a blanket, write a prayer, build a stone, whatever you do, but if you don't do anything, it is also a good idea.
To Huseyn Karbalayi L. son in Karabakh:
You write and ask why we haven't written the date of our collection and how many days it will be published.
It had to happen like this: there is no way around it. You need a little patience: you can finish them all. Why are you sad?
Answers to the questions we asked in our first copy:
From a person in the city of Vladikavkaz, whose name I have forgotten.
1) The solution to reject the mullahs and private parts is to place a Khorasan or Tabriz beggar at the door of that house.
2) Laziness and lack of zeal - in Iran. Haman is in the city where there is always talk of sheikhs and methods, that is, in the city of Kirman.
3) To "Ikinci Damdamaki" in Goychay:
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You ask that we look at our dictionary and write you the meaning and difference between "bribe" and "gift".
In the texts under the title "Mailbox" section, the names of well-known, great artists and writers of the time are included with their hidden signatures: Abunasir Sheybani - Mirza Alekbar Sabir, Aunt Dabanichatdag - Ali Razi Shamchizade, Orphaned Chicken - Ali Mezhun, Our Poet -Ali Nazmi, Juvellagi - Aligulu Gamkusar, Friends of the Nation - Abdurrahim Bey Hagverdiyev, Palanduz - Salman Mumtaz, New Storyteller - Muhammadali Sabit.
One of the main titles shown in the program of "Molla Nasreddin" magazine are feuilletons. Feuilleton is a French word that means page. The negative aspects of public life are criticized in the feuilleton, which is a special type of satirical poems, written in both prose and poetry, published in newspapers and magazines. The great writer Mirza Alakbar Sabir was the first person to bring the feuilleton genre to our literature in Azerbaijan. Each of the
columns in the magazine is distinguished by its critical content, descriptive descriptions and generalizations, numerous metaphors and unique style. "Language problem", "Smoke", "What sciences are needed?", "Answer to Georgia", "To the Iranians", "Splitting the head", "Familiar sound", "Microbes", "To the people of Baku", "Molla Nasreddin's private answer", An example of this is the series of fictions written under the name "Pearl", including "Mozalan Bey's Travelogue".
In the column "Bakilara" in the 7th issue of Molla Nasreddin magazine, the author wrote, "Hey Bakurians! For God's sake, leave me alone! I didn't make a mistake, I came here to make you laugh with some funny stories so that your stomach will open and your food will go well. Otherwise, I didn't come to hurt him or her." saying that he pretends to be indifferent to the happenings and does not want to get involved in anything. In the continuation of the column, the students of the Russian-Tatar school who wrote a complaint to "Molla Nasreddin" are critically addressed: "The students of the last class of the Russko-Tatar school of Baku appeared and slandered their teachers so much that I am still embarrassed... To be honest, I am very sorry for the students who still complain to me. First of all, where is the small, where to complain about the big? What do you owe ushtels do not prove until four times? They were educated people, they were intelligent, where did you see an educated person sleeping past four o'clock at night? And you know what your teachers are doing until four o'clock? Maybe they are keeping the truth alive? Maybe they restore the council at night and make the nation suffer? Since you do not know these things, what right do you have to complain? Yes, if in reality our students spend their time in clubs at night and don't go to bed until four o'clock, and in the daytime they get up at ten o'clock and open the doors of the school with their eyes swollen like apples, then maybe you have a little right to complain."
Later, "Uncle Molla" talks about the workers who are white in the face of the entrepreneurs and complain about their oppression, as if reprimanding them. But in fact, he indirectly exposes their lawless and humble situation, the fact that they live like slaves: "Brothers, tell me one thing, what do I care if you come to the cantor at six in the morning and are free at ten in the evening?" What should I do when your Muslim masters bring you to the cantor on Fridays, close the doors and make you work by lamplight and make you yearn for the day God created? What is my duty that your pay is little, your labor is too much and your comfort is not forever. God, I was stunned.
I don't know if I spell it or not. If I don't, you will be offended. Even if I write, your comrades will start to prove in the columns of "Hayat" and "Irshad" that Uncle Molla was wrong, that our masters are young men, humane, merciful, virtuous, devoted to our situation and we are their children. They are as sincere as those who want from the heart and support freedom more than Witte and Durnovo". [7, p. 50].
The feuilleton "Molla Nasreddin's private answer" is one of Jalil Mammadguluzade's interesting stylistic features and rich artistic means of description. In the column, one of the first articles published in "Molla Nasreddin" magazine, the author talks about the events in such a way that he could not print the critical letter sent to him by Damdamaki in his magazine. If he publishes
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it, the people of Baku will stone the magazine. In fact, in this way, as the name suggests, he still conveys the truth in a "secluded" way: "To Damdamaki in Baku: Hey Damdamaki, you are completely crazy. Man, how were you not afraid to write those words to me? Have you given up your life? Maybe if I took the words and wrote them in my collection, then where would you put your life?
You should probably know that the people of Baku would not be a customer unless they stoned you and put me in my collection. Man, can I write that owls ban from Baku reading rooms? Can I write that the streets of Baku are full of begging Muslim women and children? Ay Damdamaki, can I write that on the ninth of April, two famous Muslim glasnimen said to each other the words that did not attract attention to each other, and I can believe that the Armenians liked it very much? Ay Damdamaki, may I write in my summary that on the twenty-eighth of the month of Safar, the people of Kuban and the people of Baku clashed so violently in Bibiheybat that the blood of some people is still flowing from their heads? Ay Damdamaki, what are you crazy? Man, can I write that in December, Baku people put strange thieves on donkeys and drive them around the city, but when they catch them, they release their own thieves, because these thieves are relatives of Glasni? Hey Damdamaki, think about it, can I put these words in my collection that you are asking me to do? Maybe if I wrote these words, where would you put your life?" [7, p. 22].
One of the styles characteristic of Mollanesraddinchis and widely used in their writings is artistic comparison. Jalil Mammadguluzade's column "Mincik" was written in this style. Here, the "beading" example given to the American Indians is compared to the oppression of the people by religious figures and high-ranking officials, who robbed and robbed the nation, kept them in a sleepless sleep, and did not give anything in return: do not give him anything in return. Four hundred years ago, when Europeans hunted down the savages of America and took their gold, they at least gave them metal beads in return. Yes, four hundred years ago, when the Indians roaming the forests of America were tricked into handing out their gold to European travelers, they received at least two penny worth of metal beads in return... Yes, four hundred years ago, when the wild people roaming naked in the forests of America were tricked into giving their gold to European lots, in return they used to buy a two-penny pearl, but now in the twentieth century, you see that in one part of the world, people almost raise the dead, almost sew a hat to the devil, almost fly into the air and bring news about the moon and stars, but... But on the other side of the world, when the Indians of the Caucasus and Iran distributed the sustenance of their husbands to bandits dressed in different clothes, they did not even ask for two kopecks worth of beads in return. In the continuation of the column, superstition and ignorance, which are the current problems of the time, were criticized and exposed in the mullah's own language: "...I went to the mosque, and Molla Najafgulu, who had just arrived from Iran, was preaching. As soon as I entered the door, I heard these words from Mr. Akhund: "Yes, the devil was expelled from the presence of God, and he had many sons, but only one daughter, and her name is Tartaba Khanum, and this Tartaba khanum always deceives the public and tells the privates not to give money to the mullahs, and this Tartaba herself does not give money to the mullahs, and Tartaba khanum Those who look at his words are Mrs. Tartaba. May God curse Mrs. Tartaba, and may God curse those who look at her words." After hearing these words, the poor women took action and collected some money among themselves, called a child and put the money in a handkerchief and sent it to the pulpit. Maybe most of the poor women managed to get hold of this money with difficulty, so that their men go to a party and give cheese to their children on the day they don't buy meat. [7, p. 250].
In the text titled "Kup" published in "Molla Nasreddin" magazine, it is described that Russians and Armenians worked in the divan house of the time, so people from our own nationality did not understand anything when they went to the divan house, and they were afraid when they saw someone from their compatriots. This text mainly criticizes the serving of non-nationals in our divankhana: "You go to a divankhana, you see that Urus, Armenians and non-nationals are lined up from head to toe and they are serving. Most of the time, you don't see a single Muslim among them. If you don't even know Russian, you will be dumbfounded, just like a person, for example, is
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dumbfounded by the work of our mullahs on the path of unity." For example, now our mullahs see that they will get a penny from the union, they will work in any way, but where there is no profit for them, they will try hard to destroy the union and the union. For example, in schools... When a person does not see a Muslim servant in a divan, a person becomes despondent and considers himself as a stranger, helpless and a stranger, and becomes sad. But there is something that our Muslim brothers may not know well. There is also the fact that sometimes, and perhaps most of the time, when a person sees a Muslim servant in a couch, he is so afraid that he thinks of a paint shop... "
In the article Mother language, Molla Nasreddinchilar always focused on the mother tongue and its related problems, and fought against those who distort and deny the language. They have published many feuilleton poems and articles in various genres on the topic of mother tongue. The article states;
When reading newspapers written by Tatars in their native language, one remembers that Caucasian youths speak their native language.
One of the Tatar newspapers opened a conversation about Iran and wrote:
"In Persia, the people are unhappy with the shah, " that is, he wants to say that the people in Iran are dissatisfied with the shah.
Pity our language; Our Caucasian writers write "mader" instead of "mother". Our Tatar journalists also write "Iran" as "Persia".
And they call them 'mother tongue'. Our poor mothers have never heard of 'Island' or 'Persia'.
One of the main activities and goals of "Molla Nasreddin" magazine was the progress of enlightenment, science and education. In most of the texts published in the magazine, ignorance and vulgarity are exposed by criticizing the characters in their own language. The poem "Father's advice" in number 21 is one of such works:
It is enough, my son, do not study this science in vain, your blood is lost.
After trying hard day and night, you did not get used to the lesson, and your life was lost.
I see a lot of science students in this city, what have they found?
Those who left their belongings on this road, as if they were sleeping.
There is a lot of damage to studying science for a person, you count and I will tell you
First of all, what happens in school is that you are afraid of your face, oh dideyi-rovshan and the light of your eyes will go away and you will be blind, and your soul will not survive.Your color will turn yellow and you will be sad at the end, there will be no fat in your chest.In the end, you didn't die, you went to university, you saved yourself.Tell me honestly, did you do this job well? Stop at this word.You will also say that I am a democrat or a democrat, I don't know what you will say.The people's houses were demolished and some badasses came out, ah, ah, you brainless!Everyone has read a little bit and has become a person who does not like the law.Choban-cholug has had an affair with a gentleman, he doesn't like everyone!Sometimes he hits the king, sometimes he hits the minister, look, look, he'll kill you!!! [7, p. 162].
It should be noted that the familiarity, which started when J. Mammadguluzade worked in "Sharqi-rus" and Ali Bey Huseynzade in "Hayat" newspaper, is dominated by common points. Ali Bey Huseynzade wrote; "We need a devotee, a devotee!" A devotee who is not afraid of the rising impurity! A devotee of Turkish blood, Muslim faith, Farang-minded, European appearance!'' Mirza Sadiq Gulubayov, Mahammadtaghi Bey Safaralibayov, Bahram Khan Nakhchivanski, Kichic Khan Nakhchivanski, Boyuk Khan Nakhchivanski and others. They were contemporaries of prominent scientist Jalil Mammadguluzadeh and active members of the enlightenment movement. Jalil Mammadguluzade created an army of devotees with his comrades in arms. The services of "Molla Nasreddin" magazine in the development of the critical-realist literary trend in our literature are unparalleled. "Molla Nasreddin" magazine, published under the editorship of Jalil Mammadguluzade, laid the foundation of the critical-realist genre not only within the country, but also in the Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, and Central Asia. Jalil Mammadguluzade's creativity directed
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the enlightenment movement in Azerbaijan, created a whole literary school with his works and "Molla Nasreddin" magazine.
1. Bilal Hasanli. Azerbaijani children's literature. Teacher publishing house. Baku, 2015, p.
2. Jalil Mammadguluzade. Works. Volume I. Leading publishing house. Baku, 2004, p. 663
3. Jalil Mammadguluzade. Stories. Law publishing. Baku, 2019, p. 232
4. Jalil Mammadguluzade 150 years. ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi. Ecoprint publishing house. Baku, 2019, p. 720
5. Firidun Huseynov. Great truths in ordinary stories. Khan publishing house. Baku, 2015, p.
6. Khalid Alimirzayev. A genius artist, a great citizen. Science and education publishing house. Baku, 2010, p. 684
7. Khalid Alimirzayev. Literary criticism of Jalil Mammadguluzade. Baku, 1991, p. 184
8. Molla Nasreddin. In 10 volumes. Volume I. Azernashr. Baku, 1996, p. 712
9. Molla Nasreddin. In 10 volumes. Volume II. Azernashr. Baku, 2002, p. 720
ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"