“MOLLA NASREDDIN” - THE LEADER OF THE LITERARY PERIOD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Aliyeva G.

The theory of Molla Nasreddin are a whole scientific system with serious theoretical and methodological problems. For a hundred years, the name "Molla Nasreddin" became eternal at the thought of Azerbaijan historical social and science has formed as a science of Molla Nasreddin theory. Investigating monographs in the context of this scientific Azerbaijani literary criticism has become an urgent historical necessity today.

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does not have an independent status [Kortas, 2009: 539]. Thus, this criterion-based hybrid word is perceived as a foreign word for the owner of the language, and the absorbed word is perceived as its own. In addition, when determining hybrid words, it is necessary to take into account the degree of "independence" of the received element: while the loan part in lexical hybrids can be used independently in the donor language, it is not used individually in the recipient language.

Within the framework of modern global processes, there is a tendency to unify, which affects all spheres of life, including scientific research. One of the manifestations of this in linguistics is the process of terminological hybridization, this process is one of the productive and natural methods in terminological formation. The terminology of modern national languages cannot be separated from the development of international terminology. Terms that express new concepts that do not exist in any national language are often supplemented by taking terminological units from the composition of international terminology. Thus, the consideration of hybrid terms, the origin of which is defined as a derivative, complex derivative or complex word, formed by morpho-syntactic word-forming methods (prefix, suffix, combination of words) from different languages can serve as a scientific basis for assessing the process of language development, extra-, intralinguistic factors affecting the language, new trends in the science of linguistics and its prospects.

Thanks: The article was published as part of the research on program-targeted funding OR11465483 "Development of a series of updated normative dictionaries and academic publications that ensure the transition of the state language to the Latin alphabet".


1. Akhmanova O. Dictionary of linguistic terms. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2004. - 576 p.

2. Fleischer W., Barz I. Wortbildung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. 4. Auflage; völlig neu bearbeitet von Irmhild Barz unter Mitarbeit von Marianne Schröder. Walter de Gruyter GmbH &Co. KG, Berlin/Boston, 2012. - 484 p.

3. Haugen E. Language contact. - New in linguistics. - Issue. 6. - M., 1972. - 61-80-p.

4. Keita A. Hybridation et productivité lexicale en français parlé au Burkina. -Sudlangues, Dakar: R E I S L. - N19, June 2013. - 88-101 p.

5. Kortas, Jan. (2009). Les hybrides lexicaux en français contemporain: délimitation du Concept, dans Meta. Volume 54, Numéro 3, septembre, 2009, p. 533550.

6. Kulmanov S. Potential of the terminology fund of the Kazakh language (analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators). / Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Philological series. - № 3(136)/2021. - 50-62-p. (http://bulphil.enu.kz/article/archive/view?id=the-potential-of-the-terminological-fund-of-the-kazakh-language-analysis-of-quantitative-and-qualitative-indicators)

7. Kurmanbayuly Sh. Kazakh terminology: research, textbook, dictionary, bibliography. - Almaty: "Sardar", 2014. - 952 p.

8. Large encyclopedic dictionary. https://gufo.me/dict/bes/%D0%93%D0%98%D0%91 %D0%A0%D0%98%D0%94

9. Lotte D. Issues of borrowing and ordering foreign terms and term elements. - M.: Nauka, 1982. -152 p.

10. Momynova B. Creation of hybrid words in the language and spelling patterns in new spelling rules. https://qamshy.kz/article/48420-tildegi-gibrid-budan-sozderdinh-dgasaluy-dgane-dganha-emle-eredgelerindegi-dgazy.

11. Nosacheva M. The main models of adjective composite terms (on the material of German and Russian clinical terminology) // Herald of higher educational institutions. Volga region. Humanities, 2016. - 88-97-p.

12. Ozolina M. Hybrid terms with Anglo-American elements in the modern German language of economics / Lecturer XXI century, 2/2007.-144-148-p.

13. Sazanets I. English hybridism: derived hybrids: dissertation. - Tula, 2008. - 166-p. http ://www. dslib.net/germanskie -j azyki/anglij skij -gibridizm-proizvodnye-gibridy.html.


Aliyeva G.

Doctor of philology, professor


The theory of Molla Nasreddin are a whole scientific system with serious theoretical and methodological problems. For a hundred years, the name "Molla Nasreddin" became eternal at the thought of Azerbaijan historical social and science has formed as a science of Molla Nasreddin theory. Investigating monographs in the context of this scientific Azerbaijani literary criticism has become an urgent historical necessity today.

Keywords: "Molla Nasreddin", national press, Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, Azerbaijan realism, historical-social thinking.

Azerbaijan's ethnocentrism is one of the important directions of the 20th century Azerbaijani literary criticism. From the day of the creation of Molla Nasreddin,

the most spectacular publication of the Eastern, Turkish-Islamic press, not only in our national press, but in the focus of literary-historical thought since 1906. There are several reasons for this. It was the great and

sacred mission stated in the first issue of the magazine, "I have spoken to you, my Muslim brothers". People were interested in the first day, what Molla Nasreddin meant. It soon became clear that the magazine sent a letter to the "Muslim Brotherhood". And with this statement, he attracted the attention of the literary-historical thought. Molla Nasreddin writer A.Hagverdiyev writes: "The first issue was in the beginning of May. This number exploded as a bomb among the townspeople ... The effect of the magazine on the population of Shusha can not be described as a pen ". The second reason was that, as the great writer Y.V.Chamanzaminli said, "Molla Nasreddin" create "a great literary period ... the head of literary period". It was Molla Nasreddin's literary school, namely the representatives of this school - J.Mammadguluzade, M.A.Sabir, Omar Faig, A.Hagverdiyev, Ali Nazmi, Aligulu Gemkusar and others, founded the basis of critical realism as literary method and literary trend in Azerbaijani literature, And his poetics and aesthetics. Mirza Jalil acknowledges that "Molla Nasreddin - not one single man's work. "Molla Nasreddin is a collection of a few of my dear colleagues, and only I am their elder friend." This confession is not only of historical truth, but also of a great civilian intelligence

The third reason was that Molla Nasreddin was born during the most important period of the history of Azerbaijan - the 1905-1907 revolution of the world, which upset the world. Mirza Jalil correctly guided the course of history and could hear that the national renaissance of the 20th century was in need of such a magazine. Mirza Jalil himself, before all else, wrote in his entirety: "Molla Nasreddin created nature itself, and created it itself ... His first issue was glorified, not only in the Caucasian Muslims, but also in the Greater East And he was glorified. "

Magazine had to overcome a challenging struggle to become the head of our national press. His pages contained the greatest national and historical truths about Azerbaijan. He stood at the forefront of the struggle for mother tongue, changed into living classical example of writing and speaking in his mother tongue. The Azerbaijani intellectuals have since been highly appreciated highly by the literary-historical significance of this publication. Firudin bey Kocharli, the founder of Azerbaijani literary criticism, wrote: From starting "Molla Nasreddin" magazine has created a lively interest among the Muslims of our country, issue of the magazine ... Well-educated and cultural Azerbaijani Jalil Mammadguluzadeh with the collaboration group of intelligent Muslims ... With the laugh "Molla Nasreddin" castigated the muslim societies defects they published the magasine. " In the twentieth century as genius Alibey Huseynzadeh, Uzeyir Hajibeyli, Ahmed Aghaoglu, Nariman Narimanov, Mahammadaga Shahtakhtli, M.A.Rasulzadeh, F.B.Kocharli were very valuable remarks about "Molla Nasreddin". Research of Molla Nasreddin began to the 30-s of the XX century. These years were generally the era of literary criticism and literary criticism. In those years, Molla Nasreddin magazine had completed its 25-year-long, magnificent and honorable mission. "Molla Nasreddin" was engraved in the memory of the people and public

opinion with Jalil Mammadguluzadeh. From the period of Molla Nasreddin, who did not understand the era of the new proletarian dictatorship, was brought to the center of analysis and criticism. The well-known writer and ethnographer, a skilled diplomat Y.V.Chamen-zaminli, wrote in his article titled "Literary Period Head" (Literature Newspaper January 30, 1934): "Which was creator literary period that leads to revolution in our social life, the leadership of the magazine since 25 years This great figure ... today is not among us. But his works live. He convinced belong to a great scriber both the subject and types and anecdotes, belong to a great puzzle. Molla is a great originality. " Mirza Jalil and "Molla Nasreddin" went to Tabriz in 1921, refuse to coorperate corrupt organization of the "Mubariz Alliance of Unity". Azerbaijan Education Commissioner D.Bunyadzade's said his speech at the Azerbaijan (February 1921): "Probably most of you remain. A few years ago, at the time of Nicholas, "Molla Nasreddin" was published. Editor of the magazine is in Iran. We have taken steps to return him to Baku. And soon Mirza Jalil returned to Baku. But after this return, as they say, his day was black. If he had not died in 1933, his blessed name would be in the first place in the list of 1937 repression victims ...

The first great monograph about Mirza Jalil in the 1930s was written by young and prominent critic Ali Nazim. Ali Nazim wrote in his biography in 1933 that he planned a monograph in the amount of 6 copyrighted books called as "Molla Nasreddin as an Artist". It was one of the first Soviet sientists, a candidate dissertation of A.Nazim's. This monograph was published in 1936 with several editions of the editorial office of M.Huseyn. Meanwhile, he had black clouds of 1937 over Nazim's head. Therefore the mass edition of the work is stopped. The only copy of that monograph was the personal archive corresponding member of ANAS, of the late professor Abbas Zamanov. It was called "Jalil Mammadqluzade (Molla Nasreddin)". This unfortunate monograph was the basis of theory of Molla Nasreddin. Because in this work, Mirza Jalil and "Molla Nasreddin" are included in parts of whole unity literary-historical thought as synonymous names, parts of a whole unity. A.Nazim also attracts Molla Nasreddin, Mirza Jalili, as an independent stage of Azerbaijani realism. The author explained this stage of realism by the smile of Molla Nasreddin: "To his laugh peculiarity, it should be sarcasm with the tears. This laughter takes the laughs of those who try to hide their crying ... But this laugh does not always stay that, it turnes to hate, is a sharp weapon, destroys a bullet and burn. When Ali Nazim was in prison the second monograph of Mirza Ibrahimov's work "Great Democrat" was published in 1939, which was completed as a scientific system of the theory of Molla Nasreddin. This work was written by the Marxist-Leninist methodology, the ideological doctrine at the style wanted of the Soviet regime. The author strives to present the literary-historical value of Mirza Jalil and Molla Nasreddin in the context of the democratic-public opinion in Azerbaijan, in the context of the issue of M.Ahundzadeh. This monograph, which is valuable for its time, aims to reflect the journal's pub-

lic-philosophical position in chapters "Molla Nasred-din", "Molla Nasreddin", "Struggle of Two Styles". Contradiction of the Marxist-Leninist methodology, M. Ibrahimov defined the democratization of "Molla Nasreddin" and Mirza Jalil in the book "Molla Nasreddin" and "Fuyuzat" in the chapter "The struggle of two styles". We read the monograph: From the first issue of "Molla Nasreddin", it criticise badness of bourgeoisfeudal life. From the first issue of the magazine, he started writing with his own simple folklore. Jalil Mammadguluzadeh called for democratic methods for promoting democratic ideas ... It was important to understand the language of the people, and to understand that his own life was unbearable.

"Molla Nasreddin" was like a sun that cleanses the dark and perverse life.

... Mollanasreddints did not imagine a national renaissance without the participation of the masses.

... "Molla Nasreddin" is a very important and proud hearted in our history of development, in the public life of our people. "

The problem of "Molla Nasreddin" and supporters of Molla Nasreddin has been the focus of attention in the Azerbaijan literary criticism for the whole XX century Both researchers, researchers, philosophers, and philosophers, both linguists and literary critics, have come to terms with this magnificent monument from different perspectives and approved the importance in our national-historical fate. MSOrdubadi, Aziz Sharif, Mir Jalal, Abbas Zamanov, M.Jafar, M.Arif, Ali Sul-tanli, Q.Mammadli, Aziz Mirahmedov, K.Talibzade, Kh.Alimirzayev, M.Mammadov, F.Huseynov, Y.Gara-yev Prominent writers and literary critics said valuable ideas that could be the subject of a special scientific-monographic study about Molla Nasreddin in the 50s and 80s of the 20th century.

Academician M.C.Jafarov wrote: "The fame of the power of pen Sabir, Ali Nazim, Jalil Mammadguluza-deh and had gathered around him since 1906, supporter of the Azerbaijan satirist literature with the has exceeded the borders. In the East many talented followers of the late Molla Nasreddin, intellectuals have grown up love and affection in the East". One of the most important research works in the field of Azerbaijani studies is the monograph of the late professor H.Mamma-dov from "Ekinchi" to "Molla Nasreddin" (1987). In this work which was learned less of the literary-historical and theoretical-aesthetic idea of Azerbaijan in the last period of the XIX century and the beginning of the twentieth century, two magazines was considered, in Azerbaijani press the way of enlightenment of "Molla Nasreddin" was investigated.

Theoretical and historical monograph of Azerbaijan's science we should be especially emphasized: Yashar Garayev. "Realism: Art and Reality (Steps of Azerbaijani Realism)" (1980), Aziz Mirahmedov. "Azerbaijan Molla Nasreddin" (1980) and Isa Habib-beyli "Jalil Mammadguluzade: atmosphere and contemporaries" (1997). The works of Y.Garayev and A.Mirahmedov and the monograph of I.Habibbeyli are generally valuable studies a well-deserved summarizing the theory of 20th centuries theory evolution.

The crucial role of Mirza Jalil and literary school Molla Nasraddin as a critical realism in the monograph "The Stages of Azerbaijani Realism" by Y.Garaev is justified from a theoretical-philosophical point of view. He writes: "Mirza Jalil is the head and great representative of the new realism in the 20th century Azerbaijani artistic thought. In generally from Mirza Jalil, Azerbaijan realism does not recognize the high peaks the road from Zakir to Sabira: the critical realism with Mirza Jalil upgrade to the highest level. He was not merely a follower of realism of M.F.Ahundzadeh, it was the "banner" of a new stage in the development of realism. After Mirza Fatal, major reforms in Azerbaijani prose, dramatization, literary and social thought take place in the work of Mirza Jalil. "

The monograph of A.Mirahmadov in the monograph "Azerbaijan Molla Nasraddin" is investigated and substantiated by valuable facts fight for the democratization and development outlook of J.Mammadgulu-zadeh's arrival to the eternal environment and the press. In the fourth chapter of the monograph, especially the founder and editor of "Molla Nasreddin," J.Mammadguluzadeh and the problem of monolithi-cism are the subject of special investigation along with the sacrifices of the magazine.

Academician I.Habibbeyli's fundamental monograph is completely original research, based on new materials and archive documents. Here, it was searching Mirza Jalil's atmosphere, all stages of his literary, journalistic and social activities, his honorable and painful fate, from the childhood to the last period of his life. The history and solution problems of learnes of Molla Nasreddin and Fuyuzat are one of the valuable features of this work. The author provides extensive information about the contemporary of the writer, along with the years of study. The final chapter of the work is devoted to the generation of Mirza Jalil from generation to generation in this huge research work consist of the discovered materials with the supplements it also bringing science into the work as well as practice. Most importantly, I.Habibbeyli does not noticed that the residence period of the "Molla Nasreddin" and "Mirza Jalil" as the history of facts and documents. Here the environment is also studied as a philosophical-aesthetic problem, which is one of the valuable scientific and theoretical qualities of monographs.

The theory of Molla Nasreddin are a whole scientific system with serious theoretical and methodological problems. For a hundred years, the name "Molla Nasreddin" became eternal at the thought of Azerbaijan historical social and science has formed as a science of Molla Nasreddin theory. Investigating monographs in the context of this scientific Azerbaijani literary criticism has become an urgent historical necessity today.


1. Agayev i. Historian "Molla Nasreddin". Baku-1976, p. 35.

2. Zeynalov N. "History of Azerbaijan", I part. Baku "AUL", 1973.

3. Valiyev A. "History of Azerbaijan Press" (1875-1920), Baku: Science and Education, 2009, 172 pages.

4. Jamalov K. Ideas of enlightenment of Mollanasraddins. Baku: Science and Education, 2015.

5. Mammadli Q. "Chronicle of life and work of Molla Nasreddin", Baku, 1966, p.214.

6. Mammadguluzadeh J. Works, III volume, Baku, 1967, p.552.


Allahverdiyeva Z.

Institute of Literature Named After Nizami Ganjavi, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan

7. "Molla Nasreddin" Encyclopedia. Baku-"Science" -2020

8. "Azerbaijan" magazine, 1967, N-5, p.59.

9. "Molla Nasreddin", 1906, N-10.

10. "Molla Nasreddin", 1907, N-13.

11. "Oriental Woman", 1924, N-10.

12. "Molla Nasreddin", 1923, N-12


Khwaju Kermani, who has replied the "Khamsa" (Quintet) of the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi in 14th century after Amir Khusraw Dihlavi was a master distinguished amongst his contemporaries by his talent and intellect. We know researches of great importance touching upon the life and works of Khwaju Kermani in the world of oriental studies written by Sh. Rye, P. Khammer, F. Erdman. Schefer, Pitsi, E. Braun, A. Krimski, Y. E. Bertels, Y. Ripka, Z. Safa, M. Moin, A. S. Khansari, S. Nafisi, K. Ayni, S. N. Kermani, F. Koprulu, N. Sayfiyev, H. Arasli, A. S. Lavand, Q. Aliyev, M. Kazimov, B. Guliyeva etc.

The role and influence of Azerbaijan poetic school in the development of creativity Khwaju Kermani have been researched in the article. The main question of the work is studied in three directions; the author outlined the biography of Khwaju Kermani, studying his literary environment as the creative activity of the poet was connected with Azerbaijan and the Turkic people; by the examples of the classical poets of Azerbaijani schools - Katran Tabrizi, Khagani Shirvani, Makhsati Ganjavi and Nizami Ganjavi, the author examines the impact on the creativity of Khwaju Kermani According to the statements of the Khwaju-ye Kermani on creativities of Katran Tabrizi, Khagani, Nizami, it's obviously, that he glorified and value their creativeness. The paper also examines the impact of Khwaju Kermani's creativity on the development of Turkic language literature.

The themes created by Khwaju Kermani in his works "Humay and Humayun" and "Flower and Novruiz" were very original in the Turkish literature of Middle Ages. There are ancient history, sources, as well as mythical sources of these works related to the Turkic folklore and epic creativity.

Khwaju Kermani has exerced serious influence on the Turkish poetry not only by his masnawi in the theme of love, but also works in the philosophical and didactic spirit.

Keywords: Khwaju Kermani, Katran Tabrizi, Mahsati Ganjavi, Hakani §irvani, Nizami Ganjavi.

1. 14th century Persian poet Khwaju Kermani

Khwaju Kermani, who has replied the "Khamsa" (Quintet) of the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi in 14th century after Amir Khusraw Dihlavi was a master distinguished amongst his contemporaries by his talent and intellect. We know researches of great importance touching upon the life and works of Khwaju Kermani in the world of oriental studies written by Sh. Rye, P. Khammer, F. Erdman. Schefer, Pitsi, E. Braun, A. Krimski, Y. E. Bertels, Y. Ripka, Z. Safa, M. Moin, A. S. Khansari, S. Nafisi, K. Ayni, S. N. Kermani, F. Koprulu, N. Sayfiyev, H. Arasli, A. S. Lavand, Q. Aliyev, M. Kazimov, B. Guliyeva etc.

The main question of the work is studied in three directions; the author outlined the biography of Khwaju Kermani, studying his literary environment as the creative activity of the poet was connected with Azerbaijan and the Turkic people; by the examples of the classical poets of Azerbaijani schools - Katran Tabrizi, Khagani Shirvani, Makhsati Ganjavi and

Nizami Ganjavi, the author examines the impact on the creativity of Khwaju Kermani According to the statements of the Khwaju Kermani on creativities of Katran Tabrizi, Khagani, Nizami, it's obviously, that he glorified and value their creativeness. The paper also examines the impact of Khwaju Kermani's creativity on the development of Turkic language literature.

2. Literary Relations

It should be noted that among the poets serving in the Palace of Halaku in 14th century who were followers of the Azerbaijani literary school it is imposibble to find a second master of pen, being sensitive to Nizami Ganjavi as Khwaju Kermani.

It is no coincidence that at the end of his masnawi "Flower and Novruz" after emphasizing the theme of the delicate and beatiful epic "Khosrow and Shirin", which was ancient, but also fresh forever and valuable by him, he wrote:

j^j^j ¿A, ^¿jjl lii

jAjXj ^j . ^v

^JJJ^ j^ ¿jjjj

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