Insufficient motivation of students to master a foreign language also plays an important role. Motivation, as we know, is directly related to the effectiveness of learning. Any cognitive process is based on a desire to learn a foreign language culture. The low motivation for learning a foreign language is largely based on the negative experience of learning it at the level of secondary education. Students entering a university often do not see the scope of a foreign language in their future profession, as they simply do not yet have an idea of their professional future. The low motivation for learning a foreign language is also due to its limited use in educational, industrial and real life conditions. Here too, for the university, for specialized chairs and departments of foreign languages there is a wide field of activity in the sphere of establishing international educational and research contacts, joint international projects, academic exchanges, etc. [2].
Another effective method (from the point of view of increasing students' motivation) are projects, festivals, theatres, scientific and practical conferences, which are organized on the basis of the Institute by the departments of foreign languages. Such events not only increase students' motivation to learn a foreign language, but also contribute to the development of communicative and presentation skills, teamwork skills and other competences necessary for the future engineer. It should be kept in mind that all the activities are extracurricular and take quite a long time to prepare. But even participation in competitions with a minimal language component gives the student a sense of achievement, which is multiplied in case of winning a prize. Success and attention is associated with English, which helps to increase motivation. This growth is particularly noticeable in the case of students' group work in preparation for speeches. Collaborative work brings together and gives added importance to the unifying element, which, particularly in a competition, is the need to master certain linguistic phenomena, no matter how insignificant they may be [1].
Partially solving these problems on the strength of one department of foreign languages, but without serious analysis, full cooperation with the professional department and modernization of the system of language training as a whole, their solution seems impossible.
References / Список литературы
1. Aksonova N. V.; Shepetivskiy D.V. Organization of the students' extracurricular work as motivation for studying English in technical university (in Russian) // Young scientist, 2014. № 7. P. 481-483.
2. Batunova I.V. Modern pedagogical technologies at foreign language lessons as an important condition to improve the quality of the educational process. // IV International scientific-practical conference: Scientific prospects of the XXI century. Achievements and Prospects of the New Century - Novosibirsk: International Scientific Institute "Educatio", 2014. P.p. 126-128.
3. Bobrova T.O. Modern approaches in formation of linguistic, communicative and interlinguistic competences in foreign language teaching at the university. M., 2016. P.p. 56-59.
Abstract: the article under discussion considers pedagogical views of great oriental medieval thinkers. The author of the article believes that culture and education of the Middle Ages have always been of interest and widely covered in the history of pedagogy. The thinkers of the Arab East devoted their works to the development of the program of harmonic development of personality. The period of the Middle Ages was marked by the appearance of the first books on education and upbringing, the emergence of schools, universities, the publication of the first act regulating the position of teachers and pupils in society, as well as brought to the pedagogy of a benchmark for the education of Faith and spiritual development. The medieval epoch has its own special scale of orientation in educational classes. Instead of the emphasis on secular worldly rational scientific knowledge - the emphasis on the salvation of the soul and the moral formation of its soul, on virtue and wisdom, which united mind, will and faith.
Keywords: history, pedagogy, education, university, harmonious, development, position, harmony, education, teacher, education, book.
ЛИЧНОСТИ Кодирова Д.С.
Кодирова Дилдора Сабирджановна — ассистент, кафедры истории Узбекистана, строительный факультет, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает педагогические взгляды великих восточных мыслителей средневековья. Автор статьи считает, что культура и образование Средневековья всегда вызывали интерес и широко освещались в истории педагогики. Мыслители Арабского Востока посвятили свои труды разработке программы гармонического развития личности. Период Средних веков ознаменовался появлением первых книг об образовании и воспитании, появлением школ, университетов, выходом в свет первого акта, регулирующего положение педагогов и воспитанников в обществе, а также привнес в педагогику ориентир на воспитание Верой и духовное развитие. Средневековая эпоха имеет свою, особую, шкалу ориентаций в учебно-воспитательных занятиях. Вместо акцента на светское мирское рациональное научное знание - акцент на спасение души и нравственное формирование её, на добродетель и мудрость, объединившую разум, волю и веру. Ключевые слова: история, педагогика, воспитание, университет, гармоничный, развитие, положение, гармония, воспитание, педагог, образование, книга.
UDC 930.85
The development of pedagogical thought in a vast region (Iran, part of Central Asia, Syria, Egypt and North Africa) conquered by Arabs in the 7th-8th centuries was marked by the seal of Islam. Spiritual values in the Quran defined religious and moral principles of upbringing and education.
Islam grew up on the basis of interconnected cultures of the Arab Caliphate, Byzantium, India and China. The Arab conquest did not mean a complete break with the cultural and pedagogical traditions of Hellenism and Byzantium. The Islamic world accepted and mastered the ancient philosophy, in particular Plato and Aristotle, taking from it a rationalistic view of man [1].
The evolution of culture, education, and pedagogical thought of the Islamic medieval world has passed a number of stages. In the early era (VII-X centuries) the problems of education in the Islamic world were not considered. The first treatises on education appeared in the XI century. (Avicenna, Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, etc.) The first treatises on education appeared in the XI century.
The time of a kind of Eastern Renaissance came in the IX-XII centuries. The prestige of knowledge has grown. Arab-Muslim scholars subjected the philosophical and pedagogical heritage of antiquity to deep study. The ideas of humane, harmonious development of personality were put forward. Oriental thinkers tried to penetrate into the essence of human nature, to take into account social and biological determinants of education. Special importance was attached to the social essence of man. The main goal of education was seen first of all in the human striving for high spiritual and moral qualities [1].
Arab Eastern thinkers have devoted their work to developing a harmonic personality development programmers. They themselves were the standard of such harmony and condemned both educated villains and pious ignoramuses.
Founder of Arab philosophy Abu-Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishak Kindi (801-873) opens the list of scholarly encyclopedists of the Islamic world. He put forward the concept of four types of intellect: actual, potential, acquired and manifested. Considering science to be above religion, Kindi believed that it was not Muslim fanaticism that should be nurtured, but a high intellect.
The Arab world of the scientist and philosopher Al-Farabi (870-950) was highly respected. Al-Farabi deeply and originally saw a number of essential pedagogical problems. Opposing clericalism, he argued that only madmen could believe that the supreme good is outside the existing world. The goal of education, according to Farabi, is to lead a person to this benefit by encouraging the desire to do good deeds. Knowledge helps one realize what is good or evil. Farabi proposed a system of virtues education techniques. The techniques were divided into "hard" and "soft". If a pupil shows a desire to learn, work and do good deeds, soft methods are appropriate. If the teacher's ward is malicious, careless, and wilful, the punishment is quite justified - "hard" education [2].
More than one hundred and fifty treatises by another prominent thinker of the East, Al-Biruni (970-1048), contain important and fruitful pedagogical ideas: clarity and consistency, the development of cognitive interests of learning, etc., which are scattered in a multitude of other works. Al-Biruni
argued that the main goal of education is moral cleansing from inhumane customs, fanaticism, recklessness and thirst for power.
Ibn Sina (Avicenna in Latin transcription) (980-1037), a counselor to the rulers of various countries of the Near and Middle East, who was called the "master of science" by his contemporaries, devoted many years to teaching and left many works, among which stands out "The Book of Healing", which includes treatises directly related to pedagogical theory, "The Book of the Soul", "The Book of Knowledge", "The Book of Directions and Instructions". Ibn Sina dreamed of versatile education and training, especially music, poetry and philosophy. He saw such a path in the organization of joint training of pupils, introducing the spirit of competition. Coeducation had to take place at different levels according to the pupils' abilities. Avicenna called the mastery of reading and writing the foundation of all education. General development was to precede pre-professional and vocational training. Once a teenager had mastered literacy, he should be prepared for the future profession (for example, teach to prepare reports and other documents). The teenager should then be introduced to the profession itself: he or she should start working and earning money.
One of the most prominent philosophers of the East, Al-Ghazali paid great attention to the problems of education. The four-volume compendium of the scientist "Resurrection of the sciences of faith" is devoted, in particular, to the development of human abilities, methods of observation of children for the purpose of their education. Al-Ghazali emphasized the need to learn to behave at the table from an early age, to be unpretentious in everyday life, to be hardened by physical exercises. A child's soul takes shape if educators, especially parents, implement certain pedagogical recommendations. The teacher accepts the child from parents and continues the tradition of family education. Morality, according to Al-Ghazali, is formed by self-education and imitation of wise mentors. As education develops, the role of self-education grows. Self-education begins with self-observation and self-knowledge. By observing the transgressions of others, one can also see and judge one's own shortcomings. To overcome moral vices, God's help, patience and constant mental effort are needed. If a bad habit is too deeply rooted, it can be "screened," replaced by a less harmful habit, and then rid of it altogether. It is also possible to use corporal punishment, although they should not be carried away. It is necessary to punish alone, so as not to humiliate the child in his own eyes and the eyes of others. It is preferable, however, to act persuasion, caring not to bother the pupil with an exhortation [3].
Pedagogical ideas of the great thinkers of the East are a significant contribution to the world. These are the pedagogical views that represent a democratic direction in the pedagogical thought of the Middle Ages, they have provided to this day.
References / Список литературы
1. Vasil'evL.S. History of the East: a textbook / L.S. Vasil'ev. SPb: Nauka, 2007. P. 543.
2. Prazdnikov V.P. History of pedagogics: a textbook. Moscow: Academy, 2001. Р. 512.
3. Yuparin V.K. World History of Pedagogy / V.K. Yuparin, V.O. Krylov. 3rd ed. M., 2001. P. 220.