DIVISION OF EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT NON-VIOLENT IN STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Russian Law Journal
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Educational administration / School Climate / Nonviolent communication / Education Management

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Alieth Stella Perilla Ramírez

This article aims derives the theoretical bases related to the influence of the educational management of Non-Violent Communication (NVC) in Vocational Media students in educational institutions in Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. His theory is based on Anchundia-Arboleda, Martínez-Contreras & Franco-Briones (2022), Madueño-Ramos (2020), Ministry of National Education of Colombia (MEN, 2013) and Miranda & de los Milagros (2018), among others. This is a descriptive documentary research, based on verification and exhaustive information on the topics addressed from a conceptual framework. It concludes that at the personality level, managers and teachers must be guarantees of educational management processes to respond to the emerging needs of school climate that can be generated from the participation of educational actors in the academic, administrative, pedagogical and community areas.

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aliethperilla@umecit.edu.pa Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación con énfasis en Administración y Planificación Educativa Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología (UMECIT) Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá. https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=f3MkqxcAAAAJ&hl=es https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1869-3506



This article aims derives the theoretical bases related to the influence of the educational management of Non-Violent Communication (NVC) in Vocational Media students in educational institutions in Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. His theory is based on Anchundia-Arboleda, Martínez-Contreras & Franco-Briones (2022), Madueño-Ramos (2020), Ministry of National Education of Colombia (MEN, 2013) and Miranda & de los Milagros (2018), among others. This is a descriptive documentary research, based on verification and exhaustive information on the topics addressed from a conceptual framework. It concludes that at the personality level, managers and teachers must be guarantees of educational management processes to respond to the emerging needs of school climate that can be generated from the participation of educational actors in the academic, administrative, pedagogical and community areas.

Keywords: Educational administration. School Climate. Nonviolent communication. Education Management.


In recent years, the educational management of nonviolent communication has been advancing by leaps and bounds after a process of consolidation as an essential theory for the construction of the school climate in educational institutions, since the challenges of current times require educational actors to be adequately prepared for the transformation of traditional paradigms in need of an adequate systemic reengineering of educational management in the context of the educational environment. locally, nationally and internationally. This documentary review article is presented, which integrates educational management and non-violent communication, considering fundamental aspects to develop learning environments that contribute to the quality of the school climate.

Educational management to strengthen the school climate mediated by non-violent communication

The educational trend in the United States and some European countries that tend towards quality management based on the institutional climate mediated by an adequate level of communication, has shown in recent research that in scenarios where a favorable nonviolent, assertive and empathetic communication system has been implemented, significant results have been given. marked by consideration and approval in interpersonal dealings; a trend that is gradually expanding to Latin American educational culture, although on a smaller scale; and for which preparation and implementation are required to give strength to this educational policy mediated by communication in terms of the total quality of education.

This allows us to understand with Velásquez (2023) how in educational institutions, the competencies and faculties of the management team are decisive in the being, doing and doing of school life given the functions of the position that empower them to guide the processes and generate a favorable impact on the surrounding environment. Hence, the educational management of nonviolent communication is essential for institutional life to take place properly (Castro, Vargas & García, 2021), allowing the needs of the beneficiaries of education to be combined with the diversity existing in educational environments, in terms of capacities, competencies and communicative skills absent of tacit or express violence of each of its members. However, the need to respond successfully to the demands of an increasingly demanding and changing society has led educational organizations to make great efforts to improve towards the achievement of total quality, adopting new concepts and theoretical schemes oriented towards formal functional restructuring and the implementation of communicative strategies that can


evidence the behavior of students in schools towards their peers (Avecillas & Aucapiña, 2022). Thus, it may be beneficial to have a series of documentary information that allows for a gradual reduction of the difficulties related to educational management, since it is possible that the obstacles in the socialization processes are motivated by an inadequate system of interpersonal and institutional communication.

It should be noted that the main problem for the management staff is to work unifiedly with the teaching staff, since on some occasions there are conflicts when it comes to establishing agreements between them; Therefore, school institutions must have an educational management equipped with a wide range of entrepreneurial strategies and a number of pedagogical practices favorable to the student environment, which allow interpersonal relationships mediated by respect and adequate communication to be positioned, to the point that they optimize the teaching-learning processes for the benefit of students.

For its part, the Ministry of National Education of Colombia, hereinafter MEN (2013), states that in educational establishments, school or educational management is a systematic process that is aimed at strengthening school activities and their projects in order to harmoniously enrich the pedagogical, managerial, community and administrative processes that are developed. while maintaining institutional autonomy to respond in a manner that responds to local, regional, national and global educational needs.

This definition of educational management provided by the Ministry of Education establishes the concept and objective of improvement that seeks to empower school institutions in the face of their own processes, indicating, at the same time, that the living forces of the schools must be mobilized around improvement and must set clear guidelines for the educational community. planning, staging and monitoring what has been done or not done in order to continue with the verification cycle aimed at achieving the proposed objectives (Montenegro, 2022). In this aspect, empowerment also means school autonomy and autonomy of the members of the educational community to propose new and better strategies in favor of institutional processes. It is important to highlight that when we talk about educational management, it is not only pigeonholed to the function or performance of the management team but to all the people who are part of the school organization; That is, all members must participate in the construction, elaboration, re-elaboration, monitoring and evaluation of the processes to clearly define the mission, vision and outline the institutional horizon. Only in this way is it possible to understand educational management as a cog in processes that contribute to its development; Therefore, the MEN (2013) states that educational management is made up of four management areas: executive management, pedagogical and academic management, community management and administrative and financial management. These management areas, according to Vitoria and Chinchilla (2022), seek the internal organization of educational institutions, ensuring that they have a clear route that allows them to develop a better work, with synchrony between them, without forgetting that the sum of all of them results in school educational management, where each management plays a unique role, and in many cases, essential for institutional development. This implies knowing the concept and the processes that are framed in each of them. In accordance with what has been stated above about the processes that belong to each of the management areas, the MEN (2008) argues that managerial management refers to the way in which the educational establishment is directed. This area focuses on strategic direction, institutional culture, school climate and governance, as well as relations with the environment, allowing the rector or director and his or her management team to organize, develop and evaluate the overall functioning of the institution.

On the other hand, management is defined by the (MEN, 2004) as the "guiding mission" that seeks the development of shared leadership based on the adequate administration of the human talent of the educational institution, focused on building hand in hand with common principles and values, conducive to the fulfillment of the mission, objectives and goals of the institution; It is of great importance that institutional teams share high expectations about the potential of their students' achievement and the conviction of their professional capacity to achieve the best results.

In addition to the above, the development of strategic management processes is added as a guarantee to make the fulfillment of goals a reality after the systematic monitoring of the general indicators of the institution, which allow the control of the set of processes involved in its management development; This, strategically, means managing and ordering changes, defining the objectives of the school organization and establishing means to achieve them, allowing the participation of all entities while taking care of the leadership exercised by the work team towards decision-making as they correspond to the needs of the school context (Villadiego, 2023).


In this way, educational management is considered a discipline with theory and practice in educational activities, since it integrates management, planning, the pedagogical model, the strategy and the institutional horizon with mission and vision within the established guidelines; in addition to communication, decision-making, processes and tasks that must be interwoven according to the quality of education (Quintana-Torres, 2018). And although educational management tends to be confused with educational administration, it is necessary to clarify that the latter is tacitly inserted within the former with some specific differences in terms of actions, insofar as educational management is concerned with the responsibilities of governance, proper to educational managers and their different teams, while the administration is responsible for the operationalization and effectiveness in the management of human resources. material, technical, economic or financial.

On the other hand, some of the criteria of educational management in the organizational field maintain that for there to be meaningful management in the Educational Institution, the practice of managerial processes is necessary (Valverde, 2023), with an impact on both administrative and academic management and in cooperation with teaching performance, provided that to improve effectiveness and efficiency, specific goals and purposes are required. measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

That is why educational management as an independent discipline is nourished by the various management models, each of which responds to the needs of society at a given historical moment, expressing both the understanding of reality and its social processes, as well as the role played in them by subjects and managers. Hence, educational management integrates seven models or visions of administration, as follows: Normative, Prospective, Strategic, Strategic-Situational, Total Quality, Reengineering and Communication (Cassasus, 2000).

It should be noted that effective educational management involves a series of aspects such as: planning, organization, direction, coordination and control, which is why the director of the educational institution is required to be prepared to respond to the needs of all these areas; therefore, according to Esquerre and Pérez (2021 ), it requires permanent training and updating that allow it to strengthen its capacities and knowledge to respond to the challenges of the changing society. This summarizes how to lead the work environment, attending to the legal parameters and using the strategic methods that best contribute to the development of plans and projects in coherence, logic and with the requests and needs of the educational community (Luna, Ronald & Andrade, 2019).

On the other hand, educational management integrates in itself the administration and planning of institutions in terms of management, academia, pedagogy, economy, financing and community (Urribarrí & Guadrón, 2008) as well as the interactions that arise between institutional entities (directors, administrators, teachers, students, parents, alumni, the productive sector and the community in general). This allows us to understand that effective educational management involves a series of aspects, such as planning, organization, direction, coordination and control. Hence, the management team must be prepared to act in all these areas and, therefore, it is necessary to provide ongoing training for teachers in educational management and communication processes.

Figure 1 Areas of Educational Management in Colombia

Note: The diagram shows the areas or divisions handled by the National Education Mystery (2013) on educational management in Colombia, in its different educational systems. Source: Knob (2023).

Within the division of school management, soft skills and job competencies are based on coordinated activities to achieve leadership inside and outside an institution, following the parameters and methods defined in the manuals of functions, allowing these to be controlled according to the mission and vision of the organization and its members (Yarasca, 2020). For this reason, good management is the key to ensuring that the actions of some and all have an echo


and meaning within a social project; However, school management does not always go as expected, because when going through moments of diagnosis, planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation, its own reality can remain anchored without major progress. In essence, it is essential to get everyone to "row in the same direction" to achieve what is wanted and to improve permanently (Harf & Azzerboni, 2023).

It is understandable, then, the importance of taking into account the four areas of educational management, such as: 1. Executive management 2. Administrative Management 3. Pedagogical Management 4. Community Management, in addition to the benefits that educational management brings to the processes by being divided into four large areas, namely: directive, pedagogical and academic, administrative and financial, and community (Riofrío, 2020), bearing in mind that managerial management becomes important as it is in charge of taking the reins of the mission and vision, the institutional horizon, principles, values, policies, objectives and philosophy of educational institutions, insofar as their nature and purpose obey the promotion and permanent achievement of quality and for which the needs, desires, aspirations of the educational environment are intervened, transforming them into management projects as they are viable within the faculties and dynamics of leadership and supervision of work in the different areas and institutional dimensions from a strategic vision (Madueño-Ramos, 2020).

It is important to highlight that it is the educational management that is responsible for the development of school governance, as well as decision-making as a permanent activity in time and out of time, in an ordinary and extraordinary way; This is because the competencies of managers must comprehensively attend to the realities of the environment, in an attitude of listening to the contributions or opinions of the community, on which the management team makes the channeling and makes the final decision in the creation of plans and projects that contribute to the development of the organizational culture and therefore, to the school and work climate (Anchundia-Arboleda, Martínez-Contreras & Franco-Briones, 2022). In the same way, managerial management is understood from the work of coordination when, through strategic mediation, the development of activities is guided in a timely and effective manner, guaranteeing the progress of the processes in the working groups and attention to their particularities, interests, knowledge and purposes (Miranda & de los Milagros, 2018). Hence, educational management in an institution or organization is oriented towards the same objective, aligning cooperation in the tasks to be performed and implementing changes, readjustments and harmonizing decisions that avoid conflicts between them in each of the projects based on total quality.

Likewise, educational supervision, as a task coupled with management, must comply with the objectives and plans of the educational institution, raising the quality of the service and emphasizing administrative objectives, in order to turn supervision into a control system, since its main function concerns compliance with standards. processes and procedures of monitoring and control work to ensure the quality of education in terms of equity, relevance and inclusion in the different socioeconomic sectors where the educational service is offered (Pupo, Toro-Prada & Valiente-Sandó, 2022).

On the other hand, internal controls allow educational management to take appropriate actions when conditions change; for example, in the event of a change of government, where it can be useful when preparing control and monitoring reports on institutional processes (Mero-Santana, 2022).

Likewise, broad-based events such as technology, innovations in infrastructure, improvements in technological tools, databases of enrollment of students, parents, teachers, among others, can be contributed by internal and external controls, which allow a focused direction to goals, regulating processes in a technical way, orderly and systematic for the benefit of the educational community and institutional prestige (Hernández-Jara, 2019).

However, in each evaluation process it is essential to formulate evaluation rubrics for educational management, understood as the thermometer that allows us to make value judgments about the progress and setbacks of the process, such as: direction, planning, administration, leadership, organization and coordination in the different stages of management, from its beginning to its end. without neglecting the rubrics established in order to take advantage of strengths and opportunities (Tejeda-Cerda, 2019); This should be reflected in the adjustments made, in the form of interventions that solidify the quality of the processes, supported by the information and evidence analyzed considering the nature and purpose of educational management and in direct correlation between the different members of the organizations.

Thus, managerial management guarantees an adequate development of knowledge in the educational institution, so that what the institution builds and contributes together becomes an


internal and collective resource that favors teamwork over individual work; This is because common needs and scopes are almost always the banner that guides the organizational processes of collective benefit. Similarly, academic management, which for the MEN (2008) is the essence of the work of an educational establishment, focused on learning and the development of the necessary competencies for the personal, social and professional performance of people; Even more so, when its central work is framed in curriculum design, institutional pedagogical practices, class management and academic monitoring based on the quality of education. Against this backdrop, communication is presented as a necessary skill in the process of building school climate and educational management; where, for Münch (2012), they constitute the bridge through which information is transmitted and received, within the social, cultural and psychological rules that establish the specific use of language at a given time. In fact, educational management and communication complement each other in pedagogical processes, as Méndez (2009) refers to when he states that communication is manifested in the basic skills of language, such as: speaking, listening, reading and writing, expressing information and interacting in the vital environments of education, generating transformations in accordance with the challenges and challenges emerging with the era in which educational management is developed. Consequently, it is essential that education directors and managers integrate into their being and doing the communicative skills and socio-emotional capacities that catapult their work according to an adequate school climate mediated by respectful, harmonious and dynamic human relationships.

On the other hand, the areas of administrative and financial management in an educational institution support the institutional work and carry out the processes of support for academic management (MEN, 2013) since the administration of infrastructure, goods and services, the administration of human resources and the financial and accounting system that they execute, become a mission of support to the planning processes. Management, decision-making, conflict resolution and evaluation, for the identification of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats that give rise to strategic direction in the orientation to achieve and satisfy the needs of users. In essence, administrative and financial management is responsible for the clear and transparent management of institutional resources, adequately investing the budget to meet real needs and prioritizing the cost vs. benefit that the regular channel of investment of public resources must follow (Anchundia-Arboleda, Martínez-Contreras & Franco-Briones, 2022). There is also the area of community management, whose work focuses on the inclusion and prevention of risks in human relations between the members of an institution or organization to safeguard the values associated with coexistence and the appropriate school climate among its members. The MEN (2013) calls this work a vital mission, since the communities define and monitor the behaviors of the students, attending to the human relations between their members, with special care in monitoring the way in which the strata that make it up interact in their living environment when developing their socio-educational processes. identifying the problems that afflict coexistence in order to intervene in a timely manner.

In fact, communicating without violence requires a genuine open-mindedness and a true intention to understand the other on equal terms, with intelligence and avoiding prejudices, listening with empathy to the interlocutor, because it is a matter of apprehending the synthesis of what is important in the message being transmitted, in accordance with the nature and purpose of the educational work. to generate a willingness to dialogue; that is, being there in body and mind present and fully aware of what the interlocutor expresses verbally, gesturally or tacitly (Trouchaud, 2019).

It should be noted that the act of listening requires the opening of the mind and the faculties of the being in intelligence, will and affectivity, in order to grasp in essence, the synthesis of the message that is transmitted. Hence, intellectually understanding listening can generate in a simple way in any person, the first step to enter the dynamics of nonviolent communication (NVC), for which it is required will, willingness, technique and training in order to reach a level of listening that can generate the structural gear in the way of consciously expressing what we observe. We feel and need, and in this way, make our lives and those of others richer (Rosenberg, 2019).

NVC promotes the development of attentive listening, respect and empathy that generate the mutual desire to give from the heart (Rosenberg, 2019), since, when listening, one starts from the ability to capture, attend to and interpret verbal messages and other expressions related to body language and tone of voice. In essence, NVC allows us to deduce, understand, comprehend and make sense of the message being transmitted, adding meaning to the sound, since listening is hearing more and interpreting without judging (Garassini, 2022).


For this reason, the development of human relations based on NVC breaks bureaucratic and despotic paradigms, giving rise to the restoration of relationships based on mutual being, dignity and respect; which ultimately leads to a favorable social, work, school and family environment that has healthy coexistence as its axis; Because speaking from the heart and for the heart generates harmonious empathy between the interlocutors, managing to reduce aggressive words and act defensively to generate resistance and escalate conflicts.

It is clear that the NVC strategy cannot be confused or resembled as a technique of manipulation in communication, but rather, an act of co-responsibility between two people who frankly share their desires, interests and intentions without fear of being judged; since from the perspective of motivation, education professionals must cultivate NVC to achieve their objectives; for this reason (Garassini, 2022) logically emphasizes that motivation plays a crucial role in organizations, but it is from empathy in communication that the process of human connectivity arises. On an ideal level of personal growth, it can be said that NVC leads to the development of self-esteem by feeling completely full of self-confidence and competent to live and deserve happiness, to be adequate for life in the midst of demands and challenges, to influence a complex and dynamic system of perceptions, beliefs and attitudes about the person themselves and integrate feelings and thoughts that are ingrained. Hence the importance of self-assessment, self-recognition to face life and respond to the challenges and demands of everyday life (Herrada & Horta, 2023).

Likewise, interaction with the community is essential in the process of personal development, and in the educational field NVC is favorable because it requires attention to the senses, starting from attentive observation, empathy, active listening, and the satisfaction of needs. However, in moments of difficulty, communication can generate trauma that blinds behavior and decisionmaking; It can also be beneficial by allowing the deepest feelings and needs to emerge in the light of the other's gaze and from the sincerity of the heart. Hence, educational directors must be aware that communication also works from signs in behavior and that they go beyond words, gestures or expressions.

Finally, it specifies the need to develop self-awareness in communication to avoid prejudices or judgments that generate discomfort in the treatment. Thus, for example, making comparisons, denying responsibility for actions and attributing it to someone else, making criticisms disguised as observations, among others. When this happens, certain words are used that have evaluative connotations but have become normalized in everyday practices, such as exaggerations or generalizations. For this reason, NVC proposes that prejudices be avoided and empathy increased in order to know how to listen to the other from the bottom of their being in the sharing of feelings and needs.


Analytical documentary research was used, analyzing the written information and generating understanding of the facts or events under study, in an attempt to inquire about the influence of the management of nonviolent communication in education, to elucidate the influential aspects of these two variables in order to implement them in educational management and, therefore, in school pedagogical practices, in such a way that they can be developed in the living environment of the students for the strengthening of the school climate.

Its main objective was oriented to the in-depth knowledge of the occurrence between educational management and non-violent communication within the school environment, as well as the transversality and interdisciplinarity of the pedagogical event, based on the review of bibliographic reading. In this sense, the research design applied to the documentary review is based on the verification of the relevance of the topics addressed through exhaustive, systematic and rigorous research, using precisely books, articles and texts available in specialized bibliography.

As part of the methodological framework of this review, the different forms, methods, techniques and procedures conducive to obtaining information about the components of educational management and their interrelation with nonviolent communication through primary sources of information, as well as secondary sources, among which encyclopedias, manuals, etc. monographs and others, in order to lay the fundamental theoretical and legal foundations that would give authority and propriety in the handling of the subject. And in this same sense, in order to achieve an in-depth analysis of the documentary sources, the techniques of observation, summary presentation, analytical summary and critical analysis were used in the documentary review;


techniques that marked the starting point to envision the course to follow and give structure to the new knowledge and knowledge after the general analysis of the information collected.


Academic management entails a unique mission, since the institutional work of the director plays an important role in the transformation of society in the light of science and the intercultural processes proposed in terms of competencies and life skills that can be developed from the academy, previously established in the pedagogical model. curriculum design, curricula, methodological strategies, and classroom projects, among others. And this is when evaluation makes sense from a holistic and integrative vision that responds coherently to the immediate needs of the living environment of the beneficiaries of the educational service. Listening is understood as a vital communicative skill in both the human species and the animal kingdom, and communication in other spaces and dimensions when its nature and purpose are respected. Hence, in the educational environment, the NVC is necessary to favor academic processes and guarantee the school climate in the educational community, thanks to the fact that with it it is possible to overcome the human barriers that hinder the restoration of being and the vindication of human dignity within a framework of understanding, openness and respect for the needs and requests of others.

Hence, the executive management is in charge of guiding towards the achievement of institutional objectives, positioning itself as the engine and axis at the same time, through which the transformative passion of innovation is transmitted to the management team in a cooperative and interdisciplinary work. And when this passion radiates to the management team, the engine that arouses the empowering magic towards the strategic direction, the institutional culture, the organizational climate and the relationships of the environment can be activated to favor educational quality processes.

Finally, it is concluded that the results obtained corroborate that the theories on educational management and nonviolent communication position the importance of the management team in the construction of the school climate, since it is the competence of its faculty to implement, develop and monitor the quality of communication in educational institutions. Likewise, the theories, readings and bibliographies consulted on educational management show that educational directors rarely manifest professional development in acting in a way that is consistent with professional values; And in certain situations, they usually depend on the practical interaction between the development of knowledge and common sense.


Article resulting from the study of the Doctorate in Educational Sciences with emphasis in Educational Administration and Planning


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