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Ключевые слова
pedagogical master's degree / research master's degree / preparation of masters in the field of education / professional competencies of teachers / research competencies / research experience / phenomenological method / pedagogical design of educational programs / педагогическая магистратура / исследовательская магистратура / подготовка магистров в сфере образования / профессиональные компетенции учителя / исследовательские компетенции / исследовательский опыт / феноменологический метод / педагогический дизайн образовательных программ

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Alexandre G. Bermous

The purpose of this study is to present new possibilities for the design of educational programs in the process of training future teachers in a research-type master's program. The objectives of the study included substantiating the need to develop teachers’ research competencies and classifying the professional knowledge and skills of future masters of education from the standpoint of a phenomenological analysis of students’ research experience. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to assessing pedagogical reality, a competency-based approach and a phenomenological method. Research methods include analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources and the use of content analysis of pedagogical texts. The results of the study are presented in tabular form and represent a classification of means for constructing the design of educational programs for research master's degrees in pedagogy. The theoretical significance of the study involves substantiating the methodology for constructing educational programs for the training of future teachers in master's programs, taking into account the regional component and assessing the research experience of students based on the application of the phenomenological method. The practical significance of the study suggests the possibility of using its results in the development of educational programs for pedagogical master's programs and is of interest to teachers, teacher-researchers, specialists in the field of educational design, representatives of management in the field of education, students of pedagogical universities, undergraduates studying in pedagogical areas of training, graduate students and teachers of higher educational institutions.

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Цель настоящего исследования – представить новые возможности дизайна образовательных программ в процессе подготовки будущих учителей в магистратуре исследовательского типа. В задачи исследования входило обоснование необходимости формирования исследовательских компетенций педагогов и классификация профессиональных знаний и умений будущих магистров образования с позиций феноменологического анализа исследовательского опыта обучающихся. В качестве методологической основы исследования выступают системный подход к оценке педагогической реальности, компетентностный подход и феноменологический метод. Методы исследования включают анализ научно-педагогических источников и применение контент-анализа педагогических текстов. Результаты исследования представлены в табличной форме и представляют собой классификацию средств построения дизайна образовательных программ исследовательской магистратуры педагогической направленности. Теоретическая значимость исследования предполагает обоснование методологии построения образовательных программ при подготовку будущих учителей в магистратуре с учетом регионального компонента и оценки исследовательского опыта, обучающихся на основе применения феноменологического метода. Практическая значимость исследования предполагает возможность применения его результатов при разработке образовательных программ педагогической магистратуры и представляет интерес для учителей, педагогов-исследователей, специалистов в области педагогического дизайна, представителей управляющего звена в сфере образования, студентов педагогических вузов, магистрантов, обучающимся по педагогическим направлениям подготовки, аспирантов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений.


DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-3-31-44 УДК/UDC 378.147

Alexandre G. Bermous, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Александр Г. Бермус, Южный федеральный университет, Ростов-на-Дону, Россия.

For citation: Alexandre G. Bermous, (2023) Phenomenology of Research Experience as the Basis for the Design of Pedagogical Master's Programs. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol.8, Issue 3 (2023), pp. 31-44 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 10/08/23 Accepted for publication: 20/11/23 The author has read and approved the final manuscript.

CC BY 4.0




The purpose of this study is to present new possibilities for the design of educational programs in the process of training future teachers in a research-type master's program. The objectives of the study included substantiating the need to develop teachers' research competencies and classifying the professional knowledge and skills of future masters of education from the standpoint of a phenomenological analysis of students' research experience. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to assessing pedagogical reality, a competency-based approach and a phenomenological method. Research methods include analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources and the use of content analysis of pedagogical texts. The results of the study are presented in tabular form and represent a classification of means for constructing the design of educational programs for research master's degrees in pedagogy. The theoretical significance of the study involves substantiating the methodology for constructing educational programs for the training of future teachers in master's programs, taking into account the regional component and assessing the research experience of students based on the application of the phenomenological method. The practical significance of the study suggests the possibility of using its results in the development of educational programs for pedagogical master's programs and is of interest to teachers, teacher-researchers, specialists in the field of educational design, representatives of management in the field of education, students of pedagogical universities, undergraduates studying in pedagogical areas of training, graduate students and teachers of higher educational institutions.

Keywords: pedagogical master's degree, research master's degree, preparation of masters in the field of education, professional competencies of teachers, research competencies, research experience, phenomenological method, pedagogical design of educational programs


Цель настоящего исследования - представить новые возможности дизайна образовательных программ в процессе подготовки будущих учителей в магистратуре исследовательского типа. В задачи исследования входило обоснование необходимости формирования исследовательских компетенций педагогов и классификация профессиональных знаний и умений будущих магистров образования с позиций феноменологического анализа исследовательского опыта обучающихся. В качестве методологической основы исследования выступают системный подход к оценке педагогической реальности, компетентностный подход и феноменологический метод. Методы исследования включают анализ научно-педагогических источников и применение контент-анализа педагогических текстов. Результаты исследования представлены в табличной форме и представляют собой классификацию средств построения дизайна образовательных программ исследовательской магистратуры педагогической направленности. Теоретическая значимость исследования предполагает обоснование методологии построения образовательных программ при подготовку будущих учителей в магистратуре с учетом регионального компонента и оценки исследовательского опыта, обучающихся на основе применения феноменологического метода. Практическая значимость исследования предполагает возможность применения его результатов при разработке образовательных программ педагогической магистратуры и представляет интерес для учителей, педагогов-исследователей, специалистов в области педагогического дизайна, представителей управляющего звена в сфере образования, студентов педагогических вузов, магистрантов, обучающимся по педагогическим направлениям подготовки, аспирантов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений.

Ключевые слова: педагогическая магистратура, исследовательская магистратура, подготовка магистров в сфере образования, профессиональные компетенции учителя, исследовательские компетенции, исследовательский опыт, феноменологический метод, педагогический дизайн образовательных программ


The first quarter of the 21st century was marked for humanity by many new, hitherto unprecedented events (both positive and negative) in various spheres of life. This is the transition of developed countries to the information society, trends towards the globalization of economies and cultures, successes in the development of artificial intelligence, total digitalization of the economy and digital transformation of education. In addition to achievements in the field of technological progress, the world is also faced with an aggravation of the political situation in the international arena, intercultural conflicts, the need to master huge amounts of information in all professional fields, as well as natural disasters such as climate change, the global environmental crisis, the emergence of new dangerous infections, taking on the nature of pandemics, etc. These phenomena affected all groups of the population without exception, including not only adults, but also children. In this regard, teachers are faced with the task of improving their professional knowledge and acquiring new competencies, including the ability and readiness for innovation and research activities, which will allow the modern teacher not only to keep up with the times, but also to contribute to a radical improvement in the quality of education in new countries. changing living conditions.

Significant changes in the socio-economic sphere have set new anthropological contours of the system of higher pedagogical education and entailed the need to rethink the existing priorities and values of educational activity. At the same time, the task arose of changing existing and developing new educational standards, which will mean not only the approval of a new range of professional requirements for teachers, but also the transformation of existing relations between educational and professional standards, the emergence of a new system of attestation and certification of professional teaching staff, the development of new pedagogical programs master's degree programs, a likely change in the terms of study at a university, the requirements for a new relationship between theoretical and practical training of students, a change in the sequence of educational modules, practices, the emergence of new and the disappearance of old forms of organizing educational activities. This study will focus on the formation of research competencies and other professional qualities of future teachers in the master's program of a pedagogical university. Specifically in Russia, this means the need to resolve the following issues within the framework of a difficult-to-solve alternative: either try to restore the previous ("Soviet") system of vocational pedagogical education, relying on the best experiences and innovative practices of the Soviet era; or preserve the multi-level system of "bachelor's and master's degrees" that has been formed in recent years in a situation where external incentives for its development have been lost. If we add to this the inevitable transformation in the socio-economic sphere of the country, we can imagine how complex and multifactorial the tasks of predicting changes in the labor market, the requirements for improving the competency structure in the professional model of a pedagogical university graduate and the design of appropriate educational programs aimed at ensuring them look.

In Russia, the majority of students enrolled in master's programs have a bachelor's degree in the field of preparation "Pedagogical Education", while many are already working in the field of education - preschool, primary general or basic general education. However, only those teachers who have completed a five-year specialty degree or a pedagogical master's degree in the relevant field of training can teach in a high school, college or university. Therefore, obtaining a diploma of completion of the second stage of pedagogical education ("Master of Pedagogical Education" - direction of preparation 04.44.01) is a good incentive for further career growth and increasing motivation for professional teaching activities.

Let us highlight the characteristic features of ensuring and developing the research aspect in the field of training masters of teacher education. First of all, research in the field of education is fundamentally different from research in other natural (chemistry, biology) and social (sociology, anthropology, demography) sciences. The essence of the differences can be explained as follows: researchers in the field of natural sciences aim to identify certain natural patterns that in themselves do not have any "positive" or "negative" content, but then, after a sufficiently complete study, can become the basis for engineering developments . In contrast, educational research deals with the human process, guided by the will and efforts of individuals and their communities; for this reason, educational reality itself has a very definite value potential and is impossible without it. Accordingly, a teacher-researcher in the field of education, unlike a natural science researcher, is forced to take a certain position in his research: critical (he identifies problems and shortcomings of the existing educational process); expert (he compares the results of educational processes obtained in different conditions and situations) or project (he formulates new values and results, models the tools and processes for achieving them). Accordingly, the results obtained cannot be correlated directly with the reality of education being studied, but rather serve as some "notes" or "recommendations" for transforming the educational situation, determined by the position of the user and the range of his possible impacts on the educational situation as a whole. Thus, research in education significantly depends not only on the future (the purpose of the research), but also on the past (the position, role and expectations of the researcher himself,

formed, first of all, by his experience, his belonging to a particular research community, scientific and educational traditions, etc.). At the same time, the research skills and competencies of master's students are an integral part of the general professional competence of a teacher.

Literature review

The formation of research competencies of future masters of education occupies an important place in the structure of teacher training. Separate studies are devoted to research activities in the master's programs of Russian universities, which examine such aspects of the professional training of students in the pedagogical profile as: the use of innovative technologies for preparing future masters for research activities [1, 2, 3, 4]; features of master's studies in the context of digital transformation of education [5]; pedagogical design as a means of effectively organizing master's training in pedagogical fields [6, 7, 8], etc.

A research master's program project has been proposed as one of the new directions for modernizing higher pedagogical education [9]. The experience of training teachers in research master's programs of this type is described [10]. A number of studies present the results of identifying the personal motivation of undergraduates for research activities and scientific work [11, 12, 13].

Similar problems concern not only Russian-speaking, but also English-speaking researchers. At the same time, foreign research is dominated by analysis of practice-oriented aspects of training future teachers, including a description of specific educational practices, for example, methods of preparing students for teaching practice [14, 15, 16] and the results of practical teaching activities of future teachers [17, 18, 19, 20]. Particular attention is paid to the experiences and challenges of teaching in a digital educational environment [21, 22]; including during the Covid-19 pandemic [23]; development of professional qualities and professional intuition of future teachers [24, 25]; issues of introducing pedagogical design [26], etc. The professional skills of pedagogical students and already working beginning teachers are differentiated [27]. Publications [28, 29, 30] and others are devoted to the formation of research skills and abilities. Thus, the academic community pays quite a lot of attention to the issues of improving the professional training of future teachers at universities.

Materials and methods

The study included a review of modern scientific literature on interdisciplinary topics (sources on pedagogy, psychology, philosophy of education, sociology, and economic disciplines were analyzed); elements of content analysis, a systematic approach, and a competency-based approach were used to assess the results of professional training and meta-competencies of pedagogical master's students. Methods of project activity and methods of pedagogical modeling, as well as methods of pedagogical design were also used in the development of research master's programs in pedagogical areas of training. In terms of substantiating the methodology of pedagogical research, the author turns to phenomenology as a means of understanding goal setting in the organization of educational activities and, at the same time, a method of understanding life meanings. The study was carried out based on the results of an assessment of the work of the research-type pedagogical master's degree program, operating on the basis of the Southern Federal University since 2019 (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) [31].

Results and discussion

As part of this study, we will present the results of the implementation of a research master's degree project as a component of the modernization of a regional university cluster as an example of clustering of educational systems. Similar forms of organizing research activities are possible on the basis of large universities (federal, research), where there is an appropriate infrastructure that makes it possible to unite, through various forms of university

management, scientific institutions, educational organizations, industrial associations, startups, business enterprises and other functional structures operating on territory of one region, as well as to use interregional connections and intensify international inter-university cooperation in the field of education. This took into account a number of factors, risks and limitations that determine both the globalization of the university agenda (for example, a focus on advancement in world rankings) and its regionalization (inequality between regions and countries; restrictions related to the pandemic and other aspects). In these conditions, the regional university cluster is a connecting link capable of uniting the efforts of many involved organizations, scientific and social institutions. On the basis of the cluster, systematic monitoring of the current state and demands of the labor market in the field of educational services is carried out; assessment of the effectiveness of the use of certain information and educational technologies in the educational process; development of modules for advanced training of teaching and scientific personnel; centralized psychological and pedagogical support of educational and research activities, etc. Thus, on the basis of the Southern Federal University, a circle of potential customers of educational services was formed, possible employers in the region were involved, a field of current research, innovative social and educational practices and content modules of master's degree programs in the areas of psychological and pedagogical training were determined. The connection between the teaching activities of the university and the local labor market within the university scientific and educational cluster, assessment of local conditions, advantages, limitations and risks of implementing innovative educational projects through SWOT analysis, assessment of possible prospects for further scientific research in the field of education and pedagogical sciences, organization of inclusive education for persons with special educational needs, the development of models and content of general and pedagogical education, adapted to regional specifics, and other significant aspects of project activities make it possible to develop effective training programs for teacher-researchers during the period of study in a pedagogical master's degree program. The main thing is that in the process of preparing masters of education, future teachers acquire valuable research experience based on the involvement of students in specific socially significant educational practices, taking into account the regional component. The phenomenology of personal research experience, based on a preliminary study of the motivation of future teachers, becomes the basis for the design of research master's programs in the context of educational transformation.

The new focus of the research agenda in the field of higher pedagogical education is becoming practical projects and methodological developments aimed at forming and adjusting the value consciousness of students, interdisciplinary research on identity, including using "big data"; monitoring of moods, preferences and orientations in a transforming society. At the same time, the research agenda is shifting towards large interdisciplinary research projects focused on comparative studies of the quality of education, identifying the main factors for its improvement; improving socio-economic and organizational and managerial technologies that ensure maximization of the expected effects.

Speaking about the creation of new models for training research personnel for the field of education, it is necessary to take into account the lack of constructiveness of any expert surveys under conditions of uncertainty and insufficient empirical data obtained from testing innovative educational practices, which, due to their "innovation", cannot be long-term. This, in turn, requires developers of educational programs to pay great attention to the phenomenological tradition, which ensures the transformation of empirical subjectivity into a transcendental one, and the turn itself means the transformation of a "natural" (naturalistic) attitude into a phenomenological one. The essence of this phenomenological turn in the field of modernization of the education system can be clarified through a combination of the following changes:

- firstly, the phenomenological turn deprives the "natural" attitude of its self-evident status. We deliberately refuse to understand education or educational research as a process of

obtaining one or another "good", which is acquired through some "efforts" under the influence of individual "motives" and "attitudes". Such a "self-evident" subject-object picture is replaced by the originality of educational phenomena, primary in relation to the more differentiated concepts of "subject", "object", "values", "content", "practical experience". Accordingly, the status, role, way of identifying and conceptualizing each of the components of this educational situation requires special research. So, for example, subjectivity turns out to be not an empirically given fundamental principle of the process, but a construct conditioned by a number of external circumstances. - secondly, the phenomenological turn focuses and directs researchers not so much on the subject of research (that is, "what" is being studied), but on "how", "in what way", "in what processes" does "recognition" occur, " practical implementation", "reflection", "comprehension", etc. any educational phenomenon, i.e. the focus of consideration shifts to a sequence of positing and reflective acts, each of which significantly transforms educational reality; - thirdly, the phenomenological vision presupposes the splitting of any acts into two types: direct ("primary") experience and reflexive modification, which makes primary experiences its subject. So, against the background of the empirical "I", acting within the limits of one or another rational norm, a transcendental "I" arises, turned to the very nature of these norms and observing the life of the first.

The three listed aspects, in general, correspond to the foundations of the phenomenological vision of the world formed by E. Husserl (1859-1938) [32]. However, there is another fundamental aspect associated with understanding phenomenology in the context of Martin Heidegger's philosophical search, and which can be briefly expressed by the well-known formula "Language is the house of Being." What is important for us in this formula is the combination of two levels of comprehension of phenomena, with each of them corresponding to a specific way of handling language. At the first level, we simply "follow the language", recording the most "natural" and "obvious" relationships, ideas characteristic of a particular area of knowledge (simple description). However, at the next stage we move from "following" the language to "listening" to the language, comprehending the semantic bases that are found in what is said (semantic reading). Let us explain what has been said using the example of a phenomenological study of the phenomenon of education itself, which is based on excerpts from the text of the article "Education" posted on Wikipedia (Education -Wikipedia (wikipedia.org)) (Table 1). In this case, we used elements of content analysis of a scientific (pedagogical) text.

Table 1. Understanding the category "education" from the perspective of a _phenomenological approach_

№ Simple description semantic reading

1. Education is a system of upbringing and training of an individual, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, values, functions, operational experience and competencies The concepts of "education" and "training", with their obvious and necessary relationship, reveal various aspects of human existence. In education, we are turned to a process carried out at the internal level ("nutrition") and aimed at elevation. Learning is a kind of surrounding, mediating action, focused on external manifestations (demonstrated and transmitted knowledge, skills, etc.). Thus, we understand that different education systems differ, first of all, in their understanding of "internal" and "external"; their target ratio; rules for their harmonization, as well as a vision of the causes and possibilities for correcting emerging problems and contradictions.

2. In the broadest sense of the word, education is the process or product of shaping the mind, character and physical abilities of an individual. You should think about the duality of understanding education as a process (duration, sequence of stages) and as a product (result, alienated object). In addition to the obvious distinction associated with duration, mobility, change (in the first case), and simultaneity (in the second case), in both cases education is conceptualized through different modes of treatment: goal setting, planning, management, support, in the first, and quality assessment and economic feasibility, comparative analysis, etc., in the second. At the same time, there is no way to establish a single "correct" sequence of these contexts and actions: like any other systemic representations, each of these aspects needs the opposite and is expressed using an additional one.

3. Education is the process of transferring knowledge accumulated in a culture to new generations. Despite all its apparent simplicity and obviousness, the definition of education as a process of transferring accumulated knowledge makes sense only in a situation where the rate of its accumulation and change is much less than the speed of development. Under such conditions, existing knowledge never loses its relevance and significance, only being gradually supplemented and expanded at higher levels of education. As the pace of change increases, the problem of correlating large cultural processes arises -accumulation, transformation, decay of knowledge and individual education, and the solution to this problem is one of the fundamental conditions for the sustainability of the education system and the consistency of its theoretical image.

4. Education is purposefully carried out by society through educational institutions: kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities and other institutions, which, however, does not exclude the possibility of self-education, especially in connection with the wide availability of the Internet Here not only a certain amount of education and self-education is offered, but their statuses are also specified: public (institutional) education is carried out, and there is an opportunity for individual education (self-education). This suggests the need to consider many related questions: is public education always of an essential nature; what ensures the essential nature of institutional education; what is the essence of individual education, and does it change over time, etc.

5. The education system must answer 7 key questions: 1. Why study? 2. What to study? 3. How to study? 4. Who will teach? The first, and very characteristic problem with this passage, is the actual substitution carried out in relation to the main category: despite what is said about the "education system," all issues are related to "learning." In addition, in the list of questions, most of them relate to the self-directed

5. Where to study?

6. How much should it cost and who will pay for it?

7. What will we get in the end as a result?

process (why study, what to study, etc.), but the fourth, sixth and seventh questions implicitly appeal to some "we" who will teach, pay and get the result. Finally, a number of questions remain either unasked (not only "Who will teach?", but also "Who should we learn from?"; not only "why, what and how" we answer questions here and now, but also what can change in in the near future), or reveals internal duality. Thus, the question "why study" can also be understood as "why study" or "why", what will be the driving basis of learning? Similarly, the question "where to study?" can be asked in terms of choosing between different institutions (for example, when entering a university) or "where to study?" - as a question about the place of education in space and time.

Based on the conducted research, we can set some general framework for designing master's educational programs (Table 2). In this case, the classification of concepts is based on identifying four key criteria for analysis:

1. A scientific and educational phenomenon, which is a combination of different factors, conditions, circumstances in their initial combination and generating some professional and socially significant content. For example, the first scientific and educational phenomenon - analytics is a complex of ideas, actions, procedures, strategies aimed at obtaining some preliminary ("indicative") knowledge about the educational situation, the problems, opportunities, and resources existing in it. Without analytics, the research itself turns out to be impossible or, at least, meaningless - we do not know what the problem is, whether there is experience in solving similar problems, who can act as our partner, customer, etc.

2. Basic functions, that is, the expected processes and their results that will be launched within each phenomenon.

3. Necessary competencies, or characteristics of each of the participants in the process in terms of possessing the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and, in general, readiness to participate in the implementation of the relevant functions. 4. Formative disciplines and modules, or a predetermined list of courses, topics, sections, the study of which may be relevant in terms of relevant competencies.

Table 2. Design of a research master's program in pedagogical areas of training79

№ Scientific and educational phenomena Main functions Required competencies Formative modules and disciplines

1. Data analytics: assessment of global and individual performance experience; explication of the conditions and The graduate collects, processes, analyzes and summarizes scientific and technical Ability to critically analyze scientific achievements, including in interdisciplinary fields; the ability to determine promising "History of educational reforms in Russia in the 20th century"; "Modern problems of education and science"; "Big Data

79 It meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of training 44.06.01 - Education and Pedagogical Sciences

foundations of the research experience; analysis of strategies for transforming the educational situation information, advanced domestic and foreign experience, results of experiments and observations. areas of development and current tasks of fundamental and applied research in the field of education based on a critical understanding of domestic and foreign experience, ability to theoretically analyze the historical development of educational theories, concepts, systems and practices of education; ability to analyze patterns of development of theory and practice of education in different countries, national and regional specifics in Education"; "International Research in Education"; "Regional scientific studies in the field of education."

2. Research management: organizing research as an activity; formation of a management research model; combination of strategic vision and operational performance monitoring The graduate conducts scientific research and development on individual sections (stages, tasks) of the topic as a responsible executor or together with a supervisor, carries out complex experiments and observations. Ability to generate original theoretical ideas, hypotheses and research questions; independently determine goals and research tasks to solve fundamental and applied problems in the field of education; ability to adequately select and apply research methods; the ability to independently carry out research activities using modern methods and information and communication technologies; ability to carry out complex research based on a systematic scientific worldview; ability to follow ethical standards in professional activities Scientific seminar for undergraduates and graduate students Training courses: "Methodology and methods of research in education"; "Design and management of research activities"; "Fundamentals of scientific research examination"

3. Documentation and publication: The graduate participates in Ability to collect, analyze, process and "Academic Writing"; Workshop on

objectification of research practice in the form of texts; problematization of existing texts;

examination of the quality of research texts

drawing up plans and

methodological programs for research and development, and practical

recommendations for using their results. Compiles reports (report sections) on a topic or its section (stage, task).

store data in accordance with generally accepted scientific and ethical standards; the ability to summarize the results of one's own research and reflect them in the form of scientific publications; the ability to critically evaluate one's own results in the context of the results of modern humanitarian research; ability to present the results of scientific research in the form of publications and speeches in the academic, expert and professional environment

research work, including writing technical

specifications and



Workshop on


Research in


4. Scientific

communications: intersubjective interaction in a situation of multiple sources of

knowledge; building scientific and

educational communities and developing communication strategies to

maximize impact

The graduate is able to take part in the process of scientific and professional communication

Willingness to use modern methods of scientific

communication in the state and foreign languages; willingness to participate in the work of international research teams to solve scientific and scientific-educational problems; use modern methods and

technologies of

scientific communication.

ESP for Scholars (English for

Teachers and

Scientists); "Digital methods for

processing experimental results"; "Academic rhetoric",

"Fundamentals of scientific

communications in the modern world"

5. Partnership and innovation management: mutual transformation of knowledge and institutional change; analytics of educational transformations as a source of development; participation_in_

The graduate participates in the implementation of research and development results.

Ability, based on analysis of theoretical and applied research results, to formulate relevant grounds for decisions in the field of educational policy and policy; ability to perform

interdisciplinary research in the field of education; ability to

"Innovative processes in

education"; "Fundamentals of scientific and

educational law"; "Educational Policy"

maintaining intersectoral and interinstitutional connections and relationships

solve applied

problems using the results of modern research in the field of education and related fields;

6. Professional and personal education and development: reflexive

management of one's own

development in the scientific and

educational space; focus on one's own and others'

experiences of transformation; non-invasive

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development support

The graduate is ready for self-development and advanced training in the system of continuing education

The ability to plan and solve problems of one's own

professional and personal development. Ability to

independently learn new research methods and develop them when solving

professional problems; the ability to plan, implement and

evaluate the

educational process in educational

institutions of higher education; the ability to reasonably choose educational

technologies, methods and teaching aids in order to ensure the planned level of personal and professional development of the student; the ability to select and adapt the results of modern interdisciplinary research for the purposes of teaching pedagogical disciplines in the vocational education system._

"Theory and

technology of

professional and personal development"; "Career management in education";

Variative disciplines and modules on teaching methods of social sciences and humanities; professional and personal development trainings.


In general, the design of a research master's program based on the phenomenological method of assessing students' research experiences is a step-by-step process that may include the following stages.

1. Comprehensive research of the request. At this stage, we are trying to analyze in as much detail as possible the demand that exists from various sides in relation to the research master's degree (future education researchers; employers, government authorities and

educational authorities, etc.). Based on the results of this stage, we acquire some syncretic vision of what constitutes a request for specialists of this kind.

2. Focus. Focusing involves finding certain sets of requirements and conceptualizing them. The most striking element of focus, in our case, was the formulation of six scientific and educational phenomena that structure the entire field of requirements for the future researcher.

3. Generation of ideas. At this stage, prototypes of the main modules and disciplines are formulated, the study of which will ensure the formation of relevant competencies and the acquisition of the necessary functionality in the activity. It is quite natural that disciplines and modules formulated in this way may partly repeat each other, and partly they may overlap, but the point is that based on the results of the development and testing of one or another version of the program, solutions are consistently implemented and refined.

4. Prototyping - the creation of a feasible educational program, provided with information, personnel, and other resources, which can be tested in practice. 5. Approbation -launching an educational program and assessing its effectiveness, based on the results of which a decision can be made on its further improvement. Thus, the application of the phenomenological method of assessing the research experiences of future teachers studying in a master's degree program allows not only the development and design of educational programs, but also allows us to determine the prospects and feasibility of their application.


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Information about the author:

Bermous A.G. - (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), Dr.of Education, Professor, Head of the

Department of Education and Educational Studies at the Southern Federal University. ORCID: 0000-0002+9342-6339 Pin-code Scopus: 36478118500 WoS: A-4742-2017 e-mail :bermous@sfedu.ru

Author's contribution: The work is solely that of the author.

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