DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.53885/edinres.202L18.75.024
Рахмонова Гулхаё Саиджон кизи,
Чирчиц давлат педагогика институти, Узбекистан
Рахмонова Гулхаё Саиджон кизи,
Чирчикский государственный институт, Узбекистан
Rahmonova Gulhayo Saidjon-qizi
Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Abstract: Background. The article defines the essence of distance professional development for teachers, reveals regulatory norms for its effective implementation, proposes a system of educational content selection principles, and considers the peculiarities ofeducational process organization and management in these conditions. The pedagogical conditions of the use of distance learning technologies in the system ofprofessional development of teachers served as the subject of current study. Aim of the study is to develop, disclose the specifics, to experimentally verify the organizational and pedagogical support for the professional development of teachers on the basis of the use of distance learning technologies. The object of the study: the process ofprofessional development of educators.
Methods. When solving the set tasks, we used the following research methods: at the theoretical level - analysis of scientific and methodological literature and regulatory documents on research problems; analysis of the results of students ' activities; modeling of systems and educational processes, pedagogical activities of a tutor and students in the distance learning system; at the empirical level - a pedagogical experiment; observation methods, questionnaires, testing, surveys, statistical methods of data processing.
Results. In the results, important aspects of the basis for the successful implementation of distance learning programs are given.
Conclusion. In the conclusion, the conditions for the effective use of the created complex in the process of remote professional development are given.
^kTawuM ea mnoea^on madyuyomxap (2021 uum №4)
ISSN 2181-1709 (P)
Keywords: distance learning, online education, professional development, educational process.
Introduction. The professional development system has progressively embraced the new potential of information and communication technology, online education, and distance learning over the last decade. Furthermore, in the context of global changes, such as the coronavirus pandemic, these learning methods are more successful now.
Distance form of professional development entails the combination of pedagogical and information-computer technologies, ensuring the interactivity of contact between the subjects of the educational process and its quality. The exchange of information at a distance, facilitated by communications technologies, is not a critical component of the educational process, but rather serves as technical and technological support, an auxiliary way of organizing students' learning activities. The trainees' independent productive supervised activity, carried out with the use of information-computer and telecommunication means, is the priority of distant professional growth [5].
Thus, we consider distance professional development as a qualitatively new form of postgraduate education based on the principle of independent learning of a specialist, which implies the use of modern technical means of information transfer and provides anticipatory nature, mass character, continuity, efficiency, quality, variability, multidimensionality, flexibility, adaptability, individualization, accessibility, democracy of professional development.
Like no other field of social life, the system of professional development of pedagogical staff requires outstripping development. This is owing to an avalanche-like growth in the volume of professionally significant information, as well as a rapid reduction in the «lifecycle of knowledge.» In this regard, the regional professional development system should adapt quickly to any positive socioeconomic, scientific, and technological advances, rely on the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science and practice, be constantly focused on the future, and maintain the positive [5].
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study is:
- system-activity approach, enriched by the achievements of the synergetic concept;
- the environmental approach in pedagogy;
- acmeological approach.
The theoretical basis of the study was:
- theory of implementation and use of information technologies;
- theory of distance technologies in the educational process;
- research on the problems of pedagogical and professional training of
- theoretical and practical development of action research;
- provisions of andragogy about the peculiarities of adult learning.
Methods. When solving the set tasks, we used the following research
- at the theoretical level - analysis of scientific and methodological literature and regulatory documents on research problems; analysis of the results of students' activities; modeling of systems and educational processes, pedagogical activities of a tutor and students in the distance learning system;
- at the empirical level - a pedagogical experiment; observation methods, questionnaires, testing, surveys, statistical methods of data processing.
Results and discussion.
Today, the problem of improving the qualifications of pedagogical personnel through new alternative forms of education is becoming extremely urgent. One of these forms is distance learning, which, to a certain extent, provides a solution to urgent problems of additional pedagogical education, namely:
(a) access of an unlimited number of teachers to professional development;
(b) fast and high-quality training of teachers to manage innovative processes caused by the modernization of education;
(c) training without interrupting from the main place of work and the possibility of direct use of the acquired knowledge in professional activities;
(d) implementation of the principles of individualization and differentiation of education;
(e) reducing training costs by reducing the costs associated with secondment and replacement of teaching staff.
Distance learning cannot fully replace the traditional full-time form of education, since there is no direct contact between the teacher and the student, but it is well suited for those who already have some knowledge base and want to improve their qualifications. In the course of training, there is a reliance on the basic knowledge of the educator who is upgrading his qualifications. With the andragogical approach, training is built into the context of social and professional activity: in the course of the work, training takes place, and in the training process, urgent tasks related to professional activity are solved [8]. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the use of distance learning in institutions of additional pedagogical education [9].
Among the foundations for the successful implementation of distance education programs, the following important aspects should be highlighted
1. The presence of motivation for learning, determined primarily by the target attitudes of the trainee to acquire new theoretical knowledge and
TabMUM ea umoea^on madK,UK,omnap (2021 uum №4) ISSN 2181-1709 (P)
practical skills and abilities, and then only to receive a certificate certifying professional development.
2. Active independent cognitive activity of the listener, which provides not only the mastery of knowledge, but also their independent use for solving various issues in their professional activities.
3. Individualized and differentiated approach to learning.
4. Modular training system.
5. Use of modern information resources and telecommunication, interactive technologies, clear organizational, methodological and managerial decisions.
6. Professionalism of teachers and interaction of all participants in the educational process.
7. Flexible system of professional development [7].
At the same time, distance learning has its advantages and disadvantages [10,1,2,3,4]. The advantages include the adaptability of the educational process, maximum accessibility, regardless of geographical, temporal or social position, relative cheapness, the ability to study at any time and in any place, without interrupting work, free planning of an individual schedule in the learning process in accordance with your physiological personal features (reactivity, biological rhythm, etc.), the availability of teaching materials, mobile communication with teachers, an individual approach of teachers to each of the students [7].
Conclusion. As studies show, the results of distance learning in the presence of an attitude towards acquiring knowledge are not inferior or even superior to the results of traditional forms of education, since the student studies most of the educational material on his own, which improves memorization and understanding of the topics covered. The ability to immediately apply knowledge in practice, at work, helps to consolidate it. In addition, the use of the latest technologies in the learning process makes it more interesting and livelier. However, distance learning also has obvious disadvantages.
Effective use of the created complex in the process of remote professional development is possible provided:
• creating psychologically comfortable conditions in the learning process;
• providing a wide range and variety of types of communication
contacts of listeners;
• stimulating the activity of the participants in the interaction;
• personalization of the pedagogical process
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