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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mirzaakbarov D.D.

The use of a computer is also convenient for the teacher, since he is not able to bring all the objects he needs to education, and their visual representation requires a lot of time.

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UDC: 371.004.31

Mirzaakbarov D.D.


faculty of information technologies Fergana state university Uzbekistan, Fergana



Abstract: The use of a computer is also convenient for the teacher, since he is not able to bring all the objects he needs to education, and their visual representation requires a lot of time.

Key words: education, computer, system, relation, development, practice, teacher, information and communication technologies.

The question of the role of modern information and, more recently, communication technologies in improving and modernizing the existing educational system has been relevant over the past two decades. However, it received the greatest acuteness during the introduction into the practice of the educational process of relatively inexpensive and therefore accessible personal computers, united both in local networks and having access to the global Internet. For the successful implementation of the program for the modernization of secondary education, largely based on computerization and "internetization", not only modern technical equipment of educational institutions will be required, but also the appropriate training of teachers and the organization of the education system.

It would seem that there is nothing fundamentally new in this, and it will only be necessary to expand the scope of what has already been achieved: teachers of the corresponding profile have been trained in pedagogical universities, computer science lessons are held in schools equipped with computers, and administrators of educational institutions, not to mention the heads of the education system of the municipal level, consider the presence of a personal computer on their desk natural and necessary.

However, everything is not so simple, and a closer examination reveals a very fundamental contradiction - between the quality and accessibility of education. So, for each teacher, be it a school teacher or a university teacher, the main goal is to ensure the quality of education, which can be facilitated to a greater extent by the use of information and communication technologies. At the same time, for a manager, in addition to quality, a very important task is to organize the widest possible access to the available equipment and other training resources. And often, instead of providing affordable quality education, a choice is made in favor of solving only one of these tasks.

The use of information technology and communication technologies in higher education is traditionally reduced to two main areas. The first is to use the capabilities of these technologies to increase the accessibility of education, which is carried out by including in the education system those persons for whom another method may not be available at all. It must be said that this form of distance learning meets with many objections. Her opponents rightly point out that future students are deprived of everything that is required to receive a truly high-quality education: work in laboratories, access to scientific libraries, communication with teachers and other students at seminars and in an informal setting.

The second area involves the use of information technology to change what to teach and how to teach, i.e. content and methods of teaching in the framework of the traditional full-time form. But here a very sensitive problem arises, associated with the fact that the introduction of advanced technologies often creates additional benefits for the most successful, active and capable clients, without affecting the level of preparation of the bulk.

The current structure raises the question of the availability and quality of education. The transition to real informatization of general education is possible on the basis of a single educational information environment formed by all participants in the information process.

Creating such an environment can start with a school Internet library with a structured presentation of information that is clear and accessible to students. The organization of wide access to the necessary educational resources in practice contributes to the cooperation of educational institutions of various levels to create a regional educational space.

But in a simplified, but unfortunately, widespread view, it is argued that everything is decided simply by the widespread introduction of information and telecommunication technologies, to which a truly magical power is attributed. And in this case, society is offered a very simple solution - it is enough to provide educational institutions with computers and telecommunications and education, as if by magic, will become cheaper, better quality and more accessible. But even the best and most advanced technologies adopted by teachers and trainees, without adequate reorganization of the educational process, have a demoralizing effect and are simply wasteful. In essence, this is the same as bringing an illiterate person to the library and waiting until he learns to read and navigate fluently in books.

A pragmatic approach to the use of information technologies assumes: with their help, education can be made more accessible with the assumption of possible losses in quality or improve the quality of education, but for a limited, most prepared contingent of students.

Another difficulty that cannot be ignored is an increase in the responsibility of the student himself for the learning outcomes in a situation where he is given many opportunities to choose between different forms of training, an avalanche of necessary and extraneous information and extraneous information in the face of time pressure. And in these conditions, teachers must help students in the correct

organization of their learning activities, taking into account their individual characteristics and capabilities.

One of the most significant negative aspects of the changes taking place in the system of modern education is the fragmentary nature of a number of accompanying processes.

1. Many learners develop the habit of not separating leisure time (for example, playing computer games, texting, or surfing the net) and working on the computer itself. As a result, leisure and work are clearly unproductive and fragmentary.

2. In training based on the use of information technology, along with such a positive moment as the systematization of knowledge, very often there is a fragmentation of the content.

3. Loss of contacts between trainees, teachers and trainees, as well as among the teachers themselves, is extremely dangerous. In this situation, students and teachers cease to feel like members of a single community, they only have the role of receiving and providing knowledge anonymous.


Many new projects have emerged in the education system based on the wide use of the possibilities of information and telecommunication technologies. But to fulfill the main task - to provide a variety of lifelong education - requires the development of new concepts that ensure changes at the level of paradigms. Such a modified educational system, in which modern technologies will be balanced and intelligently combined with the achievements of pedagogy, will provide teachers and students with new opportunities and advantages: from passive perception of educational material to independent productive activity; from communicative learning to discussions and collaborative creative exploration; from dry points to an integrated assessment of the development of personal qualities; from limited assistance to the learner to large-scale educational services; from one diploma to many diplomas and certificates that make up a complex professional portrait of a specialist.


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