DISTANCE EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mironova Olga Vadimovna, Zainullina Gulshat Ilfatovna, Kalinkina Tatiana Evgenievna

In the article, the authors consider modern methods of teaching a foreign language. Methodological techniques for effective assimilation of the material using modern information technologies are analyzed. The authors understand such concepts as information, the need for information, imitativeness from the point of view of optimizing the educational process.

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UDC 378.2

candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Mironova Olga Vadimovna

The University of management «TISBI» (Kazan

candidate of pedagogical sciences,

associate Professor Zainullina Gulshat Ilfatovna

The University of management «TISBI» (Kazan); associate professor Kalinkina Tatiana Evgenievna

The University of management «TISBI» (Kazan)


Anmtation. In the article, the authors consider modern methods of teaching a foreign language. Methodological techniques for effective assimilation of the material using modern information technologies are analyzed. The authors understand such concepts as information, the need for information, imitativeness from the point of view of optimizing the educational process.

Keywords: distance education, information, imitativeness, educational technologies, the role of the teacher.

Аннотация. В статье авторы рассматривают современные методы преподавания иностранного языка. Анализируются методические приемы для эффективного усвоения материала используя современные информационные технологи. Авторами разбираются такие понятия как информация, потребность в информации, имитативность с точки зрения оптимизации образовательного процесса.

Ключевые слова: дистанционное образование, информация, имитативность, образовательные технологи, роль препадавателя.

Introduction. The XXI century is characterized by huge changes which took place in our world associated with the globalization of social relations and the formation of a new type of social structure - the information society, one of the important areas of development of which is the informatization of education - the process of providing the field of education with a methodology and methodology for the optimal use of cutting-edge information techniques focused on the process of education management and the implementation of psychological and pedagogical learning goals.

Summary of the main material of the article. This process is growing rapidly and will grow even more rapidly, because the objective laws of the development of human civilization is the foundation of this process. In all developed countries, training is aimed at self-learning, self-education, the ability to independently extract the necessary information, identify difficulties and how to reduce the negative consequents of them. It is important to be able to see pros and cons of the knowledge, moreover, gained and apply it to solve new problems. The ideal training system: - forms students' desire to learn; - provides each student with individually adapted teaching aids; - gives each student the opportunity to study according to an individual schedule; - continuously evaluates learning outcomes [5, P. 56].

If we try to figure out why the distance learning process breaks into the learning process so rapidly and thoroughly, we must turn to the cognitive processes of human nature and to the total dependence on information.

Just as imitation of an individual is a social need, so it is in a nature of a person to desire getting more and more information, seeking new sources and opening new horizons in the endless "Universe" calling "Information". It is not a secret that a person feel comfortable and confident, if he or she are know what to do relying on certain information. Insufficient awareness increases the degree of uncertainty of the situation, leads to loss of confidence, mental discomfort, which pushes a person to take active actions to find the necessary information. This aspect is called cognitive needs. Cognitive needs are not innate. They are formed in the process of personality development, its socialization. The position of the person in the society is determined by the quantity and quality of information he can use, how deeply he is in the material and if the information really valuable for certain moment and certain group of people. We pay attention to the fact if this information can solve concrete problems or can even help or elevate the existing difficulties. We can assume that a person reacts on information around him and it reflects in his behavior, possessions, way of communication, lifestyle, etc. Another very important meaning of the information is ability to form social identification. To be able to live in the society, feel comfortable and secure, a person should strongly understand his personalities, skills and talents, realizing current needs of present situation of the nearest small groups and society in general.

It is impossible to imagine the educational process today without distance technologies. Modern technologies accelerate the learning process and also help teachers and students. The student must extract the necessary information from various sources, form his own point of view, be able to argue it, apply the knowledge gained in practice. As a result, the requirements and methods of teaching are changing, including methods of teaching foreign languages. The use of distance learning technologies makes it possible to gain knowledge by independently planning the time and place.

Distance educational technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks with the indirect (at a distance) interaction of students and teaching staff [1].

Distance learning technologies can be used both in the position of a blended learning model and as the basic way of getting the knowledge, if this is provided for in the curriculum of an educational institution. The actual distance learning form is characterized by: the presence of a computer and Internet access, etc.

The presence of a specially created structure (for example, an educational platform) that performs all educational activities; various resources of the educative establishment that manage the student's independent work with the help of training devices and machine applications, but with the first line of a teacher; conducting understandable, convenient for the student classes in various forms (lectures, chat, videoconference, electronic textbooks, dictionaries, etc.); monitoring learning outcomes (intermediate control at each stage of training and (or) final control).

The course of distance learning a foreign language, many didactic tasks are effectively solved. Students and teachers build their relationships on the principles of cooperation and joint creativity. Undergraduates can immerse themselves in a real language environment through direct telecommunication communication directly with native speakers. In addition, they get access to electronic, didactic and reference materials. Distance learning helps to remove psychological difficulties in the growth of pedagogical material, and also promotes realization of an individual approach of the student, which takes into account his capabilities and intellectual abilities. The distance learning form includes video lessons, audio files, communication with the teacher online, which provides a test of the speech skills of students.

Distance education has many advantages, which explains its popularity at the present time. However, freedom and comfort in distance learning require a greater degree of self-discipline than face-to-face training.

In addition to the above, with the remote form of teaching foreign languages, such remote technologies as:

* modular technology, which is based on the organization of independent cognitive activity of students, the development of training modules of a particular course.

* Web quest technology (webquest), which is focused on the maximum practical activity of students and is a problem task with elements of a role-playing game, for which information resources of the Internet are used [2, P. 25].

Modular learning technology occupies a special place among innovative educational technologies. Modular training is characterized by advanced study of the material by enlarged blocks-modules, algorithmization of educational activities, completeness and consistency of activity cycles. The modular program consists of blocks that are formed from a set of modules, and the modules, in turn, consist of topics of educational material united by one topic and intended for study by students with different levels of knowledge.

The training module consists of the following components:

1) module name;

2) integrating didactic goal;

3) target action plan of students;

4) information bank (the actual training material in the form of a training program);

5) methodological guidance on achieving goals;

6) practical training on the formation of the necessary skills;

7) output control (control work that strictly corresponds to the goals set in this module).

The process of modular training is focused on the formation of methods of educational work through training in the skills of rational implementation of practical actions through a specially organized system of exercises. Modules of each stage should be introduced gradually, according to the degree of increasing difficulties and as students study the material. The main condition for the functioning of each module is the provision of its didactic material, consisting of the following main components: a set of appropriate authentic texts / textbooks; a student's workbook; a minimum dictionary; didactic materials for working with TSO, computer databases and Internet resources; educational and methodological multimedia developments for independent work of students. The teaching elements of each module should include theoretical, control and methodological blocks.

Due to the logical sequence and continuity of all stages of language training, the modular nature of training contributes to the systematic mastery of linguistic material, the expansion of background (linguistic, professional, cultural, etc.) knowledge of students, the improvement of skills and abilities in the main types of speech activity. Teaching a foreign language using modular technology makes it possible to comprehensively solve such urgent pedagogical tasks as ensuring an individual pace of learning, taking into account the capabilities, inclinations and needs of students, teaching the skills of independent work with different sources of information, independent mastering of the material and, consequently, the acquisition of high-quality knowledge and skills.

Currently, the task of the teacher is not only to equip the trainees with modern knowledge, but also to teach students to extract this knowledge independently, to be able to assimilate it, relying on what has already been studied. To achieve these goals, the WebQuest technology is used, which is used both in school and university teaching practice. The rating system for assessing students' knowledge includes regular monitoring of the knowledge and skills of each student, with the assignment of a rating depending on the quality of training as the discipline is studied during the academic period. It is the main part of the complex of continuous multi-level education and is designed to organize the educational process based on learning technologies that activate the independent work of students.

* TV is a technology in which television lectures and consultations with teachers are used;

* Network technology based on the use of the Internet for student consultations and the transfer of educational and methodological materials to him.

Thus, it should be emphasized that pedagogical education today needs pedagogical technologies that provide effective training of specialists who are competitive in the market. The success and quality of distance learning in foreign languages largely depend on the effectiveness of the organization and the methodological quality of the materials used, as well as the skill of the teachers involved in this process. Distance language learning emphasizes the importance of developing the ability of learners, where language is the ideal basis for practical communication, an important principle of which should be the principle of ethical obligation [5, P. 33].

At the present stage of the development of distance education, the emergence of new information technologies (IT) has brought the process of distance learning to a qualitatively new level. Almost all of them are digital. NITS include hypermedia programs, which allows the trainee to control the order of mastering the information array himself, as well as databases accessible via the Internet and other networks, and even integrated data complexes, which sooner or later will give trainees the opportunity to connect to video courses, audio materials, databases and other software directly from home or from work.

Distance learning of foreign languages has its own specifics, due to the fact that it involves teaching various types of speech activity and totally based on the process of imitation.

According to N.K. Roerich, usually people are very upset by the detected imitations. Meanwhile, the whole life is full of all sorts of degrees of imitation. Every teacher, if he notices that his pupil has completely mastered his subjects and in his method, can also call it imitation. A person has learned some sayings for himself. In them, he also imitates the sources that gave them. A person has learned this or that style of work, you can think, is he imitating this style? After all, imitation and continuity are quite closely related, and only an internal impulse can prove the true motives. In general, if you start to be upset by imitations and see them everywhere, then you can fill your life with completely unnecessary, bitter feelings. But there are other imitations that are not subject to any law. Maybe, for example, some educational institution with original and practical methods. Someone, having assessed the applicability of these methods, will open the same institution on the nearest street. Of course, it will be imitation, but it is absolutely impossible to prohibit such a competition. Or someone will write a book or compile a dictionary, and another, a clever industrialist, will wrap this dictionary in reverse or use a whole third of the book, linking it with some watery evidence. Undoubtedly, it will be a fake, and it is also certain that the clever industrialist will escape condemnation.

The reasons for imitation can be different. Someone wants to appropriate other people's ideas and thoughts, hoping for success and universal recognition, someone, delighted with the achievements of another, wants to continue his work, going further and revealing new perspectives. And someone just wants to be "on the crest of the wave", imitating fashionable trends, phenomena, directions, etc.

If imitation, in the end, exceeds your business, then this is already continuity and can only cause a certain amount of gratitude at the sight of the growth of seeds sown by someone [8, P. 317].

So, you can talk a lot about whether it's good to imitate someone or it's unprincipled. But I would like to recall the words of N.K. Roerich: "Imitation, rivalry, competition, if it is not based on wrecking envy, it will only be an inevitable branching of your own endeavors. Everyone should, first of all, rejoice if his undertakings grow into useful deeds. This has always been the case and always will be, and let the cases, even those that have arisen, only mutually encourage the improvement of quality" [8, P. 416].

Naturally, for teaching such types of speech activity as reading and writing, one can largely limit oneself to a network course, since the features of these types of speech activity do not require by themselves voluminous graphics and even significant sound

accompaniment. But when teaching speaking and listening, it is not possible to limit oneself only to text files, it is necessary to rely on sound accompaniment, as well as the creation of various situations that stimulate the oral statements of the trainees, i.e. there is a need to rely on illustrative material. Using such material in online courses, as we already know, is technically quite possible, but in practice, given the real situation, it is still quite problematic due to the large amount of memory that such files require, and, consequently, the time to transfer these files from the base server to the computers of the trainees (provided the remote learner works via modem). CD-ROM discs would serve very well for such purposes, especially since modern technologies already allow recognizing the correctness of a student's oral response from the voice (through a microphone) (the first CDs with a microphone attached to them that implement such capabilities appeared on the market). The share of the network in such courses remains the management of the educational process on the part of the teacher, communication of partners in a teleconference or by e-mail and testing.

Conclusions. Summing up all of the above, we note that one can argue about the advantages and disadvantages of distance education, but modern trends and reality dictate their own conditions. And the reality is that we will not be able to deny the convenience, and sometimes the necessity of using distance education. And our task is to make it as efficient, comfortable and effective as possible for students.


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УДК 378.14: 811.111

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки» Миронцева Светлана Сергеевна

Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Севастопольский государственный университет" (г. Севастополь); кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры «Теория и практика перевода» Михайлова Евгения Владимировна

Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Севастопольский государственный университет" (г. Севастополь)



Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме оценивания входного уровня знаний обучающихся с целью создания условий для эффективного формирования иноязычной профессионально ориентированной компетенции с помощью дифференциации обучающихся по уровню знаний для управления процессом обучения будущих бакалавров направления подготовки 38.03.01 Экономика.

Ключевые слова: входное тестирование, оценочные средства, иноязычная профессионально ориентированная компетенция, электронные образовательные ресурсы.

Annotation. The article deals with the problem of evaluating the input level of students' knowledge to optimize the formation of foreign language competence to organize a differentiated approach in the process of training future bachelors in the field of 38.03.01 Economics.

Keywords: placement test, assessment tools, foreign-language professionally-oriented competence, electronic educational resources.

Введение. Сегодня тенденция повышения требований к выпускникам образовательных организаций высшего образования, постоянная разработка и внедрение новых образовательных стандартов воспринимается профессиональным сообществом, занятым в этой сфере, с пониманием. Учитывая, что последние годы прошли под знаком международной интеграции, значительно повысилось внимание к качеству профессиональной подготовки выпускников по иностранному языку. Однако преподаватели высшей школы столкнулись с настораживающей статистикой, выявленной при входном тестировании первокурсников по иностранному языку, особенно неязыковых специальностей, - ростом количества испытуемых, владеющих языком на элементарном А2 и, даже начальном, А1 уровне по европейской шкале CEFR. Необходимость объективной оценки знаний иностранного языка с помощью процедуры входного тестирования студентов связана с тем, что абитуриенты сдавали ЕГЭ по профильным предметам, в число которых он, как правило, не входит. Такое положение дел, безусловно, должно учитываться при разработке курса обучения дисциплине «Иностранный язык» с целью получения результатов образования, соответствующих требованиям государственных стандартов.

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