EFFECTIVENESS IT TOOLS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
ICT / video / teacher / technology / flexible and wide.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aziza Abdumannabovna Rakhimbayeva

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning foreign languages has risen sharply among the educational community. Teachers access and implement innovations without always realizing their full implications for them and their students. However, this is not necessarily a negative thing, because if no one used innovations, little progresses would be made and there would be nothing to evaluate.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.24411/2181-1385-2021-01043
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Aziza Abdumannabovna Rakhimbayeva

Chirchik state Pedagogical institute of Tashkent region


The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning foreign languages has risen sharply among the educational community. Teachers access and implement innovations without always realizing their full implications for them and their students. However, this is not necessarily a negative thing, because if no one used innovations, little progresses would be made and there would be nothing to evaluate.

Keywords: ICT, video, teacher, technology, flexible and wide.


Today, in the Republic of Uzbekistan great attention is given to the radical reorganization of the educational system that will give an opportunity to raise it to the level of modern standards. In order to realize the aims and tasks put forward by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" (1997) and the "National Programme of Personnel Training" the complex system of reorganizing the structure and the content of personnel training, proceeding from perspectives of the social, economic development of the society, contemporary achievements of science, culture, technique and technology are being created in the country. The National Programme for Personnel Training is being implemented in the country step by step. Within the framework of this Programme the system of continuous education is being developed, a system which starts with pre-school provision. The material and technical base of the education sector is strengthening, basic textbooks in the languages of peoples, living in the country are being published, the physical learning environment are improved, modern information technology are being used in the process of education.


The development of modern society occurs in the era of informational technologies and characterized by the use of information technology tools in many areas of human activities, including in the field of education. The rational combination of education means with the modern information and computer technologies (ICT) is one of the possible ways for solving the problem of educational modernization. Means of ICT contributes to the development of personal qualities of

the individual, the variability and individualization of school education. Modern ICTs provide active, creative mastering of the students studied subject, allow to present the material at a new qualitatively higher level. Their usage opens up fundamentally new opportunities in the organization of the learning process. Foreign language is a subject that, due to its specificity, namely, the creation of an artificial language environment for students due to a lack of natural language, presupposes the most flexible and wide use of various technical means of instruction. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the teaching of foreign languages, new possibilities, opened by multimedia, have found a wide variety of applications. In the process of teaching foreign languages in the modern secondary school, lighting and sound engineering tools are traditionally used. But at the present time new information technologies have come to education system: a computer, a multimedia textbook, the Internet, an electronic educational resources. The usage of these new information technologies makes it possible to outline the following main points: - the use of multimedia technologies in teaching foreign languages is designed to significantly improve the effectiveness of teaching, the main purpose of which is to improve the skills of everyday and professional communication (both directly with native speakers and Internet-mediated press);

- the means of new information technologies act as a tool for the education and upbringing of students, the development of their communicative, cognitive, creative abilities and information culture;

- the use of multimedia teaching tools allows, in the absence of a natural language environment, to create conditions that are as close as possible to real speech communication in foreign languages. In the modern methodology of teaching foreign languages, the use of multimedia technologies is assigned a significant role. What is multimedia? Multimedia is interactive systems, providing simultaneous work with sound, animated computer graphics, video frames, static images and texts. This term refers to the simultaneous impact on the user on several information channels. In this case, the user, as a rule, has an active role. In other words, multimedia is the sum of technologies that allow a computer to enter, process, store, transmit and display (output) data types such as text, graphics, animation, digitized images, video, audio, speech. The word multimedia is not related to the computer technologies.


The English singer and songwriter Bob Goldstein first used it in 1966, when he arranged his newfangled show. Later, this term was used to designate any

entertainment product with different sound and video effects. But only in the 1990s was given the definition to this word: «multimedia is modern computer information technology that allows you to combine text, sound, video in a computer system. A graphic image and animation. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, or interactivity content forms ". Previously, a lesson conducted by a teacher it was called multimedia, it was included by a teacher's story, a tape recording, a movie, slides, and any technical training. Today, «multimedia» lesson is meant a lesson using a multimedia tutorial, a computer or laptop, a projector, a web camera. In the theory of learning, even several modern lines of research have been identified, in particular the theory of multimedia teaching. There was even an informal term, «edutainment» -new education from the words «education» and «entertainment» is used to combine education and entertainment, especially multimedia.

The adaptation reflects the connection between learning and entertainment that is the student focuses on the learning process, while having entertainment goals. The multimedia tools have the greatest impact on students. They enrich the learning process; make it possible to make learning more effective, involving in the process of perception of educational information the most sensory components of the learner. They have become an objective reality of our time, and the teacher of a foreign language cannot, but with the help of advantage of the opportunities they provide for teaching real communication in a foreign language. Together with multimedia technologies, a new ideology of thinking has come to education system. According to the earlier model of teaching in the center of technology training - a teacher; between the students there was an unspoken competition; Students played a passive role in the classroom; the essence of learning is the transfer of knowledge (facts). The new model of learning that comes to replace it is based on the following provisions: at the center of the technology of learning is the student; the basis of training activities -cooperation; Students play an active role in teaching; The essence of technology is the development of the ability for self-learning and the communicative competence of trainees.

The main groups' tasks solved with the help of multimedia in the English language classes, including the support of students' learning activities; providing real communication with native speakers; Ensuring access of all participants of the educational process to the rapidly growing information funds stored in centralized information systems; Development of cognitive interest and motivation to learn English. The degree and time of multimedia support for the lesson can vary from a

few minutes to a full cycle. The main purposes of the multimedia lesson: the study of new material; Presentation of new information and expanding the horizons of students; Consolidation of the past; Training of training skills; Repetition of the studied material; Practical application of acquired knowledge, skills; Generalization and systematization of knowledge. What are the main ways to use the capabilities of modern multimedia technologies in teaching a foreign language? For example, N.S Kirginseva singled out the following:

- the use of ready-made software products for learning a foreign language, supplied mainly on compact discs;

- application of software products created directly by teachers (or teachers in conjunction with students) in various instrumental environments or visual design environments);

- the use of Internet resources. The most accessible multimedia means it is necessary to recognize so-called electronic textbook and various training programs-simulators. According to the type of organization and method of delivery to the learner, multimedia textbooks come in three forms: 1) on a CD-ROM with or without a printed application; 2) on the Internet sites were printed without application; 3) on a CD-ROM, but linked to some Internet sites, with or without a printed application. The electronic applications to English textbooks contain a learning program for memorizing words - ABBYY TUTOR, which greatly facilitates the work on memorizing new words. Working with foreign language programs in a computer class helps students overcome the psychological barrier. When students see a graphic image or pictures on the computer screen, they perceive and master new material better. The material included in the program allows to achieve the solution of the following methodological tasks: (for example, when studying and fixing new English words): 1) to form and consolidate the skill of recognizing the meaning of the word; 2) to form the motor skill of writing the specified word; 3) to fix the visual image of the material being worked. Thus, with the help of curriculum, it is possible to change significantly the ways of managing educational activity, purposefully manage the competitive element of student's activities, to individualize learning, and this helps to improve the quality of teaching.


Multimedia presentations can be held anywhere where there is a computer and a projector or another local playback device. Broadcast of the presentation can be either «live» or pre-recorded. Broadcasting or recording can be based on analog or

electronic technologies for storing and transmitting information. It is worth noting that multimedia can either be downloaded to the user's computer and reproduced in some way, or reproduced directly from the Internet using streaming technology. The forms and the place of use of a multimedia presentation (or even a separate slide) in a lesson depend, of course, on the content of this lesson and on the goal that the teacher sets. Nevertheless, the practice makes it possible to identify some general, most effective methods of using such aids: When studying a new material it allows illustrating in various visual means. The application is particularly advantageous in cases where it is necessary to show the dynamics of the development of a process. When fixing a new topic. To test knowledge. Computer testing is self-testing and self-realization, it is a good incentive for learning; it is a way of acting and expressing oneself. For the teacher, it is a means of qualitative control of knowledge, a programmed way of accumulating of estimates.

As information technologies evolve and advance over time, use of technology in classrooms has increased in the classroom. There is a wide spread belief that technology-based instruction can contribute greatly to the quality of teaching and learning experience. Technology is a facilitating tool of education which teachers and students get a great deal of benefit from. Today's language teachers need to learn how to take advantage of the technology and how to integrate it into their teaching skills. Computers, smart phones, tablets etc. provide powerful opportunities to learn foreign language. As the use of smart phone, computer etc. is increasingly common among students; teachers need to equip themselves with today's technology. Smart boards can be instrumental in engaging and motivating student in the class. For instance pronunciation though the teacher is not a native speaker can be taught to learners with ease using smart phone/board. Teachers who introduce technology to their students may get a great deal of satisfaction when they, accomplish better. Technology doesn't constitute methodology, but teachers utilize technology to complement it. How can teachers begin to integrate technology in language teaching? I think first, teachers need to contemplate their aims pertaining teaching styles. Different technological materials offer different advantages therefore teachers should be aware of utilities technology. Teachers may apply technology to their teaching skills. As a matter of fact, when teachers use technology in class they should know students' current language skills and needs. In a nutshell, the role of technology in teaching foreign language is very significant in foreign language teaching process. Technology in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Using technology in foreign language learning and teaching is useful for both teachers and students. There is a

great tendency among teachers to use technological tools in language learning classrooms. Uluc argued that the influence of "has permeated into all facets of our lives, including educational settings". In today's schools, information technologies (IT) are more powerful tools to teach, to motivate, and to make the subjects more interesting. Also internet is getting more common for people to communicate each other. In the last 10 years technology (internet, smart phones, computers etc.) has been used in all parts of lives. We use it with media, shopping, education, communication tools. Similarly it has made great contribution to language learning process. Cetto puts forward, "In my experience, technology has broadened the spectrum of interaction while empowering the students' learning process by providing better opportunities for language usage". Undoubtedly, using technology has positive effects on teaching and learning the English language. How can technology be applied to enhance teaching/learning the English language? When, computer, internet, smart boards, cell phones, video games, music players etc. are used in the target language learning process, students' motivation and language awareness is raised. The new generation (teachers/students) is good at using technology. They are all engaged with technological tools and somehow are involved in the target language through technology. Teaching by using traditional methods is no longer motivating and enjoyable for learners. Learners are more interactive, and learning outcomes bring about efficient results. Moreover the positive outcomes will lead to satisfaction for both teachers and learners. Experienced teachers present different opportunities to students working at different rates and levels. The most widely used device is smart phone. Teachers and learners use it for developing the skills such as listening, and reading; furthermore watching target language elements on technological tools enable students to improve their second language proficiency. Today's technology is breaking down all borders and bounds faster than physical terms. Houcine suggests that "the effective use of the Internet and the Hypermedia brings valuable resources to both teachers and learners." Activities That Can Be Used with Technological Tools Young generation grows with the technological devices. Which has become a part of our culture at home, at school, at work, and at our social life? Technology tools for communication, collaboration, social networking... In particular, these tools have transformed how parents and families manage their daily lives and seek out entertainment, how teachers use materials in the classroom with young children and communicate with parents and families, and how we deliver teacher education and professional development. Effective teachers provide a natural learning environment for learners. Most teachers before lessons consider what they

are going to teach and what kind of activities they will apply in their lessons. Upon deciding on this, they get ready through making lesson plan and finding the right resources or elements they will use. First of all technological devices are more interesting for the students to make some useful activities. For example; making online activities with smart board is very enjoyable for the learners. Integrating technology into language teaching and learning will bring about undivided motivation that will lead to achievement. Sykes suggests, integration can include, for example, the use of game content as pre-writing content for a writing task or as an impetus for a classroom debate.


Digital games offer learners a lot of benefits, but too many games especially violence games can be problematic. Characters, game narratives, context of play are very beneficial for the second language learners. Sarah Catherine and K. Moore state that 'Perhaps the most widespread application of technology in onsite settings to date is the use of software programs designed for language learning. Today many schools have computer labs and computers in every classroom. Almost all schools are connected to the Internet; a lot of teachers have Internet access in their classrooms. Technology can assist the teachers 'what to teach', 'how to teach', 'when to teach' or how to integrate all these to the curriculum framework.


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On measures to further improve foreign language learning system" № 1875 from December 10, 2012

2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education from August 27.

3. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan the «National Program for Personnel Training» from August 27.

4. Shoumarov, G., & Iriskulov, A. (2005). Globalisation and the Sociolinguistic Typology of Languages. In H. Coleman, J. Gulyamova & A. Thomas (Eds.), National Development, Education and Language in Central Asia and Beyond (pp. 134-141). Uzbekistan: British Council.

5. Hasanova, D. (2010). English as a trademark of modernity and elitism. English Today, 26(01), 3-8.

6. The law on Latin script adoption

7. Davi U.K. Ltd.es, B. Dan Ellison, L. (1992).School Development Planning. Essex: Longman Group

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