Научная статья на тему 'Development of non-governmental educational services in the conditions of digital economy'

Development of non-governmental educational services in the conditions of digital economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zakhirova G. М.

С переходом на рыночные отношения спрос на образовательные услуги увеличивается, но государство не может удовлетворить его в полной мере из-за нехватки бюджетных средств. Противоречие между увеличивающимися образовательными запросами и возможностями их удовлетворения только на государственной основе является причинами возникновения негосударственного сектора в системе образования. Одной из основных задач высших учебных заведений во всем мире является подготовка и переподготовка квалифицированных кадров, отвечающих требованиям и технологиям современности. Создание новых инновационных высших учебных заведений, создание онлайн-форм обучени, и новых методологий подготовки и переподготовки молодых специалистов являются прогрессивными реформами в сфере образования. В условиях цифровизации экономики запросы на образовательные услуги возрастают многократно, так как современному рынку труда необходимы кадры с дополнительными знаниями в области информационных технологий. Главным источником развития цифровой экономики являются специалисты, подготовленные к работе с информационными технологиями. Если, с одной стороны, требования к подготовке по информационным технологиям включены в профессиональные стандарты педагогов, то, с другой, подготовка к использованию ИТ выходит за пределы технических компетенций и требует расширенного понимания методической подготовки преподавателей к работе в электронной образовательной среде. В условиях цифровой экономики многие работники могут стать невостребованными по причине широко использования искусственного интеллекта. При этом появятся новые профессии, которые будут необходимы в каждой отрасли экономики. Подготовку таких кадров за короткий промежуток времени могут осуществить именно негосударственные образовательные учреждения, используя информационных технологии.With the transition to market relations, the demand for educational services increases, but the state cannot fully satisfy it due to a lack of budgetary funds. The contradiction between the increasing educational demands and the possibilities of satisfying them only on a state basis are the reason for the emergence of the non-state sector in the education system. One of the main tasks of higher education institutions around the world is the training and retraining of qualified personnel that meet the requirements and technologies of our time. The creation of new and innovative higher education institutions, the creation of online forms of training, and new methods for the training and retraining of young specialists are progressive reforms in the field of education. In the context of the digitalization of the economy, the demand for educational services is growing many times over, as the modern labour market needs personnel with additional knowledge in the field of information technology. The main source of development of the digital economy are specialists trained to work with information technology. If, on the one hand, the requirements for training in information technology are included in the professional standards for teachers, then on the other hand, preparation for using IT goes beyond technical competencies and requires an expanded understanding of the methodological preparation of teachers for work in the electronic educational environment. It should be noted that in the digital economy, many workers could become unclaimed due to wide employment of artificial intelligence. But along with this, new professions necessary in every branch of the economy will appear. And the training of such personnel in a short period of time can be carried out by non-governmental educational institutions using information technology.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of non-governmental educational services in the conditions of digital economy»

Innovations management

DOI: 10.18721/JE.13209 UDC: 338.001.36


G.M. Zakhirova

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek Tashkent, Uzbekistan

With the transition to market relations, the demand for educational services increases, but the state cannot fully satisfy it due to a lack of budgetary funds. The contradiction between the increasing educational demands and the possibilities of satisfying them only on a state basis are the reason for the emergence of the non-state sector in the education system. One of the main tasks of higher education institutions around the world is the training and retraining of qualified personnel that meet the requirements and technologies of our time. The creation of new and innovative higher education institutions, the creation of online forms of training, and new methods for the training and retraining of young specialists are progressive reforms in the field of education. In the context of the digitalization of the economy, the demand for educational services is growing many times over, as the modern labour market needs personnel with additional knowledge in the field of information technology. The main source of development of the digital economy are specialists trained to work with information technology. If, on the one hand, the requirements for training in information technology are included in the professional standards for teachers, then on the other hand, preparation for using IT goes beyond technical competencies and requires an expanded understanding of the methodological preparation of teachers for work in the electronic educational environment. It should be noted that in the digital economy, many workers could become unclaimed due to wide employment of artificial intelligence. But along with this, new professions necessary in every branch of the economy will appear. And the training of such personnel in a short period of time can be carried out by non-governmental educational institutions using information technology.

Keywords: digital economy, innovative economy, labor market, centralized education, knowledge economy, non-governmental education services

Citation: G.M. Zakhirova, Development of non-governmental education services in the conditions of digital economy, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Economics, 13 (2) (2020) 100-109. DOI: 1018721/JE.13209

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/li-censes/by-nc/4.0/)


Захирова Г.М.

Национальный университет Узбекистана имени Мирзо Улугбека Ташкент, Узбекистан

С переходом на рыночные отношения спрос на образовательные услуги увеличивается, но государство не может удовлетворить его в полной мере из-за нехватки бюджетных средств. Противоречие между увеличивающимися образовательными запросами и возможностями их удовлетворения только на государственной основе является причинами возникновения негосударственного сектора в системе образования. Одной из основных задач высших учебных заведений во всем мире является подготовка и переподготовка квалифицированных кадров, отвечающих требованиям и технологиям современности. Создание новых инновационных высших учебных заведений, создание онлайн-форм обучени, и новых методологий подготовки и переподготовки молодых специалистов являются прогрессивными реформами

в сфере образования. В условиях цифровизации экономики запросы на образовательные услуги возрастают многократно, так как современному рынку труда необходимы кадры с дополнительными знаниями в области информационных технологий. Главным источником развития цифровой экономики являются специалисты, подготовленные к работе с информационными технологиями. Если, с одной стороны, требования к подготовке по информационным технологиям включены в профессиональные стандарты педагогов, то, с другой, подготовка к использованию ИТ выходит за пределы технических компетенций и требует расширенного понимания методической подготовки преподавателей к работе в электронной образовательной среде. В условиях цифровой экономики многие работники могут стать невостребованными по причине широко использования искуственного интеллекта. При этом появятся новые профессии, которые будут необходимы в каждой отрасли экономики. Подготовку таких кадров за короткий промежуток времени могут осуществить именно негосударственные образовательные учреждения, используя информационных технологии.

Ключевые слова: цифровая экономика, инновационная экономика, рынок труда, централизованное образование, экономика знаний, услуги негосударственного образования

Ссылка при цитировании: Захирова Г.М. Развитие негосударственных образовательных услуг в условиях цифровой экономики // Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ. Экономические науки. 2020. Т. 13, № 2. С. 100-109. DOI: 10.18721/JE.13209

Это статья открытого доступа, распространяемая по лицензии CC BY-NC 4.0 (https://crea-tivecommons.org/Hcenses/by-nc/4.0/)


Economic development of the whole world and each individual state is based on the concept of global development of human potential, which is directly related to the development of the education system.

Today, in an innovative economy, the difference between countries will increasingly depend on the state of education systems and the quality of human resources, which is determined by the level of the physical, moral and intellectual potential of the population [1].

The education system is a single focused process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a combination of the acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience, competencies of a certain volume and complexity for the purpose of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and professional development of individuals, satisfaction of their educational needs and interests1.

In the modern world, the position of each country is determined by its intellectual potential. The most developed countries of the world receive up to 40% of the GDP growth as a result of the development of an effective education system. Investments in education pay off most quickly. According to American experts, 1 dollar invested in the education system allows you to get a profit of 3-6 dollars [2].

As the Russian economist O.T. Bogomolov wrote: "The effectiveness of innovative development depends on the development of democratic institutions, as well as institutions for managing and maintaining order, and the quality of the political and business elite. Overcoming acute crisis processes is impossible without the development of education, training and upbringing of the younger generation" [3].

In the context of economic modernization, the most important tasks of a research in the field of education economics are:

♦ determination of the permissible boundaries of the market mechanism in the education system, and in particular in general education;

♦ substantiation of the correlation of the role of the state and the education market by system levels;

1 Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation". URL: https://base.garant. ru/58060755

♦ substantiation of methodological approaches to the development of a system of economic relations in education and construction of a conceptual model of this system;

♦ determination of the conditions and directions of reforming the system of economic relations in education and development of a set of specific mechanisms for the implementation of innovations.

In the context of the transition to the digital economy, it is necessary to change the view on education, since it is an object of promising and important investments. The state and effectiveness of an education system determines the prospects and future appearance of the country, its production potential, standards of living, and international status.

In recent years, the leading countries of the world have begun transforming their education systems, sometimes resulting in deep multifaceted reforms.

In all countries of the world in the era of industrial development, advantages were given to natural and labour resources, material resources gradually became of importance. Under current conditions, the main factors in the development of the economy are intellectual and information resources [4].

According to the definition presented in the Oxford Dictionary, "digital economy is an economy which functions primarily by means of digital technology, especially electronic transactions made using the Internet2" [5].

Intellectual potential is the main driving force of the modern economy, since it is based on the elements of the "knowledge economy" [6].

A distinctive feature of the "knowledge economy" is the accelerated development of the intangible sphere and the intangible environment of economic activity. The production, distribution and use of knowledge form the basis of the new economy, and its infrastructure is the global information network, which significantly reduces the material-resource and spatial limits of growth rates [7].

In accordance with the "knowledge economy", the development of the leading countries of the world has led to a new stage of development based on knowledge, innovations, global information systems and new technologies.

It should be noted that in the digital economy, the labour market will urgently need modern specialists, training of which requires early introduction of innovations in the education system. These innovation, results of scientific progress, of course require certain financial costs and time.

Non-state vocational education, which has the ability to quickly respond to consumer requests and changes in the requirements of the specialist market, can make up for this deficit, which ensures its competitiveness and prospects.

Purpose of the study

The study and application of digital tools in creating infrastructure in the field of education, analysis of the role and place of non-state education at the present stage of information technology.

Research Methodology

This paper reviews and analyses existing publications, open source data and information on education in the digital economy. The author employed comparative and SWOT analyses of existing solutions to the identified problems.

Main part

The education system is expanding the use of digital technologies. Educational organizations have their websites in the Internet in accordance with the state requirements. The course of informatics and information and communication technologies in general education programs has been provided normatively, technologically, and substantively; personnel are being trained for the digital economy.

2 https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/digital_economy

However, a number of people in training and the relevance of educational programs to the needs of the digital economy are insufficient. There is a serious shortage of personnel in the educational process at all levels of education. In the procedures of final certification, the use of digital tools in education is scarce, the process is not integrated into the digital information environment [8].

In the era of the global transition of the digital economy and the labour market to all sectors of society, the education system must also be developed on the basis of market relations. In market economy, the government struggles to cover or finance certain industries, and the market mechanism allows it to receive the education it needs for self-financing.

For the modern economy, you need an employee who, in addition to professional competencies, has the skills to work with digital tools. Therefore, the requirements of educational standards, programs, a list of competencies that tend to change constantly and increase the speed of knowledge are put forward to graduates of higher educational institutions [9].

The improvement of human capital is an important factor in the development of the digital economy. Higher education, as a rule, provides fundamental basic knowledge, which must be constantly supplemented by modern discoveries, skills and technologies that are provided by nongovernmental education.

In a time of digitalization of the economy and adaptation to the rapid exchange of information, there is a need for a society to have a modern and progressive, market-oriented education system that is based on innovation at its own expense, incorporating innovation in all areas of life. It is natural, that a non-governmental educational services market is emerging, given the importance of such educational services for sustainable economic development.

As a result of economic development, the labour market requires the education system to create three products based on modern information programs: labour, education and scientific-technical areas. At the same time, it is advisable to meet the demand not only through government funding, but in partnership with the private sector in various forms of ownership. As a non-governmental education system can quickly adapt to the needs of the innovative market, it can provide the necessary educational services which can satisfy community needs, of individuals or organizations, and conduct custom research activities. Therefore, the emergence, formation and development of a non-governmental education system with greater capacity to carry out these tasks is desirable.

The economic potential of a country is provided by human resources. Staffing is shaped by self-education. The role of higher education is invaluable. In a digital economy, the education system, especially higher education, has high requirements. One of the key aspects of the digital economy is a reduction of jobs for low-skilled workers in each country. Finding a job without an education can be difficult, even impossible. Anyone wishing to earn a higher salary must have not only a general education, but also a specialized professional education, and often a higher education. At the same time, the demand for higher education within the country will increase dramatically. As a result, higher education is becoming popular all over the world.

According to UNESCO, the number of students worldwide was 97 million in 2015, and by 2025 it will reach 100 million [10].

Non-governmental education plays a vital role in meeting this demand.

At this stage of development of the society, it has become clear that in order to have a decent standard of living, one must improve one's intellectual abilities throughout their lives. That is, they will have to constantly improve their qualifications to become skilled professionals or have some knowledge. In order to fully meet the requirements of the time, it is necessary to have a new profession and a new profession. In non-governmental educational institutions, it is possible to provide these services in a short term. In contrast to centralized education, these institutions are equipped with modern technology, with the shortest duration of training or the opportunity to operate in innovative teaching methods.

The main source of development of the digital economy are specialists trained in working with information technology. On the one hand, the requirements for IT training are included in the professional standards of teachers, and on the other, preparation for using IT goes beyond the technical competencies and requires an expanded understanding of the methodological preparation of teachers for work in the electronic educational environment. The system of training teachers to work in a modern digital educational environment is currently only being formed.

It should be noted that in the digital economy, many specialties will become unclaimed due to some jobs being occupied by artificial intelligence (AI). But along with this, new professions will appear that will be necessary in every branch of the economy. And training of such personnel in a short period of time can be carried out by non- governmental state educational institutions.


E-learning and distance learning technologies form a segment of online higher education programs, the share of which does not exceed 2%. Online educational programs are mainly provided by nongovernmental educational institutions; their share in the online learning segment reaches 80%.

Universities need to fill the created digital educational environment with their educational products, interactive content, tools for interaction and project activities of students, then the benefits of the digital economy will become available to them [11].

For full participation in the formation of the digital economy through training, as well as the industry of the digital economy, some steps should be taken to support universities in informatization. A student of an educational institution is not only an educational object, but also a payer for education services.

Today, higher education in Uzbekistan prepares qualified specialists for various spheres of public life and sectors of the economy: scientific, economic, technical and others. The educational process systematises knowledge and acquired skills, orienting students to solving theoretical and practical problems in the vector of the chosen specialization with the creative use of the achievements of modern scientific thought and technology [12].

In January-June 2017, a group of international experts involved in collaboration between UNESCO and the consulting company DGP Research & Consulting conducted a comprehensive study of the education system of Uzbekistan. Based on the results of the analysis, proposals were developed on the need to further ensure the integrity of theory and practice, improve the mechanism for monitoring the quality of education, and develop effective cooperation with foreign universities.

Reforms in the field of higher education in Uzbekistan are being implemented in cooperation with many international organizations, including Erasmus + (European Union program), JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency).

As a result of these joint programs, hundreds of teachers and students of Uzbekistan have the opportunity to get acquainted with international best practices in the education system, acquire new knowledge and skills, and improve their skills in leading universities in the world. An equally important defining criterion that directly affects the quality of the educational process is the current level of the university's research activities, the introduction of research results in the educational process.

It is the research activity that allows its leading professors, associate professors, scientific workers to be at the forefront of the development of scientific knowledge and to transfer this knowledge to students and graduate students. The development of education in our country can no longer be considered separately from the development of science, only the unity of science and education will allow these areas of human activity to function correctly [13].

One of the most effective tools that contribute to quality education, of course, is information technology. In modern conditions it is impossible to separate the educational process from the use of new information technologies. Their introduction into lecture courses, seminars and practical classes

allows us to optimize the process of presentation and assimilation of the material studied, which will undoubtedly improve the quality of education [14].

With an increase in the quality of training and retraining of specialists, the role of higher education institutions is significant. The quality of knowledge obtained in higher education institutions is associated with the level of competence of students, the intellectual potential of the teaching staff and the highest level of teaching methods. New programs, attracted faculty, category of trained students, modern technologies ensure the perfection and attractiveness of higher education institutions [15].

The report of the Centre for Economic Research cited that with almost 100% coverage of the secondary education system and 9% coverage of the higher education system, it turns out that 9 out of 10 school graduates cannot go to university, while the demand for higher education is high, and there is a competition at universities exceeding 6 people per place. Of the students entering universities, 60% are men (the proportion of women in universities has declined in recent years, unlike other countries in the region) [16].

The final part

Although the student enrolment rate was already 20% in the school year 2019-2020, this is still not enough with the current demand for higher education.

You also need to pay attention that most of the universities are located in Tashkent. And in order to get higher education, graduates have to come from all regions to the capital, which burdens them with additional expenses. [17].

Therefore, in order to eliminate the shortage of highly qualified specialists, which is growing rapidly in the current conditions, it is necessary to abandon the educational monopoly (especially for higher education), and give more opportunities to non-state education. In a short time, it can introduce achievements in the field of science and technology, modern information technology, thereby qualitatively meeting the requirements of the labour market [18].


Based on the above, it became necessary to conduct a SWOT analysis of non-state educational institutions. As a result of a study of the activities of non-governmental educational institutions, the authors revealed such qualities as a quick response to labour market demand, training of highly qualified personnel in a short time, a possibility of creating non-governmental educational institutions, based on industrial production, which allows for effective integration of theory and practice [19].

Therefore, the following conclusions can be made:

1. Non-state education has a more flexible approach to the requirements of the modern labour market.

2. The private sector will be able to train highly qualified specialists in a short time for all areas of the economy using digital technologies.

3. With the creation of educational institutions in private industrial enterprises, integration between education and production can be achieved.

4. With the development of the private education sector, healthy competition will arise between state and non-state educational institutions to obtain modern knowledge.

Along with this, there are some drawbacks of non-governmental education, such as a lack of public perception of such education as an addition to state higher education, an absence of tax benefits and preferences when renting the premises necessary for the organization of non-governmental educational institutions, mistrust of employers towards graduates of non-state educational institutions.

Non-governmental education threatens to replace state education completely, as a result of competition for the provision of services in the field of education, it can generate high income and turn education into a profitable business.

In accordance with the World Bank's definition, the digital economy is a system of economic, social, and cultural relations based on the use of digital and information and communication technologies.

In recent years, Uzbekistan has been working to improve the socio-economic situation and establish higher educational institutions that meet world standards of education.

Despite the fact that Uzbekistan rose by 8 positions in the International Index for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies in 2019, we are still lagging behind drastically in this area. It is no exaggeration to say that most of our ministries, departments, and enterprises are still far from the full implementation of digital technologies [20].

Directions for further research

The wide implementation of digital technologies contributes to the efficiency of government and public administration, the development of the social sphere, the fundamental improvement of people's lives.

For consecutive continuation the new, modern level of the work on development of the sphere of science and education in progress, upbringing of our youth by the persons having profound knowledge, high culture and spirituality, as well as the encouragement of a competitive economy, the year 2020 in Uzbekistan is proclaimed to be the "Year of development of science, education and digital economy"3.

The Concept of Development of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030 introduces radical reform of the education system, especially the development of public-private partnerships in higher education, organization of higher education institutions in the regions. An increase of coverage by 35% by 2025, and by 50% by 2050, is aimed at creating a healthy competitive environment in the industry4.

It is clear that non-governmental educational institutions play a great role in achieving these high levels. Consequently, there are many opportunities for businesses and foreign investors to develop education in the country, including higher education.

However, the continuity and economic benefits of investing in the non-government sector of education have not been theoretically analysed. This will be an incentive for further research in this area.


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3 Message from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Oliy Majlis, January 24, 2020. URL: https://nrm.uz/contentf?doc=612860_ poslanie_prezidenta_respubliki_uzbekistan_shavkata_mirzieeva_oliy_majlisu_(24_yanvarya_2020_goda)

4 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 8, 2019 No. UP-5847 "About approval of the Concept of development of higher education of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030"

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7. Ye.A. Petrova, A.A. Denisova, Razvitiye sistemy upravleniya regionom v usloviyakh stanovleniya "ekonomiki znaniy" [The development of the region's management system in the context of the establishment of a "knowledge economy"]. Vestn. Volgogr. gos. un-ta. Ser. 3. Ekon. Ekol, 2012, no. 1(20), pp. 66—74. (rus)

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Статья поступила в редакцию 19.03.2020.



E-mail: zakhirova.gulnora@yandex.ru

ЗАХИРОВА Гулнора Мухамадиевна

E-mail: zakhirova.gulnora@yandex.ru

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