Научная статья на тему 'Remote learning model - as an innovative form of modern Russian education'

Remote learning model - as an innovative form of modern Russian education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nestulayeva Diana Rustamovna

Objective: to consider new learning models in higher education system in the course of training of highly qualified personnel; to detect advantages and disadvantages of remote learning system for students. Methods: in this work we used general scientific methods of theoretical learning, which allowed us to examine new forms and models of learning, used in the modern educational process. Results: we revealed directions of learning methods in higher educational institutions and estimated contribution of intellectual capital into economic growth of the country. Scientific novelty: we estimated the contribution of remote learning model in the training of highly qualified personnel; this model will allow to increase the return of investments into education and to positively affect the economic growth of the country. Practical relevance: fundamental provisions of the article may be used in preparation of “the road map” of development of higher educational institutions and training of personnel for modernized economy.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Remote learning model - as an innovative form of modern Russian education»




Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016)

YAK 338

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJH-16-11.12-83-


1 Kazan State Power Engineering University



Objective: to consider new learning models in higher education system in the course of training of highly qualified personnel; to detect advantages and disadvantages of remote learning system for students.

Methods: in this work we used general scientific methods of theoretical learning, which allowed us to examine new forms and models of learning, used in the modern educational process.

Results: we revealed directions of learning methods in higher educational institutions and estimated contribution of intellectual capital into economic growth of the country.

Scientific novelty: we estimated the contribution of remote learning model in the training of highly qualified personnel; this model will allow to increase the return of investments into education and to positively affect the economic growth of the country.

Practical relevance: fundamental provisions of the article may be used in preparation of "the road map" of development of higher educational institutions and training of personnel for modernized economy.

Keywords: education technologies, electronic learning, remote model, education reform.

In contemporary realities, when rapid development of information technologies and constant increase of information volume take place, new professional requirements are imposed on educational institutions producing highly qualified specialists. Today the professionals' motto is as follows — "Study, study and study" — continuous education throughout the whole life. The capacity for continuous improvement, training and development becomes one of the important qualities that determine competitiveness of a person on the labor market. The country's orientation on the innovative development path and modernization of the Russian economy determine the necessity for reformation of the existing system of higher education (HE), which must be focused on changing the content and quality of training of future specialists [1-4]. These changes relate not only to the methodological framework of higher education, what is conditioned by active use of information technologies, emergence of electronic learning environments, remote educational innovations and online learning, but also to transformation of its internal structure — combination of two functions in a higher educational institution: "temple of knowledge" and commercial enterprise [5-6]. The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation has been conducting a

general reform of educational institution (from general education schools to higher educational institutions) for several years already.

Changes in the educational process, specifically in a higher education, are predetermined not only by requirements of employers for future graduates, but also by contemporary realities — globalization, erasing boundaries between countries, increases competition among educational institutions and among graduates of higher educational institutions [7]. Annual efficiency rating of Russian higher educational institutions, in which many indicators are taken into account — from availability of material and technical base to cooperation with potential employers, unification of higher educational institutions into federal universities or national institutes, annual introduction of new federal state educational standards etc. are the main stimulus in solving the task that faces the institute of education in training of highly-sought, skilled professionals. Another current necessity for retraining and professional development of the personnel, as well as for provision of education to everyone (regardless of age, health restrictions, territorial remoteness, basic training, financial status) imposes new requirements for forms and methods of training, aimed at obtaining qualitative and fundamental education [8].

Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016)




All these features lead to emergence of previously unknown innovative forms and learning technologies, for example, technologies of remote learning or electronic education (e-Learning). According to article 16 of the Federal law No. 273-FZ "About education in the Russian Federation" as of December 29, 2012, "remote learning technologies" mean educational technologies, implemented mainly with use of information-telecommunication networks in indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teaching employees. This federal law also gives definition of "e-learning", which means organization of educational activities with use of information, contained in databases and applied in implementation of educational programs, and information technologies, which ensure its processing, technical means, as well as information-telecommunication networks, which allow transmission of this information on communication lines, interaction between students and teaching employees [9]. Thus, the concept of "e-learning", or as it is also called "remote learning", is finally fixed in the Russian legislation. E-learning is a new phenomenon for Russia, although in world practice of higher education institutions the information technologies are applied for more than one decade. People began to speak about the remote learning technology for the first time in Europe and the United States in the 1960s. The world's first university of remote education was founded in the Great Britain; it was called "Open University". Exactly this university developed academic plans, programs, training manuals and educational technologies for the first time. Today "Open University" is a world leader in remote education. Other earliest centers of remote education in Europe are as follows: National Centre for Remote Learning (CEND) in France (founded in 1969); National University of Remote Education (Universidad National de Educacion a Distancia) in Spain (1972); Baltic University (BU) with the headquarters in Stockholm, which unites 10 countries of the Baltic region. The analog of such universities in the USA was the National Technological University, founded in 1984, which by the early 90-s turned into consortium of 40 universities. Today in order to acquire new knowledge, millions of people in the world use e-learning resources. The rapid growth of their popularity is connected with the fact that they allow a learner to choose on his own a training program, amount of time for lecture-listening, and also to opt for popular, high-rated programs and seminars of the best professors around the world.

The learning process becomes flexible and adjusts to the student's capabilities and desires, what increases the level of motivation for studying the training material. Another not insignificant and for someone the main factor is that the cost of e-learning is much lower in comparison with full-time and even extramural form of study. Most of Russian citizens have income just above the living wage, and getting a higher education is regarded by us as something obligatory, for example in 2012 Russia took the first place in the world in amount of citizens aged from 26 to 64 with high education — 54% [10]; this is a catalyst that accelerates the development of remote learning in our country, as the demand for this service will only increase in course of time because of crisis processes in the world. Apart from low cost of learning, electronic educational recourses erase geographical boundaries and equalize the opportunities of getting education for residents of remote areas, who for gaining new knowledge do not have to bear transport costs for going to University. But, despite these mentioned advantages, e-learning has a number of disadvantages, which in terms of weight can be attributed to technical flaws — these are the necessity for access to modern computer technology and different level of distribution of information-telecommunication networks. This problem can be solved through possibility of connection to electronic educational resources in public institutions such as schools, universities, libraries. Another disadvantage may be that work in electronic educational space is unfamiliar and new for most of the Russians; therefore it is necessary to give an initial training on the basics of work in the system. Another problem in implementation of e-learning is that the development of a high-quality, elaborated and comprehensible web course requires much time and financial costs. Therefore, many courses may be superficial and do not give the volume and fullness of knowledge that correspond to the level of education received within the walls of educational institutions. Many experts in the field of remote learning say that nothing can fully replace communication with a real teacher or atmosphere that develops during classroom lessons between students. It is believed that e-learning is most effective when it is used as an addition that enriches traditional educational process and replaces 40-60% of the academic material [11]. However, no one insists on replacing the traditional learning with its online alternative; e-learning is one of the existing forms of education that gives opportunity to make education really popular


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Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016)

and continuous. Still, these mentioned disadvantages do not diminish the importance of electronic educational resources, as world experience of using this learning method demonstrates their efficiency. The Republic of Korea may serve as a vivid example, which in the 1990s and the 2000s faced the task of transformation of the economy and its transition to the postindustrial footing. One of key projects of this transition was the legislative equalization in the rights of traditional and electronic education. For example, Cyber Home Learning System, that allows us to get education at home, is integrated into 3/4 of Korean schools. 19 electronic universities function in the country, and the result of transformation of the South Korea's economy, as I think, is evident almost for everyone [12]. Today Russia faces the same problems — transformation of sectors of the national economy and transition from raw orientation of the country towards high-tech economy; and performance of such large-scale reforms requires skilled personnel that can receive in-service training and retraining by using elec-

tronic (remote) education. Mass implementation of this system (let us stipulate once again that it should not replace other forms of learning, e-learning should exist along with them) would give positive results in the following areas:

1. Graduate: satisfaction with training and fullness of the obtained knowledge at the expanse of individual approach to study of material and time for its examination.

2. Higher educational institution: increase of financial figures at the expense of expanding the range of educational services for citizens of their country, as well as for export of these services abroad. Moreover, higher educational intuition acquires new experience, knowledge in this area, and on this basis the educational system improves.

3. Society: growth of general cultural level of the population and reduction of social tensions.

4. State: increase of return on investments into education.



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Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016) /rTW Economics

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- ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) -

Information about the authors

Nestulaeva Diana Rustamovna, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of Department "Management"

of Kazan State Power Engineering University

420066, Kazan, st. Krasnoselskaya, 51, tel.: +7 (843) 519-42-91

E-mail: diana_n_r@mail.ru

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4885-449X

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