Научная статья на тему 'Development of higher educati on in Ukraine in the context of risks and challenges'

Development of higher educati on in Ukraine in the context of risks and challenges Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
risks / higher education / external risks / state regulation / educational institutions / ризики / вища освіта / зовнішні ризики / державне регулю- вання / заклади освіти

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vavrenyuk Sergey Anatolievich

The article reveals the economic essence of the current state of higher education in Ukraine. It examines the main problems of state regulation of risks and challenges facing modern education at the stage of reform. The subject of the study is the very system of higher education in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the modern market of higher education in the country, as well as the features and trends of its development to date in the process of reform. The development of the national education system is shown together with its social and economic problems and challenges, as well as the political conditions that find the direction of the development of education in the country. It was revealed that the main risks in the education system of Ukraine can be considered a decrease in the number of highly skilled professionals, the closure of a number of educational institutions with a reduction in the contingent that lead to financial losses. In addition, among the risks studied, the low efficiency of training technologies and the low-level of graduates’ competence, corruption and low rating indicators in the world educational community are highlighted. The author specifies the existing external risks of the education system in the country and presents possible ways of overcoming them. And also draws the conclusion that the current conditions of the country’s existence and specifically the development of the education sector, the introduction of new models and training programs is a complex process. The reform of higher education today does not have significant results, therefore, it is suggested that the entire education system in Ukraine is integrated and fundamentally reformed, with the aim of overcoming existing discrepancies between the educational product and the needs of society. So, the author says that the modern structure of education should give to ensuring ideal conditions for the functioning and development of the education system, taking into account the needs of modern society and the existing problems in the educational sphere, which should give quality educational services and freedom of choice in education.

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Розкривається економічна сутність сучасного стану вищої освіти в Україні. Розглядаються основні проблеми державного регулювання ризиками і викликами, що стоять перед сучасною освітою на етапі реформування. Предметом дослідження є сама система вищої освіти в Україні. Аналізується стан сучасного ринку вищої освіти в країні, а також особливості і тенденції його розвитку на сьогодні у процесі реформування. Показано розвиток національної системи освіти разом з її соціальноекономічними проблемами і викликами, а так само політичними умовами, які визначають напрям розвитку освіти в країні. Виявлено, що основними ризиками в системі освіти України можна вважати зниження чисельності висококваліфікованих кадрів, закриття ряду навчальних закладів зі скороченням контингенту, які призводять до фінансових втрат. Зокрема, серед розглянутих ризиків позначається низька ефективність навчальних технологій та низький рівень компетентності випускників, корумпованість й низькі рейтингові показники у світовому освітньому співтоваристві. Конкретизуються існуючі зовнішні ризики системи освіти в країні і представляються можливі шляхи їх подолання. Сучасні умови існування країни, зокрема розвиток сфери освіти, введення нових моделей та програм підготовки є складним процесом. Реформування вищої освіти на сьогодні не має значних результатів, у зв’язку з чим, висувається припущення про комплексне та фундаментальне перетворення всієї системи освіти в Україні з метою подолання наявних невідповідностей між освітнім продуктом та потребами суспільства. Отже, мова йде про сучасну структуру освіти, яка має сприяти забезпеченню оптимальних умов для функціонування та розвитку системи освіти, враховуючи запити сучасного суспільства та наявні проблеми в освітній сфері, яка повинна надавати якісні освітні послуги і свободу вибору в освіті.

Текст научной работы на тему «Development of higher educati on in Ukraine in the context of risks and challenges»


Vavrenyuk Sergey Anatolievich,

PhD in Public Administration, lecturer of the Department of pyrotechnic and special training, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 61023, Kharkiv, Str. Chernyshevska, 94, tel.: (057) 70031 71, e-mail: nuczu@mns. gov.ua

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

Вавренюк Сергш Анатолшович,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, викладач кафедри тротехтчног та спе-щальног тдготовки, Нащональний утвер-ситет цившьного захисту Украти, 61023, м. Хартв, вул. Чернишевська, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906 Вавренюк Сергей Анатольевич, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, преподаватель кафедры пиротехнической и специальной подготовки, Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины, 61023, г. Харьков, ул. Чернышевская, 94, тел.: (057) 70031 71, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i13.130


Abstracts. The article reveals the economic essence of the current state of higher education in Ukraine. It examines the main problems of state regulation of risks and challenges facing modern education at the stage of reform.

The subject of the study is the very system of higher education in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the modern market of higher education in the country, as well as the features and trends of its development to date in the process of reform.

The development of the national education system is shown together with its social and economic problems and challenges, as well as the political conditions that find the direction of the development of education in the country. It was revealed that the main risks in the education system of Ukraine can be considered a decrease in the number of highly skilled professionals, the closure of a number of

educational institutions with a reduction in the contingent that lead to financial losses. In addition, among the risks studied, the low efficiency of training technologies and the low-level of graduates' competence, corruption and low rating indicators in the world educational community are highlighted.

The author specifies the existing external risks of the education system in the country and presents possible ways of overcoming them. And also draws the conclusion that the current conditions of the country's existence and specifically the development of the education sector, the introduction of new models and training programs is a complex process. The reform of higher education today does not have significant results, therefore, it is suggested that the entire education system in Ukraine is integrated and fundamentally reformed, with the aim of overcoming existing discrepancies between the educational product and the needs of society.

So, the author says that the modern structure of education should give to ensuring ideal conditions for the functioning and development of the education system, taking into account the needs of modern society and the existing problems in the educational sphere, which should give quality educational services and freedom of choice in education.

Keywords: risks, higher education, external risks, state regulation, educational institutions.


Анотащя. Розкриваеться eKOHOMi4Ha сутшсть сучасного стану вищо'1' ocbî™ в Украшь Розглядаються основш проблеми державного регулювання ризиками i викликами, що стоять перед сучасною освгтою на етат реформу-вання.

Предметом дослщження е сама система вищо'1' осв™ в Укршш. Аналiзу-еться стан сучасного ринку вищо'1' осв^и в кра'1'ш, а також особливост i тен-денци його розвитку на сьогодш у процес реформування.

Показано розвиток нащонально'1' системи осв™ разом з ïï сощально-економiчними проблемами i викликами, а так само полггичними умовами, яю визначають напрям розвитку освiти в кршш. Виявлено, що основними ризиками в системi освiти Укра'1'ни можна вважати зниження чисельност висококвалiфiкованих кадрiв, закриття ряду навчальних закладiв зi скоро-ченням контингенту, якi призводять до фшансових втрат. Зокрема, серед розглянутих ризиюв позначаеться низька ефектившсть навчальних тех-нологiй та низький рiвень компетентностi випускникiв, корумпованiсть й низьк рейтинговi показники у св^овому освiтньому спiвтовариствi.

Конкретизуються iснуючi зовшшш ризики системи освiти в кра'1'ш i пред-ставляються можливi шляхи 'ix подолання. Сучаснi умови юнування кра'1'ни, зокрема розвиток сфери освгти, введення нових моделей та програм шдго-товки е складним процесом. Реформування вищо'1' осв^и на сьогодш не мае значних результапв, у зв'язку з чим, висуваеться припущення про комплек-сне та фундаментальне перетворення вае!' системи освiти в Укра'1'ш з метою

подолання наявних невщповщностей мiж освiтнiм продуктом та потребами сустльства.

Отже, мова йде про сучасну структуру осв™, яка мае сприяти забезпечен-ню оптимальних умов для функцiонування та розвитку системи осв™, вра-ховуючи запити сучасного суспiльства та наявш проблеми в освiтнiй сферi, яка повинна надавати яюсш освiтнi послуги i свободу вибору в освт.

Ключовi слова: ризики, вища освта, зовнiшнi ризики, державне регулю-вання, заклади осв™.


Аннотация. Раскрывается экономическая сущность современного состояния высшего образования в Украине. В ней рассматриваются основные проблемы государственного регулирования рисками и вызовами, стоящими перед современным образованием на этапе реформирования.

Предметом исследования является сама система высшего образования в Украине. Также анализируется состояния современного рынка высшего образования в стране, а так же особенности и тенденции его развития на сегодня в процессе реформирования.

Показано развитие национальной системы образования вместе с ее социально-экономическими проблемами и вызовами, а так же политическими условиями, которые определяют направление развития образования в стране. Выявлено, что основными рисками в системе образования Украины можно считать снижение числа высококвалифицированных профессионалов, закрытие ряда учебных заведений с сокращением контингента, которые приводят к финансовым потерям. Помимо этого среди изученных рисков выделяется низкая эффективность учебных технологий и низкий уровень компетентности выпускников, коррумпированность и низкие рейтинговые показатели в мировом образовательном сообществе.

Конкретизируются существующие внешние риски системы образования в стране и представляются возможные пути их преодоления. Современные условия существования страны и конкретно развитие сферы образования, введение новых моделей и программ подготовки представляют собой сложный процесс. Реформирование высшего образование сегодня не имеет значительных результатов, в связи с чем, выдвигается предположение о комплексном и фундаментальном преобразовании всей системы образования в Украине, с целью преодоления имеющихся несоответствий между образовательным продуктом и потребностями общества.

Таким образом речь идет о том, что современная структура образования должна способствовать обеспечению оптимальных условий для функционирования и развития системы образования, учитывая запросы современного общества и имеющиеся проблемы в образовательной сфере, которая должна предоставлять качественные образовательные услуги и свободу выбора в образовании.

Ключевые слова: риски, высшее образование, внешние риски, государственное регулирование, учебные заведения.

Problem statement. Today, every sphere of life is exposed to the impact of such external challenges as globalization, the dissemination of information and communication technologies and the changes that they bring with them. In particular, these changes relate to the system of higher education, which are an important area of the national economy, and its main institutions work in conditions of increasing the number of internal and external risks. In this regard, such contemporary challenges should lead to an adequate response, which, moreover, is based on an understanding and a meaningful understanding of all possible risks. It should be noted that the peculiarity of educational risks lies in the fact that they will not always assume direct financial losses, but rather, represent a threat to the occurrence of losses in the long run.

In addition, we can say that today there is a formation of the direction of educational risk management. The purpose of such a direction is seen in the streamlining of the process of making managerial decisions, which are for reducing the likelihood of adverse processes, as well as minimizing possible losses. At the same time, the level of decision-making can be either for an educational institution either for the region, or for the entire education sector as a whole [1].

The modern environment is characterized by an increase in uncertainty, which in turn influences the actualization of the need to study the risks of

such a sphere of activity as education. An understanding of the phenomenon of education as a public good of a mixed type, contributes to the expansion of this concept beyond its traditional perception, which characterizes the risks as loss of entrepreneurial income. Thus, we can assume that educational losses are strategic for the progress of society; therefore, such problems as poor quality of training of skilled personnel, weakness in the formation of staff and value characteristics of human resources, insufficient level of innovation development of the state and losing positions of international competition can be considered as more global risks, rather than financial losses [2].

Today, domestic higher education is facing challenges that are caused by global trends and are based on the specific conditions of our lives. Educational risks pose a threat to the functioning and development of the education system to the extent that they involve significant losses. Among economic losses in the field of education, a significant part of highly qualified staff, the closure of educational institutions and the loss of contingent, together with reduction and loss of financial resources, can be identified. Among the serious losses, we can also highlight the processes of social choice and cut the function of social mobility, significant labor market imbalances, with high unemployment of highly skilled workers and low wages. No less important will be pedagogical losses, among which are

the low efficiency of educational technologies, low-level of general education and competence of graduates and political losses, which are manifested in the absence of prestige of the national education system due to its inefficiency and corruption, along with the presence of low indicators in world rankings and attractiveness for foreign students.

Analysis of recent publications on research issues. The first research in the field of education management is to highlight the problems associated with the development of the educational services market in the United States and Europe. A lot of research in this area is devoted to finding opportunities to apply risk assessment methodologies in educational institutions. Among the foreign researchers of such problems we can call M. Fullan, Clark, Hargreaves and Floresil.

Among domestic researchers stand V. Yu. Krichevsky, A. P. Trypitsin, N. F. Rodionov and others. The works of these authors show the problem of risk management in education, as well as attempts to explore methods for forecasting threats for the development of the national system of higher education.

Along with the theoretical studies, empirical research on the risks of higher education institutions, which involve the use of various methods, extends over the past few years.

However, despite the broad empirical basis, we can see a lack of systema-tization of the assessment of all current risks to the higher education system.

Purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to analyze and systematize the main risks faced by modern higher education.

Presenting the main material of research. It should be noted that traditionally the set of risks is divided into two large groups: external and internal. In our opinion, the first of them can be systematized as follows: globalization, technological challenges, political, legal, economic and demographic risks. Economic in turn are divided into: financial, fiscal and real.

The group of internal risks should include the following: people qualification, lack of funds for development, level of preparation of entrants, management system, namely: leadership style, orientation towards novelty, communication and relations system, as well as outdated material and technical and educational and laboratory facilities and the weakness of marketing policy. Consequently, globalization is today the leading trend of modern development, which radically changes the external environment of educational institutions, which becomes more uncertain and characterized by interdependence and sharp competition. This or that institution of higher education, regardless of where it is in the capital or periphery, in its development can not predict the actions of these factors. Therefore, we do not take into account the process of globalization rather rashly, because every day we face its manifestations, among which the removal of barriers to the movement of potential consumers in the international market of educational services, together with the aggravation of competition in their various spheres, is a special place [3].

First of all, the increase of competition is caused by potential students, and the basis of this is the demographic problems of developed countries, which

are related to the birth rate, which leads to a decrease in the population 18-23 years of age. This circumstance leads to the fact that in countries with a sufficiently strong base for higher education and highly developed university complexes with well-designed infrastructure, they actively attract potential students from other countries. An example of this circumstance can be that today higher education in Ukraine is subject to a rather active foreign policy influence on the part of Poland. Thus, we can see that the high level of the informational and advertising campaign of the neighboring state is the tip of the iceberg of a focused educational policy, which creates omit attractive conditions for the attraction of Ukrainian students. Among these conditions, payment for study, which is comparable to the Ukrainian language, is allocated as an opportunity to study in Russian or Ukrainian, as well omit accelerate the study of Polish, along with the possibility of living and future employment. As a result, the policy of Poland has led to an unprecedented increase in the number of Ukrainian students who are currently studying more than five times in the last few years, while their number exceeds 10 thousand people, accounting for one-third of the foreign student contingent. Most of all, this affects the higher education institutions of western Ukraine, since it is this young people who prefer to study in the near abroad, while in our country there is a negative dynamics of the demographic situation, which puts a rather serious risk to our higher education system.

Among other reasons, the growth of export policy can be called trying to at-

tract more talented youth. Here we say that omit competition for the best human resource. It should be noted that officially there are no statistics showing the total number of graduates leaving abroad for temporary or permanent employment. However, it is known that the bulk of specialists of various promising areas under different conditions work in advanced countries. This allows us to realize that Ukraine needs to take into account not only the scale of this process, but also its long-term consequences for its development [4].

The growth and expansion of competition is explained not only by the departure of students abroad, because this process encompasses the scientific, international and entrepreneurial activities of the education system. Thus, we see the updating of the various ratings of universities that carry out the process of ranking and give to institutions of higher education to focus on specific goals of achieving a higher level. It is all the while that the sphere of activity that is engaged in the realization of such goals becomes a business, which, in turn, affects the emergence of new financial flows and the receipt of higher incomes. An example of this may be the emergence of scientific-mathematical databases. The controversial issue here is a comparison of real scientific achievement with the growth of publications in the "cited collections", which is also recognized in whirled research. However, such statements cannot withstand the mainstream, since every month the aspiration to get into these databases of personal editions grows to increase their publications in cited collections. And all this while trying to get into this or that cited collec-

tion show as separate scientists, both scientific institutions and the state of the state. All of this greatly affects the emergence of more owners of the respective brands, which are recipients of monopoly rent, which manifests itself in obtaining more than profit from the sale of rights to publishing houses and databases. However, the understanding of the essence of this process does not change its outcome — to take a worthy place in the modern environment, it is necessary to make enormous expenditures at the level of each scientist, institutions and state [5].

The second risk block for the higher education system is the constant emergence of the latest technology. This suggests that the proliferation of information and telecommunication technologies necessitates meeting their level. In this regard, the national system of higher education in order to get real competitive advantages in the modern environment, it is necessary to build their activities in accordance with omit the latest technologies, at the same time, to respond adequately to those changes that bring technology into the educational process. An example of such a reaction can be the emergence of distance learning, when higher education has successfully adapted to its requirements. Such new technologies have influenced the qualitative changes in the educational process, which can now be carried out without the personal communication of a teacher and a student. Therefore, the information and communication technology is assigned the task of transferring knowledge and controlling their assimilation.

In addition, today, we see widespread dissemination of various video

curricula of academic disciplines, both domestic and foreign. The technologies of such a knowledge transfer organization are the creation of special platforms that offer open access to those or other courses, and provides interactive training and discussion of any forum-based issues. From the beginning, such courses were only cognitive, and now there are issues for developing a technology for free familiarization with the content of academic disciplines, with the possibility of taking into account their learning [6].

A significant problem for the economic mechanism of public administration of the domestic higher education system in our country is corruption risks. The new law provides for an algorithm to overcome corruption, through the creation of a new body that controls the quality of education and does not depend on the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. However, it is clear that countering corruption with the help of a new body is unlikely to become an effective way, will most likely give to raising the "issue price". In our view, among the real mechanisms that will be for overcoming corruption, there can be openness and clarity of all processes, and especially of managerial issues, including decision-making and elections, financial, such as allocation of funds for higher education institutions and direct distribution their costs, as well as staff, etc. [7].

There are also legal risks that are characterized by imperfection and inconsistency of the regulatory framework governing educational activities. However, the adopted Law of Ukraine has omit high value for the development of higher education in Ukraine.

Among his major innovations are new conditions for admission to higher education. Future students need to apply to the higher education institution itself, and to the institution that will conduct the external independent assessment, and the number of applications for applicants depends on the some places for government orders. Another not less important innovation is that graduates of the baccalaureate have the opportunity to enter the magistracy to another specialty, the so-called cross-sectional introduction. This allows expanding the migration of students from regional higher education institutions to metropolitan or European universities [8].

In addition, higher education institutions in Ukraine, thanks to the new law, have academic, organizational and financial autonomy. The adopted law gives for the disclosure of financial documents, which contributes to open public control over the monetary turnover of any educational institution. At the same time, we see strengthening of democratic processes in the rector's elections, as all teachers and researchers, as well as numerous students, can take part. In line with this, Ukrainian educational legislation for the first time in the state of existence of the state pays such attention to the control over the quality of education. Yes, the National Quality Assurance Agency will be established. Such an agency will be a collegial body composed of 25 elected members.

Adoption of such a document is significant enough, but many of its provisions cannot be implemented at a single moment, because their implementation requires significant financial resources, as well as changes in many regulatory

documents. However, the most novelty in the Law itself is the creation of a genuine competitive environment. This tells us that every home institution of higher education must provide high quality education, thereby proving its uniqueness and importance for Ukrainian society or ceasing its activity [9].

This risk group also involves economic risks, which, however, have a rather different structure. So in the higher education system of Ukraine, we may face fiscal, property and financial risks. The biggest difficulties may arise due to the volume and structure of funding. As insufficient level of financial resources can become a serious risk for providing creative development, and this, not to mention, the normal functioning of the system of higher education. It should be noted that insufficient financial resources are also available in advanced and developing countries. This tells us that today we have a significant problem, which is the lack of state resources that could make sure the activity of higher education, including the strength of its growing importance for the innovative development of society. It should be noted that world practice effectively solves this problem. Many countries are actively using the process of involving other funding actors, along with government mechanisms. In our country, we also have the prospects for adapting to the world experience of the use of incentive mechanisms, the purpose of which is to increase the participation of business in financing educational and research activities of educational establishments, along with mechanisms to reduce the financial burden for private consumers of educational services [10].

Conclusions and prospects for further research. So today, we have a lot of questions about the organization of educational activities that need to be further developed and completed, since not all educational standards have been adopted.

This is all because the risks considered do not exhaust all the difficulties of the development of the higher education system, which also includes a large group of internal risks. Among the main internal risks that depend on internal resource and management factors, we can highlight the lack of such resources, especially students, highly skilled staff, finance, computer equipment, infrastructure, etc. At the same time, today we are seeing an inefficient process of managing the use of these resources under fairly complex external conditions. Therefore, further research and discussion may be devoted to a more detailed analysis of internal risks in the higher education system.

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10. Vavrenyuk S. Государственное регулирование реформирования высшего образования Украины на современном этапе / C. А. Вавренюк // East journal of security studies: наук. журнал. — Х.: Вид-во НУЦЗУ-Гданськ (Польща), 2018. — Вип. 2 (12). — С. 15-24.

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