Научная статья на тему 'ways of improving the system of training of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions'

ways of improving the system of training of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
physical education / interactive methods of teaching / healthy lifestyle / physical condition of students / фізичне виховання / інтерактивні методи навчання / здоровий спосіб життя / фізичний стан студентів

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vavrenyuk Sergey Anatolievich

This article is devoted to the study of the problem moments of teaching physical culture in higher educational institutions. He considers the problems of the organization of physical education, the shortcomings of the modern system of the educational process, as well as the need to introduce new methods and methods of teaching students to make educational goals that give to the preservation and strengthening of the health of the future generation. It is determined that interactive learning is a form of organization of cognitive activity, is a method of knowledge, which is carried out in the form of a joint activity of the teacher and the student, when all participants interact with each other, exchange information, solve problems together, simulate situations, evaluate the actions of others and their own behavior, etc. It is envisaged that the main goal of the interactive form of conducting physical education classes will be to immerse students in the real atmosphere of business cooperation, in solving problems, optimally developed skills and qualities of a future specialist. However, there are difficulties in using this method in the educational process, among which are the following: lack of knowledge of the content of the method, inability to use it in practice, misunderstanding of its place in the structure of the class, mistrust of the effectiveness of its use in the learning process. It is proved that one of the perspective directions of improvement of physical education of students is the development of scientific principles of monitoring of physical and motor development on the basis of involving a complex of information and technological approaches that will meet the current state. At the same time, the fundamental changes in the development of civilization affect the changes in the system of requirements, which are presented to both the specialist and the education system as a whole.

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Стаття присвячена вивченню проблемних моментів викладання фізичної культури у вищих навчальних закладах. Розглядаються проблеми організації занять фізичного виховання, недоліки сучасної системи процесу освіти, а також розкривається необхідність впровадження нових методів і способів навчання студентської молоді для досягнення освітніх цілей, які сприяють збереженню і зміцненню здоров’я майбутнього покоління. Визначено, що інтерактивне навчання являє собою форму організації пізнавальної діяльності, є способом пізнання, яке здійснюється в формі спільної діяльності викладача і студента, коли всі учасники взаємодіють один з одним, обмінюються інформацією, разом вирішують задачі, моделюють ситуації, оцінюють дії інших і свою власну поведінку тощо. Передбачено, що основна мета інтерактивної форми проведення занять з фізичного виховання полягатиме в зануренні студентів у реальну атмосферу ділового співробітництва, у вирішенні проблем, оптимальному виробленні навичок та якостей майбутнього спеціаліста. Однак існують труднощі використання даного методу в освітньому процесі, серед яких виділяють такі: незнання змісту методу, невміння використовувати його на практиці, нерозуміння його місця в структурі заняття, недовіра ефективності його використання у процесі навчання. Доведено, що одним із перспективних напрямів удосконалення фізичного виховання студентів виступає розроблення наукових принципів моніторингу фізичного та рухового розвитку на основі залучення комплексу інформаційних і технологічних підходів, які будуть відповідати сучасному стану. Разом з цим принципові зміни розвитку цивілізації позначаються на змінах системи вимог, які висуваються як до спеціаліста, так і до системи освіти в цілому.

Текст научной работы на тему «ways of improving the system of training of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions»

UDC: 351:378:796.011.3(477)

Vavrenyuk Sergey Anatolievich,

PhD in Public Administration, lecturer of the Department of pyrotechnic and special training, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 61023, Kharkiv, Str. Chernyshevska, 94, tel.: (057) 70031 71, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

Вавренюк Сергт Анатолтович,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, викладач кафедри тротехтчног та спе-цальног тдготовки, Национальный университет цившьного захисту Украгни, 61023, м. Хартв, вул. Чернишевська, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

Вавренюк Сергей Анатольевич,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, преподаватель кафедры пиротехнической и специальной подготовки, Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины, 61023, г. Харьков, ул. Чернышевская, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906

DOI https:lldLoi.orgl10.31618lvadndL.v1i12.83


Abstract. This article is devoted to the study of the problem moments of teaching physical culture in higher educational institutions. He considers the problems of the organization of physical education, the shortcomings of the modern system of the educational process, as well as the need to introduce new methods and methods of teaching students to make educational goals that give to the preservation and strengthening of the health of the future generation.

It is determined that interactive learning is a form of organization of cognitive activity, is a method of knowledge, which is carried out in the form of a joint activity of the teacher and the student, when all participants interact with each other, exchange information, solve problems together, simulate situations, evaluate the actions of others and their own behavior, etc.

It is envisaged that the main goal of the interactive form of conducting physical education classes will be to immerse students in the real atmosphere of business

cooperation, in solving problems, optimally developed skills and qualities of a future specialist. However, there are difficulties in using this method in the educational process, among which are the following: lack of knowledge of the content of the method, inability to use it in practice, misunderstanding of its place in the structure of the class, mistrust of the effectiveness of its use in the learning process.

It is proved that one of the perspective directions of improvement of physical education of students is the development of scientific principles of monitoring of physical and motor development on the basis of involving a complex of information and technological approaches that will meet the current state. At the same time, the fundamental changes in the development of civilization affect the changes in the system of requirements, which are presented to both the specialist and the education system as a whole.

Keywords: physical education, interactive methods of teaching, healthy lifestyle, physical condition of students.



Анотащя. Стаття присвячена вивченню проблемних моменпв викладан-ня фiзичноi культури у вищих навчальних закладах. Розглядаються про-блеми оргашзацп занять фiзичного виховання, недолши сучасноi системи процесу освгги, а також розкриваеться необхщшсть впровадження нових методiв i способiв навчання студентсько'1 молодi для досягнення осв^шх щ-лей, як сприяють збереженню i змщненню здоров'я майбутнього поколшня.

Визначено, що штерактивне навчання являе собою форму оргашзацп шзнавально'1 дiяльностi, е способом пiзнання, яке здшснюеться в формi спiльноi дiяльностi викладача i студента, коли всi учасники взаемодшть один з одним, обмшюються iнформацiею, разом вирiшують задачi, моделю-ють ситуацii, оцiнюють дii шших i свою власну поведiнку тощо.

Передбачено, що основна мета штерактивно'1 форми проведення занять з фiзичного виховання полягатиме в зануреннi студенпв у реальну атмосферу дшового спiвробiтництва, у вирiшеннi проблем, оптимальному виро-бленнi навичок та якостей майбутнього спещалюта. Однак iснують трудно-щi використання даного методу в освггньому процесi, серед яких видшяють такi: незнання змiсту методу, невмшня використовувати його на практицi, нерозумшня його мiсця в структурi заняття, недовiра ефективностi його використання у процес навчання.

Доведено, що одним iз перспективних напрямiв удосконалення фiзичного виховання студентiв виступае розроблення наукових принцишв монiторингу фiзичного та рухового розвитку на основi залучення комплексу шформацш-них i технолопчних пiдходiв, якi будуть вiдповiдати сучасному стану. Разом з цим принциповi змши розвитку цивiлiзацii позначаються на змшах системи вимог, якi висуваються як до спецiалiста, так i до системи освiти в щлому.

Ключовi слова: фiзичне виховання, штерактивш методи навчання, здоровий споаб життя, фiзичний стан студентiв.



Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена изучению проблемных моментов преподавания физической культуры в высших учебных заведениях. Рассматриваются проблемы организации занятий физического воспитания, недостатки современной системы процесса образования, а также раскрывается необходимость внедрения новых методов и способов обучения студенческой молодежи для достижения образовательных целей, которые способствуют сохранению и укреплению здоровья будущего поколения.

Определено, что интерактивное обучение представляет собой форму организации познавательной деятельности, является способом познания, которое осуществляется в форме совместной деятельности преподавателя и студента, когда все участники взаимодействуют друг с другом, обмениваются информацией, вместе решают задачи, моделирующие ситуации, оценивают действия других и свое собственное поведение и т. п.

Предполагается, что основная цель интерактивной формы проведения занятий по физическому воспитанию будет заключаться в погружении студентов в реальную атмосферу делового сотрудничества, в решении проблем, оптимальном приобретении навыков и качеств будущего специалиста. Однако существуют трудности использования данного метода в образовательном процессе, среди которых выделяют следующие: незнание содержания метода, неумение использовать его на практике, непонимание его места в структуре занятия, недоверие эффективности его использования в процессе обучения.

Доказано, что одним из перспективных направлений совершенствования физического воспитания студентов выступает разработка научных принципов мониторинга физического и двигательного развития на основе привлечения комплекса информационных и технологических подходов, которые будут отвечать современному состоянию. Вместе с этим принципиальные изменения развития цивилизации сказываются на изменениях системы требований, которые предъявляются как к специалисту, так и к системе образования в целом.

Ключевые слова: физическое воспитание, интерактивные методы обучения, здоровый образ жизни, физическое состояние студентов.

Problem statement. The socioeconomic transformations that have taken place in our country in recent times have a progressive nature, but generate numerous several of problems that adversely affect the physical state of the

population, in particular student youth. It is important to note that the physical condition and health of the population of any country is an important criterion for its well-being. This indicator becomes the basis for the preservation

and strengthening of human potential in the interests of national security of the state.

The issue of improving physical education in higher educational institutions are a long time by many specialists. Attention is drawn to over the past decade the number of research works devoted to physical education in educational institutions has considerably increased.

It should also be noted that under the existing conditions of development of our state there is an increase in the social significance of physical activity in society, and its role in a healthy way of life increases. It is determined that physical activity of moderate and high intensity directly and indirectly promotes preservation and strengthening of health. At the same time, these studies show us that in Ukraine only about 20-30 % of young people regularly take part in sports, while in economically developed countries they make up about 60 %. At the same time, the decrease in the level of physical activity in higher educational institutions, together with an increase in nervous and emotional stress, leads to deterioration of health.

Thus, the relevance of studying the problem points of teaching physical culture and sports in universities is not in doubt.

Analysis of recent publications on research issues. Problems of improving physical education in the university for many years is the subject of close attention of leading specialists, among whom we can find such researchers as M. D. Zubal, A. S. Kuts, S. M. Dom-brovskaya and others.

A variety of issues in the field of professional physical training of uni-

versity students worked fruitfully. Ashmarin, Yu. P. Michuda, T. A. Loza, A. A. Kukhta.

However, the real structure of the physical education of students in the university, based on the existing organizational and methodological programs, ceased to satisfy the main task — effective recovery and education of students from the place of consciously compulsory motor activity, as well as personal interest in the comprehensive development of the personality of the young specialist.

Thus, the relevance of the research topic is caused by the need to search for new directions in organizing physical culture and sports for students studying in a higher educational institution.

Purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to identify ways to improve the system of teaching physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions, which will help to increase the motivational and health-improving complex of training specialists.

Presenting the main material of research. Scientific and technological progress adversely affects the natural physical activity and physical development of students. The computer is not only actively used in the educational process, but also takes almost all the time for young people. Thus, there is a decrease in motor activity, which in turn cut the physical qualities of the body of students, worsens their health and affects the quality of future specialists.

In this regard, physical education, as part of the educational process, is an important place for maintaining the physical activity and physical health of students.

Today we can see a rather negative situation of the level of health and physical ready of students, and the scale of this problem requires cardinal decisions. In practice, teachers often face the reluctance of students to actively exercise and skip classes. Such a problem exists because of the low-level of interest of students in this discipline [1].

In addition, the influence of the media is not conducive to an increase in physical culture. However, full-fledged promotion of physical education can be carried out in each separate educational institution. In our opinion, it would be correct in universities to organize the broadcast of their own sports channel, which will cover training and training sessions, sports competitions and holidays with the participation of athletes of the institution. In places reserved for smoking, it is necessary to provide visual information, including sound information, which will explain the carefulness of this harmful habit.

Physical culture has always been a sphere of social activity for preserving and strengthening health, and give to the development of the person's psycho physical abilities in the process of consciously-motor activity. However, physical culture in its modern form can not give to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students.

We assume that there are some disadvantages of physical education and development of students, can be explained by the influence of the following factors:

1. Absence in the higher educational institutions of our country necessary conditions for the organization of physical education and sports, contributing

to the preservation and strengthening of health.

2. Insufficient several of physical training because of the reduction in the number of hours for discipline.

3. Absence of material and technical conditions and financial possibilities for the organization of independent physical activity and active leisure.

4. Shortcomings in the use in the educational establishment of modern forms, methods and technologies of physical education, health-saving, innovative and interactive technologies.

5. Decrease in students' interest in physical education, employment in sports sections due to the influence of more powerful factors, including television, entertainment and the Internet.

6. Insufficient number of modern scientific and methodological developments devoted to the real issues of the development of physical education and mass sports in educational organizations.

7. Insufficient control over the state and results of physical education, motor activity of physical fitness and the introduction of a healthy lifestyle by teachers and the management of the system of upbringing.

8. Insufficient medical diagnostics of students' health by medical institutions.

9. The discrepancy between the payment of the teacher of physical culture and its results, which lead to a decrease in the quality of educational, organizational and sports-mass work on physical education.

10. Decline in sociocultural, sports, entertainment and other institutions, which should make sure the upbringing and holding of leisure time for young

people, infrastructure facilities to promote student employment.

11. Student conduct of unhealthy lifestyles, namely: smoking, use of toxic substances, alcohol and the like.

12. Insufficient level of staffing of local and district executive bodies on issues of healthy lifestyles among children and youth, and the like.

Taking into account the above, not that one of the important components that make up the structure of activity in physical culture and sports is the inner want and interest of each individual. Therefore, the formation of the needs of physical activity for young people should be placed in the center of the physical culture and health work of each educational institution.

Research results and their discussion. One of the promising areas for improving the physical education of students is the development of scientific principles for monitoring physical and motor development based on the attraction of a complex of information and technological approaches that will meet the current state [2]. Along with this, the fundamental changes in the development of civilization affects the changes in the system of requirements that are presented to both the specialist and the education system as a whole.

The level of modern production causes a constant need to improve the system of higher education and the professional level of the specialists of the chosen activity. In this regard, in our opinion, the system of upbringing in higher education institutions requires careful improvement [3]. In this regard, there is a need to use the methods and means of professional and applied

physical culture in developing physical qualities in the formation and improvement of motor skills that give to the effective and successful mastery of production processes, and the education of the necessary psychophysical qualities of future specialists. The need for such a direction is justified by the basis for the mechanical impact of exercising on the success of production activities is the transfer of skills and abilities that were formed in the course of classes, the results of mastering skills and skills in new areas.

It should be noted that at the present stage of the development of society, the specialists are faced with high-level requirements. However, today we can see a tendency of a gradual decrease in the share of muscle effort in professional activity. This helps to cut the likelihood of a direct "transfer" of the effect of physical exercises on the scope of professional activity. At the same time, we do not exclude the possibility of another "transfer", which can be expressed in the fact that the general increase in the level of the body's functional capabilities, together with personal health and the level of the adaptive potential that are achieved by means and methods of physical culture, will positively affect the professional activity of future specialists.

It was noted above that today we have a rather low level of youth health. A growing number of students are characterized by abnormalities in health status [4]. As practice shows, the current method for teaching physical culture is not effective for everyone. This is due to the fact that students are united in the study groups with different levels of physical readiness, efficiency

and health. That is why, in our opinion, it is necessary to introduce interactive teaching methods into the educational process, which will be oriented towards a broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also among themselves, including the activity of students in the process of training for physical education.

Interactive is such training, based on the psychology of human relationships and interaction [5]. In the activity of the teacher the main place is occupied by a group of students, co-dependent with each other, who stimulate and activate each other. The use of interactive methods most influences the intellectual activity of the spirit of competition and rivalry, which appears in the collective interaction. The effect of such a psychological phenomenon is similar to infection, when one of the participants in the educational process exercises an involuntary influence on the other. In other words, the students of the new generation need to be trained so that they can effectively and successfully master the technique that exists today and expect the possible emergence of a new one. Students should be ready for the further development of science and technology. Therefore, the education and upbringing of the younger generation must be guided by the future [6].

Interactive methods are characterized by a number of advantages:

1. Accounting for the needs of modern students.

2. Accounting for the development trend of society as a whole.

3. Accounting for development trends of higher education institutions.

4. Accounting for trends in the development of teaching methods [7].

To realize these advantages of interactive methods of teaching physical culture, it is necessary to develop new programs that will take into account the following patterns:

• Training should be directly proportional to the amount of enjoyment received from the learning process;

• Proper training and practice should prevent poor training performance;

• Such programs should influence the increase of the motivational level of students to the classes, while students should have their own motivation, and not take into account external factors [8].

Thus, interactive learning is a form of organizing cognitive activity, is a method of cognition, which is implemented in the form of joint activities of the teacher and student, when all participants interact with each other, exchange information, together solve problems modeling situations, assess the actions of others and their own behavior the like.

We assume that the main goal of the interactive form of conducting physical education classes will be to immerse students in a real atmosphere of business cooperation, in solving problems, optimally produced skills and qualities of a future specialist. However, there are difficulties in using this method in the educational process, among which are the following: ignorance of the content of the method, inability to use it in practice, lack of understanding of its place in the structure of employment, distrust of its effectiveness in the learning process [9].

At the same time, it becomes clear that the use of the interactive me-

thod of teaching changes the role of the teacher, increasing its role in the organization of the learning process. So it is necessary for him to prepare in advance necessary tasks, to create a direction for physical education, to control the time and order of the planned plan [10]. All this suggests that the teacher should use a creative approach in organizing and conducting classes.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The conditions for the development of modern society presuppose the special importance of the issues of personality development, as well as its preparation for an active form of life activity. Together with communicative value-oriented and cognitive activities, the role of physical and sports culture that helps the person in her striving to realize himself, to show potential physical, psychological and spiritual powers and possibilities is growing.

With the use of modern means and methods of physical education and physical culture and health work in all parts of education, the process of laying the groundwork for the provision and development of social and spiritual health of the younger generation is proceeding.

The problems of strengthening and preserving health, as well as attracting students of higher education to systematic physical training of students, is the key to preserving the nation. Only through joint efforts of state institutions, educators and health professionals will their solution be the most effective and successful.

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список використаних джерел -

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

2. Курамшин Ю. Ф. Методы обучения двигательным действиям и развития физических качеств. — К., 2015. — 285 с.

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8. Селевко Г. К. Современные образовательные технологии: учеб. пособие. — М.: Народное образование, 2017. — 256 с.

9. Вавренюк С. А. Роль виховних функцш фiзичноi культури i спорту серед студентсько! молодк державноу-правлшський аспект / С. А. Вавренюк // 1нвестицп: практика та досвщ. — К., 2015. — № 2. — С. 138-140.

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