DEVELOPMENT OF LIVESTOCK NETWORK IN DRY LANDS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
Livestock / productivity / arable lands / intensive / extensive / arable farming. / Животноводство / продуктивность / пашня / интенсивное / экстенсивное / земледелие.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Jahongir Pirimkulov

Livestock is one of the most important sectors of world agriculture. Livestock industries are as ubiquitous in the world as grain crops. Meadows and pastures in agricultural lands occupy three times more land than arable lands. Therefore, the bulk of livestock products are grown in countries located in temperate regions.

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Животноводство является одной из важнейших отраслей мирового сельского хозяйства. Животноводство, как и зерновые, широко распространено во всем мире. Пастбища и пастбища на сельскохозяйственных угодьях занимают втрое больше пашни. Поэтому основная часть продукции животноводства выращивается в странах, расположенных в регионах с умеренным климатом.


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Jahongir Pirimkulov,

Assistant teacher of Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnology.

Annotation. Livestock is one of the most important sectors of world agriculture. Livestock industries are as ubiquitous in the world as grain crops. Meadows and pastures in agricultural lands occupy three times more land than arable lands. Therefore, the bulk of livestock products are grown in countries located in temperate regions.

Key words: Livestock, productivity, arable lands, intensive, extensive, arable farming.

Annotatsiya. Chorvachilik jahon qishloq xojaligining muhim tarmoqlaridan biridir. Chorvachilik sanoati don ekinlari kabi dunyoda hamma joyda tarqalgan. Qishloq xojaligi yerlaridagi o'tloq va yaylovlar ekin maydonlariga qaraganda uch barobar ko'pyerlarni egallaydi. Shuning uchun chorvachilik mahsulotlarining asosiy qismi mo'tadil mintaqalarda joylashgan mamlakatlardayetishtiriladi.

Tayanch so'zlar: Chorvachilik, mahsuldorlik, haydaladigan yerlar, intensiv, ekstensiv, dehqonchilik.

Аннотация. Животноводство является одной из важнейших отраслей мирового сельского хозяйства. Животноводство, как и зерновые, широко распространено во всем мире. Пастбища и пастбища на сельскохозяйственных угодьях занимают втрое больше пашни. Поэтому основная часть продукции животноводства выращивается в странах, расположенных в регионах с умеренным климатом.

Ключевые слова: Животноводство, продуктивность, пашня, интенсивное, экстенсивное, земледелие.

Livestock is intensive in developed countries and extensive in developing countries. Currently, the number of cattle in the world has exceeded 4 billion heads1 . One of the most important aspects of the future is the rapid and uneven growth of the world's population. While this figure will reach almost 8 billion in 20222 , the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that this figure will increase to 9.7 billion by 2050, recorded to fall3. To ensure a balanced diet of protein for this number of people, it is necessary to increase the volume of all types of meat products from 299 million tons in 2021 to 465 million tons in 2050, dairy products from 580 million tons to 1043 million tons and further improve their composition4.

Livestock is also an important sector of the economy in Uzbekistan. Today, there are a total of 18,032 livestock farms in the country, ofwhich 7,614

are cattle breeding5, 3,263 sheep and goat breeding . In the livestock sector alone, the number of farms with 500 to 1,000 head of livestock increased to 256, and the number of farms with 1,000 and more head of livestock reached 136. In 2021, 91.8% (95.5% in 2018) of the number of cattle kept in all categories of farms was subsidiary, and 8.2% (4.5% in 2018) were farms. The per capita production of meat products reached 47.5 kilograms (annual norm - 46.1 kilograms per capita), dairy production - 336 kilograms (annual norm per capita - 310.4 kilograms). In addition, new breeds of beef cattle were imported, such as Aberdeen-Angus, Sharol, Hereford, Limousine, and dairy breeds such as Jersey, Schwyz, Montbilliards. In particular, in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Jizzakh, Navoi, Syrdarya, Tashkent and Khorezm regions, more than 100,000 such breeds are cared for. In order to improve the breed and increase the productivity

1 http://www.examens.ru/otvet/2/11/167.html

2 https://aniq.uz/statistika/dunyo

3 http://www.myaso-portal.ru/analitika/perspektevy-razvitiya-zhivotnovodstva-i-ptitsevodstva-do-2021-goda/

4 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on approval of the Program for the development of the livestock sector and its branches in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026

5 https://www.agro.uz/statistika-malumotlari-2/

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of small cattle, merinos, Romanov, Edilboy, Dorper, Angor and Zanen goats were also imported. At the same time, a total of 497 livestock breeding farms were transferred to the breeding category, bringing their number to 1,640.

Of the 339.7 thousand hectares of land allocated to livestock farms for planting food crops in 2021, 37,000 hectares will have new alfalfa (100,000 hectares have old alfalfa), 158.5 thi-s.nd hectares will have corn for silage, 31.8 thousand hectares will have white corn, 13, Hashaki beet crops have been planted on 8,000 hectares. In addition, a total of 23.8 million tons of fodder was stored on 177,400 hectares of vacant land in order to strengthen the fodder base for livestock. However, the number of head of livestock is 2.5 times higher than the norm of allocated arable land (average 0.5-0.6 hectares per conditional head of livestock). Although it is possible to store 10-12 tons of fodder per hectare of arable land allocated for food crops, 6-7 tons of fodder per hectare is stored. To this end, the most efficient use of the existing land base of any country and the cultivation of two or more species of livestock in exchange for land, not irrigated - lalmi lands rise to a higher level than the existing areas, can be achieved cheap satisfaction of demand protected.

Lalmikor lands are non-irrigated arable lands in the Adir zone. Lalmi farming is prevalent in areas where the average annual rainfall is above 200 mm. Measures such as accumulation and storage of natural moisture in the soil, fertilization, weed

control, prevention of soil erosion are applied. 8085% of the world's arable land is non-irrigated (lalmikor,. With the creation of the possibility of irrigation, arable lands are a great resource for the expansion of irrigated agricultural areas. After the .elsase water in Tashkent, Samarkand, Jizzakh and Kashkadarya regions, large areas of arable land we'e converted into irrigated agriculture. Lalmikor ryming is a system of non-irrigated land use. In the republic, lalmikor is engaged in agriculture in the plains, hills, foothills and foothills. From ancient times, wheat and barley have been grown in the arable lands of our country.

Taking into account the fact that cereals are widely used in the food industry and give a stable yield compared to other crops, in the last 10-15 years in the arable lands of the Republic are observed large areas of soft wheat, barley and oilseeds.

Naturally, high yields are achieved if quality seeds are used with strict adherence to the correct selection, placement and agronomic techniques of grain crops. Conversely, if poor quality seeds are used for improper selection of varieties, 30-40% or more of the yield can be lost.

In Uzbekistan, the area under crops is 771 thousand hectares, including the main part (thousand hectares) in Jizzakh (229), Kashkadarya (262.2), Samarkand (182.9) regions6.

Therefore, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 8, 2020 No 546

6 http://agroinspektsiya.uz/en/news/lalmikor-maydonlarga-ekili-derined-navlar-their-description-and-agrotechnical-measures


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Distribution of lands of the republic (in thousands of hectares)7.

Т/р Name of cities and regions of the Republic Total land area Irrigated land area Lalmi land area

1 The Republic of Karakalpakstan 16656.1 508.7 -

2 Andijon 430.3 273.6 -

3 Bukhara 4193.7 275.0 -

4 Jizzax 2117.9 300.6 229.0

5 Qashqadaryo 2856.8 514.9 262.2

6 Navoi 10937.5 123.5 22.8

7 Namangan 718.1 282.2 -

8 Samarkand 1677.3 379.6 182.9

9 Surxondaryo 2009.9 325.8 39.5

10 Sirdaryo 427.6 287.8 -

11 Tashkent 1525.4 398.0 34.6

12 Fergana 700.5 367.3 -

13 Khorezm 608.2 266.2 -

14 Tashkent city 33.1 4.9 -

Total 4489.2.4 4308.1 771

"On measures to grow cereals in 2021", 185,795 - rhird, increase grain stocks;

hectares of arable land in the country grown. f > - Fourth, increase the amount of fodder for

As can be seen from the table, in some r eg:ons S ^stock after harvest;

of the country there are dry lands, the largest of which is in Kashkadarya and Jizzakh regions. Tezpishar, Sanzar-6, White Wheat, Kokbulak, Bakhmal-97, Istiqlol-6 varieties of wheat, which do not require much water in these areas and are grown on arable lands, as well as barley, triticale, rye, alfalfa from drought-resistant, heat-resistant, 20-30% higher yields than soft wheat , by planting varieties of green peas, sainfoin, sunflower, safflower and growing food products

- First, the efficient use of available land;

- Second, to reduce the cost of irrigation;

- Fifth, it is possible to balance the prices of meat and dairy products in the market by increasing the production of livestock products.

In conclusion. The use of total irrigated and arable land in our country is one of the most pressing issues today. By cultivating low-water-intensive products on arable land, it is possible to increase the livestock sector and in return to replace the prices of meat and dairy products.

The list of references:

1. http://www.examens.ru/otvet/2/11/167.html

2. https://aniq.uz/statistika/dunyo



4. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on approval of the Program for the development of the livestock sector and its branches in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026

5. https://www.agro.uz/statistika-malumotlari-2/


7. www.lex.uz

7 Developed by the author on the basis of statistical data

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