DEVELOPING PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF THE TEACHER IN EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
the professionalism and pedagogical skills / Professional competence / the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC / self-education of teachers / certification / GEF / self-improvement

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Diana Jamol Kizi Olimova

This article is about how teachers can improve their skills and knowledge, as well as how to properly pass them on to students and what skills a good teacher should possess.

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Diana Jamol kizi Olimova

Student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages alimovadinah@ gmail. com


This article is about how teachers can improve their skills and knowledge, as well as how to properly pass them on to students and what skills a good teacher should possess.

Keywords: the professionalism and pedagogical skills, Professional competence, the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, self-education of teachers, certification, GEF, self-improvement.


In modern conditions, the main principle of building the educational process in school is to focus on the development of the student's personality, arming him with ways of action that allow him to learn productively, to realize his educational needs, cognitive interests and future professional needs. Therefore, the main task of the school is to organize the educational environment that promotes the development of the student's personal essence. The solution of the task directly depends on the professional competence of the teaching staff. As stated in the "Professional Standard of the Teacher": "The teacher is a key figure in the reform of education. In a rapidly changing open world, the main professional quality that a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn. An integral part of the professionalism and pedagogical skills of a teacher is considered to be his professional competence.


Professional competence is understood as a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful pedagogical activity. Therefore, the concept of professional competence of a teacher expresses the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activities and characterizes his professionalism. The structure of a teacher's professional competence can be revealed through their pedagogical skills. The model of professional competence of the teacher acts as a unity

of his theoretical and practical readiness. Pedagogical skills are grouped into four groups.

1. The ability to "translate" the content of the objective process of education into specific pedagogical tasks: the study of the individual and the team to determine the level of their readiness for the active acquisition of new knowledge and skills

2. The ability to build and set in motion a logically complete pedagogical system: comprehensive planning of educational tasks; reasonable selection of the content of the educational process; optimal choice of forms, methods and means of its organization.

3. The ability to identify and establish relationships between the components and factors of education, to put them into action: the creation of the necessary conditions (material, moral and psychological, organizational, hygienic, etc.); activation of the student's personality, the development of his activities, turning him from an object to a subject of education; organization and development of joint activities; ensuring the connection of the school with the environment, regulation of external non-programmed influences.

4. Skills of accounting and evaluation of the results of pedagogical activity: introspection and analysis of the educational process and the results of the teacher's activity; definition of a new set of dominant and subordinate pedagogical tasks.


Professionally competent can be called a teacher who carries out pedagogical activities, pedagogical communication at a sufficiently high level, and achieves consistently high results in teaching and educating students. The development of professional competence is the development of a creative personality, the formation of a receptivity to pedagogical innovations, the ability to adapt in a changing pedagogical environment. The socio-economic and spiritual development of society directly depends on the professional level of the teacher. The changes taking place in the modern education system make it necessary to improve the skills and professionalism of teachers, i.e. their professional competence. The main goal of modern education is to meet the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state, to prepare a versatile personality of a citizen of his country, capable of social adaptation in society, the beginning of the labor force.

Based on the current requirements for teachers, the school determines the main ways to develop their professional competence:

• System of professional development.

• Certification of teaching staff for compliance with the position and qualification category Self-education of teachers.

• Active participation in the work of methodological associations, pedagogical councils, seminars, conferences, master classes.

• Popular forms of methodological work are theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, meetings, congresses of teachers.

• Knowledge of modern educational technologies, methodological techniques, pedagogical tools and their continuous improvement.

• The mastery of information and communication technologies.

• Participation in various competitions, research papers.

• Generalization and dissemination of their own pedagogical experience, creation of publications.

Actively trains teachers in advanced training courses every five years and professional retraining on current problems of teacher education and priority areas determined by the educational institution and the municipal education system. The most important form of professional development that ensures the professional growth of teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, remains the seminar. The expected result of professional development is the professional readiness of educational workers to implement the Federal State Educational Standard:

- ensuring the optimal integration of education workers into the system of values of modern education;

- adoption of the ideology of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education;

- development of a new system of requirements for the structure of the main educational program, the results of its development and conditions of implementation, as well as a system for evaluating the results of students educational activities;

- mastering the educational and methodological and information and methodological resources necessary for the successful solution of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard.


One of the means of implementing the new directions is the certification of teaching staff, whose task is to stimulate the growth of professionalism and productivity of pedagogical work. Certification is just the tip of the iceberg, the

underwater part of which is the inter-certification period. This is where the field of activity is for improving the level of pedagogical competence.

The process of self-education of teachers has become particularly relevant at the stage of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard due to the fact that the main idea of the standards is the formation of universal educational activities in the child. Only a teacher who has perfected himself all his life can teach you to learn. Self-education is carried out through the following activities:

- constant improvement of professional skill;

- study of modern psychological and pedagogical methods;

- participation in seminars, master classes, conferences, attending classes of colleagues;

- watch TV shows, read the press.

- introduction to pedagogical and methodological literature.

- use of internet resources;

- demonstration of their own teaching experience;

- attention to your own health.

A special role in the process of professional self-improvement of the teacher is played by his innovative activity. In this regard, the formation of the teacher's readiness for it is the most important condition for his professional development. If a teacher working in a traditional system is sufficient to possess pedagogical techniques, i.e. a system of training skills that allow him to carry out educational activities at a professional level and achieve more or less successful training, then the teacher's readiness to innovate is crucial for the transition to the innovative mode. Innovative activity of teachers at the school is represented by the following areas: testing of textbooks of a new generation, introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, development of modern pedagogical technologies, social design, creation of individual pedagogical projects.

One of the ways to develop the professional competence of a teacher is to participate in professional skills competitions: It is believed that the activity of teachers ' participation in competitions is not high due to the lack of internal motivation, the workload of teachers. One of the leading forms of improving the level of professional skills is the study of the experience of colleagues, broadcasting their own experience. School teachers actively participate in various conferences, seminars, congresses, etc., they not only spread their pedagogical experience at different levels, but also participate in the creation of an innovative space that unites teachers on similar pedagogical problems to accumulate ideas and combine opportunities.

But none of these methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. This implies the need for motivation and the creation of favorable conditions for pedagogical growth. It is necessary to create those conditions in which the teacher independently realizes the need to improve the level of their own professional qualities. The analysis of one's own pedagogical experience activates the professional self-development of the teacher, as a result of which the skills of research activity are developed, which are then integrated into the pedagogical activity.

The development of professional competence is a dynamic process of assimilation and modernization of professional experience, leading to the development of individual professional qualities, the accumulation of professional experience, involving continuous development and self-improvement.

The formation of professional competence is a cyclical process, since in the process of pedagogical activity it is necessary to constantly improve professionalism, and each time these stages are repeated, but in a new quality. In general, the process of self-development is biologically conditioned and is associated with the socialization and individualization of the individual, who consciously organizes his own life, and hence his own development. The process of forming professional competence also strongly depends on the environment, so it is the environment that should stimulate professional self-development. Thus, we see that the purpose of methodical work in school in terms of implementation of the GEF is to provide professional readiness of pedagogical employees to the implementation of the educational standards through the creation of a system of continuous professional development of each teacher.


It is clear that the solution of the main tasks of general education primarily depends on the professional competence of teachers - the main performers of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. One thing is clear: only teachers with high professionalism can bring up a person with modern thinking, who is able to successfully realize himself in life. Thus in the concept professionalism includes not only professional, communicative, information and legal components of the competence of employees' education and personal potential of the teacher, it professional values, his beliefs, attitudes, integrity, high quality educational outcomes.

In modern conditions, the requirements for the professional competence of a teacher are imposed not only by the new educational standard, but also by the TIME in which we live. And each teacher is given a difficult, but solvable task - "to be in time".

To make this happen, everyone who has chosen the profession of a teacher should periodically remember very important and correct words of the Russian teacher, the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, on which I will finish my article: "In the matter of teaching and upbringing, in the whole school business, nothing can be improved without passing the teacher's head. The teacher lives as long as he learns. As soon as he stops learning, the teacher dies in him."


1. https://sc1sar.schoolrm.ru/upload custom/ -2015.pdf

2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

3.https://social.hse.ru/data/2015/11/03/1078141073/fool%20STANDART%20MAG. pdf

4. https ://www.the gef. org/country/uzbekistan

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