Научная статья на тему 'The essence and specific aspects of pre-school teachers methodologikal competence in the professional pedagogical competence structure'

The essence and specific aspects of pre-school teachers methodologikal competence in the professional pedagogical competence structure Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aleksieienko-lemovska Lyudmila Vladislavіvna

The following approaches to the definition of a professional competence phenomenon have been analyzed: function activity related, axiological, universal, personal activity related; the structure of key competences in education has been disclosed; the main components of professional competence of pedagogues and form of methodological work have been determined, aimed at development of competence of educators of pre-school educational institutions. In modern researches, terms «methodological competency» and «methodological competence» are often used as synonymous. The structure of the competence of the specialist involves experience (knowledge, skills), orientation (needs, values, motives, ideals), quality (ability to synergetic manifestations, adaptation, scaling and interpretation, self-development, integration, transfer of knowledge from one branch to another). Content of professional competence of a pedagogue of one or another major is determined by qualification characteristics. It constitutes a normative model of a pedagogue’s competence, reflecting theoretically substantiated professional knowledge, abilities, skills. A qualification characteristics is in fact a compilation of generic requirements to a pedagogue at the level of his/her theoretical and practical experience. By conditional separation of professional competence from other personal transformations we mean that acquisition of knowledge is not a goal in itself but a very important condition for production of «knowledge in action», i.e. abilities and skills as a main criterion of a professional readiness. Understanding the essence of pedagogical abilities allows to understand their internal structure, i.e. an interdependent connection between actions (components of abilities) as relatively individual personal abilities. The structure of methodical competence as the result of the training of future educators of pre-school institutions is due to its components being the key, basic, special and partly professional competencies, each of which has a cognitive, activity and personal aspect.

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В статье проанализированы подходы к определению феномена профессионально-педагогической компетентности: функционально-деятельностный, аксиологический, универсальный, личностно-деятельностный; раскрыта структура ключевых компетенций в образовании; определены основные составляющие профессиональной компетентности педагогов и формы методической работы, направленные на развитие компетентности воспитателей учреждений дошкольного образования. Раскрыто понятие «компетентностная модель образования» как акцентирование внимания на результате образования. В качестве результата рассматривается не сумма усвоенной информации, а способность человека действовать в проблемных ситуациях. Указано, что целью компетентностной модели образования является подготовка личности к жизни, самоопределение, а также общая подготовка к выполнению всего спектра жизненных функций. Под профессиональной компетентностью понимается комплексный ресурс личности, который зависит от необходимого для этого набора профессиональных компетенций. Включает в себя предметную (специальную), психолого-педагогическую, дифференцированно-педагогическую, методическую, рефлексивную составляющие. Структура компетентности специалиста включает опыт (знания, умения), ориентацию (потребности, ценности, мотивы, идеалы), качество (способность к синергетическим проявлениям, адаптация, масштабирование и интерпретация, саморазвитие, интеграция, передача знаний). Структура методической компетентности как результат обучения будущих воспитателей дошкольных учреждений обусловлена тем, что ее составляющими являются ключевые, основные, специальные и частично профессиональные компетентности, каждая из которых имеет познавательный, деятельностный и личностный аспект. Методическая компетентность рассматривается как компонент профессионально-педагогической компетентности воспитателей, которые соотносятся как общее и частичное соответственно. Отмечено, что необходимость развития методической компетентности воспитателей дошкольных учреждений в системе непрерывного образования обусловлено тенденциями в информационном обществе, связанные с накоплением научных знаний и необходимостью поиска эффективных механизмов их передачи и использования.

Текст научной работы на тему «The essence and specific aspects of pre-school teachers methodologikal competence in the professional pedagogical competence structure»

Aleksieienko-Lemovska Lyudmila Vladislavivna


pedagogical sciences

UDC 373.2.

DOI: 10.34671/SCH.BSR.2019.0304.0002


© 2019

ResearcherlD: L-3162-2018

ORCID: 0000-0001-5391-0719

Aleksieienko-Lemovska Lyudmila Vladislavivna, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor, professor at the department of pedagogy and psychology, early childhood education and children's art

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (01601, Ukraine, Kyiv, Turgenev street, 8/14, e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract. The following approaches to the definition of a professional competence phenomenon have been analyzed: function activity related, axiological, universal, personal activity related; the structure of key competences in education has been disclosed; the main components of professional competence of pedagogues and form of methodological work have been determined, aimed at development of competence of educators of pre-school educational institutions. In modern researches, terms «methodological competency» and «methodological competence» are often used as synonymous. The structure of the competence of the specialist involves experience (knowledge, skills), orientation (needs, values, motives, ideals), quality (ability to synergetic manifestations, adaptation, scaling and interpretation, self-development, integration, transfer of knowledge from one branch to another). Content of professional competence of a pedagogue of one or another major is determined by qualification characteristics. It constitutes a normative model of a pedagogue's competence, reflecting theoretically substantiated professional knowledge, abilities, skills. A qualification characteristics is in fact a compilation of generic requirements to a pedagogue at the level of his/her theoretical and practical experience. By conditional separation of professional competence from other personal transformations we mean that acquisition of knowledge is not a goal in itself but a very important condition for production of «knowledge in action», i.e. abilities and skills as a main criterion of a professional readiness. Understanding the essence of pedagogical abilities allows to understand their internal structure, i.e. an interdependent connection between actions (components of abilities) as relatively individual personal abilities. The structure of methodical competence as the result of the training of future educators of pre-school institutions is due to its components being the key, basic, special and partly professional competencies, each of which has a cognitive, activity and personal aspect.

Keywords: competence, key competences, professional competence, qualification characteristics, pedagogical activities, educational process, pre-school institution, forms of methodological work, trends in the development of preschool education.


© 2019

Алексеенко-Лемовська Людмила Владиславiвна, кандидат педагопчних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагопки i психологи дошшльно!' освгга та дитячо! творчосп Нацюнальний педагог1чний ун1верситет 1мет М. П. Драгоманова (01601, Украгна, Knie, вул.Тургеневська, 8/14, e-mail: [email protected])

Анотащя. У статп проаналiзовано пвдходи до визначення феномена професшно-педагопчно! компетентности функцюнально-дгяльшсний, аксюлопчний, ушверсальний, особиспсно-дгяльшсний; розкрито структуру ключових компетенцш в освт; визначено основш складовi професшно! компетентносп педагопв та форми методично! робо-ти, спрямоваш на розвиток компетентносп вихователiв заклащв дошшльно! освгга. Розкрито поняття «компетент-шсна модель освгга» як акцентування уваги освгга на результата освгга. В якосп результату розглядаеться не сума засвоено! шформацп, а здатшсть людини дгяти в проблемних ситуащях. Вказано, що компетентшсна модель випли-вае з модершзацп освгга, метою яко! е пвдготовка особистосл до життя, самовизначення, а також загальна шдго-товка до виконання всього спектра життевих функцш. Пiд професiйною компетентнiстю розумiеться комплексний ресурс особистосл, який залежить ввд необхiдного для цього набору професшних компетенцiй. Включае в себе предметну (спецiальну), психолого-педагогiчну, диференцiйовано-педагогiчну, методичну, рефлексивну складовi. Структура компетентностi фахiвця включае досввд (знання, вмiння), орiентацiю (потреби, цшносл, мотиви, iдеали), якiсть (здатшсть до синергетичних проявiв, адаптацiя, масштабування та iнтерпретацiя, саморозвиток, iнтеграцiя, передача знань). Структура методично! компетентносл як результат навчання майбутнiх вихователiв дошшльних закладiв обумовлена тим, що !! складовими е ключовi, основнi, спещальш та частково професiйнi компетентностi, кожна з яких мае пiзнавальний, дгяльшсний та особистiсний аспект. Методична компетентшсть розглядаеться як компонент професiйно-педагогiчно! компетентносп вихователiв, що спiввiдносяться як загальне та часткове ввдпо-вiдно. Зазначено, що необхвдшсть розвитку методично! компетентносп вихователiв дошшльних закладiв у системi неперервно! освiти зумовлюеться тенденц!ями в шформацшному суспiльствi, пов'язаними з накопиченням науко-вих знань i необхщшстю пошуку ефективних механiзмiв !х передачi та використання.

Ключовi слова: компетентшсть, компетенци, професiйна компетентнiсть, квалiфiкацiйнi характеристики, педагопчна дiяльнiсть, освiтнiй процес, заклад дошшльно! освгга, форми методично! роботи, тенденци розвитку дошкiльно! освiти.



© 2019

Алексеенко-Лемовская Людмила Владиславовна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры педагогики и психологии дошкольного образования и детского творчества

Национальный педагогический университет имени М. П. Драгоманова

_(01601, Украина, Киев, ул. Тургеневская, 8/14, е-mail: [email protected])_

10 Balkan Scientific Review. 2019. Т.3. № 4(6)

педагогически науки

Алексеенко-Лемовська Людмила Владиславiвна СПЕЦИФ1КА ТА ЗМ1СТ МЕТОДИЧНО1 КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТ1 ...

Аннотация. В статье проанализированы подходы к определению феномена профессионально-педагогической компетентности: функционально-деятельностный, аксиологический, универсальный, личностно-деятельностный; раскрыта структура ключевых компетенций в образовании; определены основные составляющие профессиональной компетентности педагогов и формы методической работы, направленные на развитие компетентности воспитателей учреждений дошкольного образования. Раскрыто понятие «компетентностная модель образования» как акцентирование внимания на результате образования. В качестве результата рассматривается не сумма усвоенной информации, а способность человека действовать в проблемных ситуациях. Указано, что целью компетентностной модели образования является подготовка личности к жизни, самоопределение, а также общая подготовка к выполнению всего спектра жизненных функций. Под профессиональной компетентностью понимается комплексный ресурс личности, который зависит от необходимого для этого набора профессиональных компетенций. Включает в себя предметную (специальную), психолого-педагогическую, дифференцированно-педагогическую, методическую, рефлексивную составляющие. Структура компетентности специалиста включает опыт (знания, умения), ориентацию (потребности, ценности, мотивы, идеалы), качество (способность к синергетическим проявлениям, адаптация, масштабирование и интерпретация, саморазвитие, интеграция, передача знаний). Структура методической компетентности как результат обучения будущих воспитателей дошкольных учреждений обусловлена тем, что ее составляющими являются ключевые, основные, специальные и частично профессиональные компетентности, каждая из которых имеет познавательный, деятельностный и личностный аспект. Методическая компетентность рассматривается как компонент профессионально-педагогической компетентности воспитателей, которые соотносятся как общее и частичное соответственно. Отмечено, что необходимость развития методической компетентности воспитателей дошкольных учреждений в системе непрерывного образования обусловлено тенденциями в информационном обществе, связанные с накоплением научных знаний и необходимостью поиска эффективных механизмов их передачи и использования.

Ключевые слова: компетентность, компетенции, профессиональная компетентность, квалификационные характеристики, педагогическая деятельность, образовательный процесс, учреждение дошкольного образования, формы методической работы, тенденции развития дошкольного образования.


General articulation of the issue and its relevance to important scientific or practical tasks. Changes taking place in the modern education system are determined by the need for increased teachers' professional development and professionalism, their professional competence. The competence-based education model arises from education modernization aimed at preparing the individual for life, identity formation, as well as general preparation for the fulfillment of the whole range of social functions. As a result, there is a shift in the assessment of educational outcomes from the concepts of «education», «good breeding», «preparedness» to the ideas of «competence» and «competency». One of the most important components of professional and pedagogical competence is methodological competence covering the field of knowledge and skill set formation methods and determining the dependence of this competence development on the quality of professional activity. The need to develop preschool teachers' methodological competence in the system of continuing education is brought about by new trends in the information society, the associated accumulation of scientific knowledge and the need to find effective mechanisms for its transfer and use.

The analysis of recent research and publications considering the aspects of the investigated problem and serving as a basis for the author's conclusions; defining uninvestigated parts of general matters. The competence-based education model in defining educational goals and its content is not a completely new phenomenon. The competence-based approach as a subject of scientific research in the higher education system was in the scope of interests of the following scholars: N. M. Bibik [1], O. V. Gluzman [2], O. I. Lokshyna [3], O. V. Ovcharuk [4], O. I. Pometun [5], O. V. Savchenko [6] and others. The competence-based education model is being developed by such researchers V. A. Adolf [7], T. N. Gushchyna [8], N. V. Kuzmina [9], L. N. Mitina [10], V. A. Slastonin [11], A. V. Khutorskyi [12] and others. Scientists propose different interpretations of the competence-based approach. N. M. Bibik emphasizes the necessity of turning the focus from a learning process to learning outcomes in terms of the activity approach ensuring the graduate's ability to respond to new demands of the labor market as well as the availability of adequate potential for practical solutions to real-life problems [1]. O. V. Gluzman claims the competence-based approach to consist in shifting the emphasis from the accumulation of normative knowledge, skills, and abilities to the cultivation and development in students of the ability to act pragmatically, to apply individual techniques

and experience of successful activity in job-related situations and social practices [2]. According to O. V. Savchenko, the general idea behind the competence-based approach is competence-oriented education aimed at the complex acquisition of knowledge and practical activity methods through which a person successfully realizes their potential in different life spheres [6]. A. V. Khutorskyi introduces the concept of education competence implying the set of sense bearing orientations, knowledge, skills and experience concerning real-life objects [12]. N. V. Kuzmina in the context of pedagogical activity considers methodological competence as one of the basic elements of teachers' professional competence which includes proficiency in formation methods of students' knowledge and skills. Competent teachers are equipped with a good teaching methodology, clearly define their attitude to different methodological systems, and have their individual methodology style [9].


The methodological basis of the research is developed based on taking into account the provisions of functional-activity, axiological, universal, personality-activity approaches.

Article purpose statement. It lies in the determination of preschool teachers' methodological competence specificity and essence in the structure of professional and pedagogical competence.

Problem statement. The main tasks of the article are to analyze the structure of a preschool teacher's professional and pedagogical competence, to determine the content of preschool teachers' methodological competence as a component of vocational and pedagogical competence.

Methods, techniques and technologies used. The following theoretical research methods were used to solve certain problems: systematic analysis, comparison, systematization, classification and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of development of preschool teachers' methodological competence; method of systematic analysis of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, sociological literature for theoretical generalization of leading scientific approaches to the development of educators' methodological competence; interpretation of key provisions of the study.


Statement of basic materials with a comprehensive substantiation of the obtained scientific results. In the conditions of the competence-based approach implementation, the problem of improving teachers' professional competence comes to the fore. Pedagogical personnel's basic qualifica-

Балканско научно обозрение. 2019. Т. 3. № 4(6)


Aleksieienko-Lemovska Lyudmila Vladislavivna pedagogical


tion characteristics are determined according to the staffing requirements. A preschool teacher's qualification should reflect universal cultural, general professional and professional competence.

In psychological and pedagogical sources there are several approaches to the definition of the professional competence phenomenon, such as pragmatic and functional, axio-logical, universal, personal and pragmatic.

Within the pragmatic and functional approach, competence is described as the unity of theoretical and practical preparedness for teaching activity, the fulfillment of professional functions in which basic parameters are set by the functional structure of teaching activity. The axiological approach enables to consider professional competence as an educational value implying the introduction of a person into the universal cultural world of values where an individual realizes him-or herself as a specialist and a professional. According to the universal approach, professional competence is connected, on the one hand, with a specialist's basic qualification, on the other - it allows individuals to orient themselves in a wide range of issues not limited to specialization. It provides individuals' social and professional mobility, openness to changes and creative pursuit, the ability to fulfill their potential, self-creation, and self-education. Within the framework of the personal and pragmatic approach, the teacher's personality and activity as a person in the profession are considered through the specifics of teaching involving interaction with and influence on other people.

The competence-based model attempts to enrich an educational process with personal sense. It opposes the psychological approach «... meaning the reorientation of the educational paradigm from the transfer of knowledge and skills to the creation of conditions for mastering a complex of competences that contribute to the personality formation, the ability to adapt to the conditions» [1]. It is about the education emphasis on education outcomes. The result is not the amount of information learned, but a person' s ability to act in problematic situations. It is possible to distinguish the following principles of this model: 1) the principle of knowledge subordination to skills and practical needs; 2) adaptation of educational objectives to preparation for life; 3) focus on lifelong and self-education.

Since the teaching profession is both transformative and managerial, the concept of the teacher's professional competence implies the unity of their theoretical and practical preparedness to carry out pedagogical activity characterizing their professionalism. In this regard, professional competence is determined by the level of professional readiness for work [13].

In pedagogical literature, there is no single point of view on the essence of the «competency» and «competence» concepts. Competency is personal and interpersonal qualities, abilities, skills and knowledge expressed in different forms and job-related or social life situations.

Nowadays, the «competence» concept has been expanded to include the personal qualities of an individual. Competence means that a person has relevant competency, including personal attitude to it and the object of activity.

O. V. Gluzman claims competence to cover not only cognitive and operational-technological components, but also motivational, ethical, social, and behavioral ones including learning outcomes, a system of value orientations. Thus, competences are formed not only during training but also under the influence of family, friends, work, politics, religion, etc. [2].

The study of the competence - based approach problems in general education was conducted by A. V. Khutorskyi, who, defining the concept of educational competences, proposes their three-level hierarchy: 1) key competences - related to the general (meta-subject) content of education; 2) general subject competences - referring to a certain range of subjects and education; 3) subject competences - partial in relation to the two previous competence levels characterized by a specific description and the possibility to be cultivated 12

within the academic subjects [12]. Viewed in this way, there are seven key educational competences: axiological, cultural, learning and cognitive, information, communicative, social-labor and self-improvement. They do not conflict with the core competences singled out by the Council of Europe and can be implemented in the practice of pre-school education.

The success of pedagogical activity depends on each teacher's ability and skills to mobilize their efforts for systematic mental work, rationally build their activity, manage their emotional and psychological state, unlock their potential, and be creative.

The following is the structure of key competences in education:

- educational competence lies in the organization of a learning process and choosing one's own education trajectory, solving the education and self-education problem, the analysis and implementation of educational experience, taking responsibility for the obtained education;

- research competence consists in obtaining and processing information, reference to different sources and their use, organizing expert consultations, preparation and discussion of different resource types for different audiences, using regulatory documents and their systematization in independently organized activity;

- social and interpersonal competence implies a critical review of some social development aspect, determination of the connection between contemporary and past events, awareness of the importance of political and economic contexts, educational and professional situations, assessment of social events related to health, consumption and the environment, art work and literature understanding;

- communicative competence involves listening and taking into account other peoples' views; speech perception and ability to speak, read and write in several languages; to speak in public, to discuss.

A necessary component of an individual's professionalism is professional competence. Modern professional competence approaches and its interpretations are quite different. The definitions of professional competence as «in-depth knowledge», «the state of adequate task performance», «the ability to fulfill a task in a timely manner» are prevailing. In order to gain professionalism, it is required to have appropriate abilities, desires and personality traits, a willingness to constantly learn and improve one's skills [14].

The teacher' s professional competence is the ability to solve professional problems, tasks in professional activity conditions; the amount of knowledge and skills that determine work effectiveness and efficiency. It is a combination of personal and professional qualities. This competence is determined by a motivated desire for continuing education and self-improvement, a creative and responsible attitude to the occupation. The teacher's competence as a professional is manifested in knowledge, education, and authority in the pedagogical field.

Professional and pedagogical competence includes the set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful pedagogical activities. The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, openness to pedagogical innovation, and the ability to adapt to the changing pedagogical environment.

In accordance with the definition of the «professional competence» concept, it is proposed to carry out the assessment of the level of pedagogical staffs professional competence using three criteria: knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in professional activity; willingness to solve professional objective tasks; the ability to control its activities in accordance with the rules and regulations.

Different authors have developed different models and variants of the component structure of the teacher's professional competence. Thus, within the professional competence, N. V. Kuzmina distinguishes its five elements: special competence in the discipline; methodological competence Balkan Scientific Review. 2019. T.3. № 4(6)

педагогически Алексеенко-Лемовська Людмила Владислав1вна


in the methods of forming knowledge, skills, and abilities; psychological and pedagogical competence in the field of teaching; differential psychological competence in the field of motives, ability, determination; autopsychological competence [9]. V. A. Adolf argues professional competence to consist of a personal attitude to future professional activity. Professional competence is also defined as a holistic multilevel and multifunctional system of interrelated competencies, methodological one being its part. In the teacher's professional competence structure, the scientist includes the following components: theoretical and methodological, cultural, subject, psychological and pedagogical, technological. Professional competence is determined by the level of one's own professional education, individual experience and ability, as well as a motivated desire for continuing self-education and self-improvement, creative and responsible attitude to the occupation [7]. In V. A. Slastonin's terms, professional competence is the unity of theoretical and practical preparedness to carry out pedagogical activities where the quality of the pedagogical problem solving is determined by the teacher's professional competence level [11].

In the scientific literature, the terms pedagogical competence (L. N. Mitina) and professional competence (V. A. Slastonin) are equally used. Many modern researchers also distinguish methodological competence in the professional and pedagogical competence structure.

Methodological competence is viewed by researchers as the ability to recognize and solve methodological problems and tasks arising during pedagogical activity. T. N. Gushchina defines methodological competence as a set of methodological knowledge, operational and methodological as well as psychological and pedagogical skills that are formed in the process of teachers' professional training, together with technological readiness to use modern educational information and communication technology, methods and techniques in an educational process adapting them to different pedagogical situations [8]. Methodological competence is formed in the process of teachers' professional training and, as a result, it shapes their value orientations, as well as readiness for creative self-fulfillment in pedagogical activity. Such competence involves the capacity for methodological self-analysis, the ability to critically evaluate and review the quality of learning activities, to analyze used techniques and exercises in terms of their effectiveness.

Thus, the teacher' s professional competence includes subject (special), psychological and pedagogical, differentiated pedagogical, methodological, and reflexive components.

Subject (special) competence includes knowledge of the discipline; orientation in modern research; mastery of teaching methods for delivering disciplines (the ability to orient oneself in the variety of different teaching methods and techniques); use of modern teaching technologies.

Psychological and pedagogical competence is considered as the availability of basic psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills that determine the success in the fulfillment of a wide range of educational objectives; ability to identify children' s individual capacity and to organize an educational process accordingly; ability to identify gaps in children's knowledge and skills, to realize individual ways of working out how to bridge such gaps; ability to establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with children, colleagues, and parents; ability to create a favorable microclimate for teaching staff.

Differentiated pedagogical competence includes the ability to identify children's individual capacity, attitudes and orientations, to determine and take into account people's emotional state, the ability to build relationships with leaders, colleagues, children, and parents).

Methodological competence is considered as an integral multilevel professionally significant characteristic of the teacher's personality and activity based on the effective professional experience; methodological and pedagogical activity as a whole implying the optimal combination of pro-Балканско научно обозрение. 2019. Т. 3. № 4(6)

fessional pedagogical activity methods [15]. It reflects the systemic level of functioning of methodical, methodological and research knowledge, skills, experience, motivation, abilities and readiness for creative self-fulfillment in scientific-methodological and pedagogical activity as a whole involving the optimal combination of professional pedagogical activity methods [15, 16, 17].

Pedagogical activity reflection or autopsychological competence includes the ability to be aware of the level of one's own activity, abilities, the knowledge of professional improvement methods, the ability to identify the causes of weak points in performed activity, and the desire to perfect oneself.

The teacher's professional competence is formed in higher education institutions, but its development can take place only in the course of pedagogical activity. In general, preschool teachers' methodical training is the process and result of mastering the system of methodological knowledge, skills and readiness for their implementation in professional activity.


Conclusions and directions for future research. Thus, the above-mentioned makes it possible to conclude that in the preschool teacher's professional and pedagogical competence structure a key role is played by methodological competence since its formation allows to solve professional problems in the process of realization of children's education, upbringing and development goals.

Methodological competence is defined as the ability and willingness to plan and realize the educational process, as well as to self-reflect on one's own pedagogical activity formed at a basic level. The methodological competence essence is determined by the structure of the teacher's leading activity which allows considering it as a functional component. Methodological competence is considered as a component of preschool teachers' professional and pedagogical competence. Thus, the concepts of «professional and pedagogical competence» and «methodological competence» correlate as general and singular respectively. It ensures the learning process effectiveness, because it enables to scientifically implement professional training principles, content, and forms involving the capacity for methodological self-analysis, the ability to critically evaluate and review the quality of learning activities, to analyze used techniques and exercises in terms of their relevance and effectiveness.

From our perspective, directions for future research on this issue lie in determining the characteristics and component structure of preschool teachers' methodological competence in the system of continuing education.


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