Научная статья на тему 'Formation of research competence of students of pedagogical specialties'

Formation of research competence of students of pedagogical specialties Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Онгельдиева Сандугаш Муратбековна

Nowadays native and foreign researchers regard the problem of research competence formation of future specialists in the context of their future profession. The author attempts to provide an accurate definition of the research competence and the principles of its formation as an important factor of developing research skills and consciousness in the field of FL teaching at school. The quality of any pupil’s education is mostly dependent teachers’ competence and his way of teaching. Teacher training requires great responsibility and creativity as long as we make students search and study, think and analyse possible professional problem and undertake the necessary ways of solution to cope with them. In context-based education we model and provide transition of students’ study activity to their professional activity. All mentioned above demands research competence of students, which should be developed in education at the university and further implemented in their professional work

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of research competence of students of pedagogical specialties»

Formation of research competence of students of pedagogical specialties Ongeldiyeva S. (Republic of Kazakhstan) Формирование исследовательской компетенции студентов педагогических специальностей

Онгельдиева С. М. (Республика Казахстан)

Онгельдиева Сандугаш Муратбековна / Ongeldiyeva Sandugash - магистрант, Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени Абылай Хана,

г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан

Abstract: nowadays native and foreign researchers regard the problem of research competence formation offuture specialists in the context of their future profession. The author attempts to provide an accurate definition of the research competence and the principles of its formation as an important factor of developing research skills and consciousness in the field of FL teaching at school. The quality of any pupil's education is mostly dependent teachers' competence and his way of teaching. Teacher training requires great responsibility and creativity as long as we make students search and study, think and analyse possible professional problem and undertake the necessary ways of solution to cope with them. In context-based education we model and provide transition of students' study activity to their professional activity. All mentioned above demands research competence of students, which should be developed in education at the university and further implemented in their professional work.

Аннотация: проблема формирования исследовательской компетенции студентов педагогических специальностей рассмаривается отечественными и зарубежными учеными в контексте обучения в вузе. Автор ставит своей целью предложить наиболее точное определение исследовательской компетенции и подчеркнуть важность овладения студентами исследовательскими умениями и исследовательским мышлением в процессе обучения в вузе и использование их далее, в их профессиональной практике. В ходе организации образовательного процесса важно уметь выявить педагогическую проблему, изучить необходимую литературу, найти причины сложившейся ситуации и предпринять подходящее решение для реализации успешного процесса обучения, чтобы развить познавательный интерес и исследовательскую культуру уже на уровне средней школы, что является на данный момент крайне необходимым.

Keywords: competence approach, research competence, the research culture of the teacher, the teacher-researcher, context-based education. Ключевые слова: компетентностный подход, исследовательская компетенция, исследовательская культура учителя, учитель -исследователь, контекстно-базируемое обучение.

Today, due to the new paradigm of foreign language education, teacher training is implemented within the context-based education as the realization of the competency approach, which does not focus on acquiring ready knowledge and reproductive activity of students, but on independent search for new knowledge through problem solving and various kinds of professional tasks. The transition to the competency approach in training is due to the students' needs to acquire experience in dealing with life and professional problems that require not only intelligence, but also creative thinking and processing, in the course of vocational training. As indicated by B. D. Elkonin, «we rejected not the knowledge as a cultural object but a particular form of knowledge (knowledge «just in case», i.e., data). The units of knowledge and skills, in this case, are competences. According to the SOES RK 2.003.-2008 competence is defined as the readiness to mobilize internal and external resources to achieve success in order to meet individual and social needs, constituting the social demand to the education system. Therefore, the final result of education at the national level is expected formation of a competent, intellectually and spiritually developed personality ready to participate effectively in the social, economic and political life of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

One of the components of the future teacher's competency is research competence. The need to develop the research competence of students of pedagogical specialities is conditioned by the peculiarities of professional activity of the modern teacher. In modern conditions, teachers must have the ability:

- to navigate in problematic situations;

- to observe the pedagogical process;

- to make critical analysis and evaluation of the work and the situation;

- to find the problem using scientific methods;

- to correct their teaching activities to address the problem by applying knowledge from various areas;

- to diagnose and predict the possible consequences of the various decisions;

- to improve their tools for a more successful and appropriate methods for solving professional problems;

- to conduct a pedagogical experiment.

Thus, it must be concluded, that the formation of the research competence of the future teachers is now most urgent.

The development of the above-mentioned skills is carried out in the course of teaching methods and scientific and methodological activities in the preparation and implementation of the professional work of the teacher (Law «On education» of RK, art. 29 -1). Therefore, the requirements for the formation of the necessary competencies of teachers of FL include the components of the research competence. An analysis of the psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature on the organization of educational process in lines with the competence-based approach shows that there are different approaches to the development of research competence of students of pedagogical specialties (Sh. T. Taubaeva, Z. A. Isayeva, A. V. Khutorskoy, N. V. Ivanova, A. V. Bagachuk, M. B. Shashkina et al.). It becomes clear that there is a contradiction between the crucial needs of modern society in a secondary school teacher, possessing research competence and the existing shortcomings in this respect in the professional training of students - future teachers.

In the writings of many scholars, research competence serves as a key competence (A. V. Khutorskoy, I. A. Zimnyaya, A. V. Barannikov, etc.). A. V. Khutorskoy identifies research competence / competency as methodological competence [1]. According Sh. T. Taubaeva that reviews research culture of the teacher, the search for something new allows the teachers mainly to change themselves [2], which is the main criterion for teacher's ability to move with the times.

Now, there is no generally accepted definition of «research competence». Many authors reduce the concept to a set of knowledge and skills to ensure the implementation of research activities. For example, N. I. Plotnikov defines research competence as the ability to research and knowledge related to the analysis and assessment of scientific data [3]. According to E. V. Berezhnova research competence is a particular and functional system of the mind and a sum of qualities of the personality providing him/her to be an effective subject of research activity [4]. A. V. Khutorskoy understands the research competence as the knowledge, representations, the programs of actions, system of values and attitudes that are identified in the research competence in activity, and relevant aspects.

In Kazakhstan, the problem of training teachers for research activities is discussed in the fundamental researches of Z. A. Isaeva and Sh. T. Taubaeva. Z. A. Isaeva, in particular, developed the concept of the gradual formation of professional research culture of future teachers in the university education system as the implementation of the gradual transition of students of economic specialities from contemplative and theoretical analysis to constructive modelling type of activity. The former is aimed at mastering the methodology of scientific research and the development of creative style of thinking in terms of active cognitive process [5]. Sh. T.Taubaeva proved the concept of research culture as an innovative and didactic activity of the teacher in complete pedagogical process of a comprehensive school.

In our view, the research competence may be defined as integral characteristics of research features and skills, readiness to apply research type of thinking and acting in the different fields of activity.

All research skills necessary for successful implementation of the teacher's activity Sh. Taubaeva conditionally divided into the following groups:

1) operational research skills (using methods of scientific knowledge, hypothesizing, setting goals and objectives of the study, drawing conclusions from the results and the theoretical analysis of the concepts);

2) organizational research skills (applying techniques of self-organization and research activity, planning a research project, self-examination and self-regulation during the research work);

3) practical research skills (working with literature, conducting experimental research, observing facts and phenomena, collecting and processing the data, implementing the results into practice);

5) research communication skills (using techniques of cooperation in research activities, participating in discussion of the distribution of tasks and responsibilities in conducting collaborative research, carrying out mutual aid and mutual control, presenting the results after analysis in the problem group, conference).

The problem of formation of research activity of teachers was studied by other researchers from Kazakhstan in the context of a holistic pedagogical process such as N. D. Khmel, T. N. Bidaybekova, A. A. Moldazhanova, V. K. Omarova, etc. and in lines with the value-orientation of the individual by G. K. Nurgalieva, R. Ch. Bekturganova et al.

The formation of the teacher-researcher is a long, dynamic and continuous process that requires certain conditions to ensure at all stages. To prepare teacher-researcher only in high school is not possible, since the changes in the professional sphere go at a very fast pace. Therefore, there is a necessity of a permanent, ongoing process of professional development, a formed system of continuing professional education.

Sh. T. Taubaeva identifies the following stages of the formation of knowledge and skills of teacher's research activity.

In the first phase, the teacher develops traditional forms of methodical work, based on the concept of teacher education, professional development of teachers.

The second phase is focused on the work of teachers that teach the concept of creativity, learning and generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience (step of didactic understanding by a teacher of his/her activities).

In the third phase (generating educational materials), the teacher must realize the necessity of his own research activities, he is involved in curriculum development, exploring the possibilities of technology of learning and teaching of their subject.

In the fourth stage (implementation of their own ideas) teacher studying their experience, developing original programs and educational-methodical complexes for them, developing some elements of education technology.

Fifth final stage (development of new pedagogical knowledge) involves the teacher's preparation of scientific articles, writing scientifi c work, creation of new methods of training and education, new learning technologies. Professional development of a teacher-practicianer to the teacher-researcher Sh. T. Taubaeva represented in the scheme of «trainee teacher - a creatively working teacher - teacher-novator - teacher-master - teacher-innovator»

A. A. Bodalev distinguishes the public and the private as a teacher and researcher. Among the general characteristics of the investigator he considers: a stable orientation towards research problems; obsession with work, non-conformism and a sense of duty; criticism and self-criticism, the constant dissatisfaction with the results achieved, conscious self-guard from other activities and affairs; powerful intellect, an unqualified ability to consistently focus the work of his/her intelligence on non-standard solution of theoretical and experimental tasks; increased surveillance to the phenomena of scientific interest; high performance in science [6].

Thus, in the world where education is seen as one of the main values, one of the primary objectives of education is to nurture and develop the personal qualities of students, creation of conditions for their creative self-realization. Only the teacher who has a high level of professionalism, including research competence, can bring up a free, humane, spiritual, creative person, capable of research [7].

Today, in context-based education teaching intercultural communication opens doors for cross-cultural and international public relations in the development of society, great importance is given to training FL schoolteachers in Republic of Kazakhstan. FL teacher should possess a complex of professional competencies that will provide his professional qualifications, educational relevance, and its own interest in the process of education, effective teaching, active and efficient mastery of the students, basic knowledge and skills. Among the necessary competencies in the FL teachers model (KazUIR & WL) there is the research competence. This competence is formed in several stages, in the implementation of different types of learning and research (in the form of projects, essays, reports, term papers, etc.), especially at pedagogical faculties during the implementation of specially designed training courses «Introduction to the teaching profession», «Research Methods in Education practice «, and improved in the future, when undertaking the work of research character (writing articles, performing research, conducting pedagogical experiment) directly during their professional practice. The formation of research competence is implemented according to following principles of:

- cognitive learning (knowledge acquisition goes with understanding what place it takes in the system of students' knowledge and what use it may bring);

- scientific character (the knowledge acquired must be based on scientific basis);

- argumentative discourse (the process of teaching and learning should provide students' constructive discourse referring to ar guments and facts);

- reflectivity (a researcher must think of other possible outcomes, influential power of the results of research);

- and pacing (step by step, from simple to complex).

The research competence is a pedagogical value. It presupposes that the teacher has valuable relation to research, himself as its subject. It suggests that the teacher must have not only the ability to study reality in its essential connections and relations, but also to acquire new knowledge, to implement research activities. Research competence of the teacher is evident in its theoretical literacy is as an educator has methods of psychological and pedagogical research, as it is able to handle a statistically derived empirical data to draw conclusions, to present the results of the study. In the research competence of the teacher there are integrated his/her educational and creative-transforming abilities. The very nature of the research competence has the potential of professional self-development, professional career, whereas the research competence of the teacher is manifested in self-confidence, self-realization, in understanding the meaning of research.


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6. Бодалев А. А. Вершина в развитии взрослого человека; характеристики и условия достижения. М.: Флинта Наука, 1998, - 168 с.

7. Байкина Л. Т. Исследовательская компетентность как средство самореализации педагога. // Материалы международно -практической конференции.

8. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://orley-kost.kz/index.php/ru/razvitie/issledo/1107-kabdenovgani-mail-ru.

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