DEVELOPING LEXICAL COMPETENCE IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
lexical competence / lexical skills / vocabulary / dynamic unity / professional process / communicative competence. / лексическая компетенция / лексические навыки / лексика / динамическое единство / профессиональный процесс / коммуникативная компетенция.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Maksudova, Dilshoda Kakhramonovna

This article is importance of lexical skills in the context of interdisciplinary relations as an integral part of the lexical competence of a foreign language is emphasized, their specificity and conditions of formation are described, based on the advantage of constructing a lexical competence of a foreign language on an interdisciplinary basis. This involves taking into account the linguistic characteristics of the students as well as the educational and cognitive activities.

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В статье подчеркивается важность лексических умений в контексте междисциплинарных отношений как составной части лексической компетенции иностранного языка, описывается их специфика и условия формирования, исходя из преимущества построения лексической компетенции иностранного языка. на междисциплинарной основе. Это включает в себя учет языковых характеристик учащихся, а также учебной и познавательной деятельности.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, VOLUME 1 | SPECIAL ISSUE 2

educational, natural and social sciences q ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423



Maksudova Dilshoda Kakhramonovna

Senior teacher at the Department of Western Languages Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan.


This article is importance of lexical skills in the context of interdisciplinary relations as an integral part of the lexical competence of a foreign language is emphasized, their specificity and conditions of formation are described, based on the advantage of constructing a lexical competence of a foreign language on an interdisciplinary basis. This involves taking into account the linguistic characteristics of the students as well as the educational and cognitive activities.

Keywords: lexical competence, lexical skills, vocabulary, dynamic unity, professional process, communicative competence.


В статье подчеркивается важность лексических умений в контексте междисциплинарных отношений как составной части лексической компетенции иностранного языка, описывается их специфика и условия формирования, исходя из преимущества построения лексической компетенции иностранного языка. на междисциплинарной основе. Это включает в себя учет языковых характеристик учащихся, а также учебной и познавательной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: лексическая компетенция, лексические навыки, лексика, динамическое единство, профессиональный процесс, коммуникативная компетенция.


Maqolada chet tilining leksik kompetensiyasining ajralmas qismi sifatida fanlararo aloqalar kontekstida leksik ko 'nikmalarning ahamiyati ta 'kidlangan, chet tilining leksik kompetensiyasini shakllantirishning afzalliklaridan kelib chiqib, ularning o 'ziga xosligi va shakllanish shartlari tavsiflangan. fanlararo asosda. Bu o'quvchilarning til xususiyatlarini, shuningdek, o'quv va kognitiv faoliyatni hisobga olishni o'z ichiga oladi.

Kalit so'zlar: leksik kompetentsiya, leksik malaka, lug'at, dinamik birlik, kasbiy jarayon, kommunikativ kompetentsiya.


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It is known that the modern concept of higher education implies the organization of educational culture based on a set of basic competencies of a general cultural and professional nature and necessary in the relevant areas of activity. The tasks facing students in modern conditions are formed on the basis of professional vocabulary as mastering all types of speech activities, as well as mastering professional communication skills.

These requirements for a university graduate are determined by the need to form a high level of professional and communicative competence among future professionals, which is unlikely to happen without mastering professional vocabulary in a foreign language.

Foreign language lexical competence is the linguistic basis of professional and communicative competence. They can be considered as a dynamic unit: lexical competence is formed in the process of communicative activity of students and improves with the development of lexical competence, that is, their formation is interrelated.

Professional lexical competence is a holistic concept that represents the ability of students to apply relevant vocabulary, skills and competencies formed on its basis, knowledge speech experience in different situations related to their future professional activity.


Lexical competence is the ability of students to determine the contextual meaning of a word, to compare it with other languages, in which to distinguish a national feature for the culture of a particular nation.

Vocabulary acquisition has a systemic formative value in the context of foreign language teaching. It is created on the basis that people communicate with each other using these meanings. Word perception and word usage are closely related to the processes of forming, shaping, and designing an idea using lexical means. Given the natural integration of the lexical component into the linguistic component of communicative competence, the latter implies the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to understand the foreign language participant in the dialogue and to create a unique model of speech behavior. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the text of the basic concepts of linguistics (methods, types, methods of linking sentences in the text, etc.) and to know the skills and communication skills correctly, verbal communication in relation to different areas and situations of communication skills need to be formed gradually.

Communicative competence is the ability to exercise linguistic competence in different contexts of speech interaction, taking into account social norms of behavior and the communicative expediency of expression. A leading component in the

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process of forming communicative competence are speech (communication) skills and abilities, which in turn include expression and skills in all types of speech activities.

Lexical - focusing on the component as an integral part of all speech activity, based on the results of research confirming the emergence of very high correlations in learning a foreign language and determining the nature of the relationship between them in determining its various parameters.

A lexicon is a set of words and combinations of lexical units that are functionally similar to them. The second is that things, events, words capable of naming their characters, stable expressions, or other linguistic units, so that the concepts of "lexical unit" and "word" are synonyms, and here they are interchangeable. Specialty literature serves as the basis for a professional dictionary, and students talk about the acquisition of a particular vocabulary in a professional field, in the field of their specialization, a vocabulary consisting mainly of terms possible. In the context of this article, it is important to explain the concept of "terminological dictionary", which, as a rule, has a single meaning and is applied in the field of professional activity, giving clear concepts regardless of the context. Against the background of the definitions and emphasis on the lexical component of the linguistic basis of communicative competence, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "language competence" and "lexical competence" semantically.

In the traditional interpretation, the essence of linguistic competence is a set of known elements that are interrelated. Language competence is defined as a set of knowledge, skills and competencies implemented in the process of activity (communication), the ability to change information in accordance with personal communication tasks, a set of rules of language analysis and synthesis. Sentence construction and analysis are units that allow the use of the language system for communication purposes.

Unlike language competence, lexical competence is a set of lexical knowledge, skills, and competencies that determine students 'ability to find the contextual meaning of a word, compare its meaning in two languages, and use the word in the appropriate context. In other words, it is the organization and interdependence of learners 'vocabulary acquisition efforts with lexical units; it is to know the meaning of a lexical unit, its graphic structure and pronunciation, the grammatical forms of a word, and the rules of association with other lexical units.

Despite the definitions presented, the concept of "lexical competence" was incomplete, if it only covered lexical knowledge and skills, so lexical competence as

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a complex, structural formation would affect students 'linguistic, speech experience, and personal quality also includes.

Some researchers (A.E.Sizemina, A.N.Shamov) have conditionally distinguished several levels in the formation of foreign language lexical competence, on the basis of which the process of forming students' ability to solve communicative problems related to the practical use of a foreign language dictionary is used in speech activities based on the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired.

Linguist V.D.Chernyak describes the lexical competence of the native speaker and talks about the following features that can determine his level of development: The level of development of communicative competence and the communicative abilities of students in general are largely determined by the capabilities of lexical resources. It is it that ensures the freedom and effectiveness of communicative behaviors, the ability to fully comprehend and activate incoming information.

According to A.N.Shamov, the formation of lexical competence begins primarily with the accumulation of empirical knowledge - is to observe the functioning of lexical units in different communicative contexts (oral and written). At this stage, the presentation and semantization of the new vocabulary is organized -students gain an idea of the sound and graphic representation of the lexical unit, the relationship between the word in a foreign language and its meaning is formed. Students will have the skills to identify lexical units in the communicative situations presented. The second level of formation of students' lexical competence involves the formation of skills in the use of lexical units under study, the establishment of strong links between lexical units and their meaning. Teaching the vocabulary learned at this stage to speech helps to strengthen the initial skills of using words in a particular communicative setting. The communicative backgrounds of the exercises proposed at this level consistently reveal the scope of application of the lexical units being studied, reflecting their communicative capabilities.

The third level of formation of lexical competence is related to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge about the lexical system of the target language, ie. expanding students 'linguistic experience. This degree involves the formation of skills by students to identify the shape, structure, and semantic properties of a word, contributing to the creation of stronger verbal-semantic connections. At this progressive level, the formal aspects of the language being studied are mastered, which helps to develop students' philological outlook.

The outcome of the formation of lexical competence involves the development of skills in using lexical units to solve different communication tasks, tasks and their solution require students to use previously learned or learned language tools and individual speaking experience. This qualification degree is related to the

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implementation of practical actions with a dictionary in a foreign language, assuming the use of the necessary language knowledge, speaking skills and abilities, to solve various communication tasks according to the conditions focused.


Lexical competence is the ability to use a vocabulary composed of lexical and grammatical elements of knowledge and language. In a non-linguistic university, the process of forming lexical competence in a foreign language focuses on interdisciplinary relationships as a condition for the effectiveness of the formation of relevant competencies, which implies professionalization of teaching in the sense of reflecting teaching. The specific features of the university or faculty within it. Given the factor of interdisciplinary communication, students 'professional lexical competence in a foreign language is a set of knowledge, skills and competencies formed in the learning process as the ability to use active vocabulary independently in the interaction of oral speech. Previous mental activity (mnemonic work outcomes) expressed in the presence of knowledge and skills in certain disciplinary aspects that contribute to the formation of stable verbal-semantic connections that are the result of associative-mental activity in the temporal aspect.

A professional lexical competence of a foreign language can be defined as a resource quality that provides a special type of organization of students' knowledge and experience in the interpretation of certain knowledge acquired by the subject of educational activity. In the consistent formation of professional communicative competence in the profession-oriented intelligence, in the ability to attract and interconnect professional linguistic knowledge, in the process of interaction of oral speech is relevant to the implementation of the filling of oral structures ability and the ability to apply it. In this regard, as a conditional factor of relevant influence in the context of interdisciplinary relations, it is necessary to emphasize the quality of the full basis of lexical skills and competencies as an integral part of the lexical competence of foreign languages. It is interdisciplinary as an important feature and superior feature of relevant skills and competencies.

The complex scientific quality of lexical skills is based on the transfer of semantic associations to the conditions of these learning and cognitive activities, which are present in both students 'speech and cognitive experience, and is a distinctive feature of lexical skills formed on an interdisciplinary basis. As a complex feature, it is effective in strengthening features such as lexical skills such as awareness, which means that there is a hidden rule in the minds of students and stability in fulfilling the ability to apply this rule in a difficult situation. Necessary speech practices, determined by the strength of lexical connections, are performed as complex process

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structures that underlie speech-thinking activity and perform psychophysiological interventions on verbal stimuli (linguistic units).

Prerequisites for the formation of such skills are the use of the mechanism of similarity and comparison, involuntary memorization, the regularity of the pattern falling on the brain of students, the complexity of mastering (combination of auditory, visual and motor images) meaningful imitation.

Formation of professional lexical competence of a foreign language is one of the important directions of improving the quality of language preparation of students. In order for university students who are non-philological to achieve a high level of formation of lexical competence, it seems necessary to work to ensure the sequence of appropriate stages of its formation in the learning process and the organization of mastery. Based on the interdisciplinary connections applied taking into account the linguistic features, the linguistic material of the lexical material is also reflected in the students 'knowledge, speech-thinking and educational activities.

Performing a nominative function and providing speech with meaningful material, vocabulary seems to be a unique phenomenon in terms of the range of functions it performs. Mastering vocabulary richness helps students develop a linguistic worldview. The meaning of lexical unity reveals the culture of another country, its history and the peculiarities of life.

Therefore, the communicative activity-oriented approach has educational, general and communicative features and helps to increase the cognitive activity in the learning process. In the educational process, this approach helps students to reflect, develop and express themselves;

to organize foreign language education as intercultural communication; ensures that teachers and students are equal participants in the lesson; use of interactive forms of education;

aimed at developing students' independent acquisition of new language skills, socio-cultural knowledge, practical skills.

The person-centered approach is based not only on the transfer of scientific knowledge in foreign language teaching, but also on active forms of interaction between the participants of the educational process (students, teachers, parents); to study the character of the student and ways of his self-development; to create favorable conditions for the student to form individuality and to change the perception of the norms of mental development of the person formed in our culture (not horizontally, but vertically, that is, by comparing the dynamics of student development with its previous state, not with others) comparison with itself). The integrative approach implies the equal development of knowledge, skills, competencies and experience from different disciplines, reliance, integration,

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communicative, professional communicative, social competence in a foreign language. The competency approach in education is focused on achieving certain results and acquiring important competencies. Competence is shaped by future careers. In this context, the educational process acquires a new meaning, it becomes a process of learning and teaching, that is, the independent reading of information of professional and social significance, socio-cultural, domestic and cultural. to achieve the use of a foreign language in recreational areas. Competence is a set of knowledge, skills, competencies and personal qualities that allow participants to develop speech activities aimed at specific learning objectives. Communicative competence of a foreign language - the ability and readiness to communicate with native speakers, as well as the ability of students to get acquainted with the culture of the country where the language is studied, to better understand the culture of their country, to present it in communication holds. The main objectives of the study of this subject include the development of the following competencies in students: Linguistic competence, sufficient knowledge of language materials (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) and types of speech activities (listening comprehension, speaking) to communicate with native speakers , reading and writing). Socio-linguistic competence includes the skills and competencies to choose the appropriate linguistic form, method of expression, depending on the speaker's specific speech situation, communicative purpose, and desire. Socio-cultural competence is the ability to present the national characteristics of authentic speech by comparing the customs, values, rituals and other national cultural characteristics of the country in which they live with the country in which the language is studied. Socio-competence includes socio-linguistic and socio-cultural competencies. It reflects the understanding of the importance of learning a foreign language in learners in today's multicultural world, the need to communicate in a foreign language, work independently and use it as a means of social adaptation, and the desire and desire to communicate interculturally through a foreign language will be. Pragmatic competence includes: Discursive competence (discourse - oral or written speech text) is the ability to correctly interpret and compose a text, as well as to know the oral and written (stylistic and components) to select the appropriate type of oral communication ) texts and writing skills. Strategic (compensatory) competence Successfully overcomes complex situations by filling in the gaps and deficiencies in the experience of speech and social communication in a foreign language environment by some verbal / nonverbal means, repeated apologies in case of misunderstandings in the communicative situation, apologies, etc. implies the ability to walk.


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Achieving a high level of development of lexical competence is manifested in the easy use of direct lexical resources in direct and indirect communication, adequate use of phraseological expressions, proverbs, words that are characteristic of the speech of native speakers. Vitol A.B wrote, "... just as you cannot build a house without bricks, you cannot master language without mastering the required number of words." The content is that the learning competence is a set of competencies for the study of foreign languages and cultures in the independent learning activities of the learner, which is logical, methodological and general in relation to the use of modern educational technologies. 'lim includes tasks. Foreign language teaching is based on didactic, methodological, linguistic principles and the use of modern educational technologies.

The existence of special tasks aimed at assessing the ability to use vocabulary in different types of speech activities in all forms of international examinations also indicates the recognition of the special importance of mastering lexical material. This will help students establish a new vocabulary, ideas about the sound and graphic representation of a particular lexical unit, and the connections between a word in a foreign language and its meaning. REFERENCES

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