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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Tran Thi Gai, Nguyen Thi Nhi

STEM is an integration between the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Currently, STEM education is a teaching model developed in many countries in order to develop student competencies in line with practical needs. Collaborative problem solving is one of the important competencies of students in the learning process. This research focuses on analyzing the structure of collaborative problem - solving capacity and devising this capacity training process through the topic of STEM education. From that, teacher applys to the specific example in STEM topic “Manufacturing water filtration systems” for junior high school students in Vietnam.

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Section 2. Education for Professors and Teachers


Tran Thi Gai, Nguyen Thi Nhi, Vinh University, Vietnam E-mail: hongnhi1076@gmail.com


Abstract. STEM is an integration between the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. Currently, STEM education is a teaching model developed in many countries in order to develop student competencies in line with practical needs. Collaborative problem solving is one of the important competencies of students in the learning process. This research focuses on analyzing the structure of collaborative problem - solving capacity and devising this capacity training process through the topic of STEM education. From that, teacher applys to the specific example in STEM topic "Manufacturing water filtration systems" for junior high school students in Vietnam.

Keywords: Competence, cooperation, problem solving, STEM, STEM education.

Introduction has a strong role in STEM education (Kristy M. Mei-

STEM education is an effective way to develop rick [9]). Students will learn collaboratively, work in

student's capacity, especially the ability to collaborate groups to research and complete tasks, to test theory,

problem solving. STEM is an area of integration of plan and implement solutions. Learning is maxi-

traditional subjects (science, technology, engineer- mized because students share knowledge, practice

ing and math) to solve real-world problems (Lents, skills, and discover new and important information

Cifuentes & Carpi [14]) (Labov, Reid & Yamamoto together. According to (Harwood & Rudnitsky [7]),

[10]; Sanders 2009). STEM is the connection be- learning becomes more interesting and meaningful

tween subjects and is suitable for studying objects when students combine theoretical knowledge in

and phenomena in practice. The purpose of STEM lessons and perform real-world tasks as an engineer. teaching in schools is to develop student's problem- 1. Collaboration problem solving competence solving capabilities, the science field to explain the 1.1. Collaborative concept of problem solving natural world and the technology is to propose adap- PISA, 2015 [13] defines the capacity to collaborate

tive human solutions. with the real world (Ronald on problem solving: "The capacity of an individual to

et al. [14]). Cooperative problem-solving teaching effectively engage in a process whereby two or more

agents attempt to solve a problem by sharing the understanding and effort required to come to a solution".

Collaboration allegedly has advantages over individual problem solving because: a) there is a more effective division of labor; b) the solutions incorporate information from multiple sources of knowledge, perspectives, and experiences, and; c) the quality of solutions is stimulated by ideas of other group members (Crebbin [7]) (Aronson and Patnoe [l]; Schwartz [17]; Stasser and Titus [18]; Theiner and O'Connor [16]). A key factor that contributes to the success of CPS and distinguishes itself from individual problem solving is the role of communication between team members (Dillenbourg and Traum [3]; Fiore et al. [4]; Fiore and Schooler [5]).

The ATC21S project investigates the collaborative problem-solving structure in two aspects: society (cooperation) and awareness (problem solving). According to this project, problem-solving is collaborative or working with others to solve a common challenge, including contributing and exchanging knowledge ideas or resources to achieve a common goal. The social aspect refers to cooperation, focusing on managing the interaction and contribution of individuals, while the cognitive aspect emphasizes the use of personal knowledge and skills (Care, Scou-lar, & Griffin [2]). As such, the capacity to collaborate on problem solving is a harmonious combination between individual activities and among team members, in the community.

Collaborative problem solving CPS

Social skills: "collaborative" aspect of CPS


Perspective talking

Social regulation

Cognitive skills: "problem solving" aspect of CPS

Task regulation

Knowledge building





Adaptive • Negotiation • Problem • Relationships

responsiveness • Self analysis • Rule

Audience evaluation • Set goals "if... than'

awareness • Transactive • Resource • Hypothesis

memory management "what if'

• Responsibility • Flexibility

initiative and ambiguity • Collects element of information • Systemacity

Figure 1. Structure of collaborative problem-solving capacity (Hesse et al. [8])

1.2. The structure of collaborativeproblem-solv-ing capacity

According to the theory of teaching and learning skills of the 21st century (ATC21S), the author (Care et al. [2]) proposed the structure ofCPS competencies including two main competencies: social competence (participation, commenting, social adjustment), and cognitive competence (task adjustment, knowledge building). According to Hesse et al, CPS is as a complex skill links critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and collaboration across both social and cognitive domains. Accordingly, CPS consists ofa set of component skills comprising five separate sequences of individual competency and group level corresponding to social and cognitive skills (Hesse et al. [8]).

According to PISA 2015, the CPS structure consists of 4 skills of problem solving process and 3 skills of cooperation process.

Every structural approach of CPS makes it clearer the nature of CPS. The CPS structure under the ATC21S project goes into performance analysis at two levels of personal and social awareness. The approach of PISA 2015 is based on the process of cooperation and problem solving, so it can be easier to apply in teaching and assessment.

2. STEM and its relationship with developing collaborative problem-solving capacity

2.1. STEM concept

STEM is the abbreviation for the words Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Rodger W. [15], Lou et al. [11]). The development of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is described by the STEM cycle (Figure 1). Science is the process of creating scientific knowledge; Engineering is the process of using scientific knowledge to design new technologies to solve problems; Math is the tool used to capture results and share them with others.

In the STEM cycle, "Science" is understood not only as "Knowledge" in science subjects (such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology) but implies "Scientific process" to invent scientific knowledge. new. Similarly, "Engineering" in the STEM cycle is not only

"Knowledge" in the field of "Engineering" but implies "Technical Process" to create new "Technology". The two aforementioned processes are continuous and closed into a science and technology creation cycle in the "spiral" model, which increases the amount of scientific knowledge every time and with it, the technology of development at a higher level.

Figure 3. STEM cycle (knowatom.com)

2.2. STEM education

STEM education is a model of education based on interdisciplinary approach, helping students apply scientific, technological, technical and mathematical knowledge to solve some practical problems in specific contexts.

2.3. The process of training cooperative capacity to solve problems through the topic of STEM education

Designing STEM topics is done by us as follows: Selecting STEM education topics; Define goals of STEM education topic; Identify issues that need to be addressed in STEM education; Identify specific issues to use to solve problems in STEM topics; Designing learning activities; Design the criteria and test tool set, assessment of students.

The process of collaborative problem-solving capacity building is associated with the problemsolving process and is shown in every step of STEM lesson organization.

Detect problems that need to be solved by the group, identify product criteria of the topic.

- Identify the knowledge and skills needed to solve problems in the STEM fields.

- Make hypotheses and solutions to solve problems.

Presenting, explaining and protecting the solution to select and perfect and having discussions between members to draw agreement on the plan.

Selection of experimental instruments / equipment; manufacturing samples according to designs; test and adjust.

Presentation of the completed learning product; exchange, discuss, evaluate for further adjustment and completion.

Figure 4. Process of collaborative problem-solving capacity building through STEM education topic

2.4. The relationship between STEM education tical problems. Students promote their knowledge,

and developing collaborative problem-solving ca- personal experience and group interaction to per-

pacity form learning tasks. This relationship is expressed as

The essence of organizing teaching STEM is the follows: process of teachers directing students to solve prac-

Table 1.- Relationship between STEM lesson progress and collaborative problem-solving capacity development

STEM teaching organization process Develop collaborative problem-solving capacity

Identify the problem Discover and understand

Research key knowledge and propose design solutions

Present and discuss design plans Describe and speak

Fabrication of models / equipment, testing and evaluate Planning and implementation

Presentation and discussion of manufactured products Product adjustment Monitoring and reflection

2.5. Criteria for collaborative problem solving a set of criteria to evaluate collaborative problem-Based on the matrix of OECD-published col- solving competencies for use in STEM teaching as laborative problem solving criteria, we developed follows:

Table 2.- Criteria for evaluating problem solving cooperation

Skills process Establishing and maintaining shared understanding Taking appropriate action to solve the problem Establishing and maintaining team organization

1 2 3 4

A. Exploring and Understanding (Al) Discovering perspectives and abilities of team members. (A2) Discovering the types of collaborative interaction needed to solve the problem, along with the goals. (A3) Understanding roles to solve the problem.

Level 3. Take the initiative in gathering members information and planning the capabilities of each team member. Level 3. Flexible selection of a type of team collaboration that suits your needs and sets goals. Level 3. Ensuring the role of members in problem solving.

Level 2. Learn about team members and summarize the information collected used for group activities. Level 2. Proposing satisfactory types of group cooperation. Level 2. Identify the roles of yourself and other team members in problem solving.

Level 1. Not actively exploring information of group members. Level 1. Not proactive in proposing types of group cooperation. Level 1. Identify your own role in problem solving.

B. Representing and Formulating (Bl) Building a shared representation and negotiating the meaning of the problem. (B2) Identifying and describing tasks to be completed. (B3) Communication protocols/rules of engagement.

Level 3. Develop good sharing and actively negotiate the meaning of the issue. Level 3. Clearly describe the tasks of the members and flexibly adjust the assignment of tasks for each member in accordance with the problem-solving situation. Level 3. Proactively connecting members, bringing out roles of individuals and groups in order to well implement the principles of group activities.

Level 2. Develop a shareable article and negotiate the meaning of a problem. Level 2. Equal distribution of workload among members. Level 2. Individual engaged in activities as assigned by a cooperative group.

Level 1. Not proficient in developing a sharing article and not actively negotiating the meaning meaning. Level 1. Define your duties when divided. Level 1. Compliance with individual activities but not paying attention to the cooperation with other team members.

C. Planning and Executing (Cl) Communicating with team members about the actions to be/ being performed. (C2) Enacting plans. (C3) Following rules of engagement, (e.g., prompting other team members to perform their tasks)

Level 3. Flexibly adjust and agree on problem-solving plans suitable to practical conditions and circumstances. Level 3. Always cooperating, flexible in solving complex problems. Level 3. Always maintain and ensure teamwork principles when conditions change. Remind other members to follow the rules.

1 2 3 4

C. Planning and Executing Level 2. Proactively propose solutions and participate in developing group action plans. Level 2. Participate in activities and have connections with other members in the performance of tasks. Level 2. Comply with the team operational principles in any situation.

Level 1. Communicate only to give a few ideas to the group when asked. Level 1. Participate in implementation independently, not paying attention to the connection among team members. Level 1. Follow the rules when often reminded.

D. Monitoring and Reflecting (D1) Monitoring and repairing the shared understanding. (D2) Monitoring results of actions and evaluating success in solving the problem. (D3) Monitoring, providing feedback, and adapting team organization and roles

Level 3. Establish a new common understanding based on analysis of adjustments. Level 3. Handling conflicts, arising conflicts, proposing to overcome difficulties and implementing effective solution to solve problems. Level 3. Adjust yourself and the group members with activities, ensuring them adapts to the group work principle.

Level 2. Confirming true and false information in correcting shared knowledge Level 2. Monitor group activities and solve not too complex group problems. Level 2. Self-regulating individual activities and coordination with team members.

Level 1. Recognize the difference of individuals with shared knowledge. Level 1. Implementation of a solution to simple personal problems. Level 1. Individual self-adjustment according to group principle.

3. Develope problem-solving capacity through STEM education topic in teaching natural sciences through the topic of "Manufacturing water filtration systems"

Topic "Water filtration system" Target audience: Grade 9 students Time: 3 classes at school and 2 weeks at home The current environment is increasingly polluted, especially water in remote areas that have no water system. This requires the easy handling of the water system and by using common inexpensive materials is extremely urgent.

Since then, the requirements are designed, manufactured groundwater treatment systems in rural areas contaminated with suspensions and alum. (1) Goal of the topic

After completing this topic, students need to: - Analyzing the reality of water pollution and the effects of water pollution on social life;

- Applying the knowledge in the subject and known knowledge, designing and manufacturing a water filtration system from easily-found materials such as coal, gravel, stone, and cotton;

- Describe the structure and operating principles of the water treatment system;

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- Compare water that has been through water treatment system;

- Develop collaborative problem-solving capacity.

- Conscious of environmental protection.

(2) Equipment

Teachers will guide students to use some devices after learning the topic:

- Water bottles with tap;

- Some other materials such as gravel, stone, sand, cotton wool, activated carbon ...

(3) Lesson progress

Activity 1: Identify the problem

- Target: Analyze the status of water pollution and the effects of water pollution on social life.

- Procedure:

Activities of teachers Activities of students

Problem statement, task transfer: - Water pollution causes a big influence on the lives of people. The design of the water treatment system is of great significance. - Unify the task of "designing water filtration systems"; - Divide students into small groups, each group 4-6 students; - Teachers provide students with the following contents: Instruction sheet of project implementation; Project product evaluation form. - Discuss the project topic; - Agree to select the project title; - Discuss, plan group activities; - Students can comment on the evaluation criteria provided by teachers.

Table 3.- Requirements for water filtration systems

Criteria Request

Height Not more than 50 cm

Weight Not more than 12 kg

Material Common materials (plastic bottles, sand, stone, gravel, activated carbon ...)

Price Not exceeding 50,000 VND

Wattage Process at least 100 ml of water in 5 minutes

Expiry date At least 1 year

Activity 2: Researching key knowledge and developing design drawings

- Target: Identify measures to treat polluted water sources and develop a water filtration system design.

- Procedure:

Activities of teachers Activities of students

- Teachers observe and support students in the process of doing tasks - Research documents, search for information from internet sources; - Proposing ideas and unifying design plans; - Develop and finalize the design of the water filtration system; - Select the form and prepare the content of the report.

Activity 3: Presentation and discussion of design options

Target: Completing the design of water filtration system. Procedure:

Activities of teachers Activities of students

1 2

- Organize for students in each group to present a plan for designing the water treatment system; discussion activities for each design. The question that explores the problem is "what substances does the polluted water usually contain? Which ion? " - Each student group presents a design plan for 2 minutes. The remaining student groups pay attention. - Discussion: groups of students and teachers raised clarifying questions, criticized and

1 2

- Teachers comment, review and standardize the relevant knowledge, finalize issues that need attention, edit the design of the groups. commented on the design; The group presents answers, arguments, defends points of view, or accepts appropriate comments to complete the design of their group.

Activity 4: Fabrication and testing of water filtration systems

- Target: Completing the design of water filtration system.

- Procedure:

Activities of teachers Activities of students

Teachers support groups in the process of finishing products. - HS tim kiem, chuan bi cac vat lieu dU kien; lap dat cac thanh phan cua he thong xtf li ntfCc theo ban thiet ke; - Thtf nghiem hoat dong cua so sanh vCi cac tieu chi danh gia san pham (Phieu danh gia so 1). HS dieu chinh lai thiet ke, ghi lai noi dung dieu chinh va giai thich ly do (neu can phai dieu chinh); - Hoan thien bang ghi danh muc cac vat lieu va tinh gia thanh che' tao san pham; - Hoan thien san pham; chuan bi bai giCi thieu san pham. - Students search and prepare expected materials; installing water treatment system components according to the blueprint; - Testing operation of comparison with product evaluation criteria (Evaluation sheet No. 1). Students readjust the design, record the adjusted content and explain the reasons (if need to adjust); - Complete the list of materials and calculate the cost of manufacturing products; - Finishing products; Prepare product introduction.

Table 4.- Requirements for report and product design

Criteria Maximum score

Design drawings of the processing system are clearly drawn and in principle; 4

The design of the treatment system is clear, beautiful, creative, feasible, with material annotations; 2

Explain the operating principle of water treatment system; 2

Clearly presented, logical, vivid. 2

Activity 5: Presenting and discussing products "water filtration systems"

- Target: Completing the design of water filtration system.

- Procedure:

Activities of teachers Activities of students

1 2

- Organize for students to prepare and display products at the same time. - Students of each group present and analyze activities, costs and designs of water treatment systems.

1 2

- Teachers comment and announce the results of product marking at the request of Evaluation Form No. 1.The assessment process is self-assessed by students, students evaluate each other and teachers evaluate students. - Teachers ask questions for the report to clarify the mechanism of the water treatment system, inculcate new knowledge of the topic and related knowledge. - Student groups simultaneously pour water, treat water, collect water and compare between pre-filtered and filtered water after being filtered through the system.

Teachers use questions to consolidate and expand knowledge for students

Question 1. Why should objects in the correct order (from top to bottom) be gravel, sand, coal, cotton, filter paper? Is it possible to change (for example in order of coal, gravel, sand, cotton, filter paper)?

Question 2. Do the same but change the size of the bottle. Tell me what happened? Explain. From which to draw comments?

Question 3. Why is activated carbon applied in water purification equipment?

Question 4. Is each coal whole? Question 5. Why should we soak the filter paper? Question 6. What should be paid attention to when pouring dirty water samples into the device?

Figure 5.


Through the topic of STEM, students participate in all learning activities in a positive way, stemming from their own experiences, through cooperating with with teachers and with other students's

knowledge, skills and additional experience, effectively solve learning problems. Therefore, organizing the topic of STEM is a way to develop cooperative capacity to solve problems for students.


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