Научная статья на тему 'Organizing theme-based teaching in Physics in high schools'

Organizing theme-based teaching in Physics in high schools Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mai Van Trinh, Nguyen Thi Nhi, Ma. Tran Ngoc Thang

Theme-based teaching is considered as one of effective methods in which the teachers no longer play a simple role as communicators, they have become designers, organizers, instructors for each individual or small-group during learning activities. At the same time, the students are self-sufficient to dominate the learning content, can actively achieve the objectives of knowledge, and form significant skills as well as attitudes meeting the subject program. The students are attracted to learning activities to solve real situations, directly observing, discussing, making experiments, solving personal problems, and then grasping the useful suitable methods to acquire new knowledge as well as capacity development. In theme-based teaching process, it is necessary to change from passive learning to active self-studying and develop self-studying inside schools and outside school. In each lesson, there is always the guidance of the teacher. Therefore, this article is concerned with the organization of self-studying activities for students during the process of organizing theme-based teaching in Physics to improve useful skills.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Organizing theme-based teaching in Physics in high schools»

Section 4. Education for Professors and Teachers

Mai Van Trinh, Assoc. Ph. D.

Nguyen Thi Nhi, Assoc. Ph. D.

MA. Tran Ngoc Thang, Vinh University, Vietnam E-mail: dungtranS180@gmail.com


Abstract. Theme-based teaching is considered as one of effective methods in which the teachers no longer play a simple role as communicators, they have become designers, organizers, instructors for each individual or small-group during learning activities. At the same time, the students are self-sufficient to dominate the learning content, can actively achieve the objectives of knowledge, and form significant skills as well as attitudes meeting the subject program. The students are attracted to learning activities to solve real situations, directly observing, discussing, making experiments, solving personal problems, and then grasping the useful suitable methods to acquire new knowledge as well as capacity development.

In theme-based teaching process, it is necessary to change from passive learning to active self-studying and develop self-studying inside schools and outside school. In each lesson, there is always the guidance of the teacher. Therefore, this article is concerned with the organization of self-studying activities for students during the process of organizing theme-based teaching in Physics to improve useful skills.

Keywords: Theme-based teaching, self-studying activities, competency, problem - solving.

1. Introduction: creative thinking, encouraging self-studying to cre-

Resolution No. 29-NQ / TW dated November ate a sound basis for learners to continue updating 4, 2013 of the 8th Central Conference - Term XI new knowledge, improving professional skills. To do on fundamental and comprehensive innovations of this, it is necessary to change from majorly studying education and training with many specific objectives form in class to organize various forms of learning, proposed the following contents: enhancing the stu- pay attention to do social activities, extracurricular dents' creative abilities and self-studying in order to activities, and scientific research. Besides that, proencourage them to pursue lifelong learning; focus- moting the application of Information Technology ing on teaching activities to develop the students' and communication in teaching and learning time

is extremely useful as well. The educators have long recognized the meaning of the self-studying method by the time. Teaching does not only transfer knowledge and ask students to try to memorize, but also importantly orient and enable the students to have golden opportunities to enrich new horizon of knowledge. Training self-studying skills is the best method to create strong motivation for students during the learning process. Self-studying helps the learners to be proactive in lifelong learning, have clear learning objectives to affirm their capacity and to contribute all their efforts on the society. Physics is one of natural science subjects, there are many contents associated with the daily life of students. Therefore, students will be less interested in the subject with traditional class teaching methods; moreover, they will have the lack of updates, they are easy to fall down illusion that knowledge which they have to learn inside the class is strongly different from real life. Furthermore, the presentation of knowledge with content-orienting textbooks makes the class stressful in reasoning, reasoning, and interpretation. It is obvious that this type of class is happing in little practice with less applying knowledge.This leads it not to be suitable for positive teaching methods as well as the orientation of developing useful competences for students. Therefore, teachers should pay attention to the following requirements in teaching time: designing the plans to give attractively subject knowledge for each student and help their students to do self-learning activities; inspiring the students to solve practical problems as well as have effective learning styles without breaking the currents education program rules. To be able to solve some of the above problems, when designing lessons according to the theme, teachers should design basing on learning activities, in which students' self-studying activities need to be focused.

2. Content

2.1. The concept of self-studying activities

The nature of self-studying which meaning students are always the perceived owners has a strong

effect on learning content in a positive creative way to gain learning achievement. To achieve this, self-studying is a process that the students are aware of the necessary contents inside the class and to own into your inside knowledge. Self-studying has two levels: complete self-studying and self-guided studying, in which self-guided learning is a form of self-studying to dominate knowledge and develop skills corresponding to the guidance of teachers. During learning process, students are considered as the subject of the whole teaching process to take over the knowledge as well as the truth by their own actions. Teachers act as the organizers, the instructors in students' self-studying process with helping instructional materials class rooms, facilities, self-studying can be in the following forms: Self-studying does not only take place inside the school learning but also this form is extremely popular outside social life such as: communication activities, working environment, etc... With self-studying forms, students can learn from their mistakes or their friends' mistakes in order to exploit new knowledge in learning time. In addition, self-studying at home plays an important role in the academic achievement of students. The process of self-studying enables students to self-learn each part of the lesson, study further [5].

Thus, self-studying is an indispensable factor in learning activities, in which students are encouraged to know how to mobilize their emotion and creative thinking to acquire knowledge and to improve their good personality under the guidance of teachers. The high or low result of self-studying depends on the self-studying skills of each individual and especially with the students in high school. This also bases greatly on the guidance of teachers or instructional materials, facilities...

2.2. Self-studying activities in theme-based teaching Physics in high school

2.2.1. Design theme-based teaching process

Designing the theme-based teaching process is the final step in the process of building thematic lessons and designing teaching activities. In particular,

specific learning organizing activities for students can be done in class and at home. A series of learning activities showing pedagogical process has the five following learning activities:

Experiential learning activities

In career-oriented education stage in high schools, the creative experiential learning activities programs continue developing the capabilities and qualities after the basic education stage (in secondary school). This enables students to develop career-orienting skills as well as selective and adaptive competencies. At this stage, the programs are highly differentiated and elective. Students are not only assessed for their abilities, strengths, and career-related interests but also are consulted to train the basic qualities and competencies for future career.

In the teaching method before each new lesson on the class, the teacher organizes his students to study according to the materials in advance, do some experiential learning activities in practice with a system of exercises with adding new knowledge in the classroom. After the students have completed their learning, the teacher has them report in group or individual in front of the class.

2) Identifying and addressing problems

This is the fundamental stage in which students must mobilize their knowledge, skills, and experience to identify many sides of the problem. With the ability in identifying students' problems, students will express their own perspectives through the result report of the first stage. This is a basic stage to help teacher to identify students' understanding of potential problems in real life as well as enable teacher to give the tasks in accordance with the capacities of students. Students can work in group or individual. In these activities, teacher must have specific teaching methods, basic techniques, real situations and other facilities to call the first interest and to stimulate his students.

3) Forming and standardizing knowledge

Students begin studying the subject matters of

knowledge under the guidance of their teachers. This

activity needs to organize a variety of different learning forms. Throughout this, the students need to be inspired to collect and to process useful information from different information channels (books, newspapers, internet, real life etc...). Teacher demands their students to come up with many effective solutions, implementing measures to gain knowledge. This stage helps students to form new knowledge as well as has the students solve the problems raised initially that students themselves cannot solve. In the activities of students, teacher needs to have teaching methods and active teaching techniques with adding new knowledge. In teaching Physics, teacher needs to guide his students to do experiential learning activities. Because the students will test the correctness of the theory to remove the anti-scientific experience through these activities and they will standardize the content of the topic in their right target.

4) Applying knowledge

This is the stage to help students to practice and systematize their knowledge; moreover, they can apply their acquired knowledge to explain phenomena, to give solutions, to propose ideas to solve problems. Throughout this stage, students can enrich the knowledge; they can also make learning process meaningful to develop the significant abilities to solve potential problems and other competencies. Teachers can instruct students to do individual activities, group activities through the exercises by designing many interesting questions. 5) Enlarging knowledge into practice

This stage helps students to develop their abilities to solve problems and create creativity thinking. Teachers should decide the available resources such as reference books, journals, information from the internet ... so as to encourage students to continue enlarging the knowledge that they have learned from real-life activities. In these activities, teachers should use the essential questions, the system of exercises after studying the subject to enrich knowledge.

From the five activities in the above-mentioned teaching process, any activity with self-study and

self-learning activities of students may be present or not present by teacher. Because the teacher has the key in orienting knowledge, providing materials and facilities ... Students will complete the assigned tasks in the form of self-studying activities in individual or in group. The self-studying process is often followed by the steps below:

+ Step 1: Identifying objectives, making plan and solving assigned tasks

- Identifying characteristics of content, knowledge and skills. From to this, self-studying plan is developed. Knowledge is systematized. Students can determine the relationship between acquired knowledge and new knowledge. Therefore, when acquiring new knowledge and skills in the process of learning, students have to find obvious relationship between newly acquired knowledge and existing knowledge. The acquired knowledge and existing knowledge are combined into an unified system turning into the subject's own capital facilitates mobilizatedly when in needed.

+ Step 2: Make a report and discussion Through self-studying activities in the step 1, knowledge is presented systematically, but it is subjective, has lots of mistakes and shortcomings. Therefore, we need to socialize learning products. That means students have to report by their self-expression or evaluation for the individual products according to the mastery level of the products. The group having creative ideas is expressed in a specific form so that each student and teacher can observe and analyze to evaluate the accuracy of the products. The particular study that students can express in many different ways such as: summarizing, making outline, learning cards, setting up system diagrams, making reports, doing talk activities and making projects, ... Finally, discussing and debating activities about newly learned things of students is carried out by the students' explanation and protection to their products. The other team members and teacher listen, analyze, give ideas to make a producing progress.

Step 3: Evaluating and adjusting Teacher instructs students to self-assess, or evaluate each other (among group members). Just like that, through practice gradually, students know how to self-assess after learning each content or each part in the program. After the assessment, the learners can compare themselves; identify the mistakes, the cause in order to correct the knowledge content and to meet demanding skills. From to this, the students can adjust the way of learning so that it is more and more suitable.

Step 4: Applying knowledge In order to answer the question: "What is the purpose of learning to do?", it is necessary to observe in learning situations and real life. Applying knowledge and useful skills is the last step of the learning or self-studying process.

Thus, in organizing learning activities, theme-based teaching process is considered as a series of learning activities with a combination of active teaching methods and techniques in which self-studying method plays an important role. If teachers create conditions for students to have golden opportunities to enlarge new horizon according to teacher's plans, the building of theme-based teaching and designing teaching process will be very convenient for the program with the currents educational task is: "Renovating teaching content in the direction of streamlining; modernizing, being practical suitable for ages, qualifications and professions; strengthening practice, applying to practice ... [3].

2.2.2. Characteristics and objectives when teaching Physics in high school

Physics in the field of natural science is said to describe as natural phenomena and properties of matter. Besides that, the contents of Physics also includes from basic particle structure to cosmic structure, which is the basis of many important engineering and technology branches. The knowledge selected in the teaching program is considered as the classical physics knowledge. This needs for the proper understanding of natural phenomena, for daily life, even for many

jobs in technical industry. Therefore, many tools and technical equipment are electric currents being used in common life and production nowadays.

In addition to know about the importance of specific cognitive methods of Physics such as experimental methods, model methods, similar methods etc., it is necessary to train and improve capacity development for students in order to contribute on the development of all potential competencies regarding physical fields. Therefore, the following objectives need to be achieved:

- The content of knowledge must be presented reasonably with the amount of suitable time. Teaching must be consistent with the ability of students to absorb. The amount ofknowledge and skills required in each topic should be balanced with the implementation of the tasks during teaching process in physics, especially with the organization of active learning activities.

- Objectives to be given in the system such as: concepts of things, phenomena and physical processes commonly encountered in real producing activity; quantities, laws and basic physics principles; the main contents of some of the most important physics theory; common applications of physics in real producing activity and contribution to deepening the principles of natural science. Topics should be practical, highly career-oriented.

- During the teaching process in physics, through the implementation of learning tasks, students can develop the elemental capabilities of common competencies such as self-learning ability, problem-solving ability, aesthetic capacity, physical fitness, spirit, communication competence, work in group skills, and communication technology ability.

2.3. Illustrative example of the organization of theme-based teaching with "Electricity in gas" in Physics 11

I. The objectives

Knowledge of electric currents in environments presented in the physical program according to the point of view of the mechanism and phenomenol-

ogy is about the conductivity and applications of knowledge in real life. It is possible to build a topic of teaching about electricity in gas into a subject of interdisciplinary integration or formulating a single subject in Physics.

In this article, the application of the theory of building the topic of "Electricity in the gas" in the scope of Physics 11 is presented obviously to develop students' abilities. The organization of teaching is carried out in 2 periods inside and outside the class to achieve the following objectives: a. Knowledge

- Identifying the nature of the electric currents in the gas.

- Basically understanding about electric welding.

- Understanding about ignition system by spark plugs in motorcycles.

- Understanding about lightning rod.

b. Skills

- Performing experiments on the phenomenon of electric currents in

- Solving exercises about electricity in gas.

- doing some related products (if there are some applications related to electric currents in gas).

- Having career opportunities in the future (if students have knowledge of this phenomenon).

c. Attitude

- Being concerned about applications related to electric currents in gas.

- Being excitedly, actively taking on the task of learning about factories, facilities, factories that the production is related to the application of electric currents in gas.

- Having responsibility for giving criticism, having a spirit of coordination in group, having teamwork skills.

- Actively seeking information to solve problems arising in real situation.

- Sharing, collaborating on group work and having an inquiring mind when exchanging problems in the lesson.

d. Fostered capacity

- Having ability to solve problems related to knowledge, phenomena, applications of electric currents in gas related to iron doors, automotive garages, convenient welding facilities; motorcycle maintenance shop; Viettel telecommunication station, high-frequency house and school.

- Self-learning and autonomy learning; communication and cooperation skills; language competence, calculation ability etc...

I. Preparation 1. Teacher

- Set orienting questions: + Essential question:

Question 1: It is estimated that the amount of electric energy hit once by lightning can pull a 14-car train running 200 km. Lightning can cause lethal fires and human constructions etc...Does this indicate the immense energy of lightning when discharging? Why? How to fix?

Question 2: Experience in production (agriculture), the mass has folk song:

"Contemplate rice shores the shore Listen to the thunder of the flag." With your understanding, please explain the meaning of the folk song according to the view of natural science?

+ Questions in the lesson: Question 1. In practice, to burn a mixture of air gasoline in a gasoline engine (Spark plug), electric welding, lighting, or melting metal ... Which features of electric currents have been applied with gas to manufacture technical equipment?

Question 2. What are conditions of occurrence of charged particles in gas? Which elements do the carriers depend on?

+ Content of question:

Question 1. What is the process of self-supporting electrical power? How many ways? Which carrier particle in gas is?

Question 2: When the electric field in the air is very strong (about millions ofV / m), What will happen? Why?

Question 3: Under which conditions will there be electric sparks?

Question 4: What is the ray of electric arc? What conditions are there for an Arc ray?

Question 5: Why the thunder phenomenon often accompanied by loud bangs? When is it called thunder phenomenon? When is called lightning phenomenon?

- Tools for the experiments, study cards, coupons to guide students to self-assess or evaluate each other etc.

2. Students

- Textbooks, notebooks, scratch paper.

- Each group having one set of experiments (depending on the school facility conditions).

III. Organizing learning activities

The selected topic is put in chapter 3 of the electric currents in the environment, teacher needs to arrange a time about 10 minutes in class to assign the tasks and has students to complete them in one week. Remaining time in class will be continued assigning the next tasks for students with the dead line after a next week. A series of learning activities and expected time is as follows:

Theme-based teaching process Content Organization structure Time

1 2 3 4

1. Experiential learning activities Learn from practical applications. + Teacher assigns tasks to students + Group activities, educational sightseeing trips and practical learning. 10 minutes in class (used to assign tasks before). 1 week for self-learning activities.

1 2 3 4

2. Identifying and finding out the problem Learning about electric cur-rentss in gas + Representatives from each group report the experiential learning activities. + Discussing to find out the issues needing to be solved 10 minutes

3. Standardizing knowledge Proposing efficient measures to learn theoretical knowledge about electric currents in gas Implementing specific measures to identify the nature and characteristics of electric currents in the gas + Analyzing documents + Doing experiment. Work in group 20 minutes

4. Applying Systematising knowledge and doing practice Individual work 10 minutes

5.Exploiting in real situation Designing lightning protection tools. Learning about making lights, melting materials, using sparks (playing music with electric sparks). Project teaching, team work 5 minutes in class 1 week at home

Specific teaching activities according to the process

* Activity 1: Self-study the application of electric currents in gas

Aim Learning from experiential learning activities about electric welding, lightning phenomenon, how to create lightning rod, ignition system of motorcycles ... in order to collect information, to arrange information and to ask research questions. - Ensuring safety in the process of visiting experience - Learning some other applications in the daily life of each student.

Content - Visiting practical experience at business establishments (if any) such as welding facilities, telecommunications stations, construction work, motorbike maintenance shops to analyze documents to collect information. - Developing reports based on the tasks of the study card 1 (before 4 days to 1 week) and giving practical experience results. - Proposing and selecting related questions.

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Expected results Studying records including the products about practical educational research and research questions of groups.

Preparation Learning by the various practical channels about welding process, ignition system, lightning rod to record the observed information and to hear about the welding process, the mechanism of spark operation, lightning protection columns and to search information on the internet, videos, textbooks, and other information.

Activities of students and teacher

- Teacher: Dividing the group from 6 to 8 students. Talk about the plan with the students, visiting business establishments, giving reference materials for the students; Assigning tasks to students of the number 1 study card.

- Students: Learning and developing the producing experience report

Note safety:

- Complying with the regulations of the establishment as well as the instructor.

- Not approaching or touching the device without permission when visiting the establishments._

Students perform step 1 of self-study activities without the guidance of teachers.


High School: ........................Class...............................

Full name:...........................Group .............................

Question 1: Observe the parts of the welding machine, the area of the production ebstablishments, the phenomena occur around the weld when welding when the worker does welding and answer the following questions:

1) Which tools or equipment need to conduct electric welding?

2) List the sequence of work ofthe welder. Why do the welders have to follow the order ofthose techniques? Explain the phenomenon (note the phenomenon between the welding rod and the welding object). Question 2: Observe the motorbike repairman who is trying the spark plug of the motorcycle, answer the following questions:

1) What effects do spark plugs have? What happens between two small slots of spark plugs when igniting? Explain the phenomenon?

2) With your physics knowledge, please list how many ignition systems. How do spark plugs play a role in technical areas?

Question 3: Please search on the internet about the construction works on lightning rod (lightning protection column) and answer the following questions:

1) What effect does lightning rod have? How does the lightning rod work?

2) Observe the pictures and video clips on the internet, please explain the phenomenon of lightning in nature and how to prevent lightning in life.

Question 4: What are the unresolved issues?

Question 5: The group should design an experimental test on electric currents in the gas under normal conditions (can perform in class or video) Question 6: What are the unresolved issues? Students should pay attention the following note:

+ Complying with the regulations of the establishments as well as the instructors. + Approaching or touching devices without permission when coming to the establishments. + Completing the personal coupon after the practical experience, then working in group at home to develop a product report of group on the above issues to present in class about electric currents in the environment, each group will present the report from 7 to 10 minutes, students can use video clips, power points, images for their presentation.

* Activity 2: Making the result report of understanding the electric currents in gas

Aim - Presenting the report, discussing about the results gained from the practical experience of some applications of electric currents in gas. - Speaking some characteristics of electric currents in gas. - Expressing the nature of electric currents in gas.

Content - Presenting reports, exchanging experience results. - Making presentation and discussion to unify the research question: learn about the nature, conditions of electric currentss in gas and some applications.

Expected results - Students present presentation and discuss about the plan. - Teacher chooses reasonable questions. The desired questions: 1. To burn a mixture of air gasoline in gasoline engine (spark plugs), electric welding, lighting, or melting metals, which features have been applied to the electric currentss in gas to manufacture technical equipment? 2. What are the conditions of occurrence of charged particles in gas? Which elements do the carriers depend on? 3. Why does the gas lead electricity? What are the conditions of occurrence of electric currents in gas? 4. What is the lightning phenomenon? What are the benefits and harmful effects? And how to prevent these harmful effects?

Preparation + Groups make the report and submit to teachers and prepare presentation before class time. + Conditions on school facilities for teaching (rooms, desks, projectors ...)

Activities of students and teacher Representatives of1 to 2 student groups report in front of the class about the practical experience results. The remaining groups listen, exchange information and supplement good ideas. + Representative from each group will have many ideas when discussing and selecting reasonable questions. + Students: participating in assessing each other about the role and contribution of each group member (in the study card). - Teacher: evaluating the group discussion process, evaluating products, assessing the collected results of students and evaluating the presentation of the discussion in front of students. - Students: raising the problem to continue studying and carrying out the experiment with electric currents in gas (may be true or false). Students implement the step 2 and 3 of self-studying activities inside the class including: + Representative of each group reports group. + Students discuss and evaluate the products. + Discussing about the problem being raised.

* Activity 3: Learning the knowledge in textbooks about electric currentss in gas


Studying and presenting knowledge from textbooks.


- Reading textbooks, selecting and noting knowledge of electric currents in gas at the levels of textbooks according to standard knowledge.

- Arranging knowledge into products of group to report.

Expected results

Reports and notes of the student groups with sufficient content, have to meet the following requirements:

1. What are the self-reliant electrical processes? How many ways? Which carrier particle in gas is?

2. When the electric field in gas is very strong (about millions of V / m), what happens? Why?

3. What is the nature of electric currents in gas?

4. Under what conditions will there be electric sparks?

5. What is an electric arc? What conditions are there for an Arc ray?

6. Why the thunder phenomenon often accompanied by loud bangs? When is it called the thunder phenomenon? When is called the lightning phenomenon?

7. What is an anode phenomenon called? What is the application of this phenomenon?

8. Contents and expressions of Faraday's Law's Electromagnetic induction - First Law and Second Law

Reporting and exchanging knowledge gained from group activities to enrich correct and sufficient knowledge (study card No. 2)



Teacher: providing references for students, study card No. 2

Students: reading the textbooks in advance, studying some practical experiments.

Activities of students and teacher

- Teachers assign tasks to student groups. + Working in group, reading course books, doing experiments, combining with references pre-read before. + Discussing, selecting important knowledge to create group products to report in front of the class. + Representative in each group reports on the knowledge gained, discussing with the other groups to improve theoretical knowledge of electric currentss in electrolyte. + Teachers evaluate the process, evaluate the products, and evaluate the results.

+ How do students evaluate each other (if necessary)? + Teacher gives a feedback.

Students receive the assigned tasks and work in groups under the guidance of teacher. After completing study card No. 2, the students report the result, the teacher gives assessment and feedback for them (done the step 1,2,3 of self-studying activities)


High School: ...............Class .........

Full name: ...................................................Group..........................

Conduct experiments, read documents, discuss groups and report results with the following contents:

How gas ionization takes place? The nature of electric currents in gas Compare the self-reliance process and no self-reliance of gas General characteristics of the electric spark phenomenon of arc welding, lightning, spark plugs

* Activity 4: Systematizing knowledge and doing practice

Aim - Having comments and assigning tasks for students to explore and to research. - Consolidating the learned knowledge.

Content The knowledge was presented and supplemented with applying some simple exercises and some common practical situations.

Expected results - Answering the issues in the study card. - Completing notebooks.

Preparation - Study card No. 3 - References (if any).

Activities of students and teacher Teacher gives evaluation (comments, praise, criticism and sharing ...) about results, working spirit of groups or individuals. - Teacher adds information into incomplete knowledge (if necessary) - Students write down into notebooks. - Solving problems raised by teachers or students. - Teacher evaluates the process, the products and the results. - How do students evaluate each other (if necessary) ? + Students work individually to unify the results of the group and represent the report of the group, teachers instruct students to compare results and self-assess (with fully implementing the step1,2,3,4 of self-studying activities) + Teacher evaluates the results of group work.


High School: ........................Class...............................

Full name:...........................Group .............................

Complete the following contents:

Question 1. Lightning can cause death as a forest fire and human construction works ... Does this indicate

the tremendous energy of lightning when discharging? Why? How to deal with it?

Question 2: Experience in production (agriculture), the mass has folk song:

"Contemplate rice shores the shore

Listen to the thunder of the flag."

With your understanding, please explain the meaning of the folk song according to the view of natural science?

* Activity 5: Exploiting in real situation

Question 3. To protect the electronic devices at home when there is thunderstorm outdoors, what should you do?

Question 4. During the welding process, after the welder has created sparks between the two electrodes, does the self-discharge process continue maintaining although the voltage between the two electrodes has been reduced? Why?

Aim + Exploring and expanding knowledge about the fields related to the topic "Electric currents in gas". + Designing lightning protection system for the houses and car ignition system.

Content - Some knowledge about the fields applied electric currents in gas such as: cooking metal, lighting, playing music by electric sparks ...

Expected results - Having writing of students, video clips, power point and images with the content. - Presenting the results of the performance

Preparation - Teachers: Guiding students to find available materials, finding out the best way to present reports, dividing class into small groups and assigning tasks for students. - Preparing instructional materials (textbooks, notebooks, materials ...), teaching facilities (pictures, models, real / virtual experiments / simulations, videos, slides) ... - Study card (if any). - Students: Preparing the report.

Activities of students and teacher + Groups of students do homework at home as well as create the products as the introductory lessons before class time; the students will get a helping hand from their teacher when they are in need.They should finish the reports by specified time. + Teachers' activities: - Asking students to do the tasks, guiding them to work overtime and evaluating exactly students' activities. Firstly, teachers should instruct students. The students receive tasks in groups and complete the tasks at home and they will report their products after a week (fully implementing the step 1, 2, 3, 4 of self-studying activities)

3. Conclusion

The organization of self-learning activities for students in the process of theme-based teaching in the orientation of developing capacity focuses on self-studying and self-controlling when studying general physics. The organization of these activities requires teacher to invest all efforts to design learning activities with the goal of helping students to gradually dominate scientific knowledge, the

students have golden opportunities to use potential knowledge to solve practical problems in real life. To do this, teacher needs to foster and master knowledge in many different fields with applying flexible teaching methods and techniques actively. Since then, building good topics and practical situations in teaching Physics to develop students' essential competencies, self-learning ability and ability to solve practical problems.


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3. Training M. o. Physics 11. Education Publishing. 2006.

4. Training M. o. Physics 11 - Teacher's book. Education Publishing. 2006.

5. Training M. o. (n.d.). Training materials and techniques for organizing group learning activities and guiding students to self-study physics. 2017: Education Publishing.

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