Научная статья на тему 'Density formation of white sweet clover in a single-crop and compatible sowings with annual cereal crops'

Density formation of white sweet clover in a single-crop and compatible sowings with annual cereal crops Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
compatible crops / density / white sweet clover / corn / millet / sudan grass / sorghum / seeding rate / fertilization / совместные посевы / плотность / донник белый / кукуруза / просо / суданская трава / сорго / норма высева / удобрения.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — G. I. Demydas, M. V. Zakhlebaev

Two-year results of research the cultivation of white sweet clover in compatible crops with annual cereal forage crops in the Right-bank forest steppe. It was determined the impact of norm of seeding of white sweet clover and fertilization on species composition, for the best cereal components to create the mixed high performance. >4s a result of studies was found that index of compatible sowings white sweet clover with annual cereals depend from weather conditions, species composition of mixtures, seeding rate of white sweet clover and fertilizing. The biggest number of shoots (517 pcs/m2) was featured in single-species cultivation white sweet clover and seeding rate 20 kg/ha and fertilizing N60Pg0Kg0. The highest density of standing on all variants of compatible cultivation (up to 6-17% higher in comparing to control) was received with seeding rate of white sweet clover 20 kg/ha. Applying of mineral fertilizer in rate N60Pg0Kg0 on compatible sowings had a most significant impact on their density, providing increasing of index 5-12% in comparing with the variant without fertilizers. Among grass mixtures the highest density (422 pcs/m2) was recognized for compatible cultivation with millet, seeding rate of white sweet clover 20 kg/ha and fertilizing N60Pg0Kg0.

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Изложены результаты двухлетних исследований по выращиванию донника белого в совместных посевах с однолетними злаковыми кормовыми культурами в условиях Правобережной Лесостепи. Изучено влияние видового состава травосмесей, норм высева донника белого и норм минерального питания на формирование плотности ценозов, установлено оптимальные виды злаковых компонентов, нормы высева донника белого и удобрения для создания травосмесей с донником белым. В результате проведённых исследований установлено, что показатель плотности совместных посевов донника белого с однолетними злаковыми культурами зависел от погодных условий, видового состава травосмеси, норм высева донника белого и удобрения. Наибольшее количество побегов (517 шт/м2) отмечена в одновидовых посевах донника белого при норме высева 20 кг/га и удобрении Я60Р90К90. Самую высокую плотность стеблестоя во всех вариантах совместного выращивания (выше на 6-17% по сравнению с контролем) получили при норме высева донника белого до 20 кг/га. Внесение минеральных удобрений нормой N60Pg0Kg0 в совместных посевах существенно повлияло на их плотность, обеспечив прирост показателя на 5-12% по сравнению с вариантом без удобрений. Среди травосмесей самую высокую плотность (422 шт/м2) отмечено при совместном выращивании с просом, при норме высева донника белого 20кг/га и удобрении (ЯбоР90^90.

Текст научной работы на тему «Density formation of white sweet clover in a single-crop and compatible sowings with annual cereal crops»


G. I. Demydas' udc 636.085:63i.5:633.3

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine demidasgi@ukr.net

M. V. Zakhlebaev

Post-Graduate Student National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine maximzahliebaiyev@gmail.com


Abstract. Two-year results of research the cultivation of white sweet clover in compatible crops with annual cereal forage crops in the Right-bank forest steppe. It was determined the impact of norm of seeding of white sweet clover and fertilization on species composition, for the best cereal components to create the mixed high performance.

/\s a result of studies was found that index of compatible sowings white sweet clover with annual cereals depend from weather conditions, species composition of mixtures, seeding rate of white sweet clover and fertilizing. The biggest number of shoots (517 pcs/m2) was featured in single-species cultivation white sweet clover and seeding rate 20 kg/ha and fertilizing N60Pg0Kg0. The highest density of standing on all variants of compatible cultivation (up to 6-17% higher in comparing to control) was received with seeding rate of white sweet clover 20 kg/ha. Applying of mineral fertilizer in rate N60Pg0Kg0 on compatible sowings had a most significant impact on their density, providing increasing of index 5-12% in comparing with the variant without fertilizers. Among grass mixtures the highest density (422 pcs/m2) was recognized for compatible cultivation with millet, seeding rate of white sweet clover 20 kg/ha and fertilizing N60Pg0Kg0.

Keywords: compatible crops, density, white sweet clover, corn, millet, sudan grass, sorghum, seeding rate, fertilization.

Г. I. Демидась

доктор сшьськогосподарських наук, професор

Нацюнальний университет бюресурав \ природокористування Украши

М. В. Захлебаев


Нацюнальний ушверситет бюресурав \ природокористування Украши


Анотащя. Викладено результат двор'/чних дослщжень з вирощування буркуну б'того у сумюних постах з однор '/чними злаковими кормовими культурами в умовах Правобережного ГИсостепу. Вивчено вплив видового складу травосумшок, норм висту буркуну б'того та норм м'шерального живлення на формування щтьносл ценоз'т, встановлено найоптимальн'ш/ види злакових компонент/в, норми висту буркуну белого та удобрения для створення травосум'шок ¡3 буркуном б'тим. У результат/ проведених дослщжень встановлено, що показник щтьносл сумюних пос'т'т буркуну б'того з однор1чними злаковими культурами залежав в'щ погодних умов, видового складу травосум'шки, норм висту буркуну б'того та удобрения. Найб'тьша к'тьк'ють па гонт (517 шт:/м2) в1дзначена в одновидовому пост/ буркуну б'того за норми висту 20 кг/га та удобрения Ы60Рд0Кд0. Найвищу густоту стеблостою в уах вар'/антах сум'юного вирощування (вище на 6-17 % пор1вняно з контролем) одержали за норми висту буркуну б'того до 20 кг/га. Внесения м 'теральних добрив нормою Ы60Рд0Кд0 у сумюних постах найсуттев 'те вплинуло на 1'хню щ'тьтсгь, забезпечивши прир'ют показника 5-12%, пор1вняно з вар1антом без добрив. Серед травосум'шок найвищу щ'тьн'ють (422 шт:/м2) вщзначено за сум'юного вирощування з просом, за норми висту буркуну б'того 20 кг/га та удобрения Ы60Рд0Кд0.

Ключовг слова: сум юн/ пос'ти, щ'тьн'ють, буркун б'тий, кукурудза, просо, суданська трава, сорго, норма висту, удобрения.

Г. И. Демидась

доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, профессор

Национальный университет биоресурсов и природопользования Украины

М. В.Захлебаев


Национальный университет биоресурсов и природопользования Украины


Аннотация. Изложены результаты двухлетних исследований по выращиванию донника белого в совместных посевах с однолетними злаковыми кормовыми культурами в условиях Правобережной Лесостепи. Изучено влияние видового состава травосмесей, норм высева донника белого и норм минерального питания на формирование плотности ценозов, установлено оптимальные виды злаковых компонентов, нормы высева донника белого и удобрения для создания травосмесей с донником белым.

В результате проведённых исследований установлено, что показатель плотности совместных посевов донника белого с однолетними злаковыми культурами зависел от погодных условий, видового состава травосмеси, норм высева донника белого и удобрения. Наибольшее количество побегов (517 шт/м1) отмечена в одновидовых посевах донника белого



при норме высева 20 кг/га и удобрении Ы60Р90К90. Самую высокую плотность стеблестоя во всех вариантах совместного выращивания (выше на 6-17% по сравнению с контролем) получили при норме высева донника белого до 20 кг/га. Внесение минеральных удобрений нормой Ы60Р90Кд0 в совместных посевах существенно повлияло на их плотность, обеспечив прирост показателя на 5-12% по сравнению с вариантом без удобрений. Среди травосмесей самую высокую плотность (422 шт/м2) отмечено при совместном выращивании с просом, при норме высева донника белого 20кг/га и удобрении Ы60Р90К90.

Ключевые слова: совместные посевы, плотность, донник белый, кукуруза, просо, суданская трава, сорго, норма высева, удобрения.

Problem formulation. One of the most important factors which affect on productivity of plant formation it is density. The density of plants primarily depends on the intensity of sprouting because of it plants form more developed root system and use soil nutrients better, accumulate bigger vegetative mass. Tillering intensity depends of the biological characteristics of plants, phase of development and external factors (light, temperature, water and nutrient regimes). The accumulation of biomass determined by two oppositely directed processes - liquefaction of seedlings and growth of their intensity, at that liquefaction occurs earlier and goes more intensively in the thick grass.

By adjusting density of plant formation via seeding rate, crop selection, level of mineral nutrition, in some extent, possible to adjust performance and quality of feed obtained from it [1]. Therefore, issues related with studying the impact of compatible sowings components, seeding rate of crops and fertilizing still remain.

The effectiveness different by time of ripening annual and biennial plants mixes is undeniable. Indeed, by tier placing of plants and leaves of different shapes, width and their direction are instantiated favourable conditions for longer acquisitions of broad-spectrum sunlight and fuller use of photosynthetically-active radiation, resulting in increased productivity of agrophytocenoses [2].

As high-protein component among legumes in mixtures widely used a white sweet clover. About value of it's growing in compatible with other forage crops states in the works of many Ukrainian and foreign scientists [3-7].

However, during the growing season on plants white sweet clover, as in the single-crop and in the compatible sowings, affect a different adverse factors, including: shade by cover crops or by components of compatible growing, effect of high temperatures in the summer and low temperatures in the winter, the loss of root collar in spring, lack of productive moisture. So, one of the important factors, which determine yield and quality of plant material is a plant density, in the case in question, density of communities white sweet clover.

In turn, study of Ukrainian scientists G.I. Prymak, M.A. Zubrynskyi, V.V. Bazaliya and others evidenced about significant impact of seeding rate, level of mineral nutrition, type of cover crops or components of mix on density index of sowings with said legume crop [8-10].

Materials and methods of research. Research was conducted during the years 2015-2016 in the research laboratory of Feed processing, reclamation and meteorology at the separate unit of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine "Agronomic Research Station".

Soil is characterized by a high content of total and mobile forms of nutrients. In the layer 0-20 cm contained: total nitrogen 0.29-0.31%, humus - 4.53%, phosphorus -0.15-0.25%, potassium - 2.3-2.5%, pH of salt extract -6.87%. The density of soil in equilibrium - 1,16-1,25 g/cm3, moisture of resistant wilting - 10,8%. Depth of groundwater - 2-4 m. Given the above figures, it can be argued that field experiments performed in soil conditions, typical for Forest-steppe zone.

The total area of elementary lot - 50 m2, of counting lot - 25 m2, repetition of the experiment is quadruple. Studies scheme: Factor A - grass mixes: white sweet clover (control), white sweet clover + maize, white sweet clover + millet, white sweet clover + Sudan grass, white sweet clover + sorghum ; Factor B - Seeding rate of white sweet clover: 16, 18, 20 and 22 kg/ha; Factor C - fertilizers: without fertilizer (control), N45P45K45, N60P60K60 and N60P90K90.

In the experiment were used varieties of white sweet clover and cereal crops listed in the State Register of plant varieties, suitable for dissemination in Ukraine.

Definition density of standing was performed by the method Institute of feed NAAS [11].

Results of research. Hydrothermal conditions during research were different from average yearly temperature but favourable for growing fodder crops in general.

In 2015, during the initial stages of growth and development of studied crops, weather conditions were slightly more favourable. Thus, spring was warm with a gradual increasing in temperatures and moderate rainfall (20 mm and 52 in April and May). Summer, in turn, was distinguished by high average daily temperatures and low rainfall (in June-July temperature was 20.4-21.9 °C, total rainfall - 46 mm). In August, temperatures still remained high - 22.6 °C, with very low amount of precipitation - 2.3 mm. Such weather conditions are slowing down the growth and development of the studied cultures.

Weather conditions 2016 in the early stages of growth is not so contributed to the growth and development of the cereal component. Significant rainfall (over 130 mm) fell in the second half of May. This reduced level of average temperatures, what is important in the early stages of growth and development of cereal crops. June-July, as in 2015, was dry with uneven (in the form of short rains) rainfall - 61 mm. As a result, was significantly delayed the growth and development of all cultures co-cultivation. In the first half of August (the period of maturity of the mixtures) was no rain. In this case, the average temperature was 21.1 °C, what showed inhibitory effect on the growing vegetative mass of the mixtures before mowing.

Conducted studies was found that density of sowings white sweet clover in single-crop and compatible sowings with annual cereals depended from seeding rate of culture, mineral nutrition and type of mixture (table 1).

The most favourable conditions for white sweet clovers growth and development were observed in single-species growing. The density of sowing, in depending from the studied factors, was ranged between 343-517 pcs/m2. On average seeding rate increasing helped to increase number of productive shoots on 25% and increasing amount of fertilizers - on 9-13%. The biggest number of shoots (517 pcs/m2) was got with seeding rate 20 kg/ha and fertilization N60P90K90. Got result shows some depressing effect overcrowding of crops by increasing seeding rate, compatible cultivation with other feed crops, and positive impact of fertilizing on the growth and development of culture.

Density of white sweet clover-cereal mixtures, depending of the studied factors, was ranged between 286-422 pcs/m2. The biggest number of productive shoots per unit of area was at compatible cultivation with millet and Sudan grass: 352-422 and 345-415 pcs/m2, respectively. Increasing of seeding rate white sweet clover to 20 kg/ha promoted increasing of standing density on all variants of compatible cultivation (6-17%), except coenosis with corn. At the same time, the overcrowding of white sweet clover to 22 kg/ha noted some decline in this indicator.

Increasing of mineral nutrition level of compatible sowings had a positive impact on their density and provided a 5.12% raise with application fertilizers in rate N60P90K90.

The biggest number of productive shoots was observed in compatible sowings of white sweet clover with millet with seeding rate 20 kg/ha and maximum mineral fertilizing N60P9oK90-422 pcs/m2.



Table 1



The density of compatible sowings white sweet clover with annual cereals 2015-2016, pcs/m2

Mixtures (Factor A) Fertilizing (Factor C) Seeding rate of white sweet clover, kg/ha (Factor B)

16 18 20 22

White sweet clover Cereals Total White sweet clover Cereals Total White sweet clover Cereals Total White sweet clover Cereals Total

White sweet clover Without fertilizers 343 - 343 400 - 400 450 - 450 460 - 460

N45P45K45 370 - 370 424 - 424 486 - 486 483 - 483

N60P6oK60 380 - 380 432 - 432 499 - 499 497 - 497

N60P9OK90 391 - 391 448 - 448 517 - 517 501 - 501

White sweet clover + maize Without fertilizers 281 5 286 316 5 321 342 5 347 331 5 336

N45P45K45 298 6 304 335 6 341 363 6 369 351 5 356

N60P6oK60 312 6 318 341 6 347 371 6 377 358 6 364

N60P9oK90 319 6 325 346 6 352 378 6 384 362 6 368

White sweet clover + millet Without fertilizers 254 98 352 280 96 376 299 94 393 285 92 377

N45P45K45 270 107 377 294 100 394 315 97 412 315 95 410

N60P6oK60 275 112 387 302 102 404 320 98 418 318 96 414

N60P9OK90 280 116 396 306 106 412 323 99 422 321 98 419

White sweet clover + sorghum Without fertilizers 267 20 287 304 19 323 328 19 347 324 18 342

N45P45K45 280 23 303 321 21 342 345 21 366 340 19 359

N60P6oK60 283 23 306 325 23 348 348 22 370 342 20 362

N60P9OK90 284 25 309 329 24 353 350 23 373 346 21 367

White sweet clover + sudan grass Without fertilizers 264 81 345 292 78 370 319 77 396 317 76 393

N45P45K45 279 89 368 297 82 379 325 81 406 324 78 402

N60P6oK60 281 92 373 299 87 386 327 85 412 325 79 404

N60P9OK90 283 93 376 301 89 390 328 87 415 327 81 408

















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Conclusions. As a result of studies was found that index of compatible sowings white sweet clover with annual cereals depend from weather conditions, species composition of mixtures, seeding rate of white sweet clover and fertilizing.

The biggest number of shoots (517 pcs/m2) was featured in single-species cultivation white sweet clover and seeding rate 20 kg/ha and fertilizing N60P90K90.

The highest density of standing on all variants of compatible cultivation (up to 6-17% higher in comparing to control) was received with seeding rate of white sweet clover 20 kg/ha.

Applying of mineral fertilizer in rate N60P90K90 on compatible sowings had a most significant impact on their density, providing increasing of index 5-12% in comparing with the variant without fertilizers.

Among grass mixtures the highest density (422 pcs/m2) was recognized for compatible cultivation with millet, seeding rate of white sweet clover 20 kg/ha and fertilizing


1. Demtsiura Yu., Demydas G.I., Formation of the density of agrophytocenoses depending on the species composition of grasses and level of fertilizer. Bulletin

Uman National University of Horticulture. Uman, 2016. №. 1, pp. 45-48 (in Ukrainian).

2. Elchanynova N.N., Zudylyn S.N., Laskyn O.D. The ecological role of mixed crops in the stabilization of feed production in the Volga region. Feed production. 2009, № 2, pp. 5-9 (in Russian).

3. Trots V.B., Abdulvalyev R.R. White sweet clover in mixtures for silage. Bulletin of ASA. 2014, № 5 (115), pp. 28-32 (in Russian).

4. Mushynskyi A.A. Estimation of productivity of annual sweet clover in one-species and mixed crops with Sudan grass and millet on irrigated lands of Southern Ural. Proceedings of OSAU. 2009. № 22-2, pp. 51-54 (in Russian).

5. Trots V.B. Sunflower for silage mixed with high protein crops. Achievements in science and technology of the agro-industrial complex. 2010, № 5, pp. 53-54 (in Russian).

6. Demydas G.I., Yamkova V.V. Change of legume-cereal mixtures productivity for green mass depending on their density. Feed and fodder. Vinnytsia, 2011, № 69, pp. 152-156 (in Ukrainian).

7. Tryhuba I.L. Effect of mineral fertilization on the productivity of grass-legume grass mixtures. Feed and fodder, interdepartmental thematic scientific collection; Ed.: V.F. Petrychenko and others. Vinnytsia, 2011 Vol. 68, pp. 110114 (in Ukrainian).

8. Zubrynskyi M.A. Influence of fertilizers on productivity of white sweet clover. Feed and fodder. Kyiv, 1991, № 32, pp. 28-30. (in Ukrainian).

9. Primak G.I. Productivity of white sweet clover depending on the level of mineral nutrition, methods of sowing and norm of seeding in the Polissya area of Ukraine (Text). Dissertation of candidate, of agricultural sciences: 06.01.12; NULES of Ukraine. Kyiv. 1992,199 p. (in Russian).

10. Bazalii V.V., Kononenko V.H. Biennial white sweet clover in saline maroon soils of the southern steppes of Ukraine. Tavria Scientific Bulletin. Herson, 2010, № 73, pp. 21-25 (in Ukrainian).

11. Babych A.O., Kulyk M.F., Makarenko P.S. Methods of experiments with forage production and animal nutrition. Kyiv. Agricultural Science. 1998. 78 p. (in Ukrainian).

P. В. Облап УДК 577.2:575:57.08:658.562

кандидат бюлопчних наук, старший науковий сгпвроб1тник ДП «Укрметртестстандарт», докторант Бтоцерювського нацюнального аграрного уыверситету roblap@hotmail.com

Н. Б. Новак

кандидат с.-г. наук, науковий сгпвроб1тник ДП «Укрметртестстандарт»

Т. М. Димань

доктор с.-г. наук, професор, завщувач кафедри екотрофологи Бтоцерювського нацюнального аграрного уыверситету


Анотащя. Упродовж 2013-2016 роюв було проведено мон/торинг наявносл та поширення бютехнолопчних культур в УкраУн!. Наявн'ють ГМО визначали за допомогою тест-систем власного виробництва, яю базуються на ТацМап-технологИ' методу ПЛР у реальному час1, на яю отримано патент та техн/чн/ умови. Розроблен/ тест-системи уможливлюють виявлення трансгенних рослин як за регуляторними елементами, так / ц'шьовими генами, а також щентиф/кац/ю певних л 'ш 'ш ГМ соТ) кукурудзи та р/паку. Незважаючи на фактичну заборону вирощування ГМО, отриман/ результат св 'щчать про присутшсть бютехнолопчних соТ) кукурудзи та р 'таку в краш/'.

Ключовг слова: генетично модиф/кован/ орган/зми, пол'теразна ланцюгова реакц/я в режим/ реального часу, бютехнолопчн/ культури рослин.

Р. В. Облап

кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник ГП «Укрметртестстандарт», докторант Белоцерковский национальный аграрный университет Н. Б. Новак

кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, научный сотрудник ГП «Укрметртестстандарт» Т. М. Дымань

доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой экотрофологии Белоцерковский национальный аграрный университет


Аннотация. На протяжении 2013-2016 годов был проведен мониторингналичия и распространения биотехнологических культур в Украине. Определение ГМО выполняли с помощью тест-систем собственного изготовления, на которые были



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