DEFINITIONS OF THE CONCEPT \"HUMAN RESOURCE POTENTIALS\" AND ITS CONTENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Savina S.

The article considers of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of human resource potential. A set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of enterprises resource management is formulated and substantiated.

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Из следующего рисунка 22 видно, что 2D-график для Veu при переменных Х1=Х2= 9, Х3= 0,7, Х4= 1, Х5= 50..200, Х6= 35,71..267,35увеличивается в 160,11 раз.

^еЫ = f(Х1, Х2, Х3, Х4, Х5)

AVeul = f(X1, Х2, Х3, Х4, Х5)



> S 1,8




4 № п/п 6


Рис. 21. AVeul=ДОХХЭХХ) Х1= Х2=1..10, Х3= Х4=1, Х5=1,36..0,87

AVeul = f(X1, Х2, Х3, Х4, Х5)

6,6 4,4

2,2 0,0



4 № п/п 6


Рис. 23. AVeul=ДОХХЗХХ) Х1= Х3=0,1..1, Х2=1, Х4=1..10, Х5=1,36..14,14



4 6

№ п/п

Рис. 22. AVeul=А^Х1!Х2!Х3!Х4,Х5) Х1= Х2=Х3=1..0,1, Х4=1..10, Х5=1,36..0,87

AVeul = f(X1, Х2, Х3, Х4, Х5)

Î à

> S 2,0

Рис. 24. AVeul=А^Х1!Х2!Х3!Х4,Х5) Х1= Х3=1, Х2=0,1..1, Х4=1..10, Х5=1,41..14,14






Последние рисунки 23 и 24 были построены при Х1= Х3=0,1..1, Х2=1, Х4=1..10, Х5=1,36..14,14 и Х1= Х3=1, Х2=0,1..1, Х4=1..10, Х5=1,41..14,14. Здесь на рис. 23 и на рис. 24 значения ДVeul увеличиваются в 10,08 и 1204,24 раза соответственно.

Два представленные рисунка 25 и 26 были построены при Х1= 0,1..1, Х2= Х3=1,Х4=1..10, Х5= 1,41..14,14 и Х1= 1,Х2= Х3=0,1..1,Х4=1..10, Х5= 0,67..14,14. Здесь значения ДVeul на рис. 25 увеличиваются в 462,07 раз, а на рис. 26 уменьшаются в 1,08 раз [2].

Список литературы 1. Pil E.A. Using variable Х6 for plotting 2D figures Veu // Ежемесячный международный научный журнал «INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE PROJECT» 1 часть №37/2020 - Vatselankatu 7 20500 Turku, Finland - 25 p. - P. 25-28

2. Pil E.A. Calculation GDP under influation the variable X4// Danish scientific journal (DSJ) -№40/2020 - Vol. 1. Istedgade 104 1650 Kobenhavn V Denmark.- 60 p. - P. 9-15


Savina S.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Agrarian Management and Marketing, Vinnytsia National

Agrarian University, Ukraine.



Савша С. С.

Кандидат економ1чних наук, старший викладач кафедри аграрного менеджменту та маркетингу, Втницький нацгональний аграрний унгверситет, Укра'та.


The article considers of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of human resource potential. A set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of enterprises resource management is formulated and substantiated.


В статп розглянуто теоретико-методичш та практичш аспекти кадрового потенщалу шдприемства. Cформульовано та обгрунтовано комплекс заходiв спрямованих на пвдвищення ефективносп управлшня кадровим потенщалом шдприемства.

Keywords: definitions, resource potential, enterprise potential, potential criteria, material resources, motivation.

Ключовi слова: дефшщп, кадровий потенщал, управлшня кадровим потенщалом, формування кадрового потенцiалу, мотиващя.

Market relations have fundamentally changed approaches to solving many socio-economic problems, especially those, related to humans. In modern business conditions personnel are considered as the main resource that determines the efficiency of the entire enterprise. This is due to the fact, that the staff of the enterprise is able to respond to dynamic changes in the economic environment and provides a combination of all components of the economic system of the enterprise. And in order to have highly qualified specialists, who make up the core of any enterprise, to motivate them to work effectively, the company needs to organize a modern and effective human resources management system. Understanding of the basic principles of formation of the personnel potential management system by the heads of the enterprises allows to solve the basic scientific and technical, organizational and economic tasks of management. However, the complexity of solving problems of human resources management in the strategic perspective, the need to develop conceptual foundations, improving theoretical and methodological approaches to justify strategies for the formation and use of human resources of agricultural enterprises determine the topicality of the work.

Many scientific researchers are devoted to various aspects of management of personnel potential of agrarian enterprises. Some issues of the researched problem are covered in the works of: Aleskerova Y.V. [1], Broyaka A.A. [8], Grineva V.M. [12], Dudko S.V. [15], Kaletnik G.M. [17-18], Klymchuk A.O. [22], Kysh L.M. [21], Koren M.V. [23], Mazur A.G [26], Malik M.J. [27], Onishchenko E.K. [29-30], Tokarchuk D.M. [33], Shpykulyak O.G. [34] and others. However, the practice of human resources management of enterprises is characterized by variable and fragmentary nature, uncertainty of the sequence of procedures and specific methods, lack of focus on modern technologies of human resources management, which determine the need

of further research on the management of human resources of agricultural enterprises.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and directions for improving the management of human resources of agricultural enterprises.

Innovative development of agricultural enterprises requires the formation of their highly qualified human resources, which is an intellectual resource for ensuring the quality of implementation of tasks and functions of the enterprise. The term "human resources" in research and practical activities of domestic enterprises has become widespread during the transition from extensive to an intensive way of production development. Domestic scientists consider this as a kind of reaction of science to the need for practice to ensure quality improvement of the formation and use of appropriate capabilities of the employee as a total object of production and management [4, p. 15]. It is with the strengthening of the role of the human factor in the activities of the enterprise in modern conditions is associated with the emergence of the concept of "human resources". At present, the category is used to describe the term "human factof' in the form of a continuous, dynamic process, that characterizes the hidden and obvious capabilities of its staff. According to Selivanov S.V. the disclosure of the meaning of the concept "human resources" is advisable to begin with defining the essence of the system of primary basic concepts, and clarifying the dialectic of the relationship between them [23]. Basic definitions of the study of the category "human resources of the enterprise" it is expedient to consider, based on three projections (Fig. 1), namely:

- The 1st projection includes a system of primary concepts, which together form the meaning of the concept "human resources". Such definitions include "potential", "staff', "personnel", "human resources" and "labor resources";

Fig. 1. Projection approaches to determining the content of the term "human resources of the enterprise"

- The second projection includes a system of concepts: "human potential", "human capital", "labor potential", which are often used in the scientific literature as synonyms for the concept of "human resources", however, they are not such, as they are not complete to some extent correspond to the essence of this concept;

- The 3rd projection includes the concepts giving professional coloring to personnel potential of the enterprise - "management staff', "working staff'.

Personnel potential is based on the characteristics of labor potential, such as qualifications, level of consciousness, social maturity, intellectual and physical abilities of the employee and others, that can be used in the course of his work. That is, the essence of human resources reflects the qualitative and partially quantitative characteristics of the labor potential of employees.

In the domestic literature, the three main approaches to determine the human resources of the enterprise are most often covered:

- human resources as knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics of the personnel of the enterprise, their totality [4];

- human resources as opportunities for staff of the enterprise in terms of ability to achieve the objectives,

as the maximum value of possible participation of employees in its activities [2];

- quantitative and qualitative indicators of human resources, which reveal unused opportunities, forces, internal laws, values, that can be used in personnel work [24].

The objective is the opinion of L.D. Garmider, which identifies the three main approaches to the interpretation of this category [9]:

1) resource, according to which, human resources are characterized as labor resources;

2) factor, according to which human resources are a form of embodiment of the personal factor of production;

3) resource-factor (integral), according to which the personnel potential is the potential of the work itself.

In order to reveal the content of the category "human resources of the enterprise" as a multi-element concept Penyuk V. O. identifies five approaches to the interpretation of the category: resource, system, factor, attributive-synthesizing or integration, indicative-resulting approaches (Table 1) [31].

Table 1

Systematization of definitions of the concept of "human resources" in the publications of domestic and

Author (s), source Category content Distinctive feature (s)

Resource approach

R. Boldyreva, F. Mosin [7] general (quantitative and qualitative) characteristics of personnel as one of the types of resources associated with the performance of its functions and the achievement of goals of long-term development of the enterprise general characteristics of personnel as one of the types of resources

V. Batova, V. Rassadin [1] a set of physical and spiritual qualities of a person that determine his labor resources, ie the ability to achieve certain results in the given conditions and to improve their skills in a a set of qualities that determine human labor resources

professional direction

V. Slinkov [32] quantitative and qualitative indicators of human resources, revealing uninvolved opportunities, strengths, intrinsic values that can be used in personnel work quantitative and qualitative indicators of human resources

O. Grigorieva [12] the set of available staff that ensure the economic activity of the enterprise and is the main driving force of its operation the set of available staff at the enterprise

N. Geber [10] one of the most important resource elements of the potential of the enterprise, the effective formation and use of which allows to achieve the main strategic goals resource element according to the potential of the enterprise

System approach

L. Garmider [9] 1) socio-economic phenomenon, which reflects the whole set of relations (economic, social, organizational, personal, etc.) associated with the enterprise and obtaining the desired result, as well as depending on the conditions of the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of labor ; 2) what makes the human factor the driving force, ie its internal basis, the latent abibility with dynamism 1) socio-economic phenomenon that reflects the set of relations associated with the activities of the enterprise; 2) what makes the human factor the driving force

A. Kalinin [19] component of labor potential, characterized by the creation of tangible and intangible characteristics of employees, their undisclosed and obvious qualities, abilities and capabilities, which in the process of appropriate interaction with other factors of production and during making optimal management decisions ensure short- and long-term goals of the enterprise, contributing to the formation of its competitive advantages component of labor potential, which is characterized by the properties, qualities, abilities and capabilities of employees who, in the process of interaction with other factors, ensure the achievement of the goals of the enterprise

V. Mos-kalenko [28] generalized characteristics of the system of formation, distribution and use of personnel, which includes both employed in social production and unemployed, but able to work depending on their capabilities characteristics of the system of formation, distribution and use of personnel

Factor approach

Yu. Yu-khnovska, O. Ryzhenko [18] capabilities and abilities of the employee, the use of which is closely related to the overall strategy and tactics of development of the entire organization opportunities and abilities of the employee, which are used for the development of the enterprise

T. Belorus [19] opportunities of employees, the quality of their professional training, labor, personal, psychological and physiological qualities, as well as the most important creative abilities opportunities, abilities and qualities of employees

I. Tsvetkova, A. Sivolap [20] skills and abilities of employees of the enterprise, which can be used to increase its efficiency in various areas of production, in order to generate income (profit) or achieve a social effect skills and abilities of employees

S. Ivanytska, N. Anisova, A. Petrova [16] labor capabilities of the enterprise, the ability of staff to generate ideas, create new products, its educational, qualification level, psychophysiological characteristics and motivational potential employment opportunities of the enterprise, the ability of staff, its psycho-physiological characteristics and motivational potential

Attributive-synthesizing or integration approach

G. Pazeeva [22] integrated labor capabilities of the enterprise, which are available today and are expected in the future, and which are characterized by the presence of qualified personnel of the enterprise, its educational and professional level, other qualitative characteristics Integrated labor opportunities of the enterprise, which are characterized by the availability of qualified personnel

V. Bezs-mertna [5] a set of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the company's staff, which include the number, composition and structure, physical and psychological capabilities of employees, their intellectual and creative abilities, professional knowledge and skills, sociability and ability to cooperate, attitude to work and other qualitative characteristics a set of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of staff

V. Belik [24] a set of internal capabilities and means of implementing these capabilities in individual employees a set of opportunities and means of their implementation in employees

N. Kasya-nova, D. So-lokha, V. Moreva, O. Belya-kova, O. Ba-lakay [24] a set of abilities and capabilities of personnel to ensure the achievement of long-term (long-term) development of the enterprise a set of abilities and capabilities of personnel to ensure the development of the enterprise

I. Pletnikova [26] the set of abilities of the production staff of the enterprise to ensure the production of consumer values that meet the needs of the market in specific economic and scientific and technical conditions of production, as well as the full realization of their individual potential to achieve goals in production the set of abilities of the production staff of the enterprise, the realization of individual potential

T. Kasich-Pilipenko, T. Dyachko [27] the set of potential abilities and capabilities of the personnel of the enterprise, which are used or can be used at a certain point in time to ensure the implementation of the tasks of long-term development of the enterprise and achieve its goals a set of potential abilities and capabilities of the personnel of the enterprise

Indicative-result approach

V. Grinyova, G. Pisarevska [12] the magnitude of the possible participation of highly skilled workers in production, their ability to innovative activity, their educational, qualification level, psychophysiological characteristics that can be used to achieve strategic goals of the enterprise and ensure competitiveness in the market the magnitude of the possible participation of highly skilled workers in the activities of the enterprise and their characteristics

N. Kuzmina [29] total value, that reflects the actually realized and possible to use the potential of employees in the organization the total value of the realized and possible potential of workers

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L. Bala-banova [4] the maximum value of the possible participation of employees in its activities, taking into account their competence, psychophysical characteristics, interests, motivations the maximum amount of possible participation of employees in the activities of the enterprise

V. Dovbenko, V. Melnik [14] temporary vacancies or reserve jobs that could potentially be filled by professionals as a result of their development and training vacancies or reserve jobs

According to the resource approach, human resources are considered as a resource of human labor or as characteristics of this resource or indicators. From the standpoint of a systems approach, human resources are considered as a certain system of actions in the labor potential or as a socio-economic phenomenon that is a reflection of the system of relations, and depends on the workforce. According to the factor approach, human resources are determined by a number of factors in the form of opportunities, abilities, skills, abilities of employees of the enterprise, and in some cases by the motivational potential and employment opportunities of the enterprise as a whole.

Attributive-synthesizing, or integration approach to determining the content of the category, involves the formation of an array of indicators, which comprehensively characterize the personnel potential or its individual components, followed by their consolidation into a single integrated indicator. The indicative-resulting approach is based on the use of one or more indicative indicators that reflect the human potential as a certain value.

Analysis of approaches to the disclosure of the essential and substantive characteristics of the concept of "human resources of the enterprise" shows, that the latter, acting in the unity of spatial and temporal characteristics, concentrates in itself simultaneously three levels of connections and relations (Fig. 2):

Fig.2. Levels of connections and relationships in the context of human resources

- firstly, reflect the past, ie is a set of properties (human abilities), accumulated by the system in the process of its formation and determining its ability to function and develop (in this regard, the concept of "potential" partially takes the meaning of "resource/factor");

- secondly, characterize the present in terms of practical application and use of staff skills (this allows to identify the difference between realized and unrealized opportunities, and in this function the concept of "potential" also means "resource / factor" which, like any other resources, is limited temporally and spatially;

- thirdly, development-oriented (future): in the process of work the employee not only realizes his existing abilities, but also acquires new knowledge and abilities (representing the unity of stable and variable states, the potential contains elements of future development, and accordingly in this regard the concept of "potential" coincides with the concept of "reserve") [23].

A performed comparative analysis of existing approaches to clarifying the essence of the category of "human resources" allows to conclude about the evolution of this concept: initially, human resources were understood as the actual availability of knowledge, skills

and abilities. Later it was recognized, that this interpretation does not reflect the basic essence of potential and an approach was proposed, which is based on the understanding of the category through a set of abilities and capabilities. At the present stage of development of scientific thought, the essence of the category of "human resources" is often revealed as an opportunity to adapt to changing market conditions.

Based on the above analysis of literature, we can identify the essential load of the characteristics of human resources of the enterprise (Fig. 3). The main elements of the capacity structure are physical, intellectual, social and technological components. The physical component of human resources is limited by the physical abilities of employees, who have a need in the process of functioning of the enterprise. The intellectual component can be defined as "collective intelligence", the functioning of which is aimed at solving problems and achieving the goals of the enterprise. The social component includes the system of relations, that have developed in the organization and the relationships between employees, the usual norms of their interaction. The technological component covers the ability of the staff to ensure the technological development of the enterprise.

Characteristics Contents

Duration of employment > > > total number of years worked, work experience

Duration of work in this company the total number of years worked, cxpcricncc in this company

Resistance to stress a set of personal qualities that allow a person to endure significant emotional stress (overload), without much harm to their health.

Health level » well-being of the employee (s), their general working capacity

Professional responsibility > administrative, material, criminal liability of staff, errors due to carelessness or negligence in the performance of professional duties that may cause harm to the client and / or enterprise

Social responsibility > voluntary and conscious execution, use and observance by employees of instructions, social norms

Professional ethics » behavior of cmplovees in the work environment

Corporate culture » the presence of corporate culture and its conformity with the demands of employees

Labor discipline » > > S > > activities within the established formal regulations

Innovation the presence of a new phenomenon, products, technologies, etc., which provide an onnorlimitv to increase efficiency

Creativity ability to generate new. original ideas and their implementation

Development/ self-development mental or physical development of the person, which she reaches independently

Organization/ self-organization processes in which the organization of a complex dynamic system is created, reproduced or improved

Motivation of employees level of staff motivation

Job satisfaction » » » » the level of iob satisfaction

Number of highly qualified employees number of employees with a high level of qualification

Gender profile the ratio of staff in the gender context

Professional profile the ratio of staff in terms of professional groups

Oiinlification nrofile » the ratio of staff in terms of qualification groups

Educational profile » » > > the ratio of staff in terms of levels of education

Age profile the ratio of staff in terms of age groups

Mobility relocation of personnel in the domestic and foreign labor markets

Labor efficiency the relationship between the values of results and labor costs

Use of working time > > completeness (level) of use of working time

Balance of jobs and workers conformity of existing employees with existing jobs by profession, qualification, level of education, needs of the enterprise

Fig.3. Characteristics of human resources of the enterprise and their contents

According to the current statistical reporting, human resources are characterized by the following quantitative and qualitative indicators: gender, age groups, experience, level of education, level of training, level of professional development, staff movement and wage system. However, according to S.V. Selivanov, this approach includes only the basic components of human resources and does not reflect the qualitative characteristics of human resources, which makes it appropriate

to use other approaches, which would allow to fully characterize the personal potential of the enterprise in terms of its structures [32].

Considering, that the process of forming the human resources of the enterprise is integrated, the author proposes a three-vector typology of components of human resources as appropriate constructs, that determine the direction of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel in the enterprise:

1) individual (psychophysiological) component: involves a set of individual qualities that are formed on the basis of personal talents and abilities of individuals, their psychological qualities, the system of moral values, etc. It is over professional and over managerial in nature and is necessary in any field of activity;

2) general management (labor) component: related to management activities and provides for professional responsibilities (knowledge and skills), which must be possessed by specialists. It contributes to the preservation of a positive atmosphere in the enterprise, ie encourages efficient and productive work;

3) specialized professional-profile component: provides certain branch / professional qualities in the enterprise in the corresponding direction of functional orientation, ie knowledge, ability to perform the necessary functions and job responsibilities, etc. [32]. Given

this, in Table. 2 the interrelation of components of personnel potential of the enterprise as multilevel formation and their properties within the limits of above-defined components is formed. The data in Table 2 confirm the fact, that the human potential is characterized by the greatest activity and the least predictable development, compared to other elements of the resource system of the enterprise. At the same time, managers are not a passive object of management, they are actively changing themselves, their personal and professional characteristics, attitudes to work, leadership and management in general.

At the same time, the analysis of the literature allows us in the general structure of human resources of the enterprise, depending on the criterion of analysis to identify other components of human resources through its specific manifestations:

Table 2.

A model of the relationship between the components of the human resources of the enterprise and their properties

Components of human resources of enterprises Component properties

1. Individual psycho-physiological component Gender and age structure; health status; physical development; type of nervous system of employees; responsibility; spiritual maturity; interest, involvement in organizational culture; moral maturity; values of employees, etc.

2. General management (labor) component General work skills and abilities of employees; creative activity; general experience (work experience); productivity; quality of work performed; the number of hours worked; level of discipline; personnel movement; remuneration system; work motivation; innovation, etc.

3. Specialized professional profile component Professional knowledge, qualification skills and abilities of employees, professional qualification structure, level of professional training, raising and updating of professional level, creative activity, work experience in a specific state institution, organizational culture, etc.

According to the range of opportunities:

- individual human resources - take into account the individual capabilities of the employee;

- collective (group) human resources - take into account not only the individual capabilities of team members, but also the possibility of their cooperation to achieve social goals [19].

By the nature of participation in the production and economic process:

- the potential of technological personnel - is the total capacity of employees of the enterprise, involved in the profile and related production and economic processes for the production of products (works, services) of established quality and quantity, as well as employees, performing technical functions of management;

- managerial potential - is the ability of certain categories of personnel of the enterprise to organize and manage effectively the production and commercial processes of the enterprise (organization) [20].

By place in the socio-economic system of the enterprise:

- structural- forming human resources - is the ability of some employees of the enterprise for a rational and highly efficient organization of production processes and building the most flexible, clear, simple structure of the organization;

- entrepreneurial human resources - is the presence and development of entrepreneurial skills of a certain part of employees, as a prerequisite for achieving

of economic success through the formation of initiative and innovation model of activity;

- productive human resources - is the ability of the employee of the enterprise to generate economic and non-economic results, based on the existing conditions of activity within a particular organization [20].

It should be noted that the human resources of the enterprise differs from the human resources of the employee, because the system is always greater than the sum of its components - individual human resources of employees - due to the emergence of new quality of synergistic effect due to the interaction of system components. It should also be borne in mind, that each employee, having human resources, during the performance of specific work realizes its potential to varying degrees.

The personnel potential of the employee includes:

1) psycho-physiological potential - abilities and predispositions of a person, his state of health, efficiency, endurance, type of nervous system, etc .;

2) qualification potential - the volume, depth and versatility of general and special knowledge, work skills and abilities, which determines the ability of the employee to work of a certain content and complexity;

3) social potential - the level of civic consciousness and social maturity, the degree of assimilation by the employee the norms of attitude to work, values, interests, needs and demands in the field of labor, based on the hierarchy of human needs.

Thus, based on the above analysis, it can be argued, that human resources - a systemic concept as an object of management has a complex structure and is a subject to managerial influence. Human resources in real form can be represented by the capabilities of employees, the quality of their training, work, personal, psychological and physiological qualities, as well as, most importantly, creative abilities. The category "human resources of an agricultural enterprise" is integral open and changing system, which is represented by a set of abilities and capabilities of specialists in the field of professional tasks and functions in an agricultural enterprise. That is, the category can be considered as a set of qualified full-time employees, whose training and work experience allow them to perform the functions, assigned to them within the activities of agricultural enterprises, and their competencies. Personnel potential of agricultural enterprises includes the potential of management personnel; the potential of personnel who are directly involved in the production of agricultural products and the potential of all other personnel working in the agricultural enterprise. Understanding of human resources of the enterprise as an open, dynamically changing, complex socio-economic system, which is represented by the existing set of abilities and capabilities of the enterprise, which have quantitative and qualitative characteristics, necessary for the enterprise for sustainable development, requires constant management.


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Черемк О. О.

астрант eiddiny проблем аграрного, земельного, екологiчного та космiчного права 1нституту держави i права iMem В. М. Корецького НАН Украши, мкто Кшв



Cheremis A.

graduate student of the department of agrarian, land, environmental and space law Institute of State and Law V.M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences

of Ukraine, Kyiv


Стаття присвячена питанню кримшально! ввдповщальносп суб'екпв мiстобудiвноi дiяльностi у свил змш у нацюнальному законодавствг Автор статп визначае актуальш проблемш питання та npaBOBi засади вщповвдальносп за вчинення злочишв у зазначенш сфер^ пропонуе шляхи ix вдосконалення.


The article is devoted to the issue of criminal liability of urban planning entities in the light of changes in national legislation. The author of the article identifies current issues and the legal basis of liability for crimes in this area, suggests ways to improve.

Ключовi слова: актуальш проблеми; державний контроль; мiстобудiвна дiяльнiсть; злочини земельно-правового характеру.

Keywords: actual problems; state control; town-planning activity; crimes of land and legal nature.

Сфера мктобудування в результата розвитку будiвельноï шдустрп, збшьшення кшькосп об'екпв промислово1 та соцiальноï шфраструктури, функць онування ринку житла, протягом останнього деся-тилггтя поадае важливе мюце в структурi злочишв.

В свою чергу, протягом останшх десятилиъ в Укра-ïm спостертаеться не ильки шльшсне зростання злочишв, пов'язаних з порушенням земельного за-конодавства у сферi мютобудування, а й ïx ютотна трансформащя. Якщо в радянський перюд юторп

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