Науки о Земле / Earth Science Оригинальная статья / Original Article УДК 914/919; 338.22
DOI: 10.31161/1995-0675-2022-16-1-61-68
Современные социально-экономические проблемы
и пути перспективного развития северных регионов Азербайджанской Республики (на примере Губа-Хачмазского экономического района)
© 2022 Гусейнова Е. Г.
Бакинский государственный университет Баку, Азербайджан; e-mail: bextiyar030@hotmail.com
РЕЗЮМЕ. Регионы Азербайджана отличаются друг от друга природно-географическими условиями, обеспеченностью природными ресурсами, возможностями их использования, экономическим и демографическим потенциалом. Поэтому роль регионов в социально-экономическом развитии страны различна. Цели. Определение роли в хозяйственной системе страны Губа-Хачмазского экономического района, расположенного на севере республики, изучение природно-экономического и демографического потенциала для социально-экономического развития региона и разработка основных направлений их использования. Методы. Анализ в статье проводился с использованием статистики, историко-географического исследования территорий, математического анализа, методов сравнительного анализа. Результаты. В статье анализируются существующие проблемы в этой области и пути их решения. Выводы. Проведенные в стране экономические реформы сыграли важную роль в решении проблем в области регионального развития. За прошедший период была создана сеть многочисленных объектов по использованию местных природных ресурсов, переработке сельхозпродукции и восстановлена деятельность большинства существующих предприятий. Одновременно были приняты масштабные меры по улучшению социально-культурных услуг, построены учебные и медицинские учреждения, проведены ремонтные работы. При этом несоответствия в отраслевой структуре экономики регионов, особенно в промышленности, сохраняются. В большинстве случаев из-за небольшого количества крупных производственных и обслуживающих предприятий экономика является моноструктурной и не играет важной роли в обеспечении занятости.
Ключевые слова: экономический потенциал, социально-культурные услуги, региональное развитие, государственные программы.
Формат цитирования: Гусейнова Е. Г. Современные социально-экономические проблемы и пути перспективного развития северных регионов Азербайджанской Республики (на примере Губа-Хачмазского экономического района) // Известия Дагестанского государственного педагогического университета. Естественные и точные науки. 2022. Т. 16. № 1. С. 61-68. DOI: 10.31161/1995-06752022-16-1-61-68_
Current Socio-Economic Issues and Ways of Perspective Development of the Northern Regions in the Republic of Azerbaijan (the Case of Guba-Khachmaz Economic Region)
© 2022 Elvira G. Guseynova
Baku State University Baku, Azerbaijan; е-mail: bextiyar030@hotmail.com
ABSTRACT. Regions of Azerbaijan differ from each other in their natural and geographical conditions, provision of natural resources, opportunities for their usage, economic and demographic potential. Therefore, the role of regions in the social and economic development of the country is different. Aims. Determining the role of Guba-Khachmaz economic region, located in the north of the republic, in the economic system of the country, studying the natural, economic and demographic potential for the socio-economic development of the region and developing the main directions for their use. Methods. The analysis in the article was carried out using statistics, historical and geographical research of territories, mathematical analysis, methods of comparative analysis. Results. The article analyzes the existing problems in this area and the essential ways to solve them. Conclusions. The economic reforms carried out in the country have played an important role in solving problems in the field of regional development. Over the past period, a network of numerous facilities for the usage of local natural resources, processing of agricultural products was created and the activities of most of the existing enterprises were restored. At the same time, large-scale measures were taken to improve social and cultural services, as well as, educational and medical institutions were built, and repair work was carried out. Simultaneously, discrepancies in the sectoral structure of the regional economy, especially in industry, persist. In most cases, due to a small number of large manufacturing and service enterprises, the economy is mono-structured and does not play an important role in providing employment. Hence, it is important to increase investments in the development of regions, including the Guba-Khachmaz economic region in the north of the country, to attract funds from local entrepreneurs for this purpose, to provide state support in the creation of regional and republican enterprises.
Keywords: economic potential, social and cultural services, regional development, state programs.
For citation: Guseynova E. G. Current Socio-Economic Issues and Ways of Perspective Development of the Northern Regions in the Republic of Azerbaijan (the case of Guba-Khachmaz Economic Region). Dagestan State Pedagogical University. Journal. Natural and Exact Sciences. 2022. Vol. 16. No. 1. Pp. 61-68. DOI: 10.31161/1995-0675-2022-16-1-61-68 (In Russian)
Differences in economic sectors and population distribution in the regions of Azerbaijan have a significant impact on the regulation of socio-economic development, increasing the share of regions in the country's development, employment and socio-cultural services.
The difficulties of the transition period led to the closure of most of the enterprises operating in the regions. Most of these businesses were based on the use of local natural resource potential. At the same time, the network of enterprises for processing agricultural products was quite large. However, the decline in production in this area led to problems with the supply of raw materials to enterprises and their activities ceased. Thus, the economic potential of the regions weakened, the overwhelming majority of the population lost their jobs, and the standard of living fell. This situation has led to an increase in migration.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the country has been carrying out economic reforms to overcome the crisis in the field of economic and socio-demographic development and the transition to sustainable development [5]. State programs were adopted to create a legislative framework and provide financial resources in this area. Among them, the "State program of socio-economic devel-
opment of regions" is of greater importance, several stages of which have already been implemented [6].
In addition, there are government programs in the field of employment, infrastructure reconstruction, the organization of social and cultural services, the use of natural resources and economic activity. Their implementation has played an important role in the development of the regional economy, the creation of new industrial, social and cultural facilities.
However, there are still many problems in the development of economic sectors in the regions, in the change in the role of individual sectors in their structure. Large-scale measures are required to improve the sectoral and territorial structure of the economy in the regions.
Object of study
Guba-Khachmaz economic region is located in the north of the country, in a favorable geographical position on transport and communication routes to the Russian Federation. The economic region includes the administrative districts of Guba, Gusar, Khachmaz, Sha-bran and Siyazan, with an area of 6.96 thousand km2, with a population of 558.7 thousand people, including the urban population of 184.3 thousand people (33.0 %). The economic region accounts for 8.0 % of the total area
of the country and 5.5 % of the population. There are 6 cities, 21 settlements and 474 rural settlements in the region [4].
Guba-Khachmaz economic region belongs to areas with a low level of urbanization and weak economic and social potential [3]. The country's economy is distinguished by the development of oil and gas production, horticulture, grain growing, vegetable growing, partly viticulture and animal husbandry, as well as the activities of processing enterprises [8]. The economic region accounts for 2.4 % of products manufactured in the main sectors of the country's economy, including 0.7 % of industrial products, 9.8 % of agricultural products [15].
Sources and research methods
From the sources of scientific research related to the region, the current state of the territorial organization of the economy of the Guba-Khachmaz economic region, natural and geographical factors influencing its development, and socio-economic potential were studied. At the same time, the current situation in these areas was studied using statistical data. The main source of information in this area is the reports of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic. The article also uses censuses materials.
Scientific innovations and author's personal recommendations
It is important to identify current trends in the development of various regions of the country and ways to increase their economic potential [9]. Using scientific literature, the author conducted an analysis in this area, assessed the natural and geographical conditions, natural resources and socio-economic potential of the region from an economic and geographical point of view.
The analysis shows that the weak socioeconomic base of cities and towns in the economic zone does not ensure sustainable development, it is difficult to provide social and cultural services to the population, employment, and the reception of migrants. The author has developed recommendations for solving problems in this direction.
Results and discussion
In the process of determining the directions of socio-economic and demographic development of the regions, first of all, it is important to eliminate the inconsistencies between different sectors of the economy and to ensure the growth of the volume of products and services produced. Guba-Khachmaz eco-
nomic region is among such regions. There are serious discrepancies in the territorial organization of farms in the economic region, the ratio of their areas. In the process of economic reforms, it is still difficult to fully solve them.
Looking at the changing role of the economic region in the socio-economic and demographic development of the country, it seems that the trends here are slow. After 2003, the share of the economic region in the volume of output increased and rise from
2.2 % to 2.4 %. During this period, the volume of production in the country increased by 55.3 %, in the economic region - by 48.4 % [11].
The region's share in the country's industrial production (0.7%) has remained lower for many years. This indicates that more serious measures are needed to increase industrial production in the Guba-Khachmaz economic region and increase the region's share in the country's industrial potential. First of all, it is necessary to increase the production of agricultural products and organize a network for the processing of their products [8]. However, the situation in this area remains tense. The analysis shows that the share of the economic region in the production of agricultural products, including crop production, changes at a slow pace (table 1). In 2012-2021. The share of the economic region in agricultural production decreased from 10.9 % to 9.8 % [1].
The slow growth of gross output, its main industries and agriculture, also had a negative impact on employment. Although the number of people employed in the economic region has increased by 1,500 since 2007, their share in the country has declined significantly. The same can be said about the number of people employed in industrial facilities. Along with a decrease in the number of people employed in industry during the period under review, the share of the region decreased from 2.4 % to
2.3 %.
To overcome the crisis, it is important to increase investment in the economic region, organize enterprises in this area to meet local and domestic demand. The share of investments in the economic region (2.6 %) is very small, and it is important to increase it. For many years Guba-Khachmaz region has been one of the main centers of carpet weaving in the country. Restoring their businesses is an important task. Although steps have been taken in this area in recent years, they are not enough.
Table 1. Main indicators of economic region development
Таблица 1. Основные показатели развития экономического района
Indicators Coefficient 2012 2021
people percent people percent
Population Total thousand people 505,4 5,5 558,7 5,5
Urban thousand people 170,9 3,5 184,3 3,4
Rural thousand people 334,5 7,7 374,4 7,8
Produced product Total million manat 1314,7 2,2 1950,9 2,4
Industry million manat 77,136 0,2 271,4 0,7
Agriculture million manat 499,331 10,9 824,8 9,8
Busy population Total thousand people 50,9 3,4 52,9 3,1
Industry thousand people 4,81 2,4 4,750 2,3
Investment to fixed capital million manat 622,188 4,3 446,060 2,6
The industrial structure of the economic region is determined by several operating facilities [10]. Modular thermal power plants recently built in Khachmaz and Guba account for half of industrial production [7]. Therefore, the share of the manufacturing industry is low. Increasing the share of these territories is very important for increasing employment, increasing income, and meeting the population's demand for food.
One of the tasks to be solved in the economic region, which has a significant impact on socio-economic and demographic development, is to provide the population with work. Despite the fact that important measures have been taken in this area over the years, there are still problems with the provision of employment (table 2).
Table 2. Newly created permanent jobs in the main spheres of the economy
of the economic region
Таблица 2. Вновь созданные постоянные рабочие места в основных сферах экономики
экономического района
Farm areas 2003-2008 2009-2013 2020-2021
people percent people percent people percent
Including industry 2341 9,8 533 3,8 356 10,7
Extractive industry 70 0,3 39 0,3 10 0,3
Processing industry 1813 7,6 465 3,3 287 8,6
Electricity, gas production and distribution 458 1,9 20 0,1 26 0,8
Water extraction and distribution 9 0,1 33 1,0
Agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing 4399 18,3 668 4,8 526 15,8
Construction 929 3,8 170 1,2 298 8,9
Transport and communication 227 1,0 40 0,3 40 1,2
Individuals 12600 52,5 11200 79,6 1015 30,5
Service sectors - - 1276 9,0 1048 31,5
Other areas 3500 14,6 178 1,3 48 1,4
Total 23996 100,0 14065 100,0 3331 100,0
Therefore, with the expansion of existing enterprises and capacities, it is necessary to increase the number of employees and create new ones.
At the first and second stages of the implementation of the State programs for the socioeconomic development of regions in the Guba-Khachmaz economic region, a large number of jobs were created. At the first stage, covering 2004-2008, 24.0 thousand permanent jobs were
created in the economic region (tables 1, 2). They account for 4.4% of the total number of jobs in the country, which is a very low figure. More than half of permanent jobs (52.5 %) were created by individuals in the framework of self-employment. During this period, the bulk of new jobs in the region fell to the share of agriculture and forestry (18.3 %), other less important, other industries created at the expense of the population (14.6 %) [13].
The total share of these areas is 85.4 %. Consequently, the structure of newly created jobs in the economic region cannot be considered effective within the framework of the measures taken. At the same time, preference should be given to the light and food industries, which have a significant impact on employment. In the course of economic reforms in the region, the Qafqaz cannery in Khach-maz was reconstructed and expanded, several factories for bottling mineral water were built. The share of 2.300 new jobs created in industry is 9.8 %. Only 7.6 % of them belong to the manufacturing industry.
The expansion of construction work in the region is important for the extraction of local mineral and construction raw materials. The proximity to Absheron, the high demand for products in this area requires a constant increase in production in this area.
During the implementation of the second phase of the State Program for the SocioEconomic Development of Regions, there was a significant discrepancy in the creation of new jobs in the region. During this period, 14.1 thousand new jobs created in the economic region account for 3.9 % in the country. Of these, 11.2 thousand (79.6 %) were opened by individuals. Thus, over 5 years, several hundred new jobs were created in various fields. These are 533 people in industry, 668 in agriculture and forestry, and about 170 in construction. Thus, the work done had little effect on employment in the region (table 2).
Despite the implementation of measures over the years, the share of industry in employment in the economic region remains low. A decrease in the share of the light and food industries engaged in the processing of agricultural products also leads to a decrease in the number of jobs in industry. In 1995, 6291 people worked at industrial enterprises of the economic region. By 2005, their number had decreased to 4386. This decrease was 1895 people or 30.2 % over the past period [12].
Subsequent work to develop the industry has created new jobs. Thus, in 2021, 4,750 people worked at industrial enterprises of the economic region. Although this is significantly higher than in previous years, it is lower than in 1995 [11].
Analysis of the results of the 2009 census shows that there are sharp differences in the structure of employment. Because here the share of agriculture and forestry accounts for 58.5 % [2]. This situation is associated with a
large proportion of the rural population. However, poor industrial development and lack of jobs hinder urban development. Due to the low production capacity of industrial enterprises, the share of employment is low. At the same time, a sparse service network and poor service delivery lead to a weakening of employment. Lack of services in rural areas, along with poor service levels, also negatively impact employment. Low income is one of the factors leading to a decrease in paid services and a decrease in the region's share.
Improving the quality of services provided to the population in the economic region is an important task. This area, along with raising the standard of living of the population, makes it possible to improve the quality of life and increase income. However, the share of regions in the structure of paid services provided to the population, including household services, is very small, and most of them are in the city of Baku.
In 2020, the population of Guba-Khachmaz economic region received 209.5 million people. paid services were provided in manat. This is equivalent to 2.99 % of paid services in the country and is considered very low. The Khachmaz region accounts for 38.2 % of the services provided. The share of the economic region in the services provided to the population in the country is constantly growing. However, this growth is very low. In 2010, this figure was 2.64%. The share of administrative districts in these services is less than one, in the Khachmaz region - 1.14 % [14]. For comparison, we note that 61,66 % of paid services provided to the population in the country fall on the city of Baku.
Taking this into account, it can be assumed that there are sharp differences in the level of paid services provided to each person by region. Paid services in the country were rendered for 701,7 manats per person, in Guba-Khachmaz economic region - 375,69 manat. Its highest indicator in the economic region is 442,15 manats in Khachmaz region, the lowest indicator is 240,8 manats in Shabran region. However, in Baku this figure rises to 1723,91 manats. Its height in the country is due to the city of Baku. Therefore, to eliminate the backwardness in this area in the regions, it is necessary to create a network of new service facilities and increase the income of the population.
The situation is similar with the indicators of consumer services. The volume of personal
services provided in the economic region in 2020 amounted to 25635,8 thousand manats. This is 3.39% of the services provided in the country. Khachmaz region is also a leader in this area (44,2 %). Although per capita household services in the region amount to 45,97 manats, this significantly lags behind the national average (75,82 manats). According to Baku data, this (173,24 manats) is 3,77 times lower [15].
The current situation shows that the level of services provided to the population in the regions is much lower than the average number of services provided in the country. For a breakthrough in this area, new service centers are needed. They should be organized mainly in rural settlements and settlements. These centers are also important for the creation of a large number of new jobs.
In 2020, the retail trade turnover in the economic region amounted to 1344,1 million manats. Its volume per capita is 2409,92 manats. There is also a very low share of the economic region - about 3.35%. In Khachmaz (1.31 %) and Guba (1.14 %) districts, this figure is higher than unity [14].
The volume of retail turnover depends on the income of the population. depends on the level of satisfaction of their needs and the network of centers that provide these services. Therefore, it is necessary to expand measures for the creation of new service and shopping centers in villages with low turnover. In this case, the important factors are the use of personal financial and technical capabilities of the population and the creation of conditions for the expansion of private property.
Reconstruction of health care facilities and improvement of medical services for the population is one of the important tasks of regulating the socio-economic development of regions and determining future development. However, in terms of the level of medical centers and services provided, the Guba-Khachmaz economic region is still far behind other economic regions. It is important to expand the measures taken to increase them.
The economic region contains 2,1 % of the country's hospitals and 2.4 % of beds (2021). There are 1046 beds in 11 hospitals in the region. The share of doctors working in medical institutions operating here is 2.23 % (710 people), the share of nurses is 3.4 % (1866 people) [14]. The analysis shows that the number of medical facilities and beds in the economic zone is very small, and the staffing is far be-
hind. This is evidenced by the relative indicators. The number of doctors per 10,000 population in the region (12,7) is 2.5 times lower than the national average (31,8), and the relative number of nurses (34.4) is lower than the national average (54.8). 1.6 times lower. For every 10,000 people in the economic region there are 2.4 times fewer beds than the national average, and there are 18,7 and 44.5 beds, respectively [15].
In the economic region, as part of the country's health care reform, most hospitals have been closed and rural areas have been merged. Poor organization of social protection for doctors and nurses, low salaries make it difficult for them to work in the regions. Here it is necessary to apply special benefits to increase the provision of medical personnel. At the same time, it is important to create specialized hospitals in the regions and reconstruct their material and technical base. It is necessary to create children's pediatric hospitals to protect the health of children and their timely medical examination.
As part of the education reform, it is important to create children's institutions in the Guba-Khachmaz economic region. Currently, the level of provision of children with such institutions in the country is low. Its share in the country is 32,0 %, including 20,1 % in rural areas (2021). Therefore, more attention should be paid to the creation in the regions of special enterprises in this area.
Along with state funds, it is necessary to ensure the participation of private entrepre-neurship in the creation of children's institutions in the regions. Establishing such facilities in rural areas will protect children's health and increase coverage.
It is necessary to continue work on providing housing in the economic region, other areas of social and cultural services, their improvement, providing settlements with electricity, water, natural gas, building communications, transport and communication networks at the level of modern requirements. The measures implemented within the framework of the "State programs for the socioeconomic development of regions" will contribute to the creation of new jobs, as well as the improvement of social and cultural services provided to the population. These are important factors for ensuring demographic development and keeping them in place.
The economy of the Guba-Khachmaz economic region has a weak potential. Although
the natural conditions and natural resources of the region have high potential, they are not yet fully utilized, the network of agricultural processing enterprises is sparse, and in recent years no new industrial facilities and socio-cultural facilities have been built. The number of jobs in the region lags behind the existing demographic potential.
Despite the fact that during the years of independence measures were taken for the socio-economic development of the region, the
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СВЕДЕНИЯ ОБ АВТОРЕ Принадлежность к организации
Гусейнова Елвира Гасан, диссертант кафедры географии Азербайджана и методики преподавания географии, Бакинский государственный университет, Баку, Азербайджан; e-mail: bextiyar030@hotmail.com
Научный руководитель: кандидат географических наук, доцент, заведуюший кафедрой географии Азербайджана и методики преподавания географии, Бакинский государственный университет, Наги-ев С. К.
12. Имрани З. Т. Губа-Хачмазский экономический район (на азербайджанском языке). Баку: Элм, 2007. 172 с.
13. Пашаев Н. А., Эюбов Н. Г., Эминов З. Н. Экономическая, социальная и политическая география Азербайджанской Республики (процессы, проблемы, конструктивные аспекты) (на азербайджанском языке). Баку: Европа, 2010. 416 с.
14. Регионы Азербайджана 2021. Статистический ежегодник. Баку: ГКАР по статистике, 2022. 844 с.
15. Статистический ежегодник Азербайджана 2020. Баку: ГКАР по статистике, 2021. 752 с.
Elvira H. Guseynova, Ph.D. student, Department of Azerbaijan Geography and Methods of Teaching Geography, Baku State University, Баку, Азербайджан; e-mail: bex-tiyar030@hotmail.com
Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (Geography), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Azerbaijan Geography and Methods of Geography Teaching, Baku State University, Sal-ekh K. Nagiyev
Принята в печать 04.03.2022 г.
Received 04.03.2022.