CULTURAL RELATIONS BETWEEN UZBEKISTAN AND TURKEY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
cultural relations / Turkic heritage / Islamic influence / hospitality / joint cultural projects / cultural tourism / preservation of cultural heritage / cooperation

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Z. Sagatova

This article explores the historical, cultural and modern ties between the two countries. The article examines the common Turkic heritage, Islamic influence and hospitality as common cultural features. The article also discusses various aspects of cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey, including joint cultural events, exchange of students and teachers, recognition of diplomas and degrees, creation of joint cultural projects, development of cultural tourism and preservation of cultural heritage. And in conclusion, the article highlights the enormous potential and mutual benefit from the further development of cultural cooperation between the two countries.

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Sagatova Ziyoda Bakhtiyarovna

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11094172

Abstract. This article explores the historical, cultural and modern ties between the two countries. The article examines the common Turkic heritage, Islamic influence and hospitality as common cultural features. The article also discusses various aspects of cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey, including joint cultural events, exchange of students and teachers, recognition of diplomas and degrees, creation of joint cultural projects, development of cultural tourism and preservation of cultural heritage. And in conclusion, the article highlights the enormous potential and mutual benefit from the further development of cultural cooperation between the two countries.

Keywords: cultural relations, Turkic heritage, Islamic influence, hospitality, joint cultural projects, cultural tourism, preservation of cultural heritage, cooperation.


Uzbekistan and Turkey, located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, have long-standing and deeply rooted cultural relations that span centuries. These ties have their origins in common history, Turkic linguistic heritage and Islamic cultural influence.

Over the centuries, Uzbekistan and Turkey have exchanged ideas, traditions and artistic forms, enriching their own cultures. From medieval architectural masterpieces to modern music and literature, the influence of these cultures on each other is evident in various spheres of life.

In this article, we will look at various aspects of the cultural relationship between Uzbekistan and Turkey, exploring historical ties, common cultural traits and modern cooperation that continues to strengthen the bonds between these two nations. The study of these connections provides insight into the dynamic and interconnected nature of the cultural history of Central Asia and the Middle East.

The purpose of the work

To explore the cultural relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey, to analyze their historical, cultural and modern aspects, as well as to identify prospects for further cooperation in this area.


Analysis of historical sources, analysis of cultural artifacts, analysis of statistical data, observation of cultural events.

Discussion of the results obtained

Uzbekistan and Turkey have long-standing and deep historical and cultural ties that date back to the Middle Ages. The roots of the Uzbek people go back to Central Asia, where they were part of various Turkic tribes. In the XI century, the Seljuk Turks conquered Central Asia and founded their empire here. In the XIII century, the lands of Uzbekistan fell under the rule of the Mongol Empire. During the Mongol rule, there was an active exchange of populations, ideas and cultures between different parts of the empire, including Turkey. In the XV century, the Timurid state arose in Central Asia, founded by the conqueror Timur. The Timurids were a Persian-Turkic

dynasty that maintained close ties with the Ottoman Empire. In the XVI century, the territory of Uzbekistan was divided between the Bukhara, Khiva and Kokand khanates. These khanates maintained diplomatic and trade relations with the Ottoman Empire. The similarities of cultural ties between the two countries are reflected in the following facts:

1. Uzbekistan and Turkey share a common Turkic language root, which is reflected in the similarity of many words and grammatical structures in their languages.

2. Islamic culture is widespread in both countries, which has had a significant impact on their architecture, art and literature.

3. Uzbek and Turkish cuisines have a lot in common, using similar spices and ingredients.

4. Macom music is popular in both countries, which has similar melodies and instruments.

5. Uzbekistan and Turkey have a long history of joint cooperation in the fields of culture, education and science.

Historical and cultural ties between Uzbekistan and Turkey continue to be maintained today. There is close cooperation between the two countries in various fields, including economics, tourism and education. There are Turkish universities and cultural centers in Uzbekistan, and Uzbek communities in Turkey.

In the modern era, cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey continues to flourish and expand. Both countries actively cooperate in various fields of culture, including:

Regarding the field of education, Uzbekistan and Turkey have strong educational ties with each other. There are branches of Turkish universities in Uzbekistan, such as Marmara University and Yildiz Technical University. In addition, thousands of Uzbek students study at universities in Turkey.

Cultural exchanges such as art exhibitions, music festivals and gastronomic events are regularly held between Uzbekistan and Turkey. These exchanges promote mutual understanding and strengthen cultural ties.

Turkey is a popular tourist destination for Uzbeks, and Uzbekistan is attracting more and more Turkish tourists. Both countries support joint efforts to promote tourism and preserve cultural heritage.

Uzbek and Turkish artists and writers cooperate in joint projects. Turkish TV series and films are popular in Uzbekistan, and Uzbek literature is being translated into Turkish.

Uzbekistan and Turkey have close cooperation in the field of media and communications. Turkish TV channels are broadcast in Uzbekistan, and Uzbek media cover events in Turkey.

In addition, Uzbekistan and Turkey are working together to preserve common cultural heritage, such as historical monuments and manuscripts. They also cooperate within the framework of international organizations such as UNESCO to promote cultural diversity and dialogue.

The modern cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey is evidence of the strong and dynamic ties between the two countries. These ties play an important role in strengthening mutual understanding, enriching the cultural landscape and promoting common values.

Culture plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of diplomatic relations between the two countries. It can influence various aspects of diplomacy, including:

1. Understanding and communication:

• Cultural understanding helps diplomats better understand the culture and perspectives of another country, which facilitates communication and cooperation.

• Knowledge of cultural norms and customs allows diplomats to effectively interact with officials and citizens of another country.

2. Soft Power diplomacy:

• Cultural exchange and programs can be used as soft power tools to strengthen mutual understanding and sympathy between the two countries.

• Cultural events such as art exhibitions, music festivals and educational programs can create a positive image of the country and promote positive relationships.

3. Building Trust:

• Cultural cooperation can help create trust and mutual respect between the two countries.

• When countries share their culture and traditions, they show their willingness to open up and establish deeper connections.

4. Conflict resolution:

• Understanding cultural differences can help diplomats better deal with conflicts and find mutually acceptable solutions.

• Cultural programmes can promote dialogue and reconciliation, especially in post-conflict situations.

5. Strengthening the partnership:

• Common cultural interests and values can become the basis for the formation of stronger and long-term partnerships between the two countries.

• Cultural collaboration can create a sense of community and commitment to shared goals.

Cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey is an example of how culture can

positively influence diplomatic relations. Common cultural ties and active cultural exchange between the two countries have helped to create a solid foundation for mutual understanding, trust and cooperation. Regular cultural exchanges such as art exhibitions, music festivals and gastronomic events have helped to strengthen cultural ties and create a positive image of both countries. For example, cooperation in the field of education, including branches of Turkish universities in Uzbekistan and the training of Uzbek students in Turkey, has contributed to mutual understanding and the creation of future leaders with ties to both countries. And tourism plays an important role in cultural exchange and strengthening relations. Turkish tourists in Uzbekistan and Uzbek tourists in Turkey get to know each other's culture and create personal connections.

In general, culture is a powerful tool that diplomats can use to improve diplomatic relations, build trust and build strong partnerships.

It is known that the culture of Uzbekistan and Turkey have deep historical ties and a common Turkic heritage. Both countries were important centers on the Great Silk Road, which led to cultural exchange and mutual influence. I would like to analyze the common features of the two countries:

Firstly, the Turkic origin: both countries are of Turkic origin, which is reflected in their languages, traditions and culture.

Secondly, the Islamic influence: islam has played an important role in the formation of both cultures, which is manifested in architecture, music and lifestyle.

Thirdly, hospitality: both Uzbekistan and Turkey are known for their hospitality and traditions of welcoming guests.

Fourth, the rich national heritage: both countries have a rich folk heritage that includes traditional music, dance, crafts and cuisine.

Fifth, modern culture: modern culture is flourishing in both countries, including music, cinema, literature and visual arts.

Now let's look at the differences between the two countries. Despite the common features, there are some differences between the cultures of Uzbekistan and Turkey due to geographical location and historical events. For example, Uzbekistan has a more continental climate and was influenced by Persian culture, while Turkey has a more Mediterranean climate and was influenced by Greek and Roman cultures. These differences give each culture its own uniqueness and charm, but the common features create the basis for mutual understanding and cultural exchange between Uzbekistan and Turkey.

Exploring this topic, we can offer several prospects for the development of future cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey in the field of culture: Now let's look at the differences between the two countries. Despite the common features, there are some differences between the cultures of Uzbekistan and Turkey due to geographical location and historical events. For example, Uzbekistan has a more continental climate and was influenced by Persian culture, while Turkey has a more Mediterranean climate and was influenced by Greek and Roman cultures. These differences give each culture its own uniqueness and charm, but the common features create the basis for mutual understanding and cultural exchange between Uzbekistan and Turkey.

1. Joint cultural events: Uzbekistan and Turkey may continue to hold joint cultural events such as art exhibitions, music festivals and theatrical productions. This will help strengthen cultural ties and raise awareness of each other's culture.

2. Student and teacher exchange: both countries can expand student and teacher exchange programs in the field of culture and art. This will allow young people to gain experience of another culture and establish personal connections.

3. Recognition of diplomas and degrees: Uzbekistan and Turkey can recognize diplomas and academic degrees in the field of culture and art. This will facilitate the exchange of students and teachers and will contribute to the development of cultural cooperation.

4. Creation of joint cultural projects: both countries can cooperate in the creation of joint cultural projects such as films, TV series and music albums. Such projects can promote mutual understanding and strengthen cultural ties.

5. Cultural tourism development: Uzbekistan and Turkey can jointly promote cultural tourism. This may include the creation of joint tourist routes, the development of new cultural attractions and the exchange of information about cultural events.

6. Preservation of cultural heritage: both countries can cooperate in the preservation and restoration of their common cultural heritage. This may include joint projects to restore historical monuments, digitize manuscripts and preserve traditional crafts.

In general, cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey has great potential. Both countries have a rich cultural history and have a lot to offer each other. The development of cooperation in the field of culture will contribute to mutual understanding, strengthen ties between peoples and enrich the cultural landscape of the region.


Cultural relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey have deep historical roots and are characterized by common cultural features and values. In recent decades, these ties have been further strengthened through political, economic and cultural cooperation between the two countries.

The analysis of historical sources and cultural artifacts revealed a number of common cultural features, such as Turkic heritage, Islamic influence and hospitality. These common features create the basis for mutual understanding and cultural exchange.

Cooperation is actively carried out in various fields of culture, including joint cultural events, exchange of students and teachers, recognition of diplomas and degrees, creation of joint cultural projects, development of cultural tourism and preservation of cultural heritage. These forms of cooperation promote mutual understanding, strengthen ties between peoples and enrich the cultural landscape of the region.

In the future, there are great prospects for the further development of cultural relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey. Both countries can continue to strengthen existing forms of cooperation and develop new initiatives to further enrich their cultures and strengthen regional understanding and cooperation.



1. Ataev, A. (2010). Cultural ties between Uzbekistan and Turkey. Tashkent: Fan Publishing House.

2. Bobomuradov, A. (2015). Historical and cultural ties between Uzbekistan and Turkey. Samarkand: Publishing House "University".

3. Dadabaev, H. (2012). Cultural interaction between Uzbekistan and Turkey in the era of globalization. Tashkent: Uzbekiston Publishing House.

Articles in magazines:

4. Asadov, U. (2019). Cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey: current state and prospects. Bulletin of the Karakalpak State University, 7(1), 123-128.

5. Ibragimova, G. (2016). Cultural ties between Uzbekistan and Turkey during the years of independence. Bulletin of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, 12(2), 28-33.

6. Yusupov, T. (2018). The historical roots and the current state of cultural relations between Uzbekistan and Turkey. Bulletin of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz, 2(28), 45-50.

Online resources:

7. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan: https://mfa.uz/ru/turkey/cooperation/

8. Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Uzbekistan: https://tashkent.be.mfa.gov.tr/Mission/ShowInfoNote/135719

9. UNESCO: https://en.unesco.org/creativity/cooperation-turkey-uzbekistan Other sources:

10. Documents and materials of joint cultural events, exhibitions and conferences.

11. Interviews with experts in the field of culture and international relations.

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