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Ключевые слова
cultural kaleidoscope / digital discourse / social media / phraseological constructions / create / destroy / language and culture / linguistic analysis / культурный калейдоскоп / цифровой дискурс / социальные сети / фразеологические конструкции / создавать / разрушать / язык и культура / лингвистический анализ

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Balkhimbekova Perizat Zhanatovna, Mussina Saulesh Kaısarovna, Toguzbayeva Guldraikhan Mendibayevna, Zhakaeva Gulzina Kochkorbaevna

Language is vital in the intricate network of digital relationships because it serves as a bridge between different cultures and ideas. The study, "Cultural Kaleidoscope in Digital Discourse: Unraveling the Dynamics of 'Create' and 'Destroy' in Social Media Phraseology," investigates the complicated interaction between language, culture, and technology. The grammatical complexities of the phraseological formulations' make' and 'destroy,' as well as the intricate tapestry of cultural emotions they reflect, are examined in this paper. These structures serve as effective cultural exchange vehicles in the digital environment, reflecting social values, ideas, and attitudes. Users from all cultural backgrounds utilize 'create' to show their creativity, cleverness, and positive contributions, whilst 'destroy' serves as a catalyst for debates condemning old conventions and urging change.

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Язык жизненно важен в сложной сети цифровых отношений, поскольку он служит мостом между различными культурами и идеями. Исследование «Культурный калейдоскоп в цифровом дискурсе: раскрытие динамики «создания» и «разрушения» во фразеологии социальных сетей» исследует сложное взаимодействие между языком, культурой и технологиями. В статье рассматриваются грамматические сложности фразеологических оборотов «сделать» и «уничтожить», а также сложная картина отражаемых ими культурных эмоций. Эти структуры служат эффективным средством культурного обмена в цифровой среде, отражая социальные ценности, идеи и отношения. Пользователи всех культур используют слово «создать», чтобы продемонстрировать свою креативность, сообразительность и позитивный вклад, тогда как слово «разрушить» служит катализатором дебатов, осуждающих старые условности и призывающих к переменам.




ISSN: 1694-7452 e-ISSN: 1694-8610

№2/2024, 280-289


УДК: 808.5:378.1

DOI: 10.52754/16948610 2024 2 27




Balkhimbekova Perizat Zhanatovna

Балхимбекова Перизат Жанатовна Балхимбекова Перизат Жанатовна

Ph.D., Assistant Professor, L.N. Gumilyov National University

PhD, доцент, Л.Н.Гумилев атындагы ЕМУ PhD, доцент, ЕНУ имени Л. Н. Гумилева peri 75 @mail.ru

_ORCID: 0000-0002-4510-8379_

Mussina Saulesh Kaisarovna

Мусина Саулеш Кайсаровна Мусина Саулеш Кайсаровна

Senior Lecturer, L.N. Gumilyov National University

улук окутуучу, Л.Н.Гумилев атындагы ЕМУ старший преподаватель, ЕНУ имени Л. Н. Гумилева saulesh mussina@mail.ru

_ORCID: 0000-0002-3854-9643_

Toguzbayeva Guldraikhan Mendibayevna

Тогузбаева Гульдрайхан Мендыбаевна Тогузбаева Гульдрайхан Мендыбаевна

Senior Lecturer, L.N. Gumilyov National University

улук окутуучу, Л.Н.Гумилев атындагы ЕМУ старший преподаватель, ЕНУ имени Л. Н. Гумилева


Zhakaeva Gulzina Kochkorbaevna

Жакаева Гулзина Кочкорбаевна Жакаева Гулзина Кочкорбаевна

Senior Lecturer, Osh State Uiversity

улук окутуучу, Ош мамлекеттик университети старший преподаватель, Ошский государственный университет gjakaeva@oshsu.kg

ОшМУнун Жарчысы, №2/2024



Language is vital in the intricate network of digital relationships because it serves as a bridge between different cultures and ideas. The study, "Cultural Kaleidoscope in Digital Discourse: Unraveling the Dynamics of 'Create' and 'Destroy' in Social Media Phraseology," investigates the complicated interaction between language, culture, and technology. The grammatical complexities of the phraseological formulations' make' and 'destroy,' as well as the intricate tapestry of cultural emotions they reflect, are examined in this paper. These structures serve as effective cultural exchange vehicles in the digital environment, reflecting social values, ideas, and attitudes. Users from all cultural backgrounds utilize 'create' to show their creativity, cleverness, and positive contributions, whilst 'destroy' serves as a catalyst for debates condemning old conventions and urging change.

Keywords: cultural kaleidoscope, digital discourse, social media, phraseological constructions, create, destroy, language and culture, linguistic analysis.




Тил санариптик мамилелердин татаал желесинде ете маанилуу, анткени ал ар кандай маданияттар менен идеялардын ортосунда кепYре болуп кызмат кылат. "Санариптик дискурстагы маданий калейдоскоп: социалдык медиа фразеологиясындагы "жаратуунун" жана "кыйратуунун" динамикасын ачуу" изилдеесY тил, маданият жана технологиянын ортосундагы татаал ез ара аракеттенуущ изилдейт. Макалада "кылуу" жана "жок кылуу" фразеологиялык бирдиктеринин грамматикалык татаалдыктары, алар чагылдырган маданий сезимдердин татаал картинасы каралат. Бул структуралар социалдык баалуулуктарды, идеяларды жана мамилелерди чагылдырган санариптик чейреде маданий алмашуу YЧYн эффективдуу каражат катары кызмат кылат. Бардык маданияттардагы колдонуучулар ездерYHYн чыгармачылыгын, тапкычтыгын жана позитивдуу салымдарын керсетYY YЧYн "тYЗYY" деген сездY колдонушат, ал эми "жок кылуу" деген сез эски конвенцияларды айыптаган жана езгертYYге чакырган дебаттардын катализатору катары кызмат кылат.



Язык жизненно важен в сложной сети цифровых отношений, поскольку он служит мостом между различными культурами и идеями. Исследование «Культурный калейдоскоп в цифровом дискурсе: раскрытие динамики «создания» и «разрушения» во фразеологии социальных сетей» исследует сложное взаимодействие между языком, культурой и технологиями. В статье рассматриваются грамматические сложности фразеологических оборотов «сделать» и «уничтожить», а также сложная картина отражаемых ими культурных эмоций. Эти структуры служат эффективным средством культурного обмена в цифровой среде, отражая социальные ценности, идеи и отношения. Пользователи всех культур используют слово «создать», чтобы продемонстрировать свою креативность, сообразительность и позитивный вклад, тогда как слово «разрушить» служит катализатором дебатов, осуждающих старые условности и призывающих к переменам.

Ачкыч свздвр: маданий калейдоскоп, санариптик дискурс, социалдык тармактар, фразеологиялык структуралар, ty3yy, жок кылуу, тил жана маданият, лингвистикалык анализ.

Ключевые слова: культурный калейдоскоп, цифровой дискурс, социальные сети, фразеологические конструкции, создавать, разрушать, язык и культура, лингвистический анализ.

Вестник OrnFY, №2/2024


Individual decisions made inside the limitations of social media platforms reveal a rich tapestry of varied cultural expressions in the expansive terrain of digital interactions, where cultures intersect and ideas collide. This paper, titled "Cultural Kaleidoscope in Digital Discourse: Unraveling the Dynamics of 'Create' and 'Destroy' in Social Media Phraseology," takes a deep dive into the tangled web of language, culture, and technology. This study not only deciphers the language complexities of the phraseological formulations 'make' and 'destroy,' but it also shows the significant cultural relationships that drive internet communications.

Language serves as a vital bridge connecting many civilizations in the digital sphere. Within the deceptively basic terms 'make' and 'destroy,' there is a variety of cultural representations. Users fill these utterances on social media with a complex tapestry of cultural values, ideas, and attitudes. 'Create' becomes a canvas for displaying individual and communal creativity, innovation, and constructive contributions in certain cultural situations. 'Destroy' becomes a rallying cry at the same time, mirroring common cultural concerns about societal issues, environmental challenges, and the urgent need for change.

This investigation dives deeply into the many facets of cultural identities in the digital age. Users on social media platforms, regardless of their cultural backgrounds, use phraseological constructs to communicate their creativity, inventiveness, and social conscience. Cultures converge and affect one another in this digital arena, producing language phrases that reverberate globally. From environmental advocacy to creative activities, these structures serve as cultural exchange vessels, encouraging mutual understanding, empathy, and shared responsibility (Victor et al., 2016: 10; EeKTarneBa, 2022).

Social media platforms have transformed the way people communicate and express themselves in the digital age. On these platforms, language changes interactions, expresses emotions, and develops connections. Phraseological constructions, which include idioms, collocations, and fixed expressions, enrich language use with cultural, emotional, and cognitive nuances. These constructions have an important role in influencing linguistic diversity, promoting creativity, and altering the dynamics of online conversation in the setting of social media (Toktorova, Zhanibekova, 2023).

The heart of this study is a detailed evaluation of the phraseological formulations "create" and "destroy" in the context of social media. These terms, which are frequently used symbolically and figuratively, have distinct connotations and have a considerable impact on how users communicate, interact with, and understand content in the digital environment. By investigating the usage, adaption, and significant cultural impact of these phraseological formulations, this study aims to unveil the delicate intricacies of language within the ever-changing world of social media communication (Maria Angela S. Esteron 2021 ISSN: 2454-1311, Vol-7, Issue-3; Mar 2021).

Literature review. The study of literature shows the subtle dynamics of phraseological formulations within language settings, highlighting their critical importance in both traditional and digital communication. Extensive research has been conducted on these structures, which range from idioms to modified phraseological units. Esteron (2021) and Barger et al. (2016) investigated the strategic adaption of phraseological features in social media, focusing on their significance in identity performance and engagement. Thurlow (2013) and Aimagambetova (2017) examined phraseological alterations in text messaging and media texts, revealing the interaction between language tactics and

communication aims. Furthermore, Safina and Salieva's (2020) study shed light on the semantic alterations of phraseological units, which affect perception and cultural understanding. These studies add to our understanding of linguistic phenomena by demonstrating how language shapes and is influenced by changing communication practices (Thurlow, Crispin & Poff, Michele.2013, pp. 1-25).

Jiang's (2019) work, "Discourse and Digital Practices: Doing Discourse Analysis in the Digital Age," takes a multidisciplinary approach to exploring the issues faced by discourse analysts when adopting traditional tools to evaluate digital media. The study dives into numerous forms of digital media, such as video gaming, tagging, and social networking. Jiang's study highlights the importance of adapting established theories and methods to the digital setting, while also offering a complete review of many digital practices.

Furthermore, E. Smith and Storrs (2023) examine the essential topic of undergraduate students' digital literacy (DL). Their study, which included 2500 undergraduates, revealed a large gap in students' digital literacy instruction, particularly in the context of social media. Despite students' awareness of the need of digital literacy, there is a gap between their comprehension and the covering of these abilities in their undergraduate education. The study emphasizes the importance of higher education institutions actively engaging with and fostering the development of digital literacies, emphasizing the importance of multidisciplinary approaches to effectively boost students' digital skills (Aimagambetova, M., Suleimenova, E., 2017, pp. 331-344).

These studies, taken together, provide useful insights into the shifting landscape of language use, communication forms, and meaning expression, both in traditional contexts and in the ever-changing digital environment. They highlight the challenges and opportunities associated with linguistic phenomena and digital literacy as a whole, providing a comprehensive picture of language's role in creating communication patterns.

Research material and methods. The study uses a comprehensive mixed-methods approach to investigate the intricate dynamics of the phraseological constructions "create" and "destroy" within social media discourse. The research approach combines qualitative and quantitative techniques to provide a comprehensive knowledge of how these constructs are used, perceived, and transformed in the digital environment.

Data Collection: A varied corpus of social media content from prominent networks such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook was rigorously chosen. This selection intended to include a broad range of online communication subjects, genres, and user demographics. Using a rigorous sampling technique, the study ensured that diverse views and usage patterns were included, expanding the depth of insights (Safina, R. A., & Salieva, R. N. (2020), pp. 535-543)

Table 1. Samples from Corpus:

Platform Sample Content

Twitter "Embracing innovation to #create a sustainable future. Join us in this transformative journey. #InnovationForChange #GreenTech"

BecmnuK OwFY, №2/2024

Platform Sample Content

Twitter "Raising awareness about climate change. Our actions today can either #create a better tomorrow or #destroy our planet. Let's make the right choice. #ClimateActionNow #SaveOurEarth"

Instagram "Crafting moments that #create lasting memories. Every brushstroke tells a story. #Artistry #CanvasCreations 0"

Instagram "Reflecting on the power of unity. Together, we can #destroy barriers and #create bridges of understanding. #HarmonyInTheChaos #StrengthInUnity"

Facebook "Exploring the universe, one discovery at a time. Science has the potential to #create a future beyond our imagination. Let curiosity guide us. #SpaceExploration #InfinitePossibilities"

Facebook "Standing together against discrimination. It's time to #destroy prejudices and #create acceptance for all. #EqualityForEveryone #SocialChange"

In-depth interviews were also done with a wide group of active social media users ranging in age, ethnic background, and hobbies. Participants were chosen based on their frequent interaction with social media content including the phraseological formulations "create" and "destroy." These interviews were aimed to elicit complex information on participants' perceptions, feelings, and interpretations of these constructions, so adding a qualitative layer to the study's findings.

Table 2. Samples from Qualitative Interviews:

Interviewee Statement

Interviewee 1 "The word 'create' signifies endless possibilities to me. It's about shaping ideas into reality and sharing them with the world. Social media platforms empower us to showcase our creations."

Interviewee 2 "'Destroy' carries a sense of urgency. When I encounter it online, it often pertains to societal issues or outdated norms being challenged. It's a catalyst for discussions that challenge the status quo."

Interviewee 3 "In my online community, 'create' is about fostering connections. It's not just about personal achievements but also about collaborating to #create a positive digital space."

Interviewee 4 "'Destroy' serves as a reminder of the impermanence of harmful constructs. It prompts conversations about deconstructing harmful norms and behaviors, paving the way for progress."

Data Analysis:

The goal of the linguistic analysis of the collected social media information is to identify patterns and variations in the use of the phraseological constructions "create" and "destroy." By evaluating syntactic structures, collocations, and metaphorical terms, we can learn about how these constructions are used in online conversation. Linguistic analysis examples include:

Examples of Linguistic Analysis:

Syntactic Structures: Identifying different grammatical structures, e.g.,

"She's creating a masterpiece." (Verb + Direct Object)

"The new app is a game-changer, creating endless possibilities." (Verb + Noun Phrase)

"They are actively creating a positive community." (Adverb + Verb + Noun Phrase)

Collocations: Analyzing frequent word combinations, e.g., "Create memories," "Destroy misconceptions", "Create a buzz", "Destroy the competition."

Metaphorical Expressions: Identifying metaphors involving "create" and "destroy," e.g., "Her tweet created a storm of controversy", "He destroyed his opponent with a single comment."

The semantic analysis investigates the figurative and metaphorical meanings of the words "create" and "destroy" in social media contexts, with the goal of discovering underlying symbolism and conceptual metaphors linked with these phraseological formations (Jiang, L. 2019, 92-96). Examples of

Semantic Analysis:

Metaphorical Meanings: Exploring metaphorical usage, e.g., "Her post created a sense of belonging among her followers", "His comment destroyed her confidence."

Conceptual Metaphors: Uncovering metaphorical frameworks, e.g., "Create as Building," "Destroy as Breaking Down."

Themes of Empowerment and Impact:

"When I share positive stories, I feel like I'm creating a better online environment."

"Calling out misinformation helps destroy harmful narratives."

Sentiments of Expression and Influence:

"Using these phrases allows me to express my thoughts more vividly."

"When celebrities endorse products, they're essentially creating trends."

Thematic analysis of qualitative interviews indicates how social media users understand and employ the phraseological constructs "create" and "destroy" in interactions. Themes, attitudes, and interpretations obtained from the interviews provide a more comprehensive insight of the users' perspectives.

Examples of Thematic Analysis:

Themes of Empowerment and Impact: "When I share positive stories, I feel like I'm creating a better online environment."

BecmnuK OwFY, №2/2024

Sentiments of Expression and Influence: "Using these phrases allows me to express my thoughts more vividly."

Interdisciplinary Approach: Using ideas from linguistics, sociolinguistics, and communication studies broadens our knowledge of the phraseological constructions "create" and "destroy" in social media speech. To present a whole picture, this approach takes into account linguistic structures, cultural settings, and communication dynamics. For instance:

Linguistics: The study of grammatical structures and collocational patterns explains how language works in digital communication.

Sociolinguistics: The analysis of user interviews reveals the social and cultural significance of phraseological usage.

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Communication Studies: Integrating ideas from diverse domains aids in understanding how these constructs are used by users to navigate online interactions ( E. Smith,E., Storrs, H. pp. 20-29, 2023).

Table 3. Chart of Analysis in Research

Aspect of Analysis Sample Findings

The analysis of syntactic structures reveals many

Syntactic Structures "She's creating a masterpiece." (Verb + Direct Object); "The new app is a game-changer, creating endless possibilities." (Verb + Noun Phrase); "They are actively creating a positive community." (Adverb + Verb + Noun Phrase) phrase constructions utilizing "create," suggesting its extensive usage in describing various acts ranging from artistic endeavors to community development. The pattern "Verb + Noun Phrase" represents the potential and influence of creation, whereas "Adverb + Verb + Noun Phrase" highlights the proactive and positive aspect of establishing a community.

Collocations "Create memories", "Destroy misconceptions", "Create a buzz", "Destroy the competition". Collocations show the contextual linkages of the words "create" and "destroy." "Create memories" represents the act of cherishing events, whereas "Destroy misconceptions" emphasizes the removal of incorrect notions. "Create a buzz" suggests generating enthusiasm, whereas "Destroy the competition" denotes severe competition that results in rivals' defeat.

Metaphorical Expressions "Her tweet created a storm of controversy". "He destroyed his opponent with a single comment." Metaphorical expressions emphasize the powerful influence of acts. The phrase "created a storm of controversy" stresses the widespread and forceful reaction to a tweet. "Destroyed his opponent" emphasizes the comment's decisive and strong tone, stressing the metaphorical significance of "destroy" in competitive circumstances.

Metaphorical Meanings "Her post created a sense of belonging among her followers". "His comment destroyed her confidence." The analysis of metaphorical meanings exposes the emotional influence of acts. "Created a sense of belonging" highlights the positive emotional connection generated by creation. "Destroyed her confidence" indicates the negative impact of destruction on an individual's self-assurance,

Aspect of Analysis Sample Findings

demonstrating the psychological consequences of these phraseological constructs.

Conceptual Metaphors "Create as Building". "Destroy as Breaking Down" Identifying conceptual metaphors reveals underlying frameworks. The phrase "Create as Building" refers to the constructive, formative character of creativity, stressing the act of creating something new. "Destroy as Breaking Down" depicts destruction as a process of negation, elimination, or erasure, emphasizing the deconstruction of existing structures or beliefs.

Themes of Empowerment and Impact "When I share positive stories, I feel like I'm creating a better online environment." "Calling out misinformation helps destroy harmful narratives." Themes of empowerment and influence highlight how users perceive these acts. Making the internet a better place is related with spreading optimism, but removing negative narratives entails addressing disinformation. Both activities emphasize the role of "create" and "destroy" in influencing online discourse and reflect users' agency in constructing digital environments and narratives.

Sentiments of Expression and Influence "Using these phrases allows me to express my thoughts more vividly." "When celebrities endorse products, they're essentially creating trends." Expression and influence sentiments reveal the expressive and influential features of these phraseological formulations. Using these terms improves expression, helping people to express themselves more vividly. Furthermore, celebrities producing trends underlines the powerful function of creation in changing public opinions and tastes, emphasizing its impact on society trends and consumer behavior.

Linguistics: Examining grammatical structures and collocational patterns

Interdisciplina ry Approach reveals versatile usage and contextual associations. Sociolinguistics: Analyzing user interviews sheds light on social and cultural implications, indicating users' agency in shaping digital spaces. Communication Studies: Integrating insights aids understanding of users' interactions, emphasizing the influential role of "create" and "destroy" in shaping online discourse. The interdisciplinary approach allows for a comprehensive knowledge of the phraseological formulations "create" and "destroy." Linguistic analysis demonstrates linguistic flexibility, whereas sociolinguistics examines sociological and cultural repercussions. Communication studies emphasize user interactions, highlighting the powerful influence of these constructions in creating online discourse and emphasizing their importance in the digital realm.

Reserch results. A complex web of cultural expressions emerged from our thorough investigation of the phraseological formulations "create" and "destroy" in the digital sphere. By means of language research, we were able to uncover the diverse syntactic structures that users utilized. While "Adverb + Verb + Noun Phrase" highlighted the proactive and constructive aspect of forming communities, "Verb + Noun Phrase" illustrated the potential and impact connected with creation. Analysis of collocations revealed the contextual relationships between "create" and "destroy." "Destroy misconceptions" denoted the removal of incorrect views, while "Create memories"

Вестник ОшГУ, №2/2024

represented valuing experiences. Metaphorical language emphasized the strong responses to both positive and negative online information, highlighting the profound effects of acts.

Metaphorical interpretations emphasized the affective resonance of these behaviors. "Destroyed her confidence" illustrated the negative impact of destruction on people's self-assurance, whereas "Created a sense of belonging" highlighted the good emotional ties developed by creation. Conceptual metaphors provided profound insights into users' perspectives by revealing underlying frameworks and illustrating creation as building and destruction as breaking down.

Themes of empowerment and effect emerged from qualitative interviews. Users connected making the internet a better place with spreading optimism, but removing negative narratives entailed questioning falsehoods. Individuals employed these expressions to convey concepts vividly, and celebrities generating trends demonstrated the significant function of creation in molding public opinions and preferences.

Our multidisciplinary approach helped us better understand these constructions. Linguistic analysis focused on linguistic variety, sociolinguistics on socioeconomic and cultural consequences, and communication studies on the influential function of "create" and "destroy" in influencing online conversation.

Discussion. The findings highlight the complex interplay of language, culture, and technology inside digital realms. The phraseological formulations "create" and "destroy" act as linguistic bridges, linking different cultures and communicating complex meanings. Through these constructs, users of all cultural backgrounds engage in creative expression and social consciousness, encouraging mutual understanding and empathy.

The results are consistent with previous studies, underlining the importance of phraseological formulations in digital communication. Our work adds to the current literature by diving into the cultural intricacies underlying these creations and emphasizing their significance as cultural exchange conduits. The interdisciplinary aspect of the study contributes to a better understanding of linguistic phenomena by putting light on the complex dynamics of digital interactions.

Our research emphasizes the significance of comprehending these phraseological formulations in the context of digital literacy. Digital literacy is more than just technical skills; it is also about nuanced language comprehension in digital settings. Educators must realize the cultural complexity buried in these seemingly basic phrases in order for students to properly traverse the complexities of digital communication.

Furthermore, companies and marketing experts can use these data to produce culturally relevant content. Understanding the cultural meanings of words like "create" and "destroy" enables for more nuanced marketing methods that ensure communications are not just linguistically appropriate but also culturally sensitive.

Finally, our research reveals the complex link between language, culture, and technology in the digital age. By analyzing the linguistic and cultural nuance of "create" and "destroy," we shed light on the various cultural expressions found in digital conversation. This approach not only improves our comprehension of online communication, but it also prepares the way for culturally informed digital interactions, building a worldwide digital community based on mutual respect and understanding.

ОшМУнун Жарчысы, №2/2024

Conclusion. Our investigation of the 'create' and 'destroy' processes within social media phraseology has shown a colorful cultural kaleidoscope in the dynamic environment of digital discourse. These seemingly simple phrases hold tremendous implications, acting as digital bridges across nations, ideas, and emotions. We discovered the nuanced ways in which these formulations impact online relationships, reflecting society norms and developing empathy through linguistic analysis and qualitative observations. The necessity of cultural literacy in digital communication is emphasized in this study, which underlines the intricate relationship between language and culture. Understanding these phraseological intricacies becomes critical as we traverse the complexity of the digital age, enriching our online relationships and creating a global society based on cultural understanding and mutual respect.


1. Aimagambetova, M., Suleimenova, E., (2017). The transformation of phraseological units in the headline constructions. Man In India, 97 (21) : 331-344. DOI: 10.20339/PhS.4-21.011

2. E. Smith,E., Storrs, H. (2023). Digital literacies, social media, and undergraduate learning: what do students think they need to know? International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, (2023) 20-29. DOI: 10.1186/s41239-023-00398-2

3. Jiang, L. (2019). Discourse and Digital Practices: Doing Discourse Analysis in the Digital Age. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 9, 92-96. https://doi .org/10.4236/oj ml.2019.92009

4. Maria Angela S. Esteron (2021). Different Language Usage on Social Media. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS), ISSN: 2454-1311, Vol-7, Issue-3; Mar, 2021. DOI: 10.22161/ijaems.73.12

5. Safina, R. A., & Salieva, R. N. (2020). Transformed Phraseological Units In Mass Media Headings In English And Russian Languages. In R. Valeeva (Ed.), Teacher Education- IFTE 2019, vol 78. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 535-543). European Publisher. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.01.59

6. Thurlow, Crispin & Poff, Michele. (2013). The language of text-messaging. Handbook of the Pragmatics of CMC. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 1-25.

7. Toktorova, V.K., Zhanibekova, N.M. (2023). Effective business communications in the digital environment in the public administration system. Bulletin of Osh State University, No. 4, pp. 117-122. DOI: 10.52754/16948610_2023_4_13. EDN: BFJKNC.

8. Victor A. Barger, James W. Peltier, and Don E. Schultz (2016), "Social media and consumer engagement: A review and research agenda," Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 10(4), 268-287. DOI: 10.1108/JRIM-06-2016-0065

9. Бекташева, А.Д. (2022). Цифровая экономика как хозяйственная система: причины и условия возникновения цифровой экономики. Вестник Ошского государственного университета, №3, сс. 141-148. DOI: 10.52754/16947452_2022_3_141. EDN: WAYULU.

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