THE PRAGMASTILISTIC ASPECT OF TRANSLATING PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN MEDIA TEXTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Shahrizoda Erkin Kizi Utkirova, Ulugbek Yarashovich Elmurodov

This article explores the pragmastilistic aspect of translating phraseological units in media texts, emphasizing the intricate balance between preserving meaning and adapting expression in different linguistic and cultural contexts. In the realm of translation studies, the translation of phraseological units in media texts presents a unique challenge that goes beyond mere linguistic equivalence. The process delves into the pragmatic and stylistic dimensions of language, requiring translators to navigate cultural nuances, contextual meanings, and communicative intents.

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Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik



Shahrizoda Erkin kizi Utkirova

Student, Chirchik State Pedagogical University shahrizoda656@gmail.com

Scientific adviser: Ulugbek Yarashovich Elmurodov

Senior teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical University saman-sardor@mail .ru


This article explores the pragmastilistic aspect of translating phraseological units in media texts, emphasizing the intricate balance between preserving meaning and adapting expression in different linguistic and cultural contexts.

In the realm of translation studies, the translation of phraseological units in media texts presents a unique challenge that goes beyond mere linguistic equivalence. The process delves into the pragmatic and stylistic dimensions of language, requiring translators to navigate cultural nuances, contextual meanings, and communicative intents.


В данной статье исследуется прагма-стилистический аспект перевода фразеологизмов в медиатекстах, подчеркивается сложный баланс между сохранением смысла и адаптацией выражения в различных языковых и культурных контекстах.

В области переводоведения перевод фразеологических единиц в медиатекстах представляет собой уникальную задачу, выходящую за рамки простой лингвистической эквивалентности. Этот процесс затрагивает прагматические и стилистические аспекты языка, требуя от переводчиков умения ориентироваться в культурных нюансах, контекстуальных значениях и коммуникативных намерениях.


Ushbu maqola media matnlarida frazeologik birliklarni tarjima qilishning pragma stilistik tomonini o'rganib chiqadi, turli lingvistik va madaniy kontekstlarda ma'noni saqlash va ifodani moslashtirish o'rtasidagi murakkab muvozanatni ta'kidlay-

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik



Tarjimashunoslik sohasida media matnlaridagi frazeologik birliklarning tarji-masi shunchaki lingvistik ekvivalentlikdan tashqariga chiqadigan noyob qiyinchilik tug'diradi. Jarayon tilning pragmatik va stilistik o'lchovlarini o'rganadi, tarjimonlar-dan madaniy nuanslar, kontekstual ma'nolar va kommunikativ niyatlarda harakat qi-lishni talab qiladi.


Phraseological units, also known as multi-word expressions or fixed expressions, are recurrent combinations of words that convey a specific meaning different from the literal interpretation of their individual parts. These units include idioms, collocations, proverbs, and set phrases, among others. In media texts, they play a crucial role in shaping style, tone, and cultural references, making their accurate translation pivotal for maintaining the intended impact on the target audience.


Pragmatic Challenges

The pragmatic aspect of translating phraseological units pertains to the contextual and situational factors influencing their interpretation and usage. Cultural references, social conventions, and speaker intentions all contribute to the pragmatic layer of meaning embedded in these units. When translating media texts, especially across languages and cultures, translators must consider:

Cultural Equivalence:

Phraseological units often carry culturally specific connotations that may not have direct equivalents in other languages. Translators must find culturally appropriate expressions or provide explanations to convey the intended meaning without losing the cultural essence. Idioms, for example, are often deeply rooted in cultural contexts and may not have direct equivalents in other languages. Consider the English idiom "to kill two birds with one stone." Translating this into a language with a different cultural background might require a different metaphor or expression that conveys the same idea of accomplishing multiple tasks efficiently.

Moreover, idiomatic expressions in one language may carry positive or neutral connotations but could be offensive or inappropriate in another language. Translators must navigate these cultural sensitivities while maintaining the essence and impact of the original phraseological unit.

Pragmatic Function:

Different phraseological units serve various pragmatic functions, such as expressing emotions, creating imagery, or conveying social norms. Translators need to un-

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


derstand these functions and ensure the target language version maintains the same pragmatic impact as the source text.

Translators must consider the intended pragmatic function of each unit in the source text and find equivalent expressions or constructions that serve similar functions in the target language.

Additionally, context plays a crucial role in interpreting and translating phraseological units. A humorous phrase in one context may lose its humor or relevance when directly translated into another language. Translators must analyze the context of usage and adapt the translation to maintain the intended effect on the audience.

Audience Awareness:

Translating for media involves understanding the target audience's linguistic preferences, cultural background, and expectations. In marketing or advertising texts, for instance, catchy slogans or brand-specific phrases are often used as phraseological units. Translators need to ensure these units resonate with the target audience while maintaining brand identity and message consistency.

Moreover, linguistic appropriateness plays a vital role in translating phraseological units. Formal expressions used in news reporting may require different translations compared to colloquial or slang expressions used in entertainment media. Adapting the language register and tone to match the target audience's expectations enhances the text's relevance and impact.

Stylistic Adaptation:

Beyond preserving pragmatic meaning, translating phraseological units in media texts requires stylistic finesse. Style encompasses linguistic choices, rhetorical devices, and creative expressions that contribute to the text's overall tone and impact. In the context of translation, maintaining stylistic coherence while accommodating cultural and linguistic differences involves.

For example, translating a pun in a headline or a witty remark in a dialogue requires finding alternative expressions or word choices that maintain the humor or cleverness of the original text. This creative adaptation involves linguistic creativity, cultural sensitivity, and a deep understanding of both source and target languages.

Creative Rendering: Translators often employ creative strategies such as localization, paraphrasing, or using target language equivalents with similar stylistic effects to ensure the translated text retains its intended style and tone.

Register and Tone: Media texts vary in register and tone based on genre, audience, and purpose. Translators must match the register of phraseological units to the overall tone of the text, whether it's formal, informal, humorous, or dramatic.

Consistency and Flow: Translating phraseological units seamlessly within the

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti


Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari

text enhances readability and maintains the narrative flow. Consistent use of stylistic elements throughout the translation contributes to a cohesive and engaging media experience.


The pragmastilistic aspect of translating phraseological units in media texts underscores the complexity and artistry involved in achieving linguistic and cultural harmony. Translators act as cultural mediators, balancing fidelity to the source text's meaning with creative adaptation to suit the target audience's linguistic and stylistic expectations. By mastering this delicate balance, translators play a vital role in ensuring effective cross-cultural communication and preserving the richness of expression in media discourse.

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8. Holmes, J. (1988). Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies. Rodopi



April 23-24, 2024

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