Научная статья на тему 'Creation of a New Highly Efficient Device for Final Distillation of Vegetable Oil Miscelle'

Creation of a New Highly Efficient Device for Final Distillation of Vegetable Oil Miscelle Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальные науки»

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Oriental Journal of Education
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Ключевые слова
Construction / Miscella / Oil / Diffuser / Confuser / Cone / Nozzle / Nozzle / Branch Pipe / Конструкция / Разное / Масло / Диффузор / Конфузор / Конус / Сопло / Сопло / Патрубок

Аннотация научной статьи по социальным наукам, автор научной работы — Fakhriddin Yu. Khabibov, Muhammad B. Nabiyev

A mathematical and computer model of the process was developed and a new design of the final distillation unit for vegetable oil miselle was created based on the results obtained. Technical and economic indicators are given in comparison with the device currently in operation.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I5.241
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Создание новой высокоэффективной установки для окончательной перегонки мицеллы растительного масла

На основе полученных результатов разработана математическая и компьютерная модель процесса и создана новая конструкция установки окончательной перегонки мизеле растительного масла. Приведены технико-экономические показатели в сравнении с эксплуатируемым в настоящее время устройством.

Текст научной работы на тему «Creation of a New Highly Efficient Device for Final Distillation of Vegetable Oil Miscelle»

Creation of a New Highly Efficient Device for Final Distillation of Vegetable Oil Miscelle

Fakhriddin Yu. Khabibov,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and

Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Muhammad B. Nabiyev,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of

Uzbekistan. E-mail: faxrilo@mail.ru

Abstract— A mathematical and computer model of the process was developed and a new design of the final distillation unit for vegetable oil miselle was created based on the results obtained. Technical and economic indicators are given in comparison with the device currently in operation.

Keywords— Construction, Miscella, Oil, Diffuser, Confuser, Cone, Nozzle, Nozzle, Branch Pipe. I. Introduction

In the world, much attention is paid to research on the preparation of raw materials, processing processes and intensive industrial development of vegetable oil production, the creation of equipment and technologies that meet modern requirements. Improvement of the technological process of distillation of cotton misc by creating methods of intensification that lead to an increase in the quality of oil and the development of equipment elements for its implementation.

In particular, large-scale scientific research is underway to study the hydrodynamic flow structures and create a modern, highly efficient method and installations for the final distillation of vegetable oils.

II. The Main Results and Findings

Such scientists as J.T. Davies, V.V. Beloborodov, V.A. Maslikov, V.I. Bernikov, V.A. Borodin, V.S. Golustov, V.I. Galperin, L.G. Ipatova, B.N. Tyutyunnikov, V.G. Sherbakov, V.Kh.Paronyan, D.Yu.Slabotchikov, A.F. Zaletnev, A.V. Fedorov, V.V. Shiposhnichenko, N.R. yusupbekov, Z.S. Salimov, A.A. Artikov, A.H. Mamatkulov, K.O. Dodayev and other scientists. They created and put into practice the technique and technology that allow you to work in effective ways, reduce the amount of solvent in the vegetable oil misc, theoretically and practically studied the distillation processes.

In order to develop a highly efficient plant we have developed a generalized mathematical model of the process of the working zone of the final distiller of vegetable oil misella multi stage spraying:

Ltxt -L-x- &—M) ■ (x - x")

dx dr

L = Li-^âL Li(xi-x)


&L = -


1-x G^+AL

0 = 0,+^


(but - b10) ■ 100

G ■ y




-GiVi J M,

xms.i xms.o

cmstms — Gpetipet + — ¿ms) )/^LpLcL



By aggregating blocks, a calculation algorithm is developed and a computer model is compiled, which is expressed in the following form:

Fig. 1: Computer Display of the Automated Calculation of the Final Distillation Process of Misella

In the computer model (Fig.1), processes at elementary hierarchical levels are represented as computer blocks. In particular, the unit for determining changes in the temperature of the liquid phase, the unit for determining the transition indicators of volatile components.

The computer model also has an algorithmic control unit for the feed of raw materials and water vapor.

Fig. 2: Algorithmic Block of the Control System for the Feed of Raw Materials and Water Vapor to the Apparatus for Final Distillation of Vegetable oil MISC based on Multi-stage Spraying


As a result of the study of a computer model of the final distillation process of vegetable oil misc, the following dependencies were obtained, which are shown in the graphs (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3: Changes in the Concentration of the Volatile Component (Extraction Gasoline) in the Liquid Phase as a Function of Time for the Following Parameters of Introducing the Process into the Apparatus for Final Distillation of Vegetable oil MISC based on Multi-Stage Spraying. x=0.05%, t=120°C, L=0.18,

Pcom=20 kPa

As a result of the study, the initial parameters of the process were selected as the optimal mode, the pressure in the device Pc°m=20 kPa, the temperature ti=120°C, the initial steam consumption Gst=0.015 kg/s, x=0.05%.

When the steam flow rate Gstr=0.015 kg/s, the process temperature ti=120°C, the pressure in the device Pc°m=20 kPa, the initial amount of Xi=0.05 parts, the amount of the volatile component in the liquid phase in the first zone of the device is reduced to x,=0.025 parts. As the concentration is carried out in the apparatus in series-connected three zones, the second zone temperature ti=120°C, the calculated value of the ultimate amount of volatile component in the liquid phase will be equal to the initial number of Xi=0,025 a share, for the second stage the amount of volatile component in the liquid phase is reduced to Xi=0,013 shares.

In the third zone of the device, the steam flow rate Gst=0.015 kg/s, the temperature ti=120°C, the initial amount of Xi=0.013 fractions, the amount of the volatile component in the liquid phase is reduced to x°=0.007 fractions.


Fig. 4: Changes in the Concentration of a Light-volatile Component (Extraction Gasoline) in the Gas Phase Depending on the Time for the Following Parameters of Introducing the Process into the Apparatus for Final Distillation of Vegetable oil MISC based on Multi-Stage Spraying. x=0,05%, ti=120oC,

Li=0,18, Pcom=20 Kna

At each stage of the process, the average time the product stays in the machine is 2 seconds. When the steam flow rate Gi=0.015 kg/s, the process temperature ti=120°C, the pressure in the device Pcom=20kPa, the amount of a light-volatile component in the gas phase in the first zone of the device increases from xi=0 parts to xo=0.3 parts.

In the second zone, the amount of the light-volatile component in the gas phase increases to xo=0.55 fractions. In the third zone, it increases to xo=0.74%.

Based on the results obtained, a semi-industrial device was created for the final distillation of vegetable oil misc based on multi-stage spraying. The device includes three sets connected in series, consisting of an injection-type nozzle tangentially connected to the separators [1;P. 157-167, 2; P.189-193., 3; P. 233-243].

The device contains three stages (I, II, III) of similar sets connected in series: liquid supply pipes 1, steam supply pipes 2 connected to the spray nozzle 4. The Nozzle consists of a nozzle 3, a confuser 5, a neck 6, and a diffuser 7. On the inner surface of the diffuser, 8 tips in the form of fingers are evenly installed, which contribute to the fragmentation of liquid drops. The nozzle is tangentially connected to the separator 9. The Separator has a cylindrical vertical body 10, the lower part has the form of a truncated cone 11. Pipe 13 for the steam outlet, pipe 12 for the concentrated solution outlet from the first stage, which is connected to the inlet pipe 1 for the liquid supply of the nozzle 14 of the second stage of the device [4;P. 255-262].

The apparatus for the final distillation of oil misella works as follows: the misella enters the apparatus through the nozzle 1, and the steam - through the nozzles installed in the nozzles 4,14,15. The Nozzles 4, 14, 15 have a similar design. To increase the kinetic energy of the steam, a nozzle 3 with a hole diameter of 0.004 m is installed on the output part of the steam pipes 2,20,21. Due to the high kinetic energy, the steam jet will carry away the misc. Then the mixture of misc and steam will move through the diffuser 7. the Diffuser 7 is designed to completely mix the liquid and steam, and create the maximum contact surface of the phases. It has the shape of a truncated cone, along the inner perimeter and length evenly installed nozzles 8. Nozzles 8 finger shape are designed for crushing liquid droplets formed when the mixture moves through the diffuser, contributing to an increase in the contact surface and intensification of mass transfer between phases. Then the formed dispersed phase flow enters the separator 9, which is designed for phase separation. Separation occurs due to the swirl of the overall flow. In this case, the


difference in phase densities contributes to the separation of the mixture into separate phases. Liquid concentrated miscella as the heavy phase occupies the space closer to the walls of the separator and rich acute water vapor with pairs extraengine from the miscella, as a light is in the center. Steam will exit through the pipe 13. The heavy phase, forming a film on the inner surface of the cylindrical part 10 and the cone-shaped part 11, will flow down, then exit through the branch pipe 12, which is located in the lower part of the separator. The vapors coming out of the pipes 13 are directed to condensation, and the concentrated miscella is sent to the next stage II of the device for concentration. The second stage of concentration is carried out in the same way as the first. Steam comes out of the pipe 16 of the second stage of the device, and concentrated miscelle comes out of the pipes 12. In this case, the pipe 16 is connected with the steam supply pipe 2, I of the device stage. From the pipe 12 of the third stage of the device, we get black oil with a concentration of 99.99%.

Technical and economic indicators of the proposed final distiller in comparison with the operated apparatus are calculated taking into account the processing of cotton seeds and are shown in table 1.

Table 1: Technical and Economic Indicators of the Proposed Final Distiller in Comparison with the

Operating Apparatus (In Thousands of Soums)

Name of parameter Unit Annual consumption of the new final distiller Annual consumption of the final distiller to be used

Econ. perform. Techn. perfor. Econ. perform. Techn. perfor. Econ. perform. Techn. perfor.

Consumption of hot water vapor sum/year gCal/ year 50010,75 666,81 103650 1382

Deaf steam consumption sum/year gCal/ year 0 0 103650 1382

Cooling water consumption for condensation of saturated vapors sum/year m3/year 1484,56 530,2 2795,24 998,3

Weight of the device sum kg 7280 910 14800 1850

Total costs for the final distillation of vegetable (cottonseed) oil 51495,31 210095,2

Comparative economic performance indicators of the final distiller operating on the basis of multi-stage spraying of vegetable (cottonseed) oil misc are shown in table2.

Table 2: Economic Performance Indicators of the New Final Distiller Operating on the Basis of Multi-stage

Spraying of Vegetable (Cottonseed) Oil Misc

№ Name of economic efficiencies Unit New ultimate distiller

1 Specific capital efficiency sum/year 39867

2 Economic efficiency from saving steam consumption sum/year 157289,25

3 Economic efficiency from saving cooling water consumption sum/year 1310,68

4 Economic efficiency of saving material consumption for the production of the final distiller Thous. of soums 7520

The overall annual performance Thous. of soums 205986,93

The results of production tests confirmed the operability of the device for final distillation of vegetable oil misella based on multi-stage spraying in real industrial conditions with high technological indicators.

The total annual economic efficiency from the introduction of a single plant of the final distiller of vegetable (cotton) oil operating on the basis of multi-stage spraying is 205986930 soums.

The payback period for capital investments in production assets is 0.18 years under operating conditions at the plant.

Based on the above results, a patent for the utility model FAP 01423 "Nozzle for spraying liquid in a gas environment" and a patent for invention no. IAP 06298 "Device for final distillation of vegetable oil misc" of the intellectual property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan were obtained.


Fig. 5: New Design of the Apparatus for Final Distillation of Vegetable Oil Misc


[1] F. Yu. Khabibov, M.S. Narziyev / A study of the process of the final distillation of cottonseed oil on the computer model». Scientific and technical journal "news of science of Kazakhstan", 2019, no. 2. Almaty 2019, P. 157-167.

[2] F. Yu. Khabibov. Development of a hierarchical structure of systemic thinking of the process of final distillation of cottonseed miscella. "Development of science and technology", Bukhara. 2019. No. 5, P.189-193.

[3] F. Yu. Khabibov. A Study of the Process of the Final Distillation of Cottonseed Oil on the Computer Model. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, Published: September 30, 2020, Pages: 233-243 IMPACT FACTOR 2020: 5. 276. The USA Journals, USA.

[4] F. Yu. Khabibov, M.S. Narziyev, M.A. Abdullayeva "Optimization of the Final Distillation Process by Multi-Stage Atomization of Vegetable Oil Miscella" The American Journal of Applied Sciences, (ISSN - 2689-0992) Published: September 30, 2020, Pages: 255-262. IMPACT FACTOR 2020: 5. 276, The USA Journals, USA.


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