CREATING MENTAL ARITHMETIC MEHSITE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ataeva Amangul

This paper discusses the question of the features of the development of mental arithmetic and its influence on the development of education. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the influence of various factors on the growth of efficiency in education through the introduction of technologies has been carried out.

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Текст научной работы на тему «CREATING MENTAL ARITHMETIC MEHSITE»

УДК 372.851

Атаева Амангуль


Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития

г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан


В данной работе рассматривается вопрос особенностей развития ментальной арифметики и его влияние на развитие образования. Проведен перекрестный и сравнительный анализ влияния различных факторов на рост эффективности в образовании по средством внедрения технологий.

Ключевые слова Анализ, метод, оценка, образование, технологии.

Ataeva Amangul


International University for the Humanities and Development

Ashgabad, Turkmenistan


This paper discusses the question of the features of the development of mental arithmetic and its influence on the development of education. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the influence of various factors on the growth of efficiency in education through the introduction of technologies has been carried out.


Analysis, method, evaluation, education, technology.

Mental arithmetic is a system for the development of children's intellect, built on learning to quickly count in the mind using an unusual method. Try to quickly add the numbers 57, 89, 342, 511, 478 and 54 verbally and without a calculator. Most likely, you will spend much more time on this than a child who has the skill of mental arithmetic. First, they learn this on special accounts - an abacus (or soroban), while simultaneously training fine motor skills of the hands. Then the manipulations on the accounts are already reproduced in the mind, and instantly add, subtract, divide and multiply the numbers.

The history of the emergence of mental arithmetic

This is both a very young and very ancient technique. Its origin can be counted from the invention of the counting board in China about 5 thousand years ago. It was a board with special symbols and sand divided into lines. This counting technique was used in ancient Greece, Egypt, India and Rome, where the counting was more like a modern version, since the counting was no longer carried out with the help of sand, but with the use of stones and bones.


Over time, in different countries, the abacus was refined and modified, and the concept of "mental arithmetic" came in 1993. The way to make calculations with the help of accounts is so significant that it was included in the UNESCO list of oral and intangible heritage.

Why should a child learn mental arithmetic?

By mastering this technique, the child develops imagination and logic, trains memory and learns to quickly and easily cope with complex math examples.

To make it easier for you to decide whether a child should learn mental arithmetic, we will tell you how this skill is useful for school performance and how an unusual calculation technique affects the child's thinking.

Who is this teaching method suitable for?

Learning mental arithmetic is a thought process that involves an intensive buildup of neural connections. Therefore, it is recommended to learn this technique for children from 4 to 16 years old, that is, during the period of active formation of brain cells. After 16 years, the development process will take longer.

Children who are not interested in exact sciences or feel insecure when solving problems in mathematics will find creativity in mental arithmetic classes that will help them become interested in learning and express themselves. The specific ability to count mentally in an unusual way gives confidence and courage to cope with academic difficulties.

And the active development of thinking will help the child improve school performance and become more diligent.

How useful is mental arithmetic?

1. Develops imagination and logic

Children begin their education using special accounts (in China they are called "abacus", in Japan -"soroban"). Gradually, they fix the image of this instrument in the mind and work by connecting the imagination.

2. Develops both hemispheres of the brain

Calculations are logical, rational actions, that is, the task of the left hemisphere of the brain. And imagination and creative thinking is already the right hemisphere. Combining the rational and creative, mental arithmetic helps to develop both hemispheres and thereby achieve great success in solving mathematical problems.

3. Improves memory

The child remembers a new technique, an image of accounts, a lot of specific manipulations. All this actively trains memory. If you work intensively in this direction from childhood, then in the future it will not be difficult for him to memorize large amounts of information.

4. Trains concentration and perseverance

Such an unusual and complex calculation technique requires complete concentration, therefore, from the very first lesson, the child trains endurance and willpower to achieve results. He learns patience and perseverance.

5. Develops math skills

We put this item at the end of the list, since mental arithmetic is a set of skills and abilities that involves

the general development of intelligence. But still, the course is focused specifically on mathematical calculations and will greatly facilitate the child's process of learning mathematics at school.

Advantages of the technique

1. Development of thinking and fine motor skills

Working with accounts is also a training of finger movements, which develops their dexterity and tenacity.

2. The ability to quickly count in the mind

This skill brings practical benefits both in school and in life.

3. Memory improvement

It will be much easier for a child who masters mental arithmetic to memorize large amounts of information in all subjects.

4. Increasing interest in learning

An extraordinary calculation method and a lot of interesting facts will help the child understand how much useful and exciting things can be found in the classroom at school.

5. High concentration of attention

Mental arithmetic classes require special concentration, and this skill remains with the child both in the classroom at school and at the time of doing homework.

Cons of the technique

1. The child is in a hurry and makes mistakes in the decision

During the training period, the child "jumps" with excitement on the numbers and strives to do everything as quickly as possible. Sometimes he forgets to think and therefore makes mistakes. Training will remove this effect over time, when the child gets used to it.

2. The child can be overloaded with such intense activities.

Mastering mental arithmetic is intellectual work. It is important to follow the correct regimen and not force the child to do too much, because he can get tired both physically and mentally, which means losing interest.

As a rule, the first results of learning mental arithmetic are noticeable 2-3 months after the start of weekly classes and the completion of daily short homework assignments. To fully master the technique, the child will need about 2 years of constant training.

In the first year, the child will master the actions for adding and subtracting numbers, and the second big stage is the ability to multiply and divide.

Since children usually start learning from an early age, classes are built in a playful way. Teachers strive to captivate the child and give him motivation for training. Список использованной литературы:

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©Атаева А., 2023

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